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  • 1 DÓMR

    (-s, -ar), m.
    1) opinion, judgement (dómr um dauðan hvern);
    2) judicial decision, decree, judgement, sentence; stríðr dómr, a severe judgement; réttlátr í dómum, impartial as judge; segja upp dóm, to pronounce (pass) sentence;
    3) court (of judicature), the body of judges; ganga í dóm, to go into court, take one’s seat in court; setja dóm, to set the court, to let the judges take their seats; sitja í dómi, to sit in judgement or in court; nefna dóm, to nominate (appoint) the judges; sœkja mál í dóm, to prosecute a lawsuit in court; hleypa upp dómi, to break up the court by force; bera fé í dóm, to bribe the court; ryðja dóm, to challenge the court; mál ferr í dóm, a case goes into court;
    4) state, condition; heiðinn dómr, heathenism; kristinn dómr, the Christian faith;
    5) heilagr dómr, helgir dómar, relic, relics;
    6) in compds., -dom, -head, -hood (guðdómr, Godhead, manndómr, manhood, konungdómr, kingdom, &c.).
    * * *
    m. [Goth. dôms, which occurs once, but not in Ulf., who only uses the word in compds, and renders κρίσις and κριτής by siaua; A. S. dôm; Engl. doom and the termin. -dom; O. H. G. tom; known in Germ. only from the termin. - tum (-thum)].
    I. a court of judgment, the body of judges, or the ‘court’ itself; the Icel. law of the Commonwealth distinguishes between several bodies of judges; in parliament there were Fjórðungs-dómar, ‘Quarter Courts,’ one for each of the political quarters of the country, Breiðfirðinga-d. or Vestfirðinga-d. for the West, Rangæinga-d. for the South, Eyfirðinga-d. or Norðlendinga-d. for the North, and Austfirðinga-d. for the East; these courts were instituted by Thord Gellir A. D. 964: at a later date a fifth High Court, called Fimtar-domr, the Fifth Court, was erected about A. D. 1004; vide Nj. ch. 98, Íb. ch. 8, Grág., esp. Þ. Þ. in the first chapters, and many passages in the Sagas, esp. Nj., Sturl.; and of mod. authors, Konrad Maurer in his essay, Die Entstehung des Icel. Staates, Ed. 1852, Dasent’s Introd. to Burnt Njal;—the treatise of Maurer is an indispensable guide in matters of the Fimtar-dómr. There are other courts on record, e. g. dyra-dómr, a court at the door of the defendant, vide Eb. ch. 18 and N. G. L.; nú skal dóm setja fyrir durum verjanda, en eigi á bak húsi; hann (viz. the plaintiff) skal setja dóm sinn eigi nær húsi en svá, at verjandi (the defender) megi setja sinn dóm milli dura ok dóms hans ok aka hlassi viðar milli dóms ok dura (vide dæma), N. G. L. i. 22: technical law-phrases as to the courts, setja dóm, to set the court, let the judges take their seats; dómar fara út, the courts ‘fare out,’ i. e. open; færa út dóm, dóma-útfærsla, i. e. the opening of the courts, Grág. i. 27,—the judges went out in a body in procession and took their seats; ryðja dóm, to challenge the court, Nj.; ganga at dómi, to go into court; nefna dóm, to name the judges (dóm-nefna); sitja í dómi, to sit in court; mál ferr í dóm, a case goes into court; hleypa upp dómi, to break up the court by force; bera fé í dóm, to bribe the court; dóms-afglapan, vide afglapan;—for all these phrases, vide Grág., Þ. Þ. in the first chapters, Nj., esp. ch. 140 sqq., Eg. ch. 57, N. G. L. i, Gþl. This sense is now almost obsolete, but it remains in the Manx demster and Scot. doomster.
    II. doom, judgment, sentence, and this may be the original sense; dóms-atkvæði, dóms-orð, and dóms-uppsaga mean doom, sentence, as pronounced by the presiding judge, Nj., H. E. ii. 115, Sks. 159, Band. 6, Grág. i. 3, 83; dóma-dagr, doomsday, the day of judgment; Norna-dómr, the doom of the Norns, their weird, fate, Ýt. 23, Fm. 11; skapa-dómr, id.
    β. judgment, opinion.
    III. denoting state, condition, age, in words such as heiðin-dómr, Kristin-dómr, the heathen, Christian age, faith; konung-dómr, a kingdom; biskups-dómr, a bishopric, etc.; hefja ór heiðnum dómi, to lift out of heathendom, baptize, Sighvat.
    2. helgir dómar, relics, Bs., H. E., Grág. ii. 165, Fms. i. 230, v. 143, Gpl. 70:—but helgidómr, Old Engl. halidom, Germ. heiligthum: leyndr d., mystery, μυστήριον of the N. T.; leynda dóma himnaríkis, Matth. xiii. 11; þenna leyndan dóm, Rom. xi. 25; sjáið, að eg segi yðr leyndan dóm, 1 Cor. xv. 51.
    3. in many compds = Engl. -dom, -hood, -head; Guð-dómr, Godhead; mann-dómr, manhood,

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > DÓMR

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