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  • 1 light

    n. 1. гэрэл, гэгээ. 2. гэрэл чийдэн. be/ stand in sb's light гэрэл халхлах/ хаах. bring sth to light илчлэх, илрүүлэх, задруулах. light at the end of the tunnel хонгилын үзүүр дэхь гэрэл. see the light (of day) төрөх. adj. 1. гэрэлтэй, гэгээтэй. 2. цайвар. v. (lit or lighted) 1. асаах, ноцоох. 2. гэрэлтүүлэх. light (sth) up (тамхи) асаах. light up (with sth) (царай) гэрэлтэх, (нүд) гялалзах. lighting n. гэрэлтүүлэг.
    adj. (-er, -est) 1. хөнгөн, хүнд биш. 2. хөнгөн, нимгэн (хувцас). 3. хөнгөн, шаламгай. 4. хөнгөн, хялбар, амар. 5. зугаатай, инээдтэй. 6. хөнгөн, шингэц сайтай (хоол). 7. сэвсгэр, сиймхий. adv. хөнгөн, ачаа багатай.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > light

См. также в других словарях:

  • see the light of day — 1. To be born, discovered or produced 2. To come to public notice • • • Main Entry: ↑light * * * be born ■ figurative come into existence; be made public, visible, or available this software first saw the light of day back in 1993 …   Useful english dictionary

  • see the light (of day) — 1. if an object sees the light of day, it is brought out so that people can see it. The archives contain vintage recordings, some of which have never seen the light of day. 2. if something, especially an idea or a plan, sees the light of day, it… …   New idioms dictionary

  • see the light, see the light of day — see ↑light, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑see …   Useful english dictionary

  • see the light of day — to be made available or be known about. The company agreed the ad was an embarrassment and promised it would never again see the light of day …   New idioms dictionary

  • see the light of day — be exposed, be revealed    The treasure was buried, never again to see the light of day …   English idioms

  • see the light of day — phrasal to become publicly known or available (as through publication) < manuscripts that will never see the light of day > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • see the light of day — be born or begun I don t believe that his plans to build a new house will ever see the light of day …   Idioms and examples

  • see the light of day — {v. phr.} To be born or begun. * /The children visited the old house where their great grandfather first saw the light of day./ * /The party was a failure, and Mathilda wished her plan had never seen the light of day./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • see the light of day — {v. phr.} To be born or begun. * /The children visited the old house where their great grandfather first saw the light of day./ * /The party was a failure, and Mathilda wished her plan had never seen the light of day./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • see\ the\ light\ of\ day — v. phr. To be born or begun. The children visited the old house where their great grandfather first saw the light of day. The party was a failure, and Mathilda wished her plan had never seen the light of day …   Словарь американских идиом

  • see the light of day — 1) if an object sees the light of day, it is brought out of a place where it has been for a long time 2) if something such as an idea, plan, or rule sees the light of day, it starts to exist …   English dictionary

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