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  • pick-up — ♦♦♦ pick ups also pickup 1) N COUNT A pick up or a pick up truck is a small truck with low sides that can be easily loaded and unloaded. 2) N SING: usu N in n A pick up in trade or in a country s economy is an improvement in it. ...a pick up in… …   English dictionary

  • pick-up — ˈpick up noun 1. [countable usually singular] an improvement or increase in a type of economic activity: pick up in • There are signs of a pick up in high street spending. 2. also pick up truck [countable] especially AmE a small t …   Financial and business terms

  • pick-up — n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(vehicle)¦ 2¦(improvement)¦ 3¦(collection)¦ 4¦(person)¦ 5¦(music)¦ 6¦(speed)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(VEHICLE)¦ especially AmE a small truck with low sides that is used for carrying goods …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pick´et|er — pick|et «PIHK iht», noun, verb. –n. 1. a pointed stake or peg driven into the ground to make a fence or to tie a horse to: »The dogs were afraid to jump the pickets of the fence. 2. a small body of troops, or a single man, posted at some place to …   Useful english dictionary

  • pick|et — «PIHK iht», noun, verb. –n. 1. a pointed stake or peg driven into the ground to make a fence or to tie a horse to: »The dogs were afraid to jump the pickets of the fence. 2. a small body of troops, or a single man, posted at some place to watch… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pick's theorem — Given a simple polygon constructed on a grid of equal distanced points (i.e., points with integer coordinates) such that all the polygon s vertices are grid points, Pick s theorem provides a simple formula for calculating the area A of this… …   Wikipedia

  • pick — I v 1. choose, select, handpick, pick out, single out; decide upon, determine upon, settle upon, fix upon; make up one s mind, make one s choice, make a selection, opt, opt for; sift, sift out, sieve out, screen, screen out, sort, sort out,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Pick-up — Pickup Pick up, or Pick up Pick up , n. [Colloq., Cant, or Slang] 1. Act of picking up, as, in various games, the fielding or hitting of a ball just after it strikes the ground. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. That which picks up; specif.: (Elec.) same… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pick-up — noun 1 (C) especially AmE a small open motor vehicle with low sides, used for carrying goods: We used the pick up to carry the lumber to the building site. 2 (C) informal a stranger that you meet in a bar, at a party etc and spend a short time… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Hokus Pick — Infobox musical artist Name = Hokus Pick Img capt = Img size = Background = group or band Alias = Origin = Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Genre = Christian rock, Contemporary Christian music Years active = 1989–1999 Label = Freedom Records… …   Wikipedia

  • choose sides — To pick teams • • • Main Entry: ↑side * * * choose sides : to divide a group into two teams that will play against each other When we chose sides in gym class, I was always the last person to be picked to be on a team. often used figuratively… …   Useful english dictionary

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