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См. также в других словарях:

  • pore — [ pɔr ] n. m. • fin XIIIe; lat. porus, gr. poros « passage » 1 ♦ Chacun des minuscules orifices de la peau où aboutissent les sécrétions des glandes sudoripares. Cour. Orifice cutané d une glande sudoripare ou de la glande sébacée d un poil.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Pore forming toxins — (PFTs) are protein toxins, typically, (but not exclusively) produced by bacteria, such as C.perfringens and S.aureus . They are frequently cytotoxic (i.e., they kill cells) as they create unregulated pores in the membrane of targeted cells.Types… …   Wikipedia

  • Pore nucleaire — Pore nucléaire Les pores nucléaires sont de grands complexes protéiques (poids moléculaire estimé à 125 000 kDa) traversant l enveloppe nucléaire qui est une double membrane entourant le noyau des cellules eucaryotes. Les pores nucléaires… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pore — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pore Bandera …   Wikipedia Español

  • pore — pore; pseu·do·pore; sal·am·pore; singa·pore; tricho·pore; ac·ro·pore; tu·bi·pore; tu·bu·li·pore; …   English syllables

  • pore over — ˈpore ˌover [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they pore over he/she/it pores over present participle poring over …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pore — may refer to:In animal biology and microbiology: * Sweat pore, an anatomical structure of the skin of humans (and other mammals) used for secretion of sweat * Canal pore, an anatomical structure that is part of the lateral line sense system of… …   Wikipedia

  • pore — Ⅰ. pore [1] ► NOUN ▪ a minute opening in the skin or other surface through which gases, liquids, or microscopic particles may pass. ORIGIN Greek poros passage, pore . Ⅱ. pore [2] ► VERB 1) ( …   English terms dictionary

  • Pore water pressure — refers to the pressure of groundwater held within a soil or rock, in gaps between particles (pores). For example, in a high permeability soil, the pressure would be close to hydrostatic in no flow conditions. It is also referred to as tensiometer …   Wikipedia

  • Pore — Sf std. (15. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. porus m., dieses aus gr. póros m., eigentlich Durchgang , zu gr. poreĩn auf dem Weg bringen, hinüberbringen, schicken u.ä., zu gr. pérān drüben, hinter, jenseits . Adjektiv: porös.    Ebenso nndl.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Pore — »feine ‹Haut›öffnung«: Das Substantiv wurde im 15. Jh. aus gleichbed. spätlat. porus entlehnt, das seinerseits aus griech. póros »Durchgang; Öffnung; Pore« übernommen ist. Dies ist eine Bildung zum Stamm der mit dt. ↑ fahren urverwandten Verben… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

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