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  • 1 string

    1. [striŋ] noun
    1) ((a piece of) long narrow cord made of threads twisted together, or tape, for tying, fastening etc: a piece of string to tie a parcel; a ball of string; a puppet's strings; apron-strings.) fio
    2) (a fibre etc, eg on a vegetable.) fio
    3) (a piece of wire, gut etc on a musical instrument, eg a violin: His A-string broke; ( also adjective) He plays the viola in a string orchestra.) corda
    4) (a series or group of things threaded on a cord etc: a string of beads.) cordão
    2. verb
    1) (to put (beads etc) on a string etc: The pearls were sent to a jeweller to be strung.) enfiar
    2) (to put a string or strings on (eg a bow or stringed instrument): The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.) encordoar
    3) (to remove strings from (vegetables etc).) tirar os fios
    4) (to tie and hang with string etc: The farmer strung up the dead crows on the fence.) pendurar
    - stringy
    - stringiness
    - string bean
    - stringed instruments
    - have someone on a string
    - have on a string
    - pull strings
    - pull the strings
    - string out
    - strung up
    - stringent
    - stringently
    - stringency
    * * *
    [striŋ] n 1 barbante, fio, cordel, corda fina. 2 fileira, corrente, colar, enfiada (de contas). 3 corda (de instrumento musical). 4 strings instrumentos de corda. 5 cordão, fita. 6 série, carreira. 7 corda de arco. 8 cadeia, seqüência. • vt (ps, pp strung). 1 enfiar, enfileirar. 2 colocar cordas, encordoar. 3 amarrar (com barbante), dependurar com barbante ou corda. 4 esticar, apertar (as cordas ou fios). 5 excitar, deixar tenso ou nervoso. 6 tirar as fibras ou tendões. 7 formar ou mover em fila. 8 arranjar em série ou seqüência, encadear. 9 sl enganar, burlar. he is always harping on the same string ele bate sempre na mesma tecla. there are some strings attached to it há algumas restrições, limitações. to have more than one string to one’s bow ter mais de uma idéia, habilidade a seu favor. he has two strings to his bow / ele tem o pé em duas canoas. to have on a/ the string trazer na coleira, ter sob controle. to pull the strings exercer influência discretamente, usar pistolões, mexer os pauzinhos. to string along a) enganar, lograr. b) ir com, acompanhar. to string together enfiar, enfileirar. without strings, with no strings attached sem restrições.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > string

  • 2 string

    1. [striŋ] noun
    1) ((a piece of) long narrow cord made of threads twisted together, or tape, for tying, fastening etc: a piece of string to tie a parcel; a ball of string; a puppet's strings; apron-strings.) barbante, fio
    2) (a fibre etc, eg on a vegetable.) fio
    3) (a piece of wire, gut etc on a musical instrument, eg a violin: His A-string broke; ( also adjective) He plays the viola in a string orchestra.) corda
    4) (a series or group of things threaded on a cord etc: a string of beads.) fieira
    2. verb
    1) (to put (beads etc) on a string etc: The pearls were sent to a jeweller to be strung.) enfiar
    2) (to put a string or strings on (eg a bow or stringed instrument): The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.) encordoar
    3) (to remove strings from (vegetables etc).) tirar o fio de
    4) (to tie and hang with string etc: The farmer strung up the dead crows on the fence.) pendurar por um fio
    - stringy - stringiness - string bean - stringed instruments - have someone on a string - have on a string - pull strings - pull the strings - string out - strung up - stringent - stringently - stringency

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > string

  • 3 stop

    [stop] 1. past tense, past participle - stopped; verb
    1) (to (make something) cease moving, or come to rest, a halt etc: He stopped the car and got out; This train does not stop at Birmingham; He stopped to look at the map; He signalled with his hand to stop the bus.) parar
    2) (to prevent from doing something: We must stop him (from) going; I was going to say something rude but stopped myself just in time.) parar
    3) (to discontinue or cease eg doing something: That woman just can't stop talking; The rain has stopped; It has stopped raining.) parar
    4) (to block or close: He stopped his ears with his hands when she started to shout at him.) tapar
    5) (to close (a hole, eg on a flute) or press down (a string on a violin etc) in order to play a particular note.) tapar
    6) (to stay: Will you be stopping long at the hotel?) permanecer
    2. noun
    1) (an act of stopping or state of being stopped: We made only two stops on our journey; Work came to a stop for the day.) paragem
    2) (a place for eg a bus to stop: a bus stop.) paragem
    3) (in punctuation, a full stop: Put a stop at the end of the sentence.) ponto
    4) (a device on a flute etc for covering the holes in order to vary the pitch, or knobs for bringing certain pipes into use on an organ.) registo
    5) (a device, eg a wedge etc, for stopping the movement of something, or for keeping it in a fixed position: a door-stop.) calço
    - stopper
    - stopping
    - stopcock
    - stopgap
    - stopwatch
    - put a stop to
    - stop at nothing
    - stop dead
    - stop off
    - stop over
    - stop up
    * * *
    [stɔp] n 1 parada, ato de parar, interrupção, obstrução, suspensão, interrupção. 2 obstáculo, impedimento, empecilho. 3 ponto, lugar de parada, estação. 4 Mech lingüeta, trava, alavanca, ferrolho. 5 Gram ponto. 6 Mus chave, registro (de órgão), buraco, furo (de clarinete, flauta, etc.). 7 fim. 8 Phon consoante explosiva. 9 estada, demora, permanência. 10 Opt diafragma. • vt+vi 1 parar, fazer parar. 2 pôr fim a, cessar, cortar. 3 interromper, paralisar, deter, suspender, prevenir, abolir, reprimir. 4 coll deter-se, hospedar-se, alojar-se. 5 cessar, desistir, pausar. 6 tapar, fechar (buraco). 7 arrolhar, encerrar. 8 bloquear, obstruir, tapar, vedar. 9 refrear, deter. 10 desligar. 11 obturar (dente). 12 estancar (sangue), pôr fim, acabar com. 13 pontuar, fazer uso da pontuação. 14 interceptar. 15 Mus pontear, fazer pausa. 16 reter, sustar, suspender (pagamento). 17 ficar, demorar-se. 18 aparar (golfe). • interj alto! pare! a badly stopped composition uma composição mal pontuada. dead stop parada total. he stops at nothing ele não respeita nada ou ninguém, ele não tem escrúpulos. full stop Gram ponto final. pit stop a) sl parada para ir ao toalete. b) Auto parada no box. stop it! pára com isso. they came to a stop pararam. they stopped for my husband ficaram para esperar meu marido. they stopped for tea ficaram para tomar chá. to pull all the stops out remover todos os empecilhos, fazer o melhor possível para que algo aconteça. to stop at hospedar-se em, deter-se em. to stop by fazer uma visita rápida. to stop dead ou short parar de repente. to stop down Phot fechar o diafragma. to stop in a) ficar em casa. b) Amer fazer uma visita rápida. to stop in bed ficar na cama. to stop off Amer interromper a viagem. to stop on permanecer por mais tempo. to stop out a) demorar. b) ficar fora (de casa) até mais tarde. to stop over Amer parar, fazer escala. to stop up a) ficar acordado. b) impedir, bloquear. c) preencher, obturar. we put a stop to it pusemos um fim a isto. we stopped his mouth tapamos-lhe a boca, satisfizemo-lo. whistle stop sl cidade pequena, vilarejo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stop

  • 4 wire

    1. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) metal drawn out into a long strand, as thick as string or as thin as thread: We need some wire to connect the battery to the rest of the circuit; a wire fence.) fio de arame
    2) (a single strand of this: There must be a loose wire in my radio somewhere.) fio
    3) (the metal cable used in telegraphy: The message came over the wire this morning.) fio
    4) (a telegram: Send me a wire if I'm needed urgently.) telegrama
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten, connect etc with wire: The house has been wired (up), but the electricity hasn't been connected yet.) ligar com arame
    2) (to send a telegram to: Wire me if anything important happens.) mandar um telegrama
    3) (to send (a message) by telegram: You can wire the details to my brother in New York.) telegrafar
    - wiring
    - high wire
    - wire-netting
    * * *
    [w'aiə] n 1 arame. 2 corda de instrumento. 3 fio elétrico. 4 rede ou tela de arame. 5 grade de gaiola. 6 armadilha de arame para caçar coelhos. 7 arame para mover os títeres ou bonecos de um teatro. 8 cerca de arame farpado. 9 linha telegráfica ou telefônica. 10 telégrafo, telegrafia. 11 telegrama, despacho telegráfico. 12 sl batedor de carteiras. 13 coll escuta, gravador portátil. • vt+vi 1 amarrar ou prender com arame. 2 Electr ligar, fazer ligação ou instalação. 3 cercar (com arame). 4 Mil proteger, fortificar (posição, com arame farpado). 5 enfiar em arame (contas). 6 caçar com armadilhas de arame. 7 coll telegrafar a. he was wired for / ele foi chamado por telegrama. 8 enviar dinheiro de um banco a outro eletronicamente. he wired 100 dollars to his mother / ele mandou 100 dólares para sua mãe (através de uma ordem de banco). barbed wire a) arame farpado. b) cerca de arame farpado. copper wire arame de cobre. down to the wires até o último momento. fine wire arame fino. live wire a) Electr condutor sob tensão. b) sl valentão. to get your wires corssed ficar confuso com o que outra pessoa está dizendo. to pull wires a) dirigir ocultamente outra pessoa. b) obter os seus objetivos por meio de influência secreta. c) mexer os pauzinhos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wire

См. также в других словарях:

  • pull the string(s) (to) —  Track a problem to resolution; manage, control.  ► “Future graduates of Ecole Nationale d’Administration . . . manage big companies, and pull the strings of the centralized economy” (Business Week, Nov. 18, 1994, p. 31) …   American business jargon

  • pull the string — phrasal to throw a changeup …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pull the string — verb To throw an off speed pitch, a change up, to cause the hitter to swing early and miss …   Wiktionary

  • pull the string — phrasal of a baseball pitcher : to throw a slow ball or change of pace pitch …   Useful english dictionary

  • pull*/*/*/ — [pʊl] verb I 1) [I/T] to move someone or something towards you using your hands Ant: push The little girl pulled gently at my sleeve.[/ex] I climbed into bed and pulled the duvet over my head.[/ex] A lifeguard had to pull her out of the… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • pull — pull1 [ pul ] verb *** ▸ 1 move someone/something toward you ▸ 2 remove something attached ▸ 3 move body with force ▸ 4 injure muscle ▸ 5 take gun/knife out ▸ 6 move window cover ▸ 7 make someone want to do something ▸ 8 get votes ▸ 9 suck smoke… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pull — 1 /pUl/ verb 1 MOVE STH TOWARDS YOU (I, T) to use your hands to make something move towards you or in the direction that you are moving: Help me move the piano; you push and I ll pull. | pull sth: I pulled the handle and it just snapped off! |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pull — I UK [pʊl] / US verb Word forms pull : present tense I/you/we/they pull he/she/it pulls present participle pulling past tense pulled past participle pulled *** 1) [intransitive/transitive] to move someone or something towards you using your hands …   English dictionary

  • string — 01. Do you have a piece of [string] I could use to tie up this parcel? 02. You should tie the [string] for the baby s balloon around his wrist in case he accidentally lets go of it. 03. [String] and sequence are used interchangeably in molecular… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • string — [striŋ] n. [ME streng < OE, akin to Ger strang: see STRONG] 1. a) a thin line of twisted fiber used for tying, pulling, fastening, etc.; slender cord or thick thread b) a narrow strip of leather or cloth for fastening shoes, clothing, etc.;… …   English World dictionary

  • string — UK US /strɪŋ/ noun [C] ● pull strings Cf. pull strings ● pull the strings Cf. pull the strings …   Financial and business terms

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