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  • 1 push

    v. 1. түлхэх. 2. хүмүүсийн дундуур түлхэлцэх/ чихэлдэх. 3. товчлуур дарах. \push the doorbell хонх дарах. 4. урагшлах, давших, довтолгох. The army \pushed (on) towards the Nile. Цэргүүд Нил мөрний зүг довтолгов. 5. \push sb (into sth/ doing sth) шахах, албадах, шаардах. 6. шахах, яаруулах, түргэвчлүүлэх. 7. ажил хэргийг бүтээхийн төлөө зүтгэх. 8. шургуулах, оруулах. She \pushed her head further under the blanket. Тэр, хөнжил доогуур толгойгоо улам шургуулав. 9. хар тамхи хулгайгаар зарах. be push in sth... нас хүрсэн байх. He must be \pushing 60 by now. Тэр одоо жар хүрсэн байх ёстой. push one's luck азаа үзэх. push sb about/ around захирах, тушаах, дарамтлах. push ahead/ forward/ on (with sth) үргэлжлүүлэн хийх. push along явах, мордох. It's late - I'd better be \pushing along now. Орой болж байна. Би явъя даа. push for sth шахах, шаардах, яаруулах. push off 1. зайл! тонил цаашаа! 2. түлхэх. push out их хэмжээгээр үйлдвэрлэн гаргах. push sb/ sth over түлхэж унагах. push sth through (sth) албан ёсоор хүлээн зөвшөөрүүлэх/ батлуулах. push sth up үнийг өсгөх. n. 1. түлхэх. The car won't start - I need a \push. Машин асахгүй нь, түлхэхээс. 2. цэргийн дайралт, довтолгоон. give sb/ get the push 1. ажлаас нь халах; халагдах. 2. харилцаагаа таслах. pushed adj. 1. \push for sth хавчигдсан, боогдсон. be very \push for money мөнгөгүй, мөнгөнд хавчигдсан. 2. \push (to do sth) хийхэд хэцүү, бэрхшээлтэй. 3. завгүй. pusher n. 1. хар тамхины наймаачин. 2. түрэгч, түлхэгч.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > push

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  • push one's luck — ► push one s luck informal take a risk on the assumption that one will continue to be successful. Main Entry: ↑push …   English terms dictionary

  • push one's luck — phrasal : to take a rash risk : venture against increasingly adverse odds pushed his luck too far when he deliberately insulted a churchman Louis Simpson * * * push one s luck (informal) To try to make too much of an advantage, risking total… …   Useful english dictionary

  • push\ one's\ luck — • press one s luck • push one s luck v. phr. To depend too much on luck; expect to continue to be lucky. When John won his first two bets at the race track, he pressed his luck and increased his bets. If you re lucky at first, don t press your… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • push one's luck —    If you push your luck, you try to get more than what you have already obtained and risk spoiling the situation.     You ve got your father s permission to go to the concert. Don t push your luck by trying to borrow his car! …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • push one's luck — verb To take an excessive risk or to attempt some task unlikely to succeed, especially after having already been unexpectedly lucky. The jury had little choice but to free the killer. Sane enough at least not to push his luck, Sledge immediately… …   Wiktionary

  • push one's luck — informal take a risk on the assumption that one will continue to be successful or in favour. → push …   English new terms dictionary

  • press push one's luck — depend too much on luck, expect to continue to be lucky He is pushing his luck if he thinks that he will continue to make a lot of money on the stock market …   Idioms and examples

  • push one's luck — phrasal to take an increasing risk …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • push one's luck — endanger oneself …   English contemporary dictionary

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