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  • 1 put down

    1) to lower:

    The teacher asked the pupil to put his hand down.

    يُنْزِل، يُخْفِض
    2) to place on the floor or other surface, out of one's hands:

    Put that knife down immediately!

    يُنْزِل، يَضَع على الأرْض يُخْضِع، يُخْمِد
    4) to kill (an animal) painlessly when it is old or very ill.
    يَقْتُل، يَقْضي على الحَيوان

    Arabic-English dictionary > put down

  • 2 put up

    رَفَعَ \ elevate: to lift up. lift: (often with up) to take up; raise: I lifted the child (up) on to my knee. The box was too heavy to lift. pick up: to lift (from the ground, from a table, etc.): Pick up what you’ve dropped. put up: to raise (one’s hands, the price, etc.). raise: to lift; move to a higher position: He raised his arm and pointed at the sky. She raised her cup and drank, increase; make higher He raised the price (or his offer) from $4 to $5. She raised her voice (spoke louder). The news raised my hopes (made me more hopeful). \ See Also رَقِيَ، شال (شَالَ)، التقط (اِلْتَقَطَ)، زاد (زَادَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > put up

  • 3 заполучить, прибрать к рукам кого-л. или что-л. (тж . put (one's) hand(s) on)

    General subject: get one's hands on

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > заполучить, прибрать к рукам кого-л. или что-л. (тж . put (one's) hand(s) on)

  • 4 stikke

    jab, plunge, poke, prick, slip, stab, stick, sting, thrust
    * * *
    ( putte) put ( fx one's hands in one's pockets; one's hand out),
    T stick,
    ( voldsomt, F) thrust ( fx one's hands into one's pockets),
    T shove,
    ( ubemærket) slip ( fx a letter into one's pocket);
    ( voldsomt) thrust ( fx a bayonet into somebody),
    ( let) prick ( fx oneself on a needle, a hole in something);
    ( med finger, stok etc) prod, poke ( fx he prodded (el. poked) me in the ribs);
    ( med kniv, dolk etc) stab;
    (slagte fx en gris) stick;
    ( om bi, hveps etc) sting;
    ( om solen) burn;
    ( i metal) engrave;
    ( om syning) stitch,
    ( med bold) hit;
    ( i kortspil) cover;
    (mar: om dybgående) draw;
    T ( overgå) beat ( fx can you beat that?);
    ( løbe) run, nip ( fx nip across to the baker's);
    ( give, række) give, chuck, pitch;
    ( angive) inform against,
    S grass on;
    [ med sb & pron:]
    [ stikke asparges] cut asparagus;
    [ jeg ved ikke hvad der stikker ham] I don't know what is biting him (el.
    what has got into him);
    [ det stak ham at] he took it into his head to;
    [ han gør det når det stikker ham] he does it when he feels like it (el.
    when he chooses);
    [ stikke sig] prick oneself ( on, fx on a needle);
    [ stikke sig i fingeren] prick one's finger;
    (se også I. hul, ild);
    [ med præp & adv:]
    [ stikke `af]
    ( forsvinde) be off,
    T clear out,
    ( især når man er uønsket) take oneself off ( fx I think I'll take myself off now),
    ( flygte) bolt, cut and run;
    ( for at undgå noget ubehageligt) make oneself scarce,
    ( i hemmelighed) skip off ( fx without paying one's bill);
    (mar: fraslå sejl) unbend;
    [ stikke af fra kone og børn] desert one's wife and family;
    [ stikke af imod] form a glaring contrast to, clash with;
    (dvs hugge etc) go off with, run away (el. off) with ( fx somebody else's wife, the jewels, the profit);
    (se også I. hale);
    (mar) draw a great deal of water;
    [ skibet stikker for dybt] the vessel draws too much water;
    [ han stikker ikke dybt] he is pretty shallow, there is not much in him;
    (med stok etc) prod at,
    ( med våben) stab at;
    [ stikke (af) fra en] give somebody the slip;
    ( rage frem) stick out,
    F project,
    F protrude,
    ( ses) peep out,
    ( med objekt) put out ( fx he put out his hand), stick out,
    ( med kraft) thrust out;
    ( om noget ubehageligt) raise (el. rear) its (ugly) head ( fx Nazism reared its ugly head);
    ( vove pelsen) stick one's neck out;
    [ stikke hen til en] nip round to somebody;
    [ stikke i noget] prod (at) something;
    [ stikke i at hyle] start howling;
    [ stikke i at le] burst out laughing;
    [ stikke noget i brand] set something on fire, set fire to something;
    [ han stak det i lommen] he put (, slipped, thrust) it into his pocket,
    (dvs tilvendte sig det) he pocketed it ( fx he pocketed the
    [ stikke en fornærmelse i lommen] swallow an insult;
    [ stikke penge i] invest money in;
    [ stikke i rend] start (el. set off) running;
    [ stikke i søen] put (out) to sea;
    [ solen stikker mig i øjnene] the sun is in my eyes;
    (fig) it struck (el. caught) her eye;
    [ stikke én ihjel] stab somebody to death;
    [ han stak hovedet ind ad døren] he put his head in at the door;
    [ stikke noget ind i noget] put (, thrust) something into something;
    [ stikke noget ind imellem noget] insert something between something;
    [ jeg stak min arm ind under hans] I slipped my arm through his;
    ( dolke) stab;
    ( rage op) stick up;
    [ han stikker ikke op for nogen] he is afraid of no man;
    [ stikke ham på næven] shake hands with him;
    (se også kasse, skrin);
    [ stikke sig på], se ovf;
    [ de stak hovederne sammen] they put their heads together;
    (dvs prikke, støde) prod (at) somebody,
    ( stadig kritisere) get at somebody ( fx he was getting at me all the time);
    [ stikke noget til en] slip something into somebody's hand;
    [ stikke til maden] peck at (el. toy with) one's food;
    [ stikke til side] conceal;
    ( gemme til senere) put by, put away,
    ( reservere) put aside ( fx for a good customer), put on one side;
    [ stikke til sig] pocket;
    ( om skib) put to sea,
    ( om person) go to sea,
    ( løbe bort og stikke til søs) run away to sea;
    [ stikke ud], se ovf: stikke frem;
    (dvs fortrænge en) cut somebody out;
    [ stikke et glas ud] toss off (el. gulp down) a glass;
    (dvs prakke en noget på) palm (el. fob) something off on somebody;
    [ stikke hovedet ud ad døren (, vinduet)] put one's head out of the door (, the window);
    [ stikke øjnene ud på én] put out somebody's eyes;
    [ der stikker noget ` under] there is more in this than meets the eye;
    (dvs en fælde etc) there is a catch in it somewhere;
    (se også stol, vest).

    Danish-English dictionary > stikke

  • 5 εγχειρίζεσθε

    put into one's hands: pres imperat mp 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres ind mp 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres imperat mp 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres ind mp 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: imperf ind mp 2nd pl (homeric ionic)
    put into one's hands: imperf ind mp 2nd pl (homeric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > εγχειρίζεσθε

  • 6 ἐγχειρίζεσθε

    put into one's hands: pres imperat mp 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres ind mp 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres imperat mp 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres ind mp 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: imperf ind mp 2nd pl (homeric ionic)
    put into one's hands: imperf ind mp 2nd pl (homeric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἐγχειρίζεσθε

  • 7 εγχειρίζετε

    put into one's hands: pres imperat act 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres ind act 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres imperat act 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres ind act 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: imperf ind act 2nd pl (homeric ionic)
    put into one's hands: imperf ind act 2nd pl (homeric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > εγχειρίζετε

  • 8 ἐγχειρίζετε

    put into one's hands: pres imperat act 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres ind act 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres imperat act 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: pres ind act 2nd pl
    put into one's hands: imperf ind act 2nd pl (homeric ionic)
    put into one's hands: imperf ind act 2nd pl (homeric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἐγχειρίζετε

  • 9 εγχειρίζη

    put into one's hands: pres subj mp 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: pres ind mp 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: pres subj act 3rd sg
    put into one's hands: pres subj mp 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: pres ind mp 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: pres subj act 3rd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > εγχειρίζη

  • 10 ἐγχειρίζῃ

    put into one's hands: pres subj mp 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: pres ind mp 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: pres subj act 3rd sg
    put into one's hands: pres subj mp 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: pres ind mp 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: pres subj act 3rd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ἐγχειρίζῃ

  • 11 εγχειρίσει

    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd sg (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd sg
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd sg (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > εγχειρίσει

  • 12 ἐγχειρίσει

    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd sg (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd sg
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd sg (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ἐγχειρίσει

  • 13 εγχειρίση

    put into one's hands: aor subj mid 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: aor subj mid 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind mid 2nd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > εγχειρίση

  • 14 ἐγχειρίσῃ

    put into one's hands: aor subj mid 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: aor subj mid 2nd sg
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind mid 2nd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > ἐγχειρίσῃ

  • 15 εγχειρίσουσι

    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd pl (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut part act masc /neut dat pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd pl (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut part act masc /neut dat pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd pl (attic epic doric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > εγχειρίσουσι

  • 16 ἐγχειρίσουσι

    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd pl (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut part act masc /neut dat pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd pl (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut part act masc /neut dat pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd pl (attic epic doric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἐγχειρίσουσι

  • 17 εγχειρίσουσιν

    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd pl (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut part act masc /neut dat pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd pl (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut part act masc /neut dat pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd pl (attic epic doric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > εγχειρίσουσιν

  • 18 ἐγχειρίσουσιν

    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd pl (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut part act masc /neut dat pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 3rd pl (epic)
    put into one's hands: fut part act masc /neut dat pl (attic epic doric ionic)
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 3rd pl (attic epic doric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἐγχειρίσουσιν

  • 19 εγχειρίσω

    put into one's hands: aor subj act 1st sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 1st sg
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 1st sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 1st sg
    put into one's hands: aor ind mid 2nd sg (homeric ionic)
    put into one's hands: aor ind mid 2nd sg (homeric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > εγχειρίσω

  • 20 ἐγχειρίσω

    put into one's hands: aor subj act 1st sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 1st sg
    put into one's hands: aor subj act 1st sg
    put into one's hands: fut ind act 1st sg
    put into one's hands: aor ind mid 2nd sg (homeric ionic)
    put into one's hands: aor ind mid 2nd sg (homeric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἐγχειρίσω

См. также в других словарях:

  • put in one's hands — index delegate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • put one's hands together — ► put one s hands together applaud. Main Entry: ↑put …   English terms dictionary

  • put\ one's\ hands\ on — • lay one s hands on • get one s hands on • put one s hands on v. phr. 1. To seize in order to punish or treat roughly. If I ever lay my hands on that boy he ll be sorry. Compare: lay a finger on 2. To get possession of. He was unable to lay his… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • put one's hands up — raise one s hands in surrender. → put …   English new terms dictionary

  • put one's hands up — raise one s hands in surrender …   Useful english dictionary

  • To lie on one's hands — Lie Lie, v. i. [imp. {Lay} (l[=a]); p. p. {Lain} (l[=a]n), ({Lien} (l[imac] [e^]n), Obs.); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lying}.] [OE. lien, liggen, AS. licgan; akin to D. liggen, OHG. ligen, licken, G. liegen, Icel. liggja, Sw. ligga, Dan. ligge, Goth. ligan …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • put one's hands up — vb to surrender, give in, confess. A euphe mism popular among the British police and underworld. ► It was brilliant. He couldn t believe it. He had to put his hands up. Yes I did that one by subterfuge. (Police officer quoted in Inside the… …   Contemporary slang

  • put one's hands together — verb To clap; to applaud Ladies and gentleman, put your hands together for Sir Elton John! …   Wiktionary

  • put one's hands together — applaud; clap I want you all to put your hands together for Barry …   Useful english dictionary

  • put one's hands together — applaud. → put …   English new terms dictionary

  • In one's hands — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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