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См. также в других словарях:

  • Repair — Re*pair , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Repaired} ( p?rd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Repairing}.] [F. r[ e]parer, L. reparare; pref. re re + parare to prepare. See {Pare}, and cf. {Reparation}.] 1. To restore to a sound or good state after decay, injury,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repair — I noun adjustment, alteration, amelioration, betterment, correction, cure, fixing, improvement, melioration, mending, overhaul, patching, reanimation, reassembling, reconditioning, reconstruction, recovery, rectification, redintegration,… …   Law dictionary

  • Repair — Re*pair , n. 1. Restoration to a sound or good state after decay, waste, injury, or partial restruction; supply of loss; reparation; as, materials are collected for the repair of a church or of a city. [1913 Webster] Sunk down and sought repair… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repair — repair1 [ri per′] vt. [ME repairen < OFr reparer < L reparare < re , again + parare, to get ready, PREPARE] 1. to put back in good condition after damage, decay, etc.; mend; fix 2. to renew; restore; revive [to repair one s health] 3. to …   English World dictionary

  • Repair — Re*pair , n. [OF. repaire retreat, asylum, abode. See {Repair} to go.] 1. The act of repairing or resorting to a place. [R.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] The king sent a proclamation for their repair to their houses. Clarendon. [1913 Webster] 2. Place …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repair — ‘mend’ [14] and repair ‘go’ [14] are two distinct words. The former comes via Old French reparer from Latin reparāre ‘put back in order’, a compound verb formed from the prefix re ‘back’ and parāre ‘put in order’ (source of English prepare).… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • repair — Ⅰ. repair [1] ► VERB 1) restore (something damaged, worn, or faulty) to a good condition. 2) set right (a rift in relations). ► NOUN 1) the action of repairing. 2) a result of this. 3) the relative ph …   English terms dictionary

  • repair — ‘mend’ [14] and repair ‘go’ [14] are two distinct words. The former comes via Old French reparer from Latin reparāre ‘put back in order’, a compound verb formed from the prefix re ‘back’ and parāre ‘put in order’ (source of English prepare).… …   Word origins

  • Repair — Re*pair (r? p?r ), v. i. [OE. repairen, OF. repairier to return, fr. L. repatriare to return to one s contry, to go home again; pref. re re + patria native country, fr. pater father. See {Father}, and cf. {Repatriate}.] 1. To return. [Obs.] [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repair and restoration — Repair, beyond emergency repair, of war damaged facilities to restore operational capability in accordance with combatant command standards of construction, including repair and restoration of pavement surfaces. Normally, repairs to facilities… …   Military dictionary

  • repair and deduct — A residential tenant s repair of a serious defect or problem in the rental, making it unlivable or significantly unsafe, followed by deducting the cost of the repair from the next month s rent. Proper use of the remedy, which may be invoked only… …   Law dictionary

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