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  • 1 effort

    1) (hard work; energy: Learning a foreign language requires effort; The effort of climbing the hill made the old man very tired.) προσπάθεια
    2) (a trying hard; a struggle: The government's efforts to improve the economy were unsuccessful; Please make every effort to be punctual.) προσπάθεια
    3) (the result of an attempt: Your drawing was a good effort.) προσπάθεια
    - effortlessly

    English-Greek dictionary > effort

  • 2 try

    1. verb
    1) (to attempt or make an effort (to do, get etc): He tried to answer the questions; Let's try and climb that tree!) προσπαθώ
    2) (to test; to make an experiment (with) in order to find out whether something will be successful, satisfactory etc: She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo; Try one of these sweets.) δοκιμάζω
    3) (to judge (someone or their case) in a court of law: The prisoners were tried for murder.) δικάζω
    4) (to test the limits of; to strain: You are trying my patience.) θέτω σε δοκιμασία
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt or effort: Have a try (at the exam). I'm sure you will pass.) απόπειρα, προσπάθεια, δοκιμή
    2) (in rugby football, an act of putting the ball on the ground behind the opponents' goal-line: Our team scored three tries.) (ράγκμπι)
    - trying
    - try on
    - try out

    English-Greek dictionary > try

  • 3 Strain

    v. trans.
    Stretch, tight: P. and V. ἐντείνειν, P. συντείνειν, ἐπιτείνειν.
    Overexert: P. ἐντείνεσθαι.
    Sprain: Ar. ἐκκοκκίζειν; see Sprain.
    Strain every nerve: met., P. παρατείνεσθαι εἰς τοὔσχατον (Thuc. 3, 46).
    Filter: P. διηθεῖν.
    Clasp: P. and V. ἀσπάζεσθαι, V. παγκαλίζεσθαι; see clasp.
    Strain to one: Ar. and V. προσέλκεσθαι.
    Take your son in your arms and strain him to you: V. λαβὲ σὸν παῖδʼ ἐν ἀγκάλαισι καὶ προσελκύσαι (Eur., Hipp. 1431).
    Strain him to you: V. προσελκύσαι νιν (Eur. I. A. 1452).
    met., distort: P. and V. διαστρέφειν; see Distort.
    Strain oneself make an effort: P. and V. τείνειν, P. διατείνεσθαι, συντείνειν, or pass., ἐντείνεσθαι, V. ἐντείνειν.
    V. intrans.
    Make an effort: P. and V. τείνειν, P. συντείνειν, V. ἐντείνειν; see strain oneself.
    They strained with their feet against the wave: V. οἱ δʼ ἐκαρτέρουν πρὸς κῦμα λακτίζοντες (Eur., I. T. 1395).
    If his tackling strained or snapped entirely: P. πονησάντων αὐτῷ τῶν σκευῶν ἢ καὶ συντριβέντων ὅλως (Dem. 293).
    Tension: P. διάτασις, ἡ.
    Exertion: P. and V. πόνος, ὁ, Ar. and V. μόχθος, ὁ.
    Anxiety: P. and V. φροντς, ἡ; see Fear.
    Sprain ( of the limbs): P. στρέμμα, τό, σπάσμα, τό.
    Manner: P. and V. τρόπος, ὁ.
    In this strain: P. and V. οὕτως; see Thus.
    In music P. and V. νόμος, ὁ, μέλος, τό.
    Breed: P. and V. γένος, τό.
    Strained relations: use P. and V. διαφορά, ἡ; see Quarrel, Hostility.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Strain

  • 4 trouble

    1. noun
    1) ((something which causes) worry, difficulty, work, anxiety etc: He never talks about his troubles; We've had a lot of trouble with our children; I had a lot of trouble finding the book you wanted.) φασαρία, μπελάς, κόπος, ταλαιπωρία, πρόβλημα
    2) (disturbances; rebellion, fighting etc: It occurred during the time of the troubles in Cyprus.) ταραχή, φασαρία
    3) (illness or weakness (in a particular part of the body): He has heart trouble.) ενόχληση, πάθηση
    2. verb
    1) (to cause worry, anger or sadness to: She was troubled by the news of her sister's illness.) ανησυχώ, στενοχωρώ
    2) (used as part of a very polite and formal request: May I trouble you to close the window?) ενοχλώ, βάζω στον κόπο
    3) (to make any effort: He didn't even trouble to tell me what had happened.) μπαίνω στον κόπο, σκοτίζομαι
    - troublesome
    - troublemaker

    English-Greek dictionary > trouble

  • 5 do one's utmost

    (to make the greatest possible effort: She has done her utmost to help him.) κάνω ό,τι μπορώ

    English-Greek dictionary > do one's utmost

  • 6 work

    [wə:k] 1. noun
    1) (effort made in order to achieve or make something: He has done a lot of work on this project) δουλειά, εργασία
    2) (employment: I cannot find work in this town.) δουλειά
    3) (a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on: Please clear your work off the table.) δουλειά
    4) (a painting, book, piece of music etc: the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816.) έργο (τέχνης, μουσικής κλπ)
    5) (the product or result of a person's labours: His work has shown a great improvement lately.) δουλειά, προϊόν εργασίας
    6) (one's place of employment: He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow.) δουλειά
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something: She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project.) δουλεύω, εργάζομαι / βάζω (κάποιον) να δουλεύει
    2) (to be employed: Are you working just now?) δουλεύω, έχω δουλειά
    3) (to (cause to) operate (in the correct way): He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working.) δουλεύω, λειτουργώ / χειρίζομαι
    4) (to be practicable and/or successful: If my scheme works, we'll be rich!) πετυχαίνω
    5) (to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty: She worked her way up the rock face.) προχωρώ με δυσκολία
    6) (to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually: The wheel worked loose.) γίνομαι με τη χρήση
    7) (to make by craftsmanship: The ornaments had been worked in gold.) δουλεύω, επεξεργάζομαι, κατεργάζομαι
    - - work
    - workable
    - worker
    - works
    3. noun plural
    1) (the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc): The works are all rusted.) μηχανισμός
    2) (deeds, actions etc: She's devoted her life to good works.) πράξεις
    - work-box
    - workbook
    - workforce
    - working class
    - working day
    - work-day
    - working hours
    - working-party
    - work-party
    - working week
    - workman
    - workmanlike
    - workmanship
    - workmate
    - workout
    - workshop
    - at work
    - get/set to work
    - go to work on
    - have one's work cut out
    - in working order
    - out of work
    - work of art
    - work off
    - work out
    - work up
    - work up to
    - work wonders

    English-Greek dictionary > work

  • 7 show

    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) δείχνω
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) φαίνομαι
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) παρουσιάζω,προβάλλω,εκθέτω
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) δείχνω
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) (καθ)οδηγώ,συνοδεύω,γυρίζω
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) δείχνω,επιδεικνύω
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) αποδεικνύω
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) δείχνω
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) θέαμα,παράσταση,ψυχαγωγικό πρόγραμμα,έκθεση
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) επίδειξη
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) προσποίηση
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) φιγούρα,δημιουργία εντυπώσεων
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) προσπάθεια,εμφάνιση
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show!
    - on show
    - show off
    - show up

    English-Greek dictionary > show

  • 8 rest

    I 1. [rest] noun
    1) (a (usually short) period of not working etc after, or between periods of, effort; (a period of) freedom from worries etc: Digging the garden is hard work - let's stop for a rest; Let's have/take a rest; I need a rest from all these problems - I'm going to take a week's holiday.) ξεκούραση: ανάπαυλα
    2) (sleep: He needs a good night's rest.) ανάπαυση
    3) (something which holds or supports: a book-rest; a headrest on a car seat.) στήριγμα
    4) (a state of not moving: The machine is at rest.) στάση, ακινησία
    2. verb
    1) (to (allow to) stop working etc in order to get new strength or energy: We've been walking for four hours - let's stop and rest; Stop reading for a minute and rest your eyes; Let's rest our legs.) ξεκουράζω/-ομαι
    2) (to sleep; to lie or sit quietly in order to get new strength or energy, or because one is tired: Mother is resting at the moment.) αναπαύομαι, κοιμάμαι
    3) (to (make or allow to) lean, lie, sit, remain etc on or against something: Her head rested on his shoulder; He rested his hand on her arm; Her gaze rested on the jewels.) στηρίζω/-ομαι, ακουμπώ
    4) (to relax, be calm etc: I will never rest until I know the murderer has been caught.) ησυχάζω
    5) (to (allow to) depend on: Our hopes now rest on him, since all else has failed.) στηρίζω/-ομαι, εναποθέτω
    6) ((with with) (of a duty etc) to belong to: The choice rests with you.) εναπόκειμαι
    - restfully
    - restfulness
    - restless
    - restlessly
    - restlessness
    - rest-room
    - at rest
    - come to rest
    - lay to rest
    - let the matter rest
    - rest assured
    - set someone's mind at rest
    II [rest]

    English-Greek dictionary > rest

  • 9 united

    1) (joined into a political whole: the United States of America.) ενωμένος
    2) (joined together by love, friendship etc: They're a very united pair/family.) μονοιασμένος
    3) (made as a result of several people etc working together for a common purpose: Let us make a united effort to make our business successful.) κοινός

    English-Greek dictionary > united

  • 10 force

    [fo:s] 1. noun
    1) (strength or power that can be felt: the force of the wind.) δύναμη,ισχύς/βία
    2) (a person or thing that has great power: the forces of Nature.) δύναμη
    3) ((sometimes with capital) a group of men prepared for action: the police force; the Royal Air Force.) δύναμη
    2. verb
    1) (to make (someone or something) do something, go somewhere etc, often against his etc will: He forced me to give him money.) αναγκάζω
    2) (to achieve by strength or effort: He forced a smile despite his grief.) καταφέρνω με το ζόρι
    - forceful
    - forcefully
    - forces
    - in
    - into force

    English-Greek dictionary > force

  • 11 exercise

    1. noun
    1) (training or use (especially of the body) through action or effort: Swimming is one of the healthiest forms of exercise; Take more exercise.) άσκηση
    2) (an activity intended as training: ballet exercises; spelling exercises.) άσκηση
    3) (a series of tasks, movements etc for training troops etc: His battalion is on an exercise in the mountains.) άσκηση, (πληθ.) γυμνάσια
    2. verb
    1) (to train or give exercise to: Dogs should be exercised frequently; I exercise every morning.) (εξ)ασκώ,-ούμαι
    2) (to use; to make use of: She was given the opportunity to exercise her skill as a pianist.) εξασκώ

    English-Greek dictionary > exercise

  • 12 stimulus

    plural - stimuli; noun
    1) (something that causes a reaction in a living thing: Light is the stimulus that causes a flower to open.) ερέθισμα
    2) (something that rouses or encourages a person etc to action or greater effort: Many people think that children need the stimulus of competition to make them work better in school.) κίνητρο,έναυσμα

    English-Greek dictionary > stimulus

  • 13 organise

    1) (to arrange or prepare (something), usually requiring some time or effort: They organized a conference.)
    2) (to make into a society etc: He organized the workers into a trade union.)
    - organiser
    - organization
    - organisation
    - organized
    - organised

    English-Greek dictionary > organise

  • 14 organize

    1) (to arrange or prepare (something), usually requiring some time or effort: They organized a conference.)
    2) (to make into a society etc: He organized the workers into a trade union.)
    - organiser
    - organization
    - organisation
    - organized
    - organised

    English-Greek dictionary > organize

См. также в других словарях:

  • make the effort to do something — make the/an/effort (to do something) mainly spoken phrase to do something even though you do not want to or you find it difficult I wish you’d make the effort to get on with her. Thesaurus: to try hard to do or get somethingsynonym Main entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • make the effort — make the/an/effort (to do something) mainly spoken phrase to do something even though you do not want to or you find it difficult I wish you’d make the effort to get on with her. Thesaurus: to try hard to do or get somethingsynonym Main entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • make the effort — index attempt Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • effort to do something — make the/an/effort (to do something) mainly spoken phrase to do something even though you do not want to or you find it difficult I wish you’d make the effort to get on with her. Thesaurus: to try hard to do or get somethingsynonym Main entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • effort */*/*/ — UK [ˈefə(r)t] / US [ˈefərt] noun Word forms effort : singular effort plural efforts Metaphor: When you put a lot of effort into doing something, it is like using a part of your body. Does she have the backbone to stand up to them? Or will she… …   English dictionary

  • effort — ef|fort W1S1 [ˈefət US ˈefərt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(physical/mental energy)¦ 2¦(attempt)¦ 3 be an effort 4¦(particular situation)¦ 5 good/bad/poor etc effort ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: esfort, from esforcier to force ] 1.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • effort — [[t]e̱fə(r)t[/t]] ♦ efforts 1) N VAR: oft N to inf If you make an effort to do something, you try very hard to do it. He made no effort to hide his disappointment... Finding a cure requires considerable time and effort... His efforts to reform… …   English dictionary

  • (the) road to hell is paved with good intentions. — something that you say which means people often intend to do good things but much of the time, they do not make the effort to do those things. I kept meaning to visit her but I didn t get round to it. The road to hell is paved with good… …   New idioms dictionary

  • The Rough Wooing — was a term coined by Sir Walter Scott and H. E. Marshall to describe the Anglo Scottish war pursued intermittently from 1544 to 1551. It followed from the failure of the Scots to honour the terms of the 1543 Treaty of Greenwich, by which the… …   Wikipedia

  • The United States of America —     The United States of America     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The United States of America     BOUNDARIES AND AREA     On the east the boundary is formed by the St. Croix River and an arbitrary line to the St. John, and on the north by the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Country Mouse and the City Mouse Adventures — Also known as The Mouse Adventures (UK) Genre Animation Written by Patrick Granleese Caroline R. Maria Bruce Robb Voices of Julie Burroughs Terrence Scammell …   Wikipedia

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