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См. также в других словарях:

  • promise — prom·ise n: a declaration or manifestation esp. in a contract of an intention to act or refrain from acting in a specified way that gives the party to whom it is made a right to expect its fulfillment aleatory promise: a promise (as to compensate …   Law dictionary

  • explain — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. expound, solve, elucidate, resolve, fathom, account for; demonstrate, construe, interpret, define, describe, develop, detail, criticize, comment. See answer, attribution, interpretation. II (Roget… …   English dictionary for students

  • Opinion of Islamic scholars on Jihad — Part of a series on Aqidah …   Wikipedia

  • guarantee — gua·ran·tee /ˌgar ən tē, ˌgär / n [probably alteration of guaranty] 1: guarantor 2: guaranty (1) 3: an assurance that a condition will be fulfilled: as …   Law dictionary

  • answer — an·swer 1 n 1: the defendant s written response to the plaintiff s complaint in a civil suit in which he or she may deny any of plaintiff s allegations, offer any defenses, and make any counterclaims against the plaintiff, cross claims against… …   Law dictionary

  • explain — 1 Explain, expound, explicate, elucidate, interpret, construe are comparable when they mean to make oneself or another understand the meaning of something. Explain, the most general term, implies a making of something plain or intelligible to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Magic in Harry Potter — In the Harry Potter series created by J. K. Rowling, magic is depicted as a natural force that can be used to override the usual laws of nature. Many fictional magical creatures exist in the series, while ordinary creatures sometimes exhibit new… …   Wikipedia

  • Timeline of Aesthetic Realism — This is a timeline of notable events in the history of the philosophy of aesthetic realism.*1902 Birth of Eli Siegel *1922 3 Publication of The Equality of Man and The Scientific Criticism in The Modern Quarterly . They were two of the first… …   Wikipedia

  • Niger — Nigerien /nuy jear ee en /, adj., n. /nuy jeuhr/; Fr. /nee zherdd /, n. 1. a republic in NW Africa: formerly part of French West Africa. 9,388,359; 458,976 sq. mi. (1,188,748 sq. km). Cap.: Niamey. 2. a river in W Africa, rising in S Guinea,… …   Universalium

  • pander — pan·der 1 / pan dər/ vt: to sell or distribute by pandering had no protected right to pander prurient materials Dunigan Enterprises v. DA for the Northern District, 415 N.E.2d 251 (1981) vi: to engage in pandering counts included...conspiracy to… …   Law dictionary

  • explain — [ek splān′, iksplān′] vt. [ME explanen < L explanare, to flatten < ex , out + planare, to make level < planus, level (see PLANE2): sp. infl. by PLAIN1] 1. to make clear, plain, or understandable 2. to give the meaning or interpretation… …   English World dictionary

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