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  • 1 ship water

    ((of a boat) to let water in over the side: The boat shipped water and nearly capsized.) nabrať vodu

    English-Slovak dictionary > ship water

  • 2 ship

    [ʃip] 1. noun
    1) (a large boat: The ship sank and all the passengers and crew were drowned.) loď
    2) (any of certain types of transport that fly: a spaceship.) loď
    2. verb
    (to send or transport by ship: The books were shipped to Australia.) dopraviť loďou
    - shipper
    - shipping
    - ship-broker
    - shipbuilder
    - shipbuilding
    - shipowner
    - shipshape
    - shipwreck
    3. verb
    We were shipwrecked off the coast of Africa.) stroskotať
    - ship water
    * * *
    • vyhodit
    • vybehnút
    • vyexpedovat
    • vyplávat
    • vziat
    • vzducholod
    • zavesit
    • zasadit
    • zložit do lode
    • slúžit na lodi
    • stát
    • športová lod
    • transportovat
    • prehodit
    • dopravit(lodou)
    • dopravovat
    • kamarátstvo
    • hodit
    • byt zaplavený vodou
    • dat
    • cln
    • plavidlo
    • plnoplachetnica
    • partia sádzacov
    • postavit
    • povesit
    • posielat lodou
    • poslat
    • lod
    • lietadlo
    • koráb
    • nádoba v tvare lodky
    • nabrat cestujúcich
    • nakladat na lod
    • nabrat náklad
    • nastúpit na lod
    • nalodovat
    • nalodit sa
    • nalodit
    • oddiel námorných skautov
    • odplávat
    • odcestovat lodou

    English-Slovak dictionary > ship

  • 3 wash

    [woʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to clean (a thing or person, especially oneself) with (soap and) water or other liquid: How often do you wash your hair?; You wash (the dishes) and I'll dry; We can wash in the stream.) umývať (sa)
    2) (to be able to be washed without being damaged: This fabric doesn't wash very well.) (vy)prať, dať sa (vy)prať
    3) (to flow (against, over etc): The waves washed (against) the ship.) špliechať
    4) (to sweep (away etc) by means of water: The floods have washed away hundreds of houses.) odplaviť
    2. noun
    1) (an act of washing: He's just gone to have a wash.) umývanie
    2) (things to be washed or being washed: Your sweater is in the wash.) (veci na) pranie
    3) (the flowing or lapping (of waves etc): the wash of waves against the rocks.) príboj, prúd
    4) (a liquid with which something is washed: a mouthwash.) voda
    5) (a thin coat (of water-colour paint etc), especially in a painting: The background of the picture was a pale blue wash.) náter
    6) (the waves caused by a moving boat etc: The rowing-boat was tossing about in the wash from the ship's propellers.) protiprúd
    - washer
    - washing
    - washed-out
    - washerwoman
    - washerman
    - washcloth
    - wash-basin
    - washing-machine
    - washing-powder
    - washing-up
    - washout
    - washroom
    - wash up
    * * *
    • vodicka (pren.)
    • vymliet
    • výmol
    • zmyt
    • špliechat
    • šplachot
    • umyt sa
    • umývat(sa)
    • umývanie
    • tok
    • tenká vrstva
    • bielizen
    • clapkat sa
    • prúd
    • pranie
    • pomyje
    • prat
    • náter
    • omývat
    • obmývat (brehy)

    English-Slovak dictionary > wash

  • 4 sink

    [siŋk] 1. past tense - sank; verb
    1) (to (cause to) go down below the surface of water etc: The torpedo sank the battleship immediately; The ship sank in deep water.) potopiť (sa)
    2) (to go down or become lower (slowly): The sun sank slowly behind the hills; Her voice sank to a whisper.) (po)klesnúť, zoslabiť
    3) (to (cause to) go deeply (into something): The ink sank into the paper; He sank his teeth into an apple.) vsiaknuť; vnoriť
    4) ((of one's spirits etc) to become depressed or less hopeful: My heart sinks when I think of the difficulties ahead.) klesnúť
    5) (to invest (money): He sank all his savings in the business.) investovať
    2. noun
    (a kind of basin with a drain and a water supply connected to it: He washed the dishes in the sink.) kuchynská výlevka
    - be sunk
    - sink in
    * * *
    • vniknút
    • vpit sa
    • vstrebat
    • vrazit
    • vsiaknut
    • vysekat
    • vytiahnut
    • vypit
    • zaborit sa
    • vyvrtat
    • zabudnút
    • zabrdnut
    • výlevka
    • vytesat
    • zaplatit
    • zapadnút
    • zamlcat kartu
    • zapustit
    • zamlcat
    • zapriet
    • zanikat
    • závrt
    • zatajit
    • zapadat
    • zarazit do hlavy
    • zdolat
    • zahlbit sa
    • zrútit sa
    • znižovat
    • zrážac
    • zložit
    • zvažovat sa
    • zmiznút
    • znicit
    • znížit úroven
    • znížit sa
    • žumpa
    • zvesit hlavu
    • semenisko
    • solné jazero
    • sklánat sa
    • skrušit
    • splatit
    • slabnút
    • spustit
    • tajit
    • spodina
    • synchrón (film., slang.)
    • upadat
    • umierat
    • tonút
    • prepadlisko
    • premôct
    • prepadat sa
    • priehlbina
    • prepad
    • predbežne vyhlbená jama
    • presakovat
    • drez s výlevkou
    • ignorovat
    • kanál
    • investovat
    • jazierko
    • klesnút
    • klesnút pod obzor
    • hodit do seba
    • klesat
    • brloh
    • brodit sa
    • bahno spolocnosti
    • dolina
    • pobit
    • padnút
    • parenisko
    • opustit
    • padat ku dnu
    • potopit sa
    • potlácat
    • porazit
    • povolit
    • potlacit
    • poklesnút
    • položit
    • popriet
    • položit nižšie
    • ponorit sa
    • potápat sa
    • ponor
    • ponárat sa
    • pohrúžit
    • kondenzátor
    • likvidovat
    • miznút pod hladinou
    • mociar
    • malá priehlbina
    • nádoba na splašky
    • miznút
    • nechat klesnút
    • nechat stranou
    • nevšímat si
    • opadávat
    • odpadová jama
    • odpísat
    • obrátit do seba
    • odpadná jama
    • odpadová rúra
    • odrovnat

    English-Slovak dictionary > sink

  • 5 steam

    [sti:m] 1. noun
    1) (a gas or vapour that rises from hot or boiling water or other liquid: Steam rose from the plate of soup / the wet earth in the hot sun; a cloud of steam; ( also adjective) A sauna is a type of steam bath.) para; parný
    2) (power or energy obtained from this: The machinery is driven by steam; Diesel fuel has replaced steam on the railways; ( also adjective) steam power, steam engines.) para; parný
    2. verb
    1) (to give out steam: A kettle was steaming on the stove.) vypúšťať paru
    2) ((of a ship, train etc) to move by means of steam: The ship steamed across the bay.) plaviť sa
    3) (to cook by steam: The pudding should be steamed for four hours.) variť nad parou
    - steamer
    - steamy
    - steamboat
    - steamship
    - steam engine
    - steam roller
    - full steam ahead
    - get steamed up
    - get up steam
    - let off steam
    - run out of steam
    - steam up
    - under one's own steam
    * * *
    • varit nad parou
    • varit v pare
    • výpary
    • vyparovat sa
    • vypúštat paru
    • zahmliet sa
    • sila
    • s parným pohonom
    • staromódny
    • predpotopný
    • energia
    • hmla
    • elán
    • dusit
    • dymit
    • íst plnou parou
    • íst parníkom
    • hnat sa
    • chut
    • rútit sa
    • para
    • orosit sa
    • parit
    • parný
    • plavba parníkom
    • pohánaný parou
    • pohánat parou
    • pokryt sa výparmi
    • naparovat
    • opar

    English-Slovak dictionary > steam

  • 6 boat

    [bəut] 1. noun
    1) (a small vessel for travelling over water: We'll cross the stream by boat.) čln
    2) (a larger vessel for the same purpose; a ship: to cross the Atlantic in a passenger boat.) loď
    3) (a serving-dish shaped like a boat: a gravy-boat.) misa na omáčku
    2. verb
    (to sail about in a small boat for pleasure: They are boating on the river.) plaviť sa na loďke
    - in the same boat
    - speedboat
    * * *
    • cln
    • lod
    • miska

    English-Slovak dictionary > boat

  • 7 draught

    1) (a movement of air, especially one which causes discomfort in a room or which helps a fire to burn: We increase the heat in the furnace by increasing the draught; There's a dreadful draught in this room!) ťah; prievan
    2) (a quantity of liquid drunk at once without stopping: He took a long draught of beer.) dúšok
    3) (the amount of water a ship requires to float it: a draught of half a metre.) ponor
    - draughty
    * * *
    • skica
    • tah
    • prievan
    • dúšok

    English-Slovak dictionary > draught

  • 8 launch

    I 1. [lo:n ] verb
    1) (to make (a boat or ship) slide into the water or (a rocket) leave the ground: As soon as the alarm was sounded, the lifeboat was launched; The Russians have launched a rocket.) spustiť na vodu; vypustiť
    2) (to start (a person, project etc) off on a course: His success launched him on a brilliant career.) priniesť
    3) (to throw.) hodiť
    2. noun
    ((an) act of launching.) spustenie na vodu; vypustenie
    - launch into
    - launch out
    II [lo:n ] noun
    (a large, power-driven boat, usually used for short trips or for pleasure: We cruised round the bay in a motor launch.) motorový čln
    * * *
    • vrhat
    • uvádzat do života
    • vrhnút
    • vydávat
    • zacínat
    • vypustit
    • zahájit
    • spustenie lode
    • spúštat lod
    • spustit
    • spustit na vodu
    • hádzat
    • hodit
    • dat do chodu
    • lod
    • metat
    • najväcší cln lodi

    English-Slovak dictionary > launch

  • 9 overboard

    (over the side of a ship or boat into the water: He jumped overboard.) cez palubu
    * * *
    • cez palubu

    English-Slovak dictionary > overboard

  • 10 point

    [point] 1. noun
    1) (the sharp end of anything: the point of a pin; a sword point; at gunpoint (= threatened by a gun).) hrot, špička
    2) (a piece of land that projects into the sea etc: The ship came round Lizard Point.) mys, výbežok
    3) (a small round dot or mark (.): a decimal point; five point three six (= 5.36); In punctuation, a point is another name for a full stop.) bodka
    4) (an exact place or spot: When we reached this point of the journey we stopped to rest.) bod
    5) (an exact moment: Her husband walked in at that point.) moment
    6) (a place on a scale especially of temperature: the boiling-point of water.) bod
    7) (a division on a compass eg north, south-west etc.) dielec, čiarka (kompasu)
    8) (a mark in scoring a competition, game, test etc: He has won by five points to two.) bod
    9) (a particular matter for consideration or action: The first point we must decide is, where to meet; That's a good point; You've missed the point; That's the whole point; We're wandering away from the point.) bod, vec, otázka, pointa
    10) ((a) purpose or advantage: There's no point (in) asking me - I don't know.) zmysel
    11) (a personal characteristic or quality: We all have our good points and our bad ones.) vlastnosť
    12) (an electrical socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put: Is there only one electrical point in this room?) zásuvka
    2. verb
    1) (to aim in a particular direction: He pointed the gun at her.) namieriť
    2) (to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction: He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.) ukázať
    3) (to fill worn places in (a stone or brick wall etc) with mortar.) škárovať, spárovať
    - pointer
    - pointless
    - pointlessly
    - points
    - be on the point of
    - come to the point
    - make a point of
    - make one's point
    - point out
    - point one's toes
    * * *
    • železnicná výhybka
    • špicka
    • stanica
    • hrot
    • bod
    • bodka
    • desatinná bodka
    • rádová ciarka

    English-Slovak dictionary > point

  • 11 shore

    (land bordering on the sea or on any large area of water: a walk along the shore; When the ship reached Gibraltar the passengers were allowed on shore.) breh, pobrežie
    * * *
    • vysadit na breh
    • vylodit
    • vzopriet
    • vylodit sa
    • slúžit ako breh
    • súš
    • pristát
    • prímorie
    • breh
    • atlantické pobrežie
    • pobrežie
    • opora
    • podopierat
    • podopriet
    • podpera
    • lemovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > shore

  • 12 wake

    I [weik] past tense - woke; verb
    (to bring or come back to consciousness after being asleep: He woke to find that it was raining; Go and wake the others, will you?) zobudiť (sa)
    - wakefully
    - wakefulness
    - waken
    - wake up
    II [weik] noun
    (a strip of smooth-looking or foamy water left behind a ship.) kýlová brázda
    * * *
    • vzdušný vír
    • vzbudzovat (vášne)
    • vyvolat spomienky
    • vyburcovat
    • zobudit sa
    • zobudit (vášne)
    • zobúdzat sa
    • stopa za lodou
    • prebudit sa
    • bdiet
    • byt hore
    • budit sa
    • burcovat (z necinnosti)
    • brázda
    • ponocovat
    • podnietit
    • kýlová brázda
    • mrak
    • nespat

    English-Slovak dictionary > wake

  • 13 backwash

    1) (a backward current eg that following a ship's passage through the water: the backwash of the steamer.) protiprúd
    2) (the unintentional results of an action, situation etc: The backwash of that firm's financial troubles affected several other firms.) dôsledok

    English-Slovak dictionary > backwash

  • 14 sunken

    1) (sunk under water: a sunken ship.) potopený
    2) (below the level of the surrounding area: a sunken garden.) zapustený

    English-Slovak dictionary > sunken

См. также в других словарях:

  • ship water — ship a sea or ship water To have a wave come over the side of a ship or boat • • • Main Entry: ↑ship ship water see ↑ship a sea above. • • • Main Entry: ↑ship …   Useful english dictionary

  • ship — 1 /SIp/ noun (C) 1 a large boat used for carrying people or goods across the sea: a cruise ship | a merchant ship | by ship: Most of the island s supplies are brought in by ship. 2 a large spacecraft or aircraft 3 ships that pass in the night… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • water plane — noun 1. : an airplane equipped to land on water : seaplane 2. : the plane of a given waterline of a ship * * * water plane noun 1. A plane passing through any waterline of a ship 2. The plane of the surface of water 3. A canal on t …   Useful english dictionary

  • ship a sea — phrasal : to have a wave come over the side * * * ship a sea or ship water To have a wave come over the side of a ship or boat • • • Main Entry: ↑ship …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ship transport — Water transport redirects here. For the transportation of water, see Water transportation. Harbour cranes unload cargo from a container ship at the Jawaharlal Nehru Port in Navi Mumbai, India …   Wikipedia

  • Ship pollution — is the pollution of air and water by shipping. It is a problem that has been accelerating as trade has become increasingly globalized, posing an increasing threat to the world’s oceans and waterways as globalization continues. It is expected that …   Wikipedia

  • Ship stability — is an area of Naval Architecture and ship design that deals with how a ship behaves at sea, both in still water and in waves. Considerations are made as to the center of gravity and center of buoyancy of vessels and how they interact. History… …   Wikipedia

  • Ship tracks — are clouds that form around the exhaust released by ships into the still ocean air. Water molecules collect around the tiny particles (aerosols) from exhaust to form a cloud seed. More and more water accumulates on the seed until a visible cloud… …   Wikipedia

  • Ship Island (Mississippi) — Ship Island is the collective name for two barrier islands off the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, part of Gulf Islands National Seashore: East Ship Island and West Ship Island. Hurricane Camille split the once single island into 2 separate islands in …   Wikipedia

  • ship — [ship] n. [ME < OE scip, akin to Ger schiff, ON skip < IE * skeib < * skei , to cut, separate (> L scindere, to cut), extension of base * sek , to cut (> SAW1): basic sense “hollowed out tree trunk”] 1. any water vehicle of… …   English World dictionary

  • Ship — Ship, n. [OE. ship, schip, AS. scip; akin to OFries. skip, OS. scip, D. schip, G. schiff, OHG. scif, Dan. skib, Sw. skeep, Icel. & Goth. skip; of unknown origin. Cf. {Equip}, {Skiff}, {Skipper}.] 1. Any large seagoing vessel. [1913 Webster] Like… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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