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  • 1 fool

    n. 1. тэнэг/ мунхаг хүн. 2. алиа салбадай. act/ play the fool тэнэглэх, тэнэгтэх. be no fool; be nobody's fool ухаантай хашир байх, хялбар мэхлэгдэхгүй байх. v. 1. \fool (about/ around) тэнэглэх, мунхаглах, тэнэгтэх. 2. тоглоом хийх. 3. хуурах, мэхлэх, худал үгэнд итгүүлэх. He's \fooled a lot of people into believing he's a rich man. Тэр, өөрийгөө баян хүн гэж олон хүнийг хуурчээ. 4. \fool (about/ around) (with) завхайрах, явалдах. He's always \fooling around with other men's wives. Тэр, бусдын эхнэр хүүхнүүдтэй байнга самуурч байдаг. fool about/ around цаг нөгцөөх, сэлгүүцэх. adj. тэнэг, ухаангүй, мунхаг.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > fool

См. также в других словарях:

  • act the fool — ▪ To behave like a fool ▪ To be reckless or foolish ▪ To be exuberantly comical or high spirited ● fool * * * play/act/the fool phrase to deliberately behave in a silly way that annoys …   Useful english dictionary

  • play the fool — CLOWN ABOUT/AROUND, fool about/around, mess about/around, lark about/around, monkey about/around, joke; informal horse about/around, act the goat; Brit. informal muck about/around. → play * * * play/act/the fool …   Useful english dictionary

  • play the fool — If someone plays the fool, they behave in a silly way to make people laugh. ( Act the fool is and alternative form.) …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • play the fool —    If someone plays the fool, they behave in a silly way to make people laugh. ( Act the fool is and alternative form.)   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • act/play the fool — to behave in a silly or foolish way If you keep playing the fool by asking silly questions, people won t take you seriously. • • • Main Entry: ↑fool …   Useful english dictionary

  • play the fool — Cut capers, cut didoes, act the buffoon, act like a fool, make a fool of one s self, play tricks or pranks …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • play the fool — pretend you are a fool, act simple or foolish    If you play the fool, people will often tell you secrets …   English idioms

  • act a fool — verb to play the fool …   Wiktionary

  • play the fool — act like a fool …   English contemporary dictionary

  • To play the fool — Fool Fool, n. [OE. fol, n. & adj., F. fol, fou, foolish, mad; a fool, prob. fr. L. follis a bellows, wind bag, an inflated ball; perh. akin to E. bellows. Cf. {Folly}, {Follicle}.] 1. One destitute of reason, or of the common powers of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • play the giddy goat — To act the fool • • • Main Entry: ↑giddy …   Useful english dictionary

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