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  • 1 make a hole in


    English-Croatian dictionary > make a hole in

  • 2 hole

    s rupa, otvor, prodor, šupljina; jama, duplja, jazbina; [coll] škripac; [fig] bijedna nastamba, rupa, gnijezdo / to pick #s in = prigovarati, kritizirati; [fig] to make a # in = duboko zadrti (u), dobrano istrošiti; a round (square) peg in a square (round) # = čovjek na krivu mjestu ili položaju; to be in a # = nalaziti se u škripcu
    * * *


    English-Croatian dictionary > hole

  • 3 make hole

    izrađivati kanal bušotine; bušiti; izrađivati bušotinu

    English-Croatian dictionary > make hole

См. также в других словарях:

  • make a hole in something — informal phrase to use a large part of an amount of money Childcare can make a huge hole in parents’ budgets. Thesaurus: to spend or to pay moneysynonym Main entry: hole * * * make a ˈhole in sth …   Useful english dictionary

  • make a hole in sth — ► to reduce an amount of money by a lot: »The price of travel can make a hole in even the deepest pocket. Main Entry: ↑hole …   Financial and business terms

  • make a hole in — (eg ● hole * * * use a large amount of holidays can make a big hole in your savings …   Useful english dictionary

  • make a hole in — ► make a hole in use a significant amount of. Main Entry: ↑hole …   English terms dictionary

  • make a hole in the water — (slang) To drown oneself • • • Main Entry: ↑water …   Useful english dictionary

  • make a hole in something — blow/make a hole in (something) if something makes a hole in an amount of money, it takes a lot of that money to pay for it. The trip made a hole in our savings, but it was worth it. The new tax is likely to blow an enormous hole in our profits …   New idioms dictionary

  • make a hole in — blow/make a hole in (something) if something makes a hole in an amount of money, it takes a lot of that money to pay for it. The trip made a hole in our savings, but it was worth it. The new tax is likely to blow an enormous hole in our profits …   New idioms dictionary

  • make a hole in the water —    to kill yourself by drowning    Plunging from a height, but not of diving:     Why I don t go and make a hole in the water I don t know. (C. Dickens, 1853) …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • make a hole in —  1. Use or complete a large portion of.  2. make a hole in one s pocket Cost a large sum of money …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • make a hole in something — informal to use a large part of an amount of money Childcare can make a huge hole in parents budgets …   English dictionary

  • make a hole in — use a large amount of. → hold ups …   English new terms dictionary

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