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  • 1 pretend

    1) (to make believe that something is true, in play: Let's pretend that this room is a cave!; Pretend to be a lion!; He wasn't really angry - he was only pretending.) delati se
    2) (to try to make it appear (that something is true), in order to deceive: He pretended that he had a headache; She was only pretending to be asleep; I pretended not to understand.) pretvarjati se
    - false pretences
    * * *
    transitive verb
    delati se, hliniti, varati, slepiti; predrzniti si, upati si;
    intransitive verb
    pretvarjati se; drzniti si, domišljati si, zahtevati, lastiti si, pretendirati na kaj (to)
    he pretends ignorance — dela se, da ne ve
    I don't pretend to learning — ne domišljam si, da sem učen

    English-Slovenian dictionary > pretend

  • 2 forge

    I 1. [fo:‹] noun
    (a very hot oven in which metals are melted etc; a furnace: Steel is manufactured in a forge.) topilnica; peč
    2. verb
    (to shape metal by heating and hammering: He forged a horse-shoe out of an iron bar.) kovati
    II [fo:‹] verb
    (to copy (eg a letter or a signature) and pretend that it is genuine, usually for illegal purposes: He forged my signature.) ponarediti
    III [fo:‹] verb
    (to move steadily: they forged ahead with their plans.) utirati si pot
    * * *
    I [fɔ:dž]
    kovačnica, topilnica, ognjišče; vigenj
    II [fɔ:dž]
    intransitive verb & transitive verb
    (s)kovati; ponarediti, ponarejati; izmisliti si
    III [fɔ:dž]
    intransitive verb
    utirati si pot, z muko napredovati
    to forge ahead — prevzeti vodstvo (pri dirki), biti na čelu

    English-Slovenian dictionary > forge

  • 3 make believe

    (to pretend (that): The children made believe they were animals.) pretvarjati se

    English-Slovenian dictionary > make believe

  • 4 pass (something or someone) off as

    (to pretend that (something or someone) is (something or someone else): He passed himself off as a journalist.) izdajati se za koga

    English-Slovenian dictionary > pass (something or someone) off as

  • 5 pass (something or someone) off as

    (to pretend that (something or someone) is (something or someone else): He passed himself off as a journalist.) izdajati se za koga

    English-Slovenian dictionary > pass (something or someone) off as

  • 6 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) ponaredek
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) šarlatan
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) ponarejen
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) lažen
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) ponarediti
    * * *
    I [feik]
    slang sleparstvo, goljufija, prevara, potegavščina, ponarejek, imitacija; časopisna raca
    II [féik]
    transitive verb
    slang (pre)varati, (u)krasti; ponarediti; improvizirati; izpeljati, storiti
    to fake up — izmisliti, ponarediti, prikrojiti
    III [feik]
    slang ponarejen, nepristen, lažniv
    IV [feik]
    transitive verb
    marine zviti (vrv)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > fake

  • 7 put on

    1) (to switch on (a light etc): Put the light on!) prižgati
    2) (to dress oneself in: Which shoes are you going to put on?) obleči se, obuti
    3) (to add or increase: The car put on speed; I've put on weight.) povečati
    4) (to present or produce (a play etc): They're putting on `Hamlet' next week.) uprizoriti
    5) (to provide (eg transport): They always put on extra buses between 8.00 and 9.00 a.m.) zagotoviti
    6) (to make a false show of; to pretend: She said she felt ill, but she was just putting it on.) pretvarjati se
    7) (to bet (money) on: I've put a pound on that horse to win.) staviti
    * * *
    transitive verb obleči, obuti, dati (klobuk na glavo), natakniti (očala), namazati se (z ličilom); pretvarjati se, hliniti; staviti ( to put a fiver on a horse staviti na konja); pomakniti naprej (kazalce); odpreti (plin), dodati (paro), prižgati (luč, radio), pospešiti (tempo); dodati (posebni vlak); zategniti (zavoro, vijak); theatre postaviti na oder, uprizoriti; naložiti (kazen); sport dobiti točko, napraviti gol
    to put on airs — postavljati se, šopiriti se
    to put on the dog — postavljati se, bahati se
    his modesty is put on — njegova skromnost je narejena, je samo pretveza
    to put s.o. on a job — zaupati, dati komu delo
    to put s.o. on to — namigniti komu kaj, spraviti koga na neko misel

    English-Slovenian dictionary > put on

  • 8 sham

    [ʃæm] 1. noun
    (something that is pretended, not genuine: The whole trial was a sham.) prevara
    2. adjective
    (pretended, artificial or false: a sham fight; Are those diamonds real or sham?) hlinjen, ponarejen, umeten
    3. verb
    (to pretend (to be in some state): He shammed sleep/anger; He shammed dead; I think she's only shamming.) hliniti
    * * *
    I [šæm]
    hlimba, hlinjenje, pretvarjanje, simuliranje; prevara, slepilo, videz; figuratively komedija, farsa; lažna oseba (stvar); ponaredek, posnetek, nadomestek, imitacija; colloquially malo vredno blago; slepar; colloquially šaljivec;
    lažen, nepravi, nepristen, ponarejen; hlinjen, simuliran; dozdeven, namišljen, prividen
    sham elections — lažne, navidezne volitve
    II [šæm]
    transitive verb
    hliniti, simulirati, fingirati; varati, goljufati; posnemati, oponašati, imitirati; intransitive verb pretvarjati se, hliniti se, delati se; figuratively igrati komedijo
    to sham illness — hliniti, simulirati bolezen
    he is (only) shamming — on je simulant, komedijant, on se le dela tako

    English-Slovenian dictionary > sham

См. также в других словарях:

  • pretend that black is white — pretend/say that black is white to say the opposite of what is really true. She ll say that black is white if she thinks it s to her advantage …   New idioms dictionary

  • Pretend — Pre*tend , v. i. 1. To put in, or make, a claim, truly or falsely; to allege a title; to lay claim to, or strive after, something; usually with to. Countries that pretend to freedom. Swift. [1913 Webster] For to what fine he would anon pretend,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pretend — I UK [prɪˈtend] / US verb Word forms pretend : present tense I/you/we/they pretend he/she/it pretends present participle pretending past tense pretended past participle pretended ** 1) [intransitive/transitive] to behave in a particular way… …   English dictionary

  • pretend — pre|tend1 [ prı tend ] verb ** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to behave in a particular way because you want someone to believe that something is true when it is not: We were never going to make the marriage work, so why pretend? pretend to do… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pretend — [[t]prɪte̱nd[/t]] pretends, pretending, pretended 1) VERB If you pretend that something is the case, you act in a way that is intended to make people believe that it is the case, although in fact it is not. [V that] I pretend that things are… …   English dictionary

  • pretend — 1 /prI tend/ verb 1 (I, T) to behave as if something is true when in fact you know it is not: We re not really sisters; we were just pretending. | pretend (that): The candidate pretended she had worked for a newspaper before. | pretend to do sth …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pretend — pre|tend1 W3S2 [prıˈtend] v [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: praetendere to stretch out in front, make an excuse , from tendere to stretch ] 1.) [I and T] to behave as if something is true when in fact you know it is not, in order to deceive… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pretend — /pri tend /, v.t. 1. to cause or attempt to cause (what is not so) to seem so: to pretend illness; to pretend that nothing is wrong. 2. to appear falsely, as to deceive; feign: to pretend to go to sleep. 3. to make believe: The children pretended …   Universalium

  • pretend — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} verb ADVERB ▪ otherwise ▪ You know what this is all about. Why pretend otherwise? ▪ at least ▪ Couldn t you at least pretend to enjoy it? ▪ just …   Collocations dictionary

  • That's The Way It Is — Альбом Элвиса Пресли Дата выпуска 11 нояб …   Википедия

  • That\'s The Way It Is — Альбом Элвиса Пресли Дата выпуска 11 ноября …   Википедия

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