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См. также в других словарях:

  • pester one with questions — bother someone with questions, aggravate someone with queries …   English contemporary dictionary

  • All That Fall — is a one act radio play by Samuel Beckett produced following a request [It has been reported that Beckett wrote this play following a commission from the BBC. This is not correct. Hugh Kenner advises that Beckett had written only some of his… …   Wikipedia

  • pes´ter|ing|ly — pes|ter «PEHS tuhr», transitive verb. 1. to trouble persistently; annoy; vex: »Flies pester us. Don t pester me with foolish questions. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under tease. (Cf. ↑tease) 2. Obsolete. to crowd to excess …   Useful english dictionary

  • pes´ter|er — pes|ter «PEHS tuhr», transitive verb. 1. to trouble persistently; annoy; vex: »Flies pester us. Don t pester me with foolish questions. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under tease. (Cf. ↑tease) 2. Obsolete. to crowd to excess …   Useful english dictionary

  • pes|ter — «PEHS tuhr», transitive verb. 1. to trouble persistently; annoy; vex: »Flies pester us. Don t pester me with foolish questions. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under tease. (Cf. ↑tease) 2. Obsolete. to crowd to excess …   Useful english dictionary

  • Queen of Wands — Infobox comic strip title= Queen of Wands caption= author= Aeire url= http://www.queenofwands.net/ rss= atom= status= Concluded first= 2002 07 22 last= 2005 02 23 syndicate= publisher= genre= Comedy rating= preceded by= followed by= Punch an Pie… …   Wikipedia

  • torment — tormentedly, adv. tormentingly, adv. tormentingness, n. v. /tawr ment , tawr ment/; n. /tawr ment/, v.t. 1. to afflict with great bodily or mental suffering; pain: to be tormented with violent headaches. 2. to worry or annoy excessively: to… …   Universalium

  • ply — verb 1) the gondolier plied his oar Syn: use, wield, work, manipulate, handle, operate, utilize, employ 2) he plied a profitable trade Syn: engage in, carry on, pursue, conduct …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • ply — verb 1) he plied a profitable trade Syn: engage in, carry on, pursue, conduct, practise 2) ferries ply between all lake resorts Syn: travel, shuttle, go back and forth 3) she plied me with …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • plague — 1. noun 1) they died of the plague Syn: bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, Black Death; disease, sickness, epidemic; dated contagion; archaic pestilence 2) a plague of fleas Syn: infestation, epidemic, invasion, swarm …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • plague — 1. noun 1) they died in a plague Syn: pandemic, epidemic, disease, sickness; dated contagion; archaic pestilence 2) a plague of fleas Syn: infestation, invasion, swarm, epidemic 2. verb 1) …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

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