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  • 1 name

    n. isim, ad, nam, ün, ünlü kimse
    v. ad koymak, isim koymak, isim vermek, adını koymak, ismiyle çağırmak, söylemek, tayin etmek
    * * *
    * * *
    [neim] 1. noun
    1) (a word by which a person, place or thing is called: My name is Rachel; She knows all the flowers by name.) ad, isim
    2) (reputation; fame: He has a name for honesty.) ün, isim, şöhret
    2. verb
    1) (to give a name to: They named the child Thomas.) ad vermek, isim koymak
    2) (to speak of or list by name: He could name all the kings of England.) ismini söylemek
    - namely
    - nameplate
    - namesake
    - call someone names
    - call names
    - in the name of
    - make a name for oneself
    - name after

    English-Turkish dictionary > name

  • 2 for short

    * * *
    (as an abbreviation: His name is Victor, but we call him Vic for short.) kısaca

    English-Turkish dictionary > for short

  • 3 name for

    adını vermek, ismini vermek

    English-Turkish dictionary > name for

  • 4 name for

    adını vermek, ismini vermek

    English-Turkish dictionary > name for

  • 5 make a name for oneself

    (to become famous, get a (usually good) reputation etc: He made a name for himself as a concert pianist.) ün yapmak, isim yapmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > make a name for oneself

  • 6 pet name

    sevilen kimseye takılan ad
    * * *
    (a particular name used to express affection: His pet name for her was `Kitten'.) cici takma ad

    English-Turkish dictionary > pet name

  • 7 put down for

    (to write the name of (someone) on a list etc for a particular purpose: You have been put down for the one hundred metres' race.) yazdırmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > put down for

  • 8 not for the life of me

    (not even if it was necessary in order to save my life: I couldn't for the life of me remember his name!) ölsem bile, hiç mi hiç

    English-Turkish dictionary > not for the life of me

  • 9 nominate

    v. aday olarak göstermek, atamak, tayin etmek, resmen kararlaştırmak
    * * *
    * * *
    (to name (someone) for possible election to a particular job etc: They nominated him as captain.) aday göstermek
    - nominee

    English-Turkish dictionary > nominate

  • 10 call

    n. ses, çağırma, seslenme, çağrı, ötüş; ihtiyaç; ziyaret etme, davet, ziyaret, telefonda konuşma
    v. çağırmak, bağırmak, seslenmek, aramak (telefon); telefon etmek, telefonda konuşmak; davet etmek, çağrıda bulunmak; dava açmak; adlandırmak, lakap takmak; demek, söylemek, farzetmek, ziyaret etmek, uyandırmak
    * * *
    1. ara (v.) 2. çağır (v.) 3. çağrı (n.)
    * * *
    [ko:l] 1. verb
    1) (to give a name to: My name is Alexander but I'm called Sandy by my friends) ad vermek, çağırmak
    2) (to regard (something) as: I saw you turn that card over - I call that cheating.) saymak, demek
    3) (to speak loudly (to someone) to attract attention etc: Call everyone over here; She called louder so as to get his attention.) seslenmek, bağırmak
    4) (to summon; to ask (someone) to come (by letter, telephone etc): They called him for an interview for the job; He called a doctor.) çağırmak
    5) (to make a visit: I shall call at your house this evening; You were out when I called.) uğramak
    6) (to telephone: I'll call you at 6 p.m.) telefon etmek
    7) ((in card games) to bid.) eşit pay sürmek; kart istemek; kartlarını göstermesini istemek
    2. noun
    1) (an exclamation or shout: a call for help.) bağırma, haykırma, haykırış
    2) (the song of a bird: the call of a blackbird.) ötüş, ötme
    3) (a (usually short) visit: The teacher made a call on the boy's parents.) uğrama
    4) (the act of calling on the telephone: I've just had a call from the police.) telefon etme
    5) ((usually with the) attraction: the call of the sea.) çekicilik, cazibe
    6) (a demand: There's less call for coachmen nowadays.) talep, istek, rağbet
    7) (a need or reason: You've no call to say such things!) gereksinme, ihtiyaç
    - calling
    - call-box
    - call for
    - call off
    - call on
    - call up
    - give someone a call
    - give a call
    - on call

    English-Turkish dictionary > call

  • 11 enter

    v. girmek, giriş yapmak, girmek [bilg.], içeriye girmek, içeri girmek, katılmak, kaydolmak, yazılmak, kaydetmek, yazmak, sokmak, gümrük beyanında bulunmak, sahneye çıkmak
    * * *
    1. gir (v.) 2. giriş (n.)
    * * *
    1) (to go or come in: Enter by this door.) girmek
    2) (to come or go into (a place): He entered the room.) girmek
    3) (to give the name of (another person or oneself) for a competition etc: He entered for the race; I entered my pupils for the examination.) girmek, katılmak, adını yazdırmak
    4) (to write (one's name etc) in a book etc: Did you enter your name in the visitors' book?) yazmak, kaydetmek
    5) (to start in: She entered his employment last week.) başlamak
    - enter on/upon

    English-Turkish dictionary > enter

  • 12 score

    n. çizik, çizgi, çentik, durum, skor, puan, sayı, hesap, yirmi, başlangıç çizgisi, partisyon, notaya geçirme
    v. çizmek, çizgi çekmek, işaretlemek, çentiklemek, sayı yapmak, skor kaydetmek, gol atmak, değerlendirmek, hesabını tutmak, şanslı olmak, azarlamak, ağır eleştirmek, notaya geçirmek, partisyon yazmak
    * * *
    1. puanla (v.) 2. puan (n.) 3. sayı yap (v.) 4. sayı (n.)
    * * *
    [sko:] 1. plurals - scores; noun
    1) (the number of points, goals etc gained in a game, competition etc: The cricket score is 59 for 3.) oyun sonucu
    2) (a written piece of music showing all the parts for instruments and voices: the score of an opera.) tüm nota, partisyon
    3) (a set or group of twenty: There was barely a score of people there.) yirmi, yirmilik grup
    2. verb
    1) (to gain (goals etc) in a game etc: He scored two goals before half-time.) sayı yapmak
    2) ((sometimes with off or out) to remove (eg a name) from eg a list by putting a line through it: Please could you score my name off (the list)?; Is that word meant to be scored out?) çıkarmak
    3) (to keep score: Will you score for us, please?) sayı tutmak
    - score-board
    - on that score
    - scores of
    - scores
    - settle old scores

    English-Turkish dictionary > score

  • 13 head

    adj. baş, baş ile ilgili, baştaki
    n. ana, baş, kafa, akıl, kelle, reis, başkan, şef, lider, müdür, yönetici, tepe, zirve, tura, köpük, kaymak, pınar başı, konu başlığı, konu, uç kısım, kişi, kişi başı, adam başı
    v. başında olmak, başı çekmek, yönetmek, kullanmak, yönlendirmek, gitmek, yönelmek, baş vermek, olgunlaşmak
    * * *
    1. kafa 2. başı çek (v.) 3. baş (n.)
    * * *
    [hed] 1. noun
    1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) baş, kafa
    2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) akıl
    3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) kafa boyu
    4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) baş, şef, reis, hükümdar
    5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) baş, tepe
    6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) baş
    7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) baş, en üst
    8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) ön, baş
    9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) yetenek, kabiliyet
    10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) müdür, müdire
    11) ((for) one person: This dinner costs $10 a head.) kişi, adam
    12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) burun
    13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) köpük
    2. verb
    1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) başta olmak, önde gitmek
    2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) yönetmek, başında olmak
    3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!)...-e yönelmek
    4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) başlık atmak
    5) ((in football) to hit the ball with the head: He headed the ball into the goal.) kafa vurmak
    - - headed
    - header
    - heading
    - heads
    - headache
    - headband
    - head-dress
    - headfirst
    - headgear
    - headlamp
    - headland
    - headlight
    - headline
    - headlines
    - headlong
    - head louse
    - headmaster
    - head-on
    - headphones
    - headquarters
    - headrest
    - headscarf, headsquare
    - headstone
    - headstrong
    - headwind
    - above someone's head
    - go to someone's head
    - head off
    - head over heels
    - heads or tails?
    - keep one's head
    - lose one's head
    - make head or tail of
    - make headway
    - off one's head

    English-Turkish dictionary > head

  • 14 initial

    adj. baştaki, baş, ilk
    n. baş harf, ilk harf, önses
    * * *
    1. başlangıç 2. başlangıçtaki
    * * *
    [i'niʃəl] 1. adjective
    (of, or at, the beginning: There were difficulties during the initial stages of building the house.) başlangıç, ilk, ön
    2. noun
    (the letter that begins a word, especially a name: The picture was signed with the initials JJB, standing for John James Brown.) paraf, ismin baş harfleri
    3. verb
    (to mark or sign with initials of one's name: Any alteration on a cheque should be initialled.) parafe etmek


    1) (to start (eg a plan, scheme, changes, reforms etc): He initiated a scheme for helping old people with their shopping.) başla(t)mak

    2) (to take (a person) into a society etc, especially with secret ceremonies: No-one who had been initiated into the society ever revealed the details of the ceremony.) üyeliğe kabul etmek/sokmak


    (a person who has been initiated (into a society etc).) yeni üye

    - initiation
    - initiative

    English-Turkish dictionary > initial

  • 15 sign

    n. istavroz, işaret, sembol, simge, gösterge, jest, belirti, nişan, alâmet, iz, semptom, burç, burç sembolü, tabela, isim levhası, mucize işareti, haç işareti
    v. imzalamak, imza atmak, imza etmek, ismini yazmak, ima etmek, belirtmek, ifade etmek, işaret etmek, işaretlemek
    * * *
    1. belirti 2. imzala (v.) 3. işaret (n.)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) işaret sembol
    2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) işaret, tabelâ
    3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) işaret
    4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) ipucu, belirten işaret
    2. verb
    1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) imzalamak
    2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) yazmak
    3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) işaret etmek
    - signpost
    - sign in/out
    - sign up

    English-Turkish dictionary > sign

  • 16 spell

    n. büyü, afsun, sihir, tılsım, büyüleme, büyülenme, alımlılık, çekıcilik, sıra, nöbet, vardiya, çalışma sırası, kısa süre, kısa mesafe, dönem, kriz (öksürük vb.)
    v. hecelemek, imlâsını yazmak, diye okunmak, anlamına gelmek, nöbetini devretmek, yerine çalışmak, büyülemek, etkilemek
    * * *
    1. hecele (v.) 2. büyü (n.)
    * * *
    I [spel] past tense, past participle - spelt; verb
    1) (to name or give in order the letters of (a word): I asked him to spell his name for me.) hecelemek, harf harf söylemek
    2) ((of letters) to form (a word): C-a-t spells `cat'.) harflerini oluşturmak
    3) (to (be able to) spell words correctly: I can't spell!) hecelemek
    4) (to mean or amount to: This spells disaster.) anlamına gelmek
    - spelling II [spel] noun
    1) (a set or words which, when spoken, is supposed to have magical power: The witch recited a spell and turned herself into a swan.) tılsımlı/büyülü söz(ler)
    2) (a strong influence: He was completely under her spell.) çekicilik, cazibe
    III [spel] noun
    1) (a turn (at work): Shortly afterwards I did another spell at the machine.) nöbet
    2) (a period of time during which something lasts: a spell of bad health.) dönem, süre
    3) (a short time: We stayed in the country for a spell and then came home.) kısa bir süre

    English-Turkish dictionary > spell

  • 17 what

    adj. hangi, ne
    interj. ne, nasıl
    n. hangi, ne, neyi, neleri
    * * *
    1. ne| (wh.) 2. ne (q.)
    * * *
    [wot] 1. pronoun, adjective
    1) (used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc: What street is this?; What's your name/address / telephone number?; What time is it?; What (kind of) bird is that?; What is he reading?; What did you say?; What is this cake made of?; `What do you want to be when you grow up?' `A doctor.'; Tell me what you mean; I asked him what clothes I should wear.) ne, neyi, neler, hangi
    2) (( also adverb) used in exclamations of surprise, anger etc: What clothes she wears!; What a fool he is!; What naughty children they are!; What a silly book this is!) ne (kadar)...!
    2. relative pronoun
    1) (the thing(s) that: Did you find what you wanted?; These tools are just what I need for this job; What that child needs is a good spanking!) o şey ki,...-en (şey),...-diği şey
    2) (( also relative adjective) any (things or amount) that; whatever: I'll lend you what clothes you need; Please lend me what you can.) her ne, herhagi bir
    3. adjective, pronoun
    (no matter what: You have to go on, whatever (trouble) you meet; Whatever (else) you do, don't say that!) ne...-se, (her) ne...-sa olsun
    4. adjective
    (whatsoever; at all: I had nothing whatever to do with that.) hiç, hiçbir, hiç mi hiç
    5. pronoun
    ((also what ever) used in questions or exclamations to express surprise etc: Whatever will he say when he hears this?) ne?, her neyse, neyse o
    - what's-his, -her, -its -name
    - whatsoever
    - know what's what
    - what about?
    - what... for
    - what have you
    - what if?
    - what... like?
    - what of it?
    - what with

    English-Turkish dictionary > what

  • 18 brand

    n. damga, dağlanarak yapılan iz; marka, tarz, usul, nişan, namus lekesi, ayıp, kızgın demir, buğdaypası, mantar [bot.]
    v. dağlamak, damgalamak, derin etki bırakmak; işlemek, markalamak, lekelemek
    * * *
    1. damgala (v.) 2. marka (n.)
    * * *
    [brænd] 1. noun
    1) (a maker's name or trademark: a new brand; ( also adjective) a brand name.) marka
    2) (a variety: He has his own brand of humour.) kendine özgü, özel bir tür
    3) (a mark on cattle etc to show who owns them, made with a hot iron.) damga
    2. verb
    1) (to mark cattle etc with a hot iron.) damgalamak
    2) (to make a permanent impression on: His name is branded on my memory.) iz bırakmak
    3) (to attach (permanent) disgrace to: branded for life as a thief.) lekelemek

    English-Turkish dictionary > brand

  • 19 plate

    n. tabak, plaka, plaket, şilt, isim levhası, levha, gümüş kaplama sofra takımı, tam sayfa resim, şık tip, fotoğraf klişesi, yapay damak, takma diş, protez, baskı kalıbı, elektrot (lamba), anot (radyo)
    v. kaplamak, altın kaplamak, gümüş kaplamak, klişe yapmak, levha kaplamak, zırhla kaplamak
    * * *
    1. levha (n.) 2. kapla (v.) 3. tabak (n.)
    * * *
    1) (a shallow dish for holding food etc: china plates.) tabak
    2) (a sheet of metal etc: The ship was built of steel plates.) tabaka, levha
    3) (articles made of, or plated with, usually gold or silver: a collection of gold plate.) kaplama
    4) (a flat piece of metal inscribed with eg a name, for fixing to a door, or with a design etc, for use in printing.) plâka, isim levhası
    5) (an illustration in a book, usually on glossy paper: The book has ten full-colour plates.) tam sayfa resim
    6) ((also dental plate) a piece of plastic that fits in the mouth with false teeth attached to it.) takma damak
    7) (a sheet of glass etc coated with a sensitive film, used in photography.) fotoğraf klişesi
    - plateful
    - plating
    - plate glass

    English-Turkish dictionary > plate

  • 20 stick

    n. çubuk, sopa, dal parçası, asa, sap, baston, değnek, direk, çıta, sırık, kol, vites kolu, engel (yarış), tokmak, ardarda atılan bombalar, uçaktan ardarda atlayan askerler, kumpas, çam yarması, hödük
    v. sokmak, geçirmek, batırmak, delmek, saplamak, bıçaklamak, uzatmak, takmak, koymak, yapıştırmak, iğnelemek, tutturmak, alıkoymak, tutmak, çakmak, dayanmak, yapışmak, takılmak, takılıp kalmak, saplanıp kalmak, çıkamamak, çakılıp kalmak, ayrılmamak, sadık kalmak, bırakmamak, şaşırtmak, kandırmak, katlanmak, çıkıntı yapmak, çıkmak
    * * *
    1. sapla (v.) 2. çubuk (n.)
    * * *
    I [stik] past tense, past participle - stuck; verb
    1) (to push (something sharp or pointed) into or through something: She stuck a pin through the papers to hold them together; Stop sticking your elbow into me!) batırmak
    2) ((of something pointed) to be pushed into or through something: Two arrows were sticking in his back.) batırılmak
    3) (to fasten or be fastened (by glue, gum etc): He licked the flap of the envelope and stuck it down; These labels don't stick very well; He stuck (the broken pieces of) the vase together again; His brothers used to call him Bonzo and the name has stuck.) yapış(tır)mak
    4) (to (cause to) become fixed and unable to move or progress: The car stuck in the mud; The cupboard door has stuck; I'll help you with your arithmetic if you're stuck.) saplanmak, sıkış(tır)mak
    - sticky
    - stickily
    - stickiness
    - sticking-plaster
    - stick-in-the-mud
    - come to a sticky end
    - stick at
    - stick by
    - stick it out
    - stick out
    - stick one's neck out
    - stick to/with
    - stick together
    - stick up for
    II [stik] noun
    1) (a branch or twig from a tree: They were sent to find sticks for firewood.) çubuk
    2) (a long thin piece of wood etc shaped for a special purpose: She always walks with a stick nowadays; a walking-stick / hockey-stick; a drumstick.) sopa, değnek
    3) (a long piece: a stick of rhubarb.) sap
    - get hold of the wrong end of the stick
    - get the wrong end of the stick

    English-Turkish dictionary > stick

См. также в других словарях:

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