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  • 1 occur

    v. inträffa; hända; falla någon in
    * * *
    past tense, past participle - occurred; verb
    1) (to take place: The accident occurred yesterday morning.) inträffa, hända, ske
    2) ((with to) to come into one's mind: An idea occurred to him; It occurred to me to visit my parents.) falla ngn in
    3) (to be found: Oil occurs under the sea.) förekomma, finnas, påträffas

    English-Swedish dictionary > occur

  • 2 occur to

    falla någon in

    English-Swedish dictionary > occur to

  • 3 be liable to occur

    som mycket väl kan hända

    English-Swedish dictionary > be liable to occur

  • 4 happen

    v. hända, inträffa
    * * *
    1) (to take place or occur; to occur by chance: What happened next?; It just so happens / As it happens, I have the key in my pocket.) hända, ske, falla sig
    2) ((usually with to) to be done to (a person, thing etc): She's late - something must have happened to her.) hända, inträffa
    3) (to do or be by chance: I happened to find him; He happens to be my friend.) råka
    - happen upon
    - happen on

    English-Swedish dictionary > happen

  • 5 fall

    n. fall; nedgång; sänkning; sammanstörtande; höst; vattenfall; kapitulation; lutning, sluttning
    v. falla; gå ner; reduceras, minskas; bli; drabba; bli tillfångatagen
    * * *
    [fo:l] 1. past tense - fell; verb
    1) (to go down from a higher level usually unintentionally: The apple fell from the tree; Her eye fell on an old book.) falla
    2) ((often with over) to go down to the ground etc from an upright position, usually by accident: She fell (over).) falla (ramla) omkull
    3) (to become lower or less: The temperature is falling.) sjunka, avta
    4) (to happen or occur: Easter falls early this year.) inträffa
    5) (to enter a certain state or condition: She fell asleep; They fell in love.) falla, bli
    6) ((formal: only with it as subject) to come as one's duty etc: It falls to me to take care of the children.) åligga, tillkomma
    2. noun
    1) (the act of falling: He had a fall.) fall, kull[]
    2) ((a quantity of) something that has fallen: a fall of snow.) -fall, nederbörd
    3) (capture or (political) defeat: the fall of Rome.) fall
    4) ((American) the autumn: Leaves change colour in the fall.) höst
    - fallout
    - his
    - her face fell
    - fall away
    - fall back
    - fall back on
    - fall behind
    - fall down
    - fall flat
    - fall for
    - fall in with
    - fall off
    - fall on/upon
    - fall out
    - fall short
    - fall through

    English-Swedish dictionary > fall

  • 6 frequency

    n. täthet, tät förekomst, vanlighet; talrikhet
    * * *
    plural - frequencies; noun
    1) (the state of happening often: The frequency of her visits surprised him.) tät förekomst, ideligt upprepande
    2) ((in electricity, radio etc) the number of waves, vibrations etc per second: At what frequency does the sound occur?) frekvens, svängningstal
    3) (a set wavelength on which radio stations regularly broadcast: I regularly listen to this frequency in order to hear my favourite music.) frekvens

    English-Swedish dictionary > frequency

  • 7 indicative

    adj. indikativ; angivande, utvisande, antydande; kontur-
    * * *
    adjective, noun (describing verbs which occur as parts of statements and questions: In `I ran home' and `Are you going?' `ran' and `are going' are indicative (verbs).) indikativ

    English-Swedish dictionary > indicative

  • 8 natural resources

    naturresurser (resurser som kommer från naturen)
    * * *
    (sources of energy, wealth etc which occur naturally and are not made by man, eg coal, oil, forests etc.) naturtillgångar

    English-Swedish dictionary > natural resources

  • 9 occurred

    past tense, past participle; see occur

    English-Swedish dictionary > occurred

См. также в других словарях:

  • Occur — Oc*cur , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Occurred}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Occurring}.] [L. occurrere, occursum; ob (see {Ob }) + currere to run. See {Course}.] 1. To meet; to clash. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The resistance of the bodies they occur with. Bentley.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • occur to you — occur to (you) to come into your mind. Did it occur to you to call my apartment to see if I was there? It never occurred to me to ask where she d been. Usage notes: often used in the form not occur to you: It hadn t occurred to her that she would …   New idioms dictionary

  • occur to — (you) to come into your mind. Did it occur to you to call my apartment to see if I was there? It never occurred to me to ask where she d been. Usage notes: often used in the form not occur to you: It hadn t occurred to her that she would be… …   New idioms dictionary

  • occur — I (come to mind) verb be uppermost in the mind, become aware, become visible, come into view, conjure up, crop up, cross ones mind, emerge, enter the mind, enter the picture, manifest itself, pass in the mind, present itself, present itself to… …   Law dictionary

  • occur — [v1] take place, happen action, appear, arise, befall, be found, be present, betide, chance, come about, come off*, come to pass, cook*, crop up, develop, ensue, eventualize, eventuate, exist, follow, go, jell*, manifest, materialize, obtain,… …   New thesaurus

  • occur — ► VERB (occurred, occurring) 1) happen; take place. 2) exist or be found to be present. 3) (occur to) come into the mind of. ORIGIN Latin occurrere go to meet, present itself …   English terms dictionary

  • occur — [ə kʉr′] vi. occurred, occurring [L occurrere, to run, come up to, meet < ob (see OB ) + currere, to run: see CURRENT] 1. to be found; exist [fish occur in most waters] 2. to present itself; come to mind [an idea occurred to him] …   English World dictionary

  • occur again — index recur Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • occur at the same time — index concur (coexist) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • occur concurrently — index concur (coexist) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • occur — (v.) 1520s, meet, meet in argument, from M.Fr. occurrer or directly from L. occurrere run to meet, run against, befall, present itself, from ob against, toward (see OB (Cf. ob )) + currere to run (see CURRENT (Cf. current)). Sense development is… …   Etymology dictionary

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