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  • 1 love

    n. aşk, sevgi, sevda, tutkunluk, sevgili, hayranlık; yar
    v. sevmek
    * * *
    1. sev (v.) 2. sevgi (n.)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a feeling of great fondness or enthusiasm for a person or thing: She has a great love of music; her love for her children.) aşk, sevgi, sevda
    2) (strong attachment with sexual attraction: They are in love with one another.) aşık, sevdalı
    3) (a person or thing that is thought of with (great) fondness (used also as a term of affection): Ballet is the love of her life; Goodbye, love!) aşk, tutku
    4) (a score of nothing in tennis: The present score is fifteen love (written 15-0).) sıfır
    2. verb
    1) (to be (very) fond of: She loves her children dearly.) çok sevmek
    2) (to take pleasure in: They both love dancing.) büyük zevk almak
    - lovely
    - loveliness
    - lover
    - loving
    - lovingly
    - love affair
    - love-letter
    - lovesick
    - fall in love with
    - fall in love
    - for love or money
    - make love
    - there's no love lost between them

    English-Turkish dictionary > love

  • 2 one

    adj. tek, aynı
    n. bir tane, biri, birisi, kimse, tek
    * * *
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) bir (sayısı)
    2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) yaş 1
    2. pronoun
    1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) bir kişi/şey
    2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) insan, kişi
    3. adjective
    1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) bir, 1
    2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) (yaş) 1
    3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) aynı görüşte/fikirde
    - oneself
    - one-night stand
    - one-off
    - one-parent family
    - one-sided
    - one-way
    - one-year-old
    4. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) bir yaşında...
    - be one up on a person
    - be one up on
    - not be oneself
    - one and all
    - one another
    - one by one
    - one or two

    English-Turkish dictionary > one

  • 3 get one's hands on

    1) (to catch: If I ever get my hands on him, I'll make him sorry for what he did!) yakalamak
    2) (to get or obtain: I'd love to get my hands on a car like that.) elde etmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > get one's hands on

  • 4 there's no love lost between them

    (they dislike one another.) birbirlerini sevmezler.

    English-Turkish dictionary > there's no love lost between them

  • 5 heart

    n. kâlp, yürek, gönül, can, vicdan, cesaret, orta kısım, göbek, kupa
    * * *
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (the organ which pumps blood through the body: How fast does a person's heart beat?; ( also adjective) heart disease; a heart specialist.) kalp
    2) (the central part: I live in the heart of the city; in the heart of the forest; the heart of a lettuce; Let's get straight to the heart of the matter/problem.) merkez
    3) (the part of the body where one's feelings, especially of love, conscience etc are imagined to arise: She has a kind heart; You know in your heart that you ought to go; She has no heart (= She is not kind).) kalp, vicdan
    4) (courage and enthusiasm: The soldiers were beginning to lose heart.) cesaret
    5) (a symbol supposed to represent the shape of the heart; a white dress with little pink hearts on it; heart-shaped.) kalp (şekli)
    6) (one of the playing-cards of the suit hearts, which have red symbols of this shape on them.) kupa
    - hearten
    - heartless
    - heartlessly
    - heartlessness
    - hearts
    - hearty
    - heartily
    - heartiness
    - heartache
    - heart attack
    - heartbeat
    - heartbreak
    - heartbroken
    - heartburn
    - heart failure
    - heartfelt
    - heart-to-heart
    2. noun
    (an open and sincere talk, usually in private: After our heart-to-heart I felt more cheerful.) samimî/açık konuşma
    - at heart
    - break someone's heart
    - by heart
    - from the bottom of one's heart
    - have a change of heart
    - have a heart!
    - have at heart
    - heart and soul
    - lose heart
    - not have the heart to
    - set one's heart on / have one's heart set on
    - take heart
    - take to heart
    - to one's heart's content
    - with all one's heart

    English-Turkish dictionary > heart

  • 6 court

    n. mahkeme; avlu, dar sokak; kort, oyun alanı; saray, konak, saray halkı; oturum, celse; hükümdarlık, saltanat, kur, toplantı
    v. kur yapmak, yaltaklanmak; istemek; aranmak, davet etmek
    * * *
    1. fayda sağ (v.) 2. mahkeme (n.)
    * * *
    [ko:t] 1. noun
    1) (a place where legal cases are heard: a magistrates' court; the High Court.) mahkeme
    2) (the judges and officials of a legal court: The accused is to appear before the court on Friday.) mahkeme heyeti
    3) (a marked-out space for certain games: a tennis-court; a squash court.) kort
    4) (the officials, councillors etc of a king or queen: the court of King James.) saray halkı
    5) (the palace of a king or queen: Hampton Court.) saray
    6) (an open space surrounded by houses or by the parts of one house.) avlu
    2. verb
    1) (to try to win the love of; to woo.) kur yapmak
    2) (to try to gain (admiration etc).) yaranmaya çalışmak
    3) (to seem to be deliberately risking (disaster etc).) davet etmek, çağırmak
    - courtly
    - courtliness
    - courtship
    - courthouse
    - court-martial
    - courtyard

    English-Turkish dictionary > court

  • 7 fall

    n. sonbahar, yaprak dökümü, düşme, dökülme, düşüş, döküm, kat, fırfır, yağış, yıkılma, çöküş, inme, ucuzlama, çağlayan, şelâle, yavrulama, tuş, eğim, yamaç
    v. düşmek, inmek, dökülmek, yıkılmak, devrilmek, yağmak, ucuzlamak, eğimli olmak, dağılmak, karanlık bastırmak, gece çökmek, tam yerine denk gelmek, oturmak (lâf), hastalanmak, yatağa düşmek, kötü yola düşmek
    * * *
    1. düş (v.) 2. düşüş (n.)
    * * *
    [fo:l] 1. past tense - fell; verb
    1) (to go down from a higher level usually unintentionally: The apple fell from the tree; Her eye fell on an old book.) düşmek
    2) ((often with over) to go down to the ground etc from an upright position, usually by accident: She fell (over).) düşmek
    3) (to become lower or less: The temperature is falling.) düşmek
    4) (to happen or occur: Easter falls early this year.) olmak
    5) (to enter a certain state or condition: She fell asleep; They fell in love.)...-e düşmek
    6) ((formal: only with it as subject) to come as one's duty etc: It falls to me to take care of the children.) (payına) düşmek
    2. noun
    1) (the act of falling: He had a fall.) düşme
    2) ((a quantity of) something that has fallen: a fall of snow.) yağış
    3) (capture or (political) defeat: the fall of Rome.) çöküş, yıkılış
    4) ((American) the autumn: Leaves change colour in the fall.) sonbahar
    - fallout
    - his, her face fell
    - fall away
    - fall back
    - fall back on
    - fall behind
    - fall down
    - fall flat
    - fall for
    - fall in with
    - fall off
    - fall on/upon
    - fall out
    - fall short
    - fall through

    English-Turkish dictionary > fall

  • 8 flirt

    n. çapkın, flört, kur, macera
    v. kur yapmak, flört etmek, çıkmak, fırlanmak, sallamak, fırlamak, sallanmak
    * * *
    1. flört et (v.) 2. flört (n.)
    * * *
    [flə:t] 1. verb
    ((often with with) to behave (towards someone) as though one were in love but without serious intentions: She flirts with every man she meets.) flört etmek, kur yapmak
    2. noun
    (a person, especially a woman, who behaves in this way.) flörtçü, fındıkçı
    - flirtatious
    - flirtatiously

    English-Turkish dictionary > flirt

  • 9 jilt

    n. fındıkçı kız, evlenme sözü verip vazgeçen kız
    v. evlenmekten vazgeçmek, terketmek, bırakmak
    * * *
    * * *
    (to reject or send away (someone with whom one has been in love): After being her boyfriend for two years, he suddenly jilted her.) terketmek, bırakıp gitmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > jilt

  • 10 moon about/around

    (to wander around as if dazed, eg because one is in love.) dalgın dalgın dolaşmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > moon about/around

  • 11 patriotic

    adj. yurtsever, vatansever
    * * *
    * * *
    [pætri'otik, ]( especially American[) pei-]
    adjective ((negative unpatriotic) having or showing great love for one's country: He is so patriotic that he refuses to buy anything made abroad.) vatansever

    English-Turkish dictionary > patriotic

  • 12 patriotism

    n. vatanseverlik, yurtseverlik
    * * *
    * * *
    ['pæ-, ]( especially American[) 'pei-]
    noun ((the showing of) great love for one's country.) vatanseverlik

    English-Turkish dictionary > patriotism

  • 13 pledge

    n. rehin, tutu, söz, vâât, taahhüt, teminât, sözlü olma, sağlığa kadeh kaldırma, şerefe içme, aşkın simgesi
    v. rehin vermek, rehine koymak, kefalet vermek, söz vermek, vâât etmek, sağlığına kadeh kaldırmak, şerefine içmek
    * * *
    1. taahhüt et (v.) 2. söz (n.)
    * * *
    [ple‹] 1. noun
    1) (a promise: He gave me his pledge.) söz
    2) (something given by a person who is borrowing money etc to the person he has borrowed it from, to be kept until the money etc is returned: He borrowed $20 and left his watch as a pledge.) rehin
    3) (a sign or token: They exchanged rings as a pledge of their love.) simge
    2. verb
    1) (to promise: He pledged his support.) söz vermek
    2) (to give to someone when borrowing money etc: to pledge one's watch.) güvence/rehin olarak vermek

    English-Turkish dictionary > pledge

  • 14 romance

    adj. latin, latince kökenli
    n. latin dil ailesinden diller, latince kökenli diller, latince kökenli dilde yazılmış kitap, aşk hikâyesi, koşuk, çekicilik, düşsel nitelik, büyü, kuyruklu yalan, kahramanlık hikâyesi, macera, aşk romanı, romantizm, masal, cazibe, romans, martaval
    v. macera yazmak, aşk hikâyesi anlatmak, uydurmak, palavra atmak, atıp tutmak
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    1. roman yaz (v.) 2. serüven (n.)
    * * *
    1) (the relationship, actions etc of people who are in love: It was a beautiful romance, but it didn't last.) aşk macerası
    2) (a story about such a relationship etc, especially one in which the people, events etc are more exciting etc than in normal life: She writes romances.) aşk öyküsü/romanı
    3) (this kind of excitement: She felt her life was lacking in romance.) aşk heyecanı
    - romantically

    English-Turkish dictionary > romance

  • 15 root

    n. kök, köken, kaynak, temel, esas neden, altında yatan neden, akortta temel nota
    v. kök salmak, kökleşmek, yerleşmek, kökleştirmek, çakmak, eşelemek, burnu ile eşelemek, deşmek, araştırmak
    * * *
    1. kök 2. köklen (v.) 3. kök (n.)
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    I 1. [ru:t] noun
    1) (the part of a plant that grows under the ground and draws food and water from the soil: Trees often have deep roots; Carrots and turnips are edible roots.) kök
    2) (the base of something growing in the body: the roots of one's hair/teeth.) kök, dip
    3) (cause; origin: Love of money is the root of all evil; We must get at the root of the trouble.) neden, kaynak, köken
    4) ((in plural) family origins: Our roots are in Scotland.) kök, köken
    2. verb
    (to (make something) grow roots: These plants aren't rooting very well; He rooted the plants in compost.) kök salmak
    - root crop
    - root out
    - take root
    II [ru:t] verb
    1) (to poke about in the ground: The pigs were rooting about for food.) (burnu ile) yiyecek aramak
    2) (to search by turning things over etc: She rooted about in the cupboard.) altüst etmek, didik didik aramak

    English-Turkish dictionary > root

См. также в других словарях:

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