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  • Shade, the Changing Man — The original Shade version by Steve Ditko. Publication information Publisher DC Comics …   Wikipedia

  • Shade (disambiguation) — Shade commonly refers to the shadow cast when something obscures light (specifically sunlight outdoors, as in the shade of a tree ). It can also mean:* A shade, a mixture of a color with black * Shading, a process used in art and graphic design * …   Wikipedia

  • Shade River — Der East Branch Shade River im Chester Township im südöstlichen Ohio.Vorlage:Infobox Fluss/KARTE fehlt …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shade tolerance — is an ecological concept that refers to plants abilities to tolerate low light levels. The term is also used in horticulture and landscaping, although in this context its use is sometimes sloppy, especially with respect to labeling of plants for… …   Wikipedia

  • shade — n 1 Shade, shadow, umbrage, umbra, penumbra, adumbration can mean the comparative darkness caused by something which intercepts rays of light. Shade carries no implication of a darkness that has a particular form or definite limit but the term… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Shade — (sh[=a]d), n. [OE. shade, shadewe, schadewe, AS. sceadu, scead; akin to OS. skado, D. schaduw, OHG. scato, (gen. scatewes), G. schatten, Goth. skadus, Ir. & Gael. sgath, and probably to Gr. sko tos darkness. [root]162. Cf. {Shadow}, {Shed} a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shade (Silverwing Character) — Shade is a young Silverwing bat who was teased by his friends by being the runt of the colony. But he is determine to prove himself on the long winter migration to Hibernaculum. After being struck out of the colony s reach he meets a lot of… …   Wikipedia

  • Shade Creek — is a tributary of Stony Creek in Somerset County, Pennsylvania in the United States.Shade Creek, formed by the confluence of Dark Shade and Clear Shade Creeks approximately 1.9 miles (3.1 km) downstream of the community of Cairnbrook, flows for 9 …   Wikipedia

  • Shade — is the blocking of sunlight (in particular direct sunshine) by any object, and also the shadow created by that object. It may refer to blocking of sunlight by a roof, a tree, an umbrella, a window shade or blind, curtains, or other objects. Shade …   Wikipedia

  • Shade (interactive fiction) — Shade is a work of interactive fiction released in 2000 by Andrew Plotkin. The author describes it as a one room game set in your apartment . Shade won the 2000 XYZZY Award for Best Setting. [cite web url =… …   Wikipedia

  • shade — or lamp shade [shād] n. [ME schade < OE sceadu (gen. & dat. sceadwe), akin to Goth skadus < IE base * skot , darkness, shadow > Gr skotos, darkness] 1. comparative darkness caused by a more or less opaque object cutting off rays of light …   English World dictionary

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