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  • 1 about

    околу, во близина, наоколу, секаде
    adj готов
    prep околу, покрај, во поглед на, за
    скоро, прилично
    * * *
    (prep) покрај, за, во поглед на, околу; (adj) готов; секаде, околу, во близина, наоколу
    1.прилично, скоро; adv. приближно, околу;
    2. во близина, блиску, недалеку;
    3. скоро;
    4. околу, во; околу; наоколу, во близина, околу, секаде, околу, за, приближно; прилично, скоро; готов; околу, за, во поглед на, покрај; adv
    1. околу, отприлика, приближно; about five miles околу пет милји; he is about as old as I am тој е отприлика на мои години; he is about my height тој е приближно на моја висина (see also around I ;1) ;
    2. (with various verbs) to bring about остварување; (есп. Br.) to look (order, walk) about see around I ;2; to set about doing smt. фаќање на некаква работа how did it come about? како се случило? ;
    3. скоро, готов, безмалку; the river was just about frozen реката скоро се замрзна; dinner was about ready ручекот беше скоро готов; the work has just about come to a halt работата готово да замре ;
    4. сега, веднаш, баш, таман, за момент; спремен; само што; it is about to strike six сега ќе чукни шест часот; the film is about to begin филмот само што не

    English-Macedonian dictionary > about

См. также в других словарях:

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  • old — W1S1 [əuld US ould] adj comparative older superlative oldest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not new)¦ 2¦(not young)¦ 3¦(age)¦ 4¦(that you used to have)¦ 5¦(familiar)¦ 6¦(very well known)¦ 7 the old days 8 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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  • Old Main, Augustana College — U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

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  • Old North Church — U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. National Historic Landmark …   Wikipedia

  • old-fashioned look — old fashioned look/expression/british old fashioned phrase a look or expression that shows you do not approve of someone or something Thesaurus: old fashionedsynonym old of things …   Useful english dictionary

  • look — /look/, v.i. 1. to turn one s eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see: He looked toward the western horizon and saw the returning planes. 2. to glance or gaze in a manner specified: to look questioningly at a person. 3. to use… …   Universalium

  • look — ► VERB 1) direct one s gaze in a specified direction. 2) have an outlook in a specified direction. 3) have the appearance or give the impression of being. ► NOUN 1) an act of looking. 2) an expression of a feeling or thought by looking at someone …   English terms dictionary

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