Перевод: с исландского на английский

с английского на исландский


  • 1 LJÁ

    (lé, léða, léðr), v.
    1) l. e-m e-s or e-m e-t, to lend one a thing (muntu mér, Freyja, fjaðrhams ljá?; bað hann ljá sér skip);
    2) to grant, give (vil ek, at þú ljáir mér tómstundar til at finna Gizur); l. sik til e-s, to lend oneself to a thing (ef hann vill sik til þess l. at gera yðr mein);
    3) impers., þat má vera, (at) þér ljái þess hugar at hverfa aptr, may be thou art minded to return; ef þér lér tveggja huga um þetta mál, if thou art in two minds in this matter.
    f. new-mown grass (kona hans rakaði ljá eptir honum).
    dat. and acc. from , scythe.
    * * *
    pres. lé, lér, mod. ljæ, ljær, pl. ljúm; pret. léði; pres. subj. lé (Blanda MS.), ljái, Nj. 77, Gg. 11, and mod.: the part. lénir (pl.), Fms. viii. (pref. xxv), is a relic of a lost strong inflexion; in mod. usage léðr; imperat. lé, 656 C. 35; mod. ljá or ljáðu: [Ulf. leiwan, a redupl. strong verb = δανείζειν, Matth. v. 42, Luke vi. 34; A. S. and O. H. G. lihan; Germ. leihen; cp. Icel. lán, lána, lén]:—to lend, with gen. of the thing, dat. of the person, but later with acc. of the thing; muntú mér, Freyja, fjaðrhams ljá? Þkv. 3; Óðinn léði Dag (dat.) geirs síns, Sæm. 114; ok ljái (subj., better lé) þér æ friðdrjúgrar farar, Gg. 11; nú hjálpi oss Guð, ok lé oss tóms at bæta syndir várar, Blanda (MS.); hón léði honum megin-gjarða ok járngreipa, Edda 60 (Cod. Worm.); þá léði hann Þórgesti setstokka (gen. pl.), Landn. 104; ef menn ljá göngu-mönnum fjár síns, Grág. i. 262.: ljá öðrum marks, ii. 304; ljá ambáttar, id.; ef maðr lér manni skips, 394; þeir léðu honum hesta (gen. pl.), Ld. 136; sá er skyldr at ljá skips er beðinn er, K. Þ. K. 8; lé þú mér höfuðdúks þíns, Post. 656, l. c.; at þú ljáir mér tómstundar, Nj. 77; Ingimundr lér þeim Stíganda (gen.?), Fs. 30.
    2. metaph. to grant, allow; þeir ljá honum lífs, en engrar annarrar miskunnar, Hom. 119; er nú lér hann vándum mönnum at ganga yfir oss, Fms. vii. 262; þeim var grunr á, at þó mundi hafðir, þótt eigi væri lénir, viii. (pref. xxv); en annarr hafi léð, Grág. i. 437; þeir báðu sér skips, þeim var léð þegar, Nj. 20; hann kvaðsk hafa léð honum en eigi gefit, Eb. 168.
    3. later, with acc. of the thing, and so in mod. usage; ef hann vill sik til þess ljá, Hkr. i. 212;. hann lér sitt góða á frest, H. E. i. 519; sem Guð læir (i. e. lér) honum framast vit til, Js. 5, Fms. vi. 144, viii. 71, Karl. 247, Gísl. 19; hann lér þeim hestana, id.
    II. impers., þat má vera þér ljái þess hugar at hverfa aptr, may be thou art minded to return, Þorst. Síðu H 176; ef þér lér tveggja huga um þetta mál, if you are of two minds in this matter, Odd. 112 new Ed.; ok lér mér þess hugar, I ween, Fms xi. 96 (emend, for hlær mér hugr).
    III. reflex. ljásk, to lend oneself to a thing, Gþl. 216.
    f. [lé; East Angl. lay], the mown grass in a field: kona hans rakaði ljá eptir honum, ok bar reifa-barn á baki sér, Bs. i. 666; Stórólfr sendi griðkonur sínar at raka ljána eptir Ormi, Fb. i. 522, freq. in mod. usage.
    II. Ljá, the name of a river in western Iceland, whence Ljár-skógar, m. pl., Landn., but this local name is prob. of Gaelic origin, cp. Engl. Lea, Lee.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > LJÁ

  • 2 beina

    * * *
    (-da, -dr), v.
    1) to stretch out, put into motion;
    beina skrið sinn, to creep, of a serpent;
    beina raustina, to raise the voice, speak aloud;
    2) to further, promote;
    beina för (ferð) e-s, to help one forwards;
    beina at or til með e-m, to lend one help, to assist one;
    beina e-u til e-s, to contribute to a thing;
    beina at e-u, to lend a hand to;
    beina fyrir e-m, to support, entertain.
    * * *
    I. to stretch out, to put into motion; b. flug, of birds, to stretch the wings for flight, Edda 13, Orkn. 28; b. skrið, of a serpent, Stj. 98; b. raust, to lift up the voice, speak loud, Gísl. 57.
    II. metaph. to promote, forward; b. for (ferð) e-s, to help one forwards, Fms. vi. 63, Grág. i. 343, Bret. 38; b. til með e-m, to lend one help; ek vil b. til með þér bænum mínum, I will assist thee in my prayers, Bs. i. 472; b. e-u til e-s, to contribute to a thing; þessu vil ek b. til brennu þinnar, Fb. i. 355; b. at með e-m, to help, assist one; hlauptú hér út, ok mun ek b. at með þér, Nj. 201; b. at e-u, to lend a hand to, Bjarn. 64; b. fyrir e-m, to entertain, of alms or hospitable treatment (whence beini); b. fyrir fátækum, Post. 656

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > beina

  • 3 BRAGÐ

    1) sudden or brisk movement; moment; bragðs, af bragði, at once; af (or á) skömmu bragði, shortly, quickly, in a short time;
    2) fig., in many phrases, verða fyrri (skjótari) at bragði, to make the first move, to be beforehand with (þeir hafa orðit fyrri at bragði at stefna en vér); vera í bragði með em, skerast í bragð með em, to lend one a helping hand; taka et bragðs or til bragðs, to take some step (to get out of difficulties); úviturligt bragð, a foolish step; úheyriligt bragð, an unheard of proceeding; gerðist þar at sví mikit bragð, at, it went so far that; lítit bragð mun þá at (it must be very slight), ef þú finnr ekki;
    3) trick, scheme, device, chiefly in pl.; beita en bröðum, hafa brögð við en, to deal cunninly with, impose upon; ferr at fornum brögðum, in the old way; búa yfir brögðum, to brood over wiles; leika em bragð, to play or serve one a trick hefir hann miklu bragði á oss komit, he has played a bad trick upon us;
    4) countenance, look, expression þannig ertu í bragði sem, thou lookest as if; með betra bragði, in a better mood; bleyðimannligr í bragði, having the look of a coward; Sturla gerði þat bragð á (made as if), at hann hefði fundit Pál prest;
    5) embroidered figure (hekla saumuð öll brögðum).
    * * *
    n. [cp. bregða].
    I. the fundamental notion is that of a sudden motion:
    1. temp. a while, moment, cp. auga-bragð; in adverb, phrases, af bragði, at once, Hrafn. 17, Gs. 18, Am. 2; af (á) skömmu bragði, shortly, Fms. vi. 272, viii. 236, 348; í fyrsta bragði, the first time (rare), Gþl. 532, Js. 129; skams bragðs, gen. used as adv. quickly, in a short time, Bs. i. 336, 337, Fms. viii. 348, v. l.; cp. ‘at a brayd,’ ‘in a brayd,’ Engl. Ballads.
    2. loc. a quick movement; við-bragð (cp. bregða við), knífs-bragð (cp. bregða sverði), a slash with a knife.
    3. metaph. in many phrases, verða fyrri (skjótari) at bragði, til bragðs, to make the first move; þeir hafa orðit fyrri at b. at stefna en vér, Nj. 241, Bs. ii. 106; svá at þú verðir skjótari at b. at veiða þenna níðing, Fms. i. 206, ix. 288; vera í bragði með e-m, to lend one a helping hand, mostly in something uncanny, Gísl. 5, Bs. i. 722; snarast í bragð með e-m, id., Ld. 254; taka e-t bragðs, til bragðs or bragð, to take some step to get clear out of difficulties, Nj. 263, 199, Fms. ix. 407, Grett. 75 new Ed.; þat var b. (step, issue) Atla, at hann hljóp …, Háv. 53; úvitrligt b., a foolish step, Nj. 78; karlmannligt b., a manly issue, 194; gott b., Fs. 39; úheyriligt b., an unheard-of thing, Finnb. 212.
    II. [bregða A. III], a ‘braid,’ knot, stitch, chiefly in pl.; hekla saumuð öll brögðum, a cloak braided or stitched all over, Fms. ii. 70; fáguð brögðum, all broidered, v. 345, Bret. 34; rístu-bragð, a scratched character.
    2. in wrestling, bragð or brögð is the technical phrase for wrestlers’ tricks or sleights; mjaðmar-bragð, leggjar-bragð, hæl-bragð, klof-bragð …, the ‘bragð’ of the hip, leg, heel …, Edda 33; [fang-bragð, wrestling], hence many wrestling terms, fella e-n á sjálfs síns bragði, to throw one on his own bragð.
    3. gen. a trick, scheme, device, [A. S. brægð, bræd; Engl. braid = cunning, Shakesp.], chiefly in pl., með ymsum brögðum, margskyns brögð, Fas. i. 274, Fms. x. 237; brögð í tafli, a trick in the game, a proverb, when things go not by fair means, Bs. ii. 318; ferr at fornum brögðum, in the old way, Grett. 79 new Ed.: but also sing., sér konungr nú bragð hans allt, Fms. xi. 106; hafði hann svá sett bragðit, x. 305, Eg. 196 ( a trick); ek mun finna bragð þar til, at Kristni mun við gangast á Íslandi, Hkr. i. 290; bragð hitta þeir nú í, Lv. 82.
    β. with a notion of deceit, a trick, crafty scheme; með brögðum, with tricks, Hkr. ii; búa yfir brögðum, to brood over wiles, Fas. i. 290; hafa brögð undir brúnum, to have craft under one’s eyebrows, look crafty, Band. 2; undir skauti, under one’s cloak, id., Bs. i. 730; beita e-n brögðum, metaphor from hunting, to deal craftily with one, Rm. 42, Ísl. ii. 164; hafa brögð við e-n, Njarð. 382, 378; vera forn í brögðum, old in craft, of witchcraft, Ísl. ii. 399: hence such phrases as, bragða-karl, a crafty fellow, Grett. 161; bragða-refr, a cunning fox; brögðóttr, crafty, etc. In Swed. ‘bragder’ means an exploit, action, whilst the Icel. implies some notion of subtlety or craft; yet cp. phrases as, stór brögð, great exploits, Fb. ii. 299; hreysti-brögð, hetju-brögð, great deeds, (above I. 3.)
    III. [bregða C; cp. A. S. bræd, Engl. breath], countenance, look, expression; hón hefir hvíti ok b. várt Mýramanna, Ísl. ii. 201, v. l.; þannig er bragð á þér, at þú munir fás svífast, thou lookest as if …, cp. brögð undir brúnum above, Fms. ii. 51; heilagleiks b., to look like a saint, Bs. i. 152; þat b. hafði hann á sér sem, Ld. 24; ekki hefir þú b. á þér sem hérlenzkir menn, Fms. x. 227; þannig ertu í bragði sem …, thou lookest as if …, Ísl. ii. 149; með illu bragði, ill-looking, Sturl. i. 170; með hýru, glöðu b., Bs. ii. 505; með beztu bragði, stern, Pass. 21. 1; með hryggu bragði, with gloomy look; með betra bragði, in a better mood, Nj. 11; bleyði-mannligr í b., cowardly, Fms. ii. 69: metaph., Sturla görði þat bragð á, at hann hefði fundit …, S. put that face on a thing, Sturl. ii. 176.
    IV. [bergja, gustare], taste; vatns-bragð, beisku-bragð, bitter taste, of water; ó-bragð, a bad flavour, etc.
    2. [= bragr], mode, fashion; in vinnu-brögð, working; hand-bragð, handicraft; lát-bragð, manners; trúar-brögð, pl. religion, mode of faith; afla-brögð, mode of gaining one’s livelihood, etc.: very freq. in mod. usage, but in old writers no instance bearing clearly upon the subject is on record; cp. however the phrase, bragð er at e-u, a thing is palpable, tangible: lítið bragð mun þar at ( it must be very slight) ef þú finnr ekki, Ld. 136; ærit b. mun at því, Nj. 58; görðist þar at svá mikit b., it went so far that …, Fms. i. 187, Grett. 158 new Ed.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BRAGÐ

  • 4 GÓÐR

    (góð, gott), a.
    1) good, morally commendable (g. ok réttlátr konungr, góð kona);
    2) good, honest (drengr g.); g. vili, good, honest intention;
    3) kind, friendly; g. e-m, kind towards one; gott gengr þér til, thou meanest well; gott var í frændsemi þeira, they were on good terms; vilja e-m gott, to wish one well;
    4) good, fine, goodly; g. hestr, fine horse; gott veðr, fine weather; með góðu föruneyti, with goodly suite; góðr beini, good cheer, verða gott til e-s, to get plenty of; var þá gott til fjár ok mannvirðingar, there was ample wealth and fame to earn; g. af e-u or e-s, good, liberal with a thing; g. af tíðendum, good at news, communicative; g. af hestinum, willing to lend the horse; g. af fé, open-handed; g. matar, free with his food.
    * * *
    adj., neut. gott with a short vowel; but that the ancients, at least in early times, said gótt is clear from the analogy with óðr neut. ótt, fróðr neut. frótt, and from rhymes such as gótt, dróttni; [Ulf. usually renders καλός by gôþs, but ἀγαθός by þiuþigs; A. S. gôd; Engl. good; O. H. G. got; Germ. gut; Dutch goed; Swed.-Dan. god]:
    1. good, righteous; góða frá íllum, Eluc. 37; góðan mann ok réttlátan, Ver. 7; góðr ok réttlátr konungr, Fms. vii. 263; góðir ok ágætir, Alex. 65; góðr maðr, Sks. 456; góð kona, 457; er hón góð kona, er þú hefir svo lofat hana? Bs. i. 799; góð verk, Hom. 97; góðr vili, good-will: allit., Góðr Guð; biðja Góðan Guð; Guð minn Góðr! and the like: also as a term of endearment, my dear! Elskan mín góð! barnið gott, good child! M. N. minn góðr!
    2. good, honest; drengr góðr, passim; góðir vinir, good friends, Ísl. ii. 393; góðir menn, good men, Grág. i. 301; aðrir góðir menn, Fms. ix. 268; Guði ok góðum mönnum, Grág. ii. 168; góðr vili, good will, honest intention, Bs. i. 746: in addressing one, góðr maðr! Sks. 303, passim; góðir hálsar!
    3. kind; góð orð, good, kind words, Fms. vii. 40; vera í góðu skapi, to be in good spirits, Sturl. ii. 178: with dat. kind towards one, þá er þú vart honum íllr þá var hann þér góðr, 655 xiii. A. 4.
    4. good, gifted; gott skáld, a good poet, Nj. 38; góðr riddari, a good knight, Fms. vii. 56; góðr þrautar, enduring, Sks. 383:—good, favourable, göra góðan róm at e-u, to applaud; gott svar, and many like phrases.
    II. good, fine, goodly, rich; góð klæði, Fms. v. 273; góðar gjafir, vii. 40; góðr mjöðr, Gm. 13; góða hluti, good things, Nj. 258; góðr hestr, a fine horse, 90; hafr forkunnar góðan, Fms. x. 224; af góðu brauði, Sks. 321; gott veðr, fine weather, Fms. v. 260; góðan kost skipa, a goodly host of ships, vii. 40; með góðu föruneyti, with a goodly suite, x. 224; fá góða höfn, to make a good harbour, Ísl. ii. 398; mikil ey ok góð, a muckle island and a good, Eg. 25; í góðri virðingu, in good renown, Fms. vi. 141; góðr sómi, Ísl. ii. 393; góð borg, a fine town, Symb. 21; góðr beini, good cheer, Fms. i. 69; góðr fengr, a good (rich) haul, Ísl. ii. 138; gott ár, a good year, good season, Eg. 39; góðir penningar, good money, Fms. vii. 319; góðr kaupeyrir, good articles of trade, vi. 356:—wholesome, medic., hvat er manni gott (bezt)? Fas. ii. 33; úgott, unwholesome.
    2. the phrases, göra sik góðan, to make oneself good, to dissemble; heyr á endemi, þú görir þik góðan, Nj. 74.
    β. in the phrase, góðr af e-u, good, liberal with a thing; góðr af griðum, merciful, Al. 71; góðr af tíðindum, good at news, communicative, Grett. 98 A; at þú mundir góðr af hestinum, that thou wast willing to part with (lend) the horse, Nj. 90 (cp. af C. VII. 2); góðr af fé, open-handed, Band. 2: with gen., góðr matar, good in meat, a good host, Hm. 38.
    III. neut. as subst.; hvárki at íllu né góðu, neither for evil nor good, Sks. 356; eiga gott við e-n, to deal well with one, stand on good terms with, Stor. 21; færa til góðs eðr ílls, to turn to good or bad account, Grág. ii. 144; fátt góðs, little of good, Hom. 38; fara með góðu, to bring good, Ísl. ii. 136; enda mundi eigi gott í móti koma, Ld. 150; gott gengr þér til, thou meanest it well, dost it for good, Nj. 260; gott var í frændsemi þeirra, good was in their kinship, i. e. they were on good terms, Hrafn. 2; vilja e-m gott, to wish one well, Fms. ix. 282; vilja hverjum manni gott, i. 21: with the notion of plenty, bountifulness, in the phrase, verða gott til e-s, to get plenty of; var þá bæði gott til fjár ok mannvirðingar, there was ample wealth and fame to earn, Eg. 4; ok varð ekki gott til fjár, they got scant booty, 78; var þar gott til sterkra manna, there was plenty of able-bodied men, 187; ok er gott um at velja, plenty to choose from, Nj. 3: the phrase, verða gott við e-t, to be well pleased with a thing, Al. 109; verði þér að góðu, be it well with thee!
    IV. compds, ey-góðr, ever good; hjarta-góðr, kind-hearted; skap-góðr, geð-góðr, good-tempered; skyn-góðr, clever; svip-góðr, engaging, well-looking; sið-góðr, moral, virtuous; hug-góðr, bold, fearless; lið-góðr, a good helper, good hand; vinnu-góðr, a good workman; sér-góðr, odd, selfish: as a surname, Hinn Góði, the Good, esp. of kings, Fms. ☞ For compar. betri and superl. beztr, vide pp. 6l, 62.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GÓÐR

  • 5 HALDA

    * * *
    (held; hélt, héldum; haldinn), v.
    I. with dat.
    1) to hold fast (Gunnarr var kyrr svá at honum hélt einn maðr);
    to keep back, restrain (Hrafn fekk eigi haldit henni heima);
    2) to withhold (héldu bœndrgjaldinu);
    3) to keep, retain (þú skalt jafhan þessu sæti halda);
    to preserve (halda virðingu sinni, lífi ok limum);
    halda vöku sinni, to keep oneself awake;
    4) to hold, keep one’s stock;
    also ellipt. (vetr var illr ok héldu menn illa);
    5) phrases, halda njósnum, to keep watch, to spy (= halda njósnum til um e-t);
    halda (hendi) fyrir auga, to hold (the hand) before the eyes, shade the eyes;
    halda hendi yfir e-m, to protect one;
    6) to hold, stand, steer, ellipt., þeir héldu aptr (held back again) um haustit;
    þeir héldu út eptir fírði, they stood out the firth;
    halda heim, to steer homewards;
    7) to graze, put in the field (halda fé til haga);
    8) impers. to continue, last (hélt því lengi um vetrinn);
    II. with acc.
    1) to hold in possession, a fief, land, estate (þeir héldu alla hina beztu staði með sjónum);
    2) to hold, keep, observe, a feast, holiday (í hvers minning heldr þú þenna. dag?);
    3) to keep (halda orð sín, eið, sættir, frið);
    to observe (halda guðs lög ok landsins);
    4) to uphold, maintain, support (halda vini sína, halda e-n til ríkis);
    5) halda sik, to comport oneself (kunna halda sik með hófi);
    halda sik ríkmannliga, to fare sumptuously;
    halda sik aptr af e-u, to abstain from;
    6) to hold, consider, deem (hón hélt engan hans jafningja);
    7) to hold, keep up;
    halda varnir, to keep up a defence;
    halda vörð, to keep watch;
    8) to hold, compel, bind (heldr mik þá ekki til útanferðar);
    þó heldr þik várkunn til at leita á, thou hast some excuse for trying;
    III. with preps.:
    halda á e-u, to hold, wield in the hand (halda á sverði);
    to hold to a thing, go on with it, be busy about (halda á drykkju, á ferð sinni, á sýslu);
    halda e-t af e-m, to hold (land, office) from or of one (þeir er höfðu haldið land af Danakonungi);
    halda mikit af e-m, to make much of one;
    halda eptir e-m, to pursue one;
    halda e-u eptir, to keep back;
    halda sik frá e-u, to keep oneself back from, refrain from;
    halda e-u fram, to uphold, support;
    halda e-u fyrir e-u, to withhold from one;
    to protect against (héldu engar grindr fénu fyrir birninum);
    halda e-n fyrir e-t, to hold, consider one to be so and so (síðan hélt konungr Erling fyrir tryggvan vin);
    halda í e-t, to hold fast, grasp (þú skalt halda í hurðarhringinn);
    halda til e-s, to be the cause of, be conducive to;
    heldr þar margt til þess, there are many reasons for this;
    hélt til þess (conduced to it) góðgirni hans;
    halda til e-s, to be bent on, fond of (halda mjök til skarts, til gleði);
    halda til jafns við e-n, to bear up against one, to be a match for one;
    halda um e-t, to grasp with the hand (= halda hendi um e-t);
    halda barni undir skírn, to hold at baptism;
    halda e-u upp, to hold aloft, lift (halda upp höndum);
    halda upp árum, to hold up the oars, cease pulling;
    to uphold, maintain, support (halda upp hofum, kristninni);
    to keep going (halda upp bardaga);
    to discharge (halda upp kostnaði, bótum);
    halda upp bœnum fyrir e-m, to pray for one;
    halda e-u við, to maintain a thing;
    halda við e-m, to stand against (hvar sem harm kom fram, hélt ekki við honum);
    hélt þá við atgöngu (acc.), they were near coming to fight;
    heldr nú við hót, it is little short of threats;
    IV. refl., haldast.
    * * *
    pret. hélt (= Goth. haihald), 2nd pérs. hélt, mod. hélzt, pl. héldum; pres. held, pl. höldum; pret. subj. héldi; part. haldinn; imperat. hald and haltú: [Ulf. haldan = βόσκειν, ποιμαίνειν, whereas he renders to keep, hold by other words; Hel. haldan = alere, fovere, colere, which thus seems to be the primitive sense of the word, and to be akin to Lat. cŏlo; again, A. S. healdan, Engl. hold, O. H. G. haltan, Germ. halten, Swed. hålla, halda, Dan. holde, are all of them used in a more general sense]:—to hold.
    A. WITH DAT. to hold to:
    I. to hold fast by; with the notion of restraint or force, tók Gizurr förunaut Ögmundar ok hélt honum, Sturl. i. 150; Gunnarr var kyrr svá at honum hélt einn maðr, Nj. 92; ef maðr heldr manni …, varðar fjörbaugs-garð, Grág. ii. 110; h. e-m undir drep, 17; h. skipum ( to grapple the ships) með stafnljám, Fms. ii. 315: to keep back, Hrafn fékk eigi haldit henni heima þar, Ísl. ii. 249; ok halda þeim veðr í enni sömu höfn, Grág. i. 92; h. (sér) í e-t, to hold oneself fast by, grasp, þú skalt h. í hurðar-hringinn, Dropl. 29; heldr sér í faxit, Sd. 177.
    β. so in the phrases, halda barni (manni) undir skírn, vatn, primsignan, biskups hönd, eccl. to hold a bairn ( man) at baptism, prima signatio, confirmation, Grág. i. 29; h. vatni (tárum), to hold one’s tears, 623. 56, Fms. viii. 232, vi. (in a verse); halda munni, to hold one’s tongue, be silent, vii. 227; halda tungu sinni, Þórð.
    2. to withhold; þá megu þeir h. tíundum hans í móti, K. Þ. K. 62; h. vætti, Grág. i. 42; h. gögnum, 56; ef goði heldr tylftar-kvið, er hann heldr kviðnum, 58; halda matinum fyrir honum, 47; h. sköttum fyrir e-m, Nj. 8; h. skógar-manni fyrir e-m, Finnb. 334; um þat er hann hefir konunni haldit, Grág. i. 313; héldu bændr gjaldinu, Fms. vii. 302; hélt ek því (i. e. the money) fyrir honum, i. e. paid it not, Ísl. ii. 244.
    II. to hold, of a rope or the like; sá maðr hugði h. mundu er festi, … ok h. mundu í slíku veðri, Grág. ii. 361; reip þau tíu er tveggja manna afli haldi hvert, id.; skal hann svá göra at haldi fyrir fyrnsku, 268.
    β. to hold, hold out, last; optast halda þar íllviðri litla hríð, Sks. 212; sunnudags-helgi ríss upp á laugardegi, ok heldr ( lasts) til mánadags, N. G. L. i. 138.
    III. to keep, retain, Germ. behalten; fá-ein skip héldu seglum sinum, Fms. x. 143; þú skalt jafnan þessu sæti h., Nj. 6; h. bústað sínum, Ld. 26; h. ríki sínu, Al. 58, Fms. i. 13; h. öllum Noregi, viii. 155; h. frelsi ok eignum, vi. 40; h. hlut sínum, to uphold one’s right, Eg. passim; halt sömum vinum sem ek hefi haft, Fas. i. 375; h. hreinleik sínum, Al. 58.
    β. to hold, keep safe, preserve; h. hlut sínum, Ld. 54; h. heilsu, Grág. i. 145; h. virðingu sinni, Ld. 16; þá heldr hann kosti sínum, Grág. ii. 209; h. tíma ( honour) sínum, Al. 59; h. lífi ok limum, Eg. 89; h. lífinu, Nj. 111; h. trúnaði sínum, 109; vináttu sinni, Ld. 200; einorð sinni, Fb. ii. 265; h. sér réttum, to keep oneself right, Ld. 158; h. e-m heilum, Odd. 30; h. ríki fyrir e-m, Fms. v. 279; h. manna-forræði fyrir e-m, Hrafn. 19; h. réttu máli fyrir e-m, Fms. vii. 64.
    2. to continue to keep, keep all along; h. teknum hætti, Fms. iv. 254; h. vöku, to keep oneself awake, Ld. 152; but h. vöku fyrir e-m, to keep another awake; halda sýslu sinni, Fs. 36; h. högum, to keep grazing, Eb. 104, Ld. 148.
    3. to hold, keep one’s stock; ellipt., vetr var íllr ok héldu menn ílla, the winter was cold and it was ill to keep live stock, Sturl. ii. 143, (cp. fjár-höld); hann hélt vel svá at nær lifði hvat-vetna, Hrafn. 22: metaph., ílla hefir þinn faðir þá haldit, Fms. xi. 144; öld hefir ílla haldit, the people have had a sad loss, vi. (in a verse); h. fangi, and also ellipt. halda, of sheep and cattle, opp. to ‘to go back.’
    4. phrases, halda njósnum, to keep watch, to spy, Fms. viii. 146, Nj. 113; hann hélt njósnum til Önundar, Landn. 287; hélt konungr njósnum til, ef …, Fms. vii. 128; hann skyldi h. njósnum til ok gera orð konungi, i. 54; h. njósnum til um e-t, iv. 119, Nj. 93; halda njósn (sing.) um skip þat, Eg. 74; þér haldit njósnum nær færi gefr á Arnkatli, Eb. 186; hann lét h. njósnum uppi á landi, Fms. vii. 316; hann hélt fréttum til, ef …, iv. 349.
    β. halda (hendi) fyrir auga, to hold ( the hand) before the eyes, shade the eyes, Nj. 132, Fms. v. 196; h. fyrir munn e-m, to hold ( the hand) over one’s mouth; h. hendi yfir e-m, to hold the hand over one, protect one, Nj. 266, Fbr. 22, Korm.; h. hendi um háls e-m, to clasp the hands around one’s neck, Fms. i. 9; h. skildi fyrir e-n, to hold the shield for one as a second in a duel, Ísl. ii. 257, passim; h. e-m til náms, to hold one to the book, make one study, K. Þ. K. 56; h. e-m til virðingar, Ld. 98.
    IV. ellipt. (liði, skipi, för, stefnu, etc. understood), to hold, stand in a certain direction, esp. as a naut. term; þeir héldu aptr ( stood back again) um haustið, Eg. 69; treystisk hann eigi á haf at halda, Eb. 6; héldu þeir vestr um haf, id.; stigu þeir á skip sín, ok héldu út ( stood out) eptir firði, Fms. i. 63; þeir héldu þat sama sumar til Íslands, Ld. 6; hann hélt upp eptir hinni eystri kvísl, Fms. vii. 55; h. heim, to hold one’s course, stand homewards, Odd. 30; h. á braut, Grág. i. 92; Hrútr hélt suðr til Eyrar-sunds, Nj. 8; h. eptir e-m, to pursue one, 7; h. undan, to fly, Fms. x. 396, Nj. 98 (on land); kom móti þeim sunnan-veðr með myrkri, ok urðu þeir fyrir at h., to lay one’s course for the wind, A. A. 271; h. útleið, to stand on the outer tack, Eg. 78; h. til, to turn against, attack (on sea), Fms. xi. 72; hélt hann liði sínu suðr á Mæri, i. 62; þeir héldu liði sínu norðr til Þrándheims, id.; Haraldr konungr hélt norðan liði sínu, Eg. 32; héldu þeir skipi því suðr með landi, 69; skipi því lét hann halda vestr til Englands, id.; Unnr hélt skipinu í Orkneyjar, eptir þat hélt Unnr skipi sínu til Færeyja, Ld. 8.
    β. to graze, put in the field, of sheep, cattle; þykkir mér þat miklu skipta at þeim sé vel til haga haldit, Eg. 714; hvert Steinarr hafði látið nautum sínum halda, 715; ok bað hann h. nautunum annan veg, 716.
    γ. phrases, halda kyrru fyrir, to hold still, remain quiet, Ld. 216, Þórð. 30 new Ed., Nj. 223, 258; Hallr heldr nú til fangs ( went fishing) sem áðr, Ld. 38.
    V. with prep.; halda á e-u, to hold, wield in the hand, freq. in mod. usage, h. á bók, penna, fjöðr, hníf, skærum, nál, etc.; hafði hverr þat er hélt á, Nj. 279; h. á sverði, Fb. i. 33; hann tók við öxinni ok hélt (viz. á), ok sá á, Eg. 180: to hold fast, heldr nú maðr á manni, Fas. i. 12; eigi máttu helvítis byrgi h. á honum, 656 C. 6; ef hann heldr á fénu ( withholds it), Grág. i. 427.
    β. [Germ. anhalten], to hold to a thing, go on with, be busy about; h. á sýslu, to be busy, Rm. 14; h. á keri, qs. halda á drykkju, to go on drinking, carousing, Hm. 18: h. á hinni sömu bæn, Stj. 417; h. á fyrirsátrum við e-n, Þórð. 51 new Ed.; h. á búnaði sínum, Ld. 164; hélt hann þá á búnaði sínum sem skjótligast, Fms. ix. 215, x. 119, Sturl. ii. 245; þogar á bak Jólum hélt Ólafr konungr á búningi, Fms. v. 41; hann heldr nú á málinu, Nj. 259; nú heldr Þórðr á málinu ok verðr Oddný honum gipt, Bjarn. 11, Konr. (Fr.); h. á tilkalli, Fms. i. 84; h. á þessum sið, xi. 41; h. á för, to go on with one’s journey, Sighvat; gengu síðan brott ok héldu á ferð sinni, and went on their journey, Sturl.;—whence the mod. phrase, halda áfram, to go on, which seems not to occur in old writers.
    2. halda e-u fram, to hold up, make much of; bróðir minn mun mér mjök hafa fram haldit fyrir ástar sakir, Nj. 3.
    β. to hold on doing, (hence fram-hald, continuation); halda fram upp-teknu efni, Fms. i. 263; slíku hélt hann fram meðan hann lifði, iv. 254; hélt hann (fram) teknum hætti um veizlurnar, id., Grett. 14.
    3. halda saman, to hold together, Eluc. 6, Fms. vii. 140, Rb. 340.
    4. halda e-u upp, to hold aloft, Yngvarr hélt upp vísu þeirri, Eg. 152; steinninn heldr upp annarr öðrum, Rb. 390; h. upp árum, to hold up the oars, cease pulling, Fas. ii. 517, N. G. L. i. 65.
    β. to uphold, maintain, support; halda upp hofi, Landn. 64, Eb. 24; h. upp hofum ok efla blót, Fms. i. 91; h. upp kirkju, K. Þ. K. 52; h. upp Kristninni, Fms. i. 32: to keep going, h. upp bardaga, orrostu, xi. 66, 188, 340.
    γ. to discharge; h. upp féráns-dómi, Grág. i. 120; h. upp lögskilum, 145; h. upp svörum, Ó. H. 174; h. upp kostnaði, Eg. 77; h. upp gjaldi, Grág. i. 384; gjöldum, Fms. i. 81; h. upp bót, Grág. ii. 182; bótum, Eb. 100, 162, N. G. L. i. 311; ef hann heldr upp yfirbót ( penance) þeirri, Hom. 70; h. upp bænum fyrir e-m, to pray for one, Fms. xi. 271; hélt hann því vel upp sem vera átti, discharged it well, x. 93.
    δ. halda sér vel upp, to hold oneself well up, Sturl.
    ε. metaph., skal-at hann lögvillr verða, svá at honum haldi þat uppi (i. e. went unpunished), Grág. i. 316; ok heldr honum þat uppi ( that will save him), ef hann er rétt-hafi at orðinn, ii. 242.
    5. halda e-u við, to maintain a thing, Hkr. i. 195.
    VI. impers.,
    1. to continue, last; hélt því nokkura stund dags, Fms. x. 125: hélt því lengi um vetrinn, Ld. 288; regni hélt haustnótt gegnum, Fms. vi. 83.
    2. with prep. við, to be on the brink of; hélt þá við atgöngu, they were within a hair’s breadth of coming to fight, Hkr. i. 143; hélt þá við vandræði, Fms. ix. 434; heldr við bardaga, vi. 8; heldr nú við hót, it is little short of a threat, i. 305; hélt við blót, x. 106; ok hélt við flótta, i. 174; hélt við meiðingar, Nj. 21, Sd. 143; henni hélt við, at hón mundi drepa hana, Nj. 118; þeim hélt við váða sjálfan, Ó. H. 168; konungi hélt við, hvárt hann mundi standask eðr eigi, Mag. 100; honum hélt við kafnan, Bs. i. 18; hélt þó við at þeir mundi berjask, Fs. 53.
    B. WITH ACC. to hold:
    I. to hold in possession, a fief, land, estate, office, or the like; þeir héldu alla hina beztu staði með sjónum, Fms. xi. 131; þeir er áðr höfðu haldit land af Dana-konungi, i. 232; Eirekr skyldi h. land af Aðalsteini konungi, 23; Vemundr hélt Firða-fylki, Eg. 12; hélt hann þat ríki undir Knút konungi, Ísl. ii. 242; í þeirri borg héldu þeir langfeðgar fimmtán konungdóma, Ver. 37; h. land sem leigu-land, Grág. ii. 278; konungrinn heldr af Guði nafnit, Sks. 599 B; prestar er kirkjur halda, H. E. i. 486; sá prestr er heldr Pétrs-kirkju, N. G. L. i. 312; presta þeirra er kirkju halda, 346; skal sá maðr ráða er kirkju heldr, K. Þ. K. 60; Ólafs kirkju þá er Væringjar halda (the parish church of W.), Hkr. iii. 408.
    2. halda ábyrgju, ábyrgð á e-n, to have the responsibility of a thing, Grág. ii. 399, K. Þ. K. 66; h. grip, to be in the possession of, Grág. i. 438, ii. 190; h. skóla, to keep a school, Mar.; h. fylgð, to perform, Fms. ix. 279; eiga vandræði at h., to be in a strait, difficulty, Eb. 108.
    II. to hold, keep, observe, a feast, holiday, or the like; halda kirkju-dag, K. Þ. K. 42; í hvers minning heldr þú þenna dag? Nj. 157; h. helgan þvátt-dag hvern, Pr. 437; h. helga daga, Sl.; h. Jóla-dag, Páska, Hvíta-sunnu, Rb. 134; minnstú að h. helgan hvíldar-daginn Drottins Guðs þíns (the Fourth Commandment in the Icel. version); h. heilagt, to keep holiday, Dipl. ii. 14; í dag þá hátíð höldum vér til himna sté vor Herra, Hólabók 54; er Júdar héldu hátíðligt, Stj. 110; (hence forn-haldinn, time-honoured): of the day-marks (vide dagr, p. 95), er þaðan haldinn miðr-morgin, Hrafn. 9.
    2. to keep; halda orð sín, to keep one’s word, Fms. x. 95; höldum öll einka-mál vár, vii. 305; h. sættir, Nj. 57; gerðú svá vel, félagi, at þú halt vel sætt þessa, 111, Sturl. iii. 153, Fs. 65, Gullþ. 20; hann kvaðsk vilja hafa svardaga af þeim ok festu, at halda, Nj. 164; h. eið, Sturl. iii. 153; h. frið, to keep peace, Greg. 7; ef þú vilt nokkura hluti eigi h. þá er ek hefi á lagt við þik, Eg. 738: to observe faith, law, rite, etc., halda átrúnað, Fms. i. 34, x. 277; h. Guðs lög ok landsins, vii. 305; h. lands lög, viii. 155; h. ein lög, 625. 52; hafa ok halda þau lög, Fms. i. 34; h. Kristilega trú, K. Á. 74; h. mál (orð) e-s, Greg. 17; h. alla hluti með athugasamlegu minni, Sks. 439.
    3. to keep, tend; halda geitr, Hkv. 2. 20 (exactly as in Gothic).
    III. to uphold, maintain, support; þykkir mér þér sé nú ísjár-vert, hvárt þú munt fá haldit þik eðr eigi, Nj. 155; munu vér þó ekki einhlitir at h. oss eptir þessi verk, Háv. 50; at hón mætti með valdi h. sik ok menn sína, Fas. i. 375; þat væri nokkurr várkunn, at þú héldir frænda þinn eðr fóstbróður, en þetta er alls engi (at) halda útlaga konungs, Ó. H. 145; enda ætla ek lítinn viljann til at h. vini þína, Fms. vii. 244; því at Eysteinn konungr kenndi Inga konungi, at hann héldi þá menn, 248; ef þú heldr hann ( upholdest him) til þess at ganga á vini mína, Eg. 339; viljum vér allir fylgja þér ok þik til konungs halda, Fms. i. 34; Stephanus skyldi h. hann til laga ok réttinda, Sks. 653; h. e-n til ríkis, Fb. i. 236; vinsæld föður hans hélt hann mest til alþýðu vináttu, Fms. vii. 175; þeir sem upp h. ( sustain) þenna líkama, Anecd. 4.
    β. phrases, halda e-m kost, borð, to keep at board, entertain, Fms. ix. 220, x. 105, 146, Nj. 6; or, halda e-n at klæðum ok drykk, Ó. H. 69; h. stríð, bellum gerere (not class.), Fms. x. 51; h. úfrið, Fas. ii. 539.
    2. halda sik, to comfort oneself, Sks. 281, Hom. 29; kunna sik með hófi at h., Sturl. iii. 108; h. sik ríkmannliga, to fare sumptuously, Ld. 234; hann hélt betr húskarla sína en aðrir, Fms. vii. 242; h. mjök til skarts, to dress fine, Ld. 196; þar var Hrefna ok hélt allmjök til skarts, id.; hann var hægr hvers-dagliga, ok hélt mjök til gleði, Sturl. iii. 123; hélt hann hér mjök til vinsælda ok virðinga, he enjoyed much popularity and fame, Ld. 298.
    β. ellipt. (sik understood), at h. til jafns við e-n, to bear up against one, to be a match for one, Ld. 40; ef þér hefir eigi til þess hug eðr afl at h. til jafns við e-n húskarl Þorsteins, Eg. 714; h. til fullnaðar, to stand on one’s full rights; ef þær taka eigi fullrétti, eðr h. eigi til fullnaðar, Grág. ii. 109; h. fullara, to hold one above other men, Ó. H. (in a verse); lét konungr þá h. mjök til ( make great preparations) at syngja messu hátíðliga, Hkr. i. 287.
    3. to hold forth, put forward; at þeim inyiidi þungbýlt vera í nánd honum, ef þeir héldi nokkurn annan fyrir betra mann en hann, Ld. 26; síðan hélt konungr Erling fyrir tryggvan mann, Fms. ix. 399.
    β. to hold, deem, be of opinion; the old writers seem not to use the word exactly in this sense, but near to it come such phrases as, hón hélt engan hans jafningja innan hirðar hvárki í orðum né öðrum hlutum, i. e. she held him to be above all men, Ld. 60; halda menn hann fyrir konung, Fb. i. 216; still closer, halda menn at Oddný sé nú betr gipt, Bjarn. 12 (but only preserved in a paper MS.): this sense is very freq. in mod. usage, to hold, mean, eg held það; eg held ekki, I think not; (hence hald, opinion.)
    γ. phrases, halda mikit upp á e-n, to hold one in much esteem, love, Stj. 33; halda af e-m, id., Fas. i. 458, ii. 63, 200, iii. 520, esp. freq. in mod. usage, (upp-á-hald, af-hald, esteem.)
    4. to hold on, keep up; halda varnir, to keep up a defence, Sks. 583; halda vörð, to keep watch, Eg. 120, Grág. i. 32, 264; halda njósn, Eg. 72, 74, Fms. xi. 46; halda tal af e-m, to speak, communicate with one, ii. 88.
    5. to hold, be valid, be in force, a law term; á sú sekt öll at halda, Grág. i. 89; á þat at h. allt er þeir urðu á sáttir, 86; enda á þat at h. með þeim síðan, ii. 336.
    IV. to hold, compel, bind (with the notion of obligation or duty); heldr mik þá ekki til utan-ferðar, Nj. 112; þó heldr þik várkunn til at leita á, i. e. thou art excused, thou hast some excuse in trying, 21; var auðsætt hvat til hélt um sættir, Bjarn. 70; þik heldr eigi hér svá mart, at þú megir eigi vel bægja héraðs-vist þinni, Eb. 252; þar mælir þú þar, er þik heldr várkunn til at mæla, Nj. 227; ek mun vera vinr hans, ok alla þá, er at mínum orðum láta, halda til vináttu við hann, i. e. I will be his friend, and all those who lend ear to my words I will hold to friendship with him, Eg. 18.
    2. halda sik frá e-u, to keep oneself from, to refrain from a thing, Sks. 276 B; h. sik frá munaðlífi, Post. 656 A. ii. 16, Hom. 53, 135; h. sik aptr af e-u, to abstain from, Hkr. i. 512.
    V. absol. to be the cause of, be conducive to a thing; heldr þar margt til þess, there are many reasons for this, Nj. 192; vildim vér vita hvat til heldr, Fms. vii. 106; en hann vissi eigi hvat til hafði haldit, er hann kom eigi, xi. 11; margir hlutir héldu til þess, Eg. 38; þat hélt til þess, at …, Al. 94; hélt til þess ( conduced to it) góðgirnd hans, stórmennska ok vitsmunir, Fs. 29; hefir þat mjök til haldit, er ek hefi svá lengi dvalizt, at ek ætlaða, Ld. 32; hann lét bæði til h. vingan ok mágsemd, Fs. 24; heldr þat mest til at þá var komit útfall sjávar, Ld. 56; hélt þat mest til þess, at hann gafsk bezt í öllum mannraunum, 60; þat eitt hélt til, at þeir fóru eigi málum á hendr Þórði, at þeir höfðu eigi styrk til, 138.
    VI. to hold, comprise; sólar-öld heldr tuttugu ok átta ár, Rb. 510; h. skor (of weight), Grág. i. 500.
    ☞ In some instances the use of dat. and acc. wavers, e. g. halda húsum, to keep up the houses, Grág. ii. 278, 335; h. hliði, to keep the gate in repair, 265; but halda hlið (acc.), 332: to keep, observe, h. lögum, griðum, boðorðum, Glúm. 333, Grág. i. 357, ii. 166, 623. 28; hélt hann þessu sumu, Fms. x. 416 (Ágrip); halda ílla orðum, vii. (in a verse); þeir er því þingi áttu at h., Glúm. 386; h. sáttum, St. 17; h. eiðum, Bkv. 18; Gizuri þótti biskup h. ríkt ( protect strongly) brennu-mönnum, Sturl. i. 201 C; Guð er sínum skepnum heldr (keeps, protects) ok geymir, Mar.; þá hélt engi kirkju mönnum, … kept no man safe, Fms. ix. 508; h. njósn (acc.) um e-t, Eg. 74; h. til njósn, 72; njósnir, Fms. xi. 46. In most of these instances the acc. is the correct case, and the dat. is due either to careless transcribers or incorrect speaking: in some instances an enclitic um has been taken for a dative inflexion, thus e. g. sáttum haldi in Stor. l. c. is to be restored to sátt um haldi; eiðum haldit in Bkv. l. c. to eið (for eiða) um haldit; in others the prep. um has caused the confusion, as ‘halda njósn um at’ has been changed into halda njósnum at. But in the main the distinction between the use of dat. and acc. is fixed even at the present time: the acc. seems to represent the more primitive usage of this verb, the dat. the secondary.
    C. REFLEX.:
    I. to hold oneself, to stay; héldusk þeir þá ekki fyrir norðan Stað, Fms. i. 63; mátti hann eigi þar haldask, Landn. 246; h. á baki, to keep oneself on horseback, keep one’s seat, Grág. ii. 95; munu þeir skamma stund hér við haldask, Nj. 247: to be kept, remain, þá skal hann h. með Helju, Edda 39: to resist, megu vér ekki við h. fyrir ofreflis-mönnum þessum, Nj. 254; hélzk þá ekki við honum, Eg. 289; mann er svá hefir haldisk við höfuð-syndum, Hom. 157.
    β. to hold out, last, continue; ok hélzk ferillinn, Eg. 579; hélzk undr þetta allt til dags, Nj. 272 (twice); hélzk konungdómr í kyni hans, Rb. 394; lengi síðan hélzk bruna-öld með Svíum, Yngl. S.; lengi hélzk þat í ætt þeirri, at …, Eg. 770; hélzk vinátta með þeim, Nj. 66; þat hefir enn haldizk í ætt hans, Fms. iv. 8; ok hefir þat haldizk ( it has continued to be so) síðan er ek hefi hann séð, Ld. 174; honum haldisk (imperat.) sigr ok langt líf, Ver. 57; betr þætti mér, at hún héldisk þér, that it (the luck) would hold out for thee, Fb. ii. 74; ef hann helzk í útrú sinni, if he perseveres in his untruth, 623. 26.
    γ. to be kept safe and sound; menn allir héldusk ( all bands were saved) ok svá fé, Ld. 8, Fs. 143; þar héldusk menn allir ok mestr hluti fjár, Eg. 405; hafði fé vel haldizk, has been well kept, done well, Ld. 34.
    δ. to be valid, stand; eigu þau handsöl hennar at haldask, Grág. i. 334; engi má haldask dómr hans, Edda 15; skyldu þau (the truce) haldask um þingit, Nj. 348.
    2. impers., mér helzk, e-m helzk vel, ílla, á e-u, to have a good hold, have luck with a thing; mér helzk lítt á sauða-mönnum, Grett. 110 A.
    3. recipr., haldask á, to hold or pull one against another, wrestle, (hence á-höld); var sagt Magnúsi, at þeir héldisk á úti, that they were fighting outside, Sturl. ii. 44.
    II. part. pass. haldinn, [Dan. holden], so ‘holden,’ in such and such a state; vel haldinn, in good condition, faring well, well to do, Eg. 20, 234; hugðusk þar ok haldnir ( safe) mundu vera, Ver. 34; þungliga h., very sick, Eg. 565, Hkr. ii. 199; vel haldinn, doing well; tak heldr annat fé, svá mikit, at þú þykisk vel haldinn af, i. e. fully satisfied, having got full redress, Boll. 350; Sveinn sagði, at hann vill hafa tvá hluti fjárins, Hrani sagðisk ekki af því haldinn ( satisfied) vera, Fms. iv. 31: in the phrase, heilu ok höldnu, safe and sound, Bs. i. 191, Fms. xi. 376, Hkr. i. 319; með höldnu hljóði, preserving the sound, Skálda 175.
    2. ok mun þykkja sér misboðit ef þú ert haldinn (kept, protected), Finnb. 344.
    β. kept, observed, Fms. xi. 99.
    γ. held in custody, in prison, Bs. i. 419, Sturl. i. 151.
    III. gerund., haldandi, holding good, valid; sá dómr er eigi haldandi, is not valid, K. Á. 304; af öllu afli er friðr haldandi, Hom. 5.
    2. part. act., með upp haldandi höndum, with uplifted hands, Bs. i. 684.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HALDA

  • 6 Á

    * * *
    a negative suffix to verbs, not;
    era útmakligt, at it is not unmeet that.
    * * *
    á, prep., often used elliptically, or even adverbially, [Goth. ana; Engl. on; Germ. an. In the Scandinavian idioms the liquid n is absorbed. In English the same has been supposed to happen in adverbial phrases, e. g. ‘along, away, abroad, afoot, again, agate, ahead, aloft, alone, askew, aside, astray, awry,’ etc. It is indeed true that the Ormulum in its northern dialect freq. uses o, even in common phrases, such as ‘o boke, o land, o life, o slæpe, o strande, o write, o naht, o loft,’ etc., v. the glossary; and we may compare on foot and afoot, on sleep (Engl. Vers. of Bible) and asleep; A. S. a-butan and on-butan (about); agen and ongean (again, against); on bæc, aback; on life, alive; on middan, amid. But it is more than likely that in the expressions quoted above, as well as in numberless others, as well in old as in modern English, the English a- as well as the o- of the Ormulum and the modern Scottish and north of England o- are in reality remains of this very á pronounced au or ow, which was brought by the Scandinavian settlers into the north of England. In the struggle for supremacy between the English dialects after the Conquest, the Scandinavian form á or a won the day in many cases to the exclusion of the Anglo-Saxon on. Some of these adverbs have representatives only in the Scandinavian tongues, not in Anglo-Saxon; see below, with dat. B. II, C. VII; with acc. C. I. and VI. The prep. á denotes the surface or outside; í and ór the inside; at, til, and frá, nearness measured to or from an object: á thus answers to the Gr. επί; the Lat. in includes á and i together.]
    With dat. and acc.: in the first case with the notion of remaining on a place, answering to Lat. in with abl.; in the last with the notion of motion to the place, = Lat. in with acc.
    A. Loc.
    I. generally on, upon; á gólfi, on the floor, Nj. 2; á hendi, on the hand (of a ring), 48, 225; á palli, 50; á steini, 108; á vegg, 115; á sjá ok á landi, on sea and land. In some instances the distinction between d and i is loose and wavering, but in most cases common sense and usage decide; thus ‘á bók’ merely denotes the letters, the penmanship, ‘í’ the contents of a book; mod. usage, however, prefers ‘í,’ lesa í bók, but stafr á bók. Old writers on the other hand; á bókum Enskum, in English books, Landn. 24, but í Aldafars bók, 23 (in the book De Mensurâ Temporum, by Bede), cp. Grág. i. 76, where á is a false reading instead of at; á bréfi, the contents of a letter: of clothing or arms, mítr á höfði, sverð á hlið, mitre on head, sword on side, Fms. i. 266, viii. 404; hafa lykil á sér, on one’s person, 655 xxvii. 22; möttull á tyglum, a mantle hanging on (i. e. fastened by) laces, Fms. vii. 201: á þingi means to be present at a meeting; í þingi, to abide within a jurisdiction; á himni, á jörðu, on (Engl. in) heaven and earth, e. g. in the Lord’s Prayer, but í helviti, in hell; á Gimli, Edda (of a heavenly abode); á báti, á skipi denote crew and cargo, ‘í’ the timber or materials of which a ship is built, Eg. 385; vera í stafni á skipi, 177: á skógi, to be abroad in a wood (of a hunter, robber, deer); but to be situated (a house), at work (to fell timber), í skógi, 573, Fs. 5, Fms. iii. 122, viii. 31, xi. 1, Glúm. 330, Landn. 173; á mörkinni, Fms. i. 8, but í mörk, of a farm; á firðinum means lying in a firth, of ships or islands (on the surface of the water), þær eyjar liggja á Breiðafirði, Ld. 36; but í firði, living in a district named Firth; á landi, Nj. 98, Fms. xi. 386.
    II. á is commonly used in connection with the pr. names or countries terminating in ‘land,’ Engl. in, á Englandi, Írlandi, Skotlandi, Bretlandi, Saxlandi, Vindlandi, Vínlandi, Grænalandi, Íslandi, Hálogalandi, Rogalandi, Jótlandi, Frakklandi, Hjaltlandi, Jamtalandi, Hvítramannalandi, Norðrlöndum, etc., vide Landn. and the index to Fms. xii. In old writers í is here very rare, in modern authors more frequent; taste and the context in many instances decide. An Icelander would now say, speaking of the queen or king, ‘á Englandi,’ ruling over, but to live ‘í Englandi,’ or ‘á Englandi;’ the rule in the last case not being quite fixed.
    2. in connection with other names of countries: á Mæri, Vörs, Ögðum, Fjölum, all districts of Norway, v. Landn.; á Mýrum (in Icel.), á Finnmörk, Landn., á Fjóni (a Danish island); but í Danmörk, Svíþjóð (á Svíþjóðu is poët., Gs. 13).
    3. before Icel. farms denoting open and elevated slopes and spaces (not too high, because then ‘at’ must be used), such as ‘staðr, völlr, ból, hjalli, bakki, heimr, eyri,’ etc.; á Veggjum, Landn. 69; á Hólmlátri, id.: those ending in ‘-staðr,’ á Geirmundarstöðum, Þórisstöðum, Jarðlangsstöðum…, Landn.: ‘-völlr,’ á Möðruvöllum: á Fitjum (the farm) í Storð (the island), í Fenhring (the island) á Aski (the farm), Landn., Eg.: ‘-nes’ sometimes takes á, sometimes í (in mod. usage always ‘í’), á Nesi, Eb. 14, or í Krossnesi, 30; in the last case the notion of island, νησος, prevails: so also, ‘fjörðr,’ as, þeir börðust á Vigrafirði (of a fight o n the ice), Landn. 101, but orusta í Hafrsfirði, 122: with ‘-bær,’ á is used in the sense of a farm or estate, hón sa á e-m bæ mikit hús ok fagrt, Edda 22; ‘í bæ’ means within doors, of the buildings: with ‘Bær’ as pr. name Landn. uses ‘í,’ 71, 160, 257, 309, 332.
    4. denoting on or just above; of the sun, when the time is fixed by regarding the sun in connection with points in the horizon, a standing phrase in Icel.; sól á gjáhamri, when the sun is on the crag of the Rift, Grág. i. 26, cp. Glúm. 387; so, brú á á, a bridge on a river, Fms. viii. 179, Hrafn. 20; taka hús á e-m, to surprise one, to take the house over his head, Fms. i. 11.
    III. á is sometimes used in old writers where we should now expect an acc., esp. in the phrase, leggja sverði (or the like) á e-m, or á e-m miðjum, to stab, Eg. 216, Gísl. 106, Band. 14; þá stakk Starkaðr sprotanum á konungi, then Starkad stabbed the king with the wand, Fas. iii. 34; bíta á kampi (vör), to bite the lips, as a token of pain or emotion, Nj. 209, 68; taka á e-u, to touch a thing, lay hold of it, v. taka; fá á e-u, id. (poët.); leggja hendr á (better at) síðum, in wrestling, Fms. x. 331; koma á úvart á e-m, to come on one unawares, ix. 407 (rare).
    B. TEMP. of a particular point or period of time, at, on, in:
    I. gener. denoting during, in the course of; á nótt, degi, nætrþeli …, Bs. i. 139; or spec. adding a pron. or an adject., á næsta sumri, the next summer; á því ári, þingi, misseri, hausti, vári, sumri …, during, in that year …, Bs. i. 679, etc.; á þrem sumrum, in the course of three summers, Grág. i. 218; á þrem várum, Fms. ii. 114; á hálfs mánaðar fresti, within half a month’s delay, Nj. 99; á tvítugs, sextugs … aldri, á barns, gamals aldri, etc., at the age of …, v. aldr: á dögum e-s, in the days of, in his reign or time, Landn. 24, Hrafn. 3, Fms. ix. 229.
    II. used of a fixed recurrent period or season; á várum, sumrum, haustum, vetrum, á kveldum, every spring, summer …, in the evenings, Eg. 711, Fms. i. 23, 25, vi. 394, Landn. 292: with the numeral adverbs, cp. Lat. ter in anno, um sinn á mánuði, ári, once a month, once a year, where the Engl. a is not the article but the preposition, Grág. i. 89.
    III. of duration; á degi, during a whole day, Fms. v. 48; á sjau nóttum, Bárð. 166; á því meli, during that time, in the meantime, Grág. i. 259.
    IV. connected with the seasons (á vetri, sumri, vári, hausti), ‘á’ denotes the next preceding season, the last winter, summer, autumn, Eb. 40, 238, Ld. 206: in such instances ‘á’ denotes the past, ‘at’ the future, ‘í’ the present; thus í vetri in old writers means this winter; á vetri, last winter; at vetri, next winter, Eb. 68 (in a verse), etc.
    C. In various other relations, more or less metaphorically, on, upon, in, to, with, towards, against:
    I. denoting object, in respect of, against, almost periphrastically; dvelja á náðum e-s, under one’s protection, Fms. i. 74; hafa metnað á e-u, to be proud of, to take pride in a thing, 127.
    2. denoting a personal relation, in; bæta e-t á e-m, to make amends, i. e. to one personally; misgöra e-t á e-m, to inflict wrong on one; hafa elsku (hatr) á e-m, to bear love ( hatred) to one, Fms. ix. 242; hefna sín á e-m, to take revenge on one’s person, on anyone; rjúfa sætt á e-m, to break truce on the person of any one, to offend against his person, Nj. 103; hafa sár á sér, 101; sjá á e-m, to read on or in one’s face; sér hann á hverjum manni hvárt til þín er vel eðr illa, 106; var þat brátt auðséð á hennar högum, at …, it could soon be seen in all her doings, that …, Ld. 22.
    3. also generally to shew signs of a thing; sýna fáleika á sér, to shew marks of displeasure, Nj. 14, Fs. 14; taka vel, illa, lítt, á e-u, to take a thing well, ill, or indifferently, id.; finna á sér, to feel in oneself; fann lítt á honum, hvárt …, it could hardly be seen in his face, whether …, Eb. 42; líkindi eru á, it is likely, Ld. 172; göra kost á e-u, to give a choice, chance of it, 178; eiga vald á e-u, to have power over …, Nj. 10.
    II. denoting encumbrance, duty, liability; er fimtardómsmál á þeim, to be subject to …, Nj. 231; the phrase, hafa e-t á hendi, or vera á hendi e-m, on one’s hands, of work or duty to be done; eindagi á fé, term, pay day, Grág. i. 140; ómagi (skylda, afvinna) á fé, of a burden or encumbrance, D. I. and Grág. in several passages.
    III. with a personal pronoun, sér, mér, honum …, denoting personal appearance, temper, character, look, or the like; vera þungr, léttr … á sér, to be heavy or light, either bodily or mentally; þungr á sér, corpulent, Sturl. i. 112; kátr ok léttr á sér, of a gay and light temper, Fms. x. 152; þat bragð hafði hann á sér, he looked as if, … the expression of his face was as though …, Ld., cp. the mod. phrase, hafa á sér svip, bragð, æði, sið, of one’s manner or personal appearance, to bear oneself as, or the like; skjótr (seinn) á fæti, speedy ( slow) of foot, Nj. 258.
    IV. as a periphrasis of the possessive pronoun connected with the limbs or parts of the body. In common Icel. such phrases as my hands, eyes, head … are hardly ever used, but höfuð, eyru, hár, nef, munnr, hendr, fætr … á mér; so ‘í’ is used of the internal parts, e. g. hjarta, bein … í mér; the eyes are regarded as inside the body, augun í honum: also without the possessive pronoun, or as a periphrasis for a genitive, brjóstið á e-m, one’s breast, Nj. 95, Edda 15; súrnar í augum, it smarts in my eyes, my eyes smart, Nj. 202; kviðinn á sér, its belly, 655 xxx. 5, Fms. vi. 350; hendr á henni, her hands, Gísl. (in a verse); í vörunum á honum, on his lips, Band. 14; ristin á honum, his step, Fms. viii. 141; harðr í tungu, sharp of tongue, Hallfred (Fs. 114); kalt (heitt) á fingrum, höndum, fótum …, cold ( warm) in the fingers, hands, feet …, i. e. with cold fingers, etc.; cp. also the phrase, verða vísa (orð) á munni, of extemporising verses or speeches, freq. in the Sagas; fastr á fótum, fast by the leg, of a bondsman, Nj. 27: of the whole body, díla fundu þeir á honum, 209. The pers. pron. is used only in solemn style (poetry, hymns, the Bible), and perhaps only when influenced by foreign languages, e. g. mitt hjarta hví svo hryggist þú, as a translation of ‘warumb betrübst du dich mein Herz?’ the famous hymn by Hans Sachs; instead of the popular hjartað í mér, Sl. 43, 44: hjartað mitt is only used as a term of endearment, as by a husband to his wife, parents to their child, or the like, in a metaphorical sense; the heart proper is ‘í mér,’ not ‘mitt.’
    2. of other things, and as a periphrasis of a genitive, of a part belonging to the whole, e. g. dyrr á husi = húsdyrr, at the house-doors; turn á kirkju = kirkju turn; stafn, skutr, segl, árar … á skipi, the stem, stern, sail … of a ship, Fms. ix. 135; blöð á lauk, á tré …, leaves of a leek, of a tree …, Fas. i. 469; egg á sverði = sverðs egg; stafr á bók; kjölr á bók, and in endless other instances.
    V. denoting instrumentality, by, on, or a-, by means of; afla fjár á hólmgöngum, to make money a-duelling, by means of duels, Eg. 498; á verkum sínum, to subsist on one’s own work, Njarð. 366: as a law term, sekjast á e-ju, to be convicted upon …, Grág. i. 123; sekst maðr þar á sínu eigini ( a man is guilty in re sua), ef hann tekr af þeim manni er heimild ( possessio) hefir til, ii. 191; falla á verkum sínum, to be killed flagranti delicto, v. above; fella e-n á bragði, by a sleight in wrestling; komast undan á flótta, to escape by flight, Eg. 11; á hlaupi, by one’s feet, by speed, Hkr. ii. 168; lifa á e-u, to feed on; bergja á e-u, to taste of a thing; svala sér á e-u, to quench the thirst on.
    VI. with subst. numerals; á þriðja tigi manna, up to thirty, i. e. from about twenty to thirty, Ld. 194; á öðru hundraði skipa, from one to two hundred sail strong, Fms. x. 126; á níunda tigi, between eighty and ninety years of age, Eg. 764, v. above: used as prep., á hendi, on one’s hand, i. e. bound to do it, v. hönd.
    VII. in more or less adverbial phrases it may often be translated in Engl. by a participle and a- prefixed; á lopti, aloft; á floti, afloat; á lífi, alive; á verðgangi, a-begging; á brautu, away; á baki, a-back, behind, past; á milli, a-tween; á laun, alone, secretly; á launungu, id.; á móti, against; á enda, at an end, gone; á huldu, hidden; fara á hæli, to go a-heel, i. e. backwards, Fms. vii. 70;—but in many cases these phrases are transl. by the Engl. partic. with a, which is then perh. a mere prefix, not a prep., á flugi, a-flying in the air, Nj. 79; vera á gangi, a-going; á ferli, to be about; á leiki, a-playing, Fms. i. 78; á sundi, a-swimming, ii. 27; á verði, a-watching, x. 201; á hrakningi, a-wandering; á reiki, a-wavering; á skjálfi, a-shivering; á-hleri, a-listening; á tali, a-talking, Ísl. ii. 200; á hlaupi, a-running, Hkr. ii. 268; á verki, a-working; á veiðum, a-hunting; á fiski, a-fishing; á beit, grazing: and as a law term it even means in flagranti, N. G. L. i. 348.
    VIII. used absolutely without a case in reference to the air or the weather, where ‘á’ is almost redundant; þoka var á mikil, a thick fog came on, Nj. 267; niðamyrkr var á, pitch darkness came on, Eg. 210; allhvast á norðan, a very strong breeze from the north, Fms. ix. 20; þá var á norðrænt, a north wind came on, 42, Ld. 56; hvaðan sem á er, from whatever point the wind is; var á hríð veðrs, a snow storm came on, Nj. 282; görði á regn, rain came on, Fms. vi. 394, xi. 35, Ld. 156.
    A. Loc.
    I. denoting simple direction towards, esp. connected with verbs of motion, going, or the like; hann gékk á bergsnös, Eg. 389; á hamar, Fas. ii. 517.
    2. in phrases denoting direction; liggja á útborða, lying on the outside of the ship, Eg. 354; á annat borð skipinu, Fms. vii. 260; á bæði borð, on both sides of the ship, Nj. 124, Ld. 56; á tvær hliðar, on both sides, Fms. v. 73. Ísl. ii. 159; á hlið, sidewards; út á hlið, Nj. 262, Edda 44; á aðra hönd henni, Nj. 50, Ld. 46; höggva á tvær hendr, to hew or strike right and left, Ísl. ii. 368, Fas. i. 384, Fms. viii. 363, x. 383.
    3. upp á, upon; hann tók augu Þjaza ok kastaði upp á himin, Edda 47: with verbs denoting to look, see, horfa, sjá, líta, etc.; hann rak skygnur á land, he cast glances towards the land, Ld. 154.
    II. denoting direction with or without the idea of arriving:
    1. with verbs denoting to aim at; of a blow or thrust, stefna á fótinn, Nj. 84; spjótið stefnir á hann miðjan, 205: of the wind, gékk veðrit á vestr, the wind veered to west, Fms. ix. 28; sigla á haf, to stand out to sea, Hkr. i. 146, Fms. i. 39: with ‘út’ added, Eg. 390, Fms. x. 349.
    2. conveying the notion of arriving, or the intervening space being traversed; spjótið kom á miðjan skjöldinn, Eg. 379, Nj. 96, 97; langt upp á land, far up inland, Hkr. i. 146: to reach, taka ofan á belti, of the long locks of a woman, to reach down to the belt, Nj. 2; ofan á bringu, 48; á þa ofan, 91.
    III. without reference to the space traversed, connected with verbs denoting to go, turn, come, ride, sail, throw, or the like, motion of every kind; hann kastar honum á völlinn, he flings him down, Nj. 91; hlaupa á skip sitt, to leap on board his ship, 43; á hest, to mount quickly, Edda 75; á lend hestinum, Nj. 91; hann gengr á sáðland sitt, he walks on to his fields, 82: on, upon, komast á fætr, to get upon one’s legs, 92; ganga á land, to go a-shore, Fms. i. 40; ganga á þing, vii. 242, Grág. (often); á skóg, á merkr ok skóga, into a wood, Fb. i. 134, 257, Fms. xi. 118, Eg. 577, Nj. 130; fara á Finnmörk, to go travelling in Finmark, Fms. i. 8; koma, fara á bæ, to arrive at the farm-house; koma á veginn, Eg. 578; stíga á bát, skip, to go on board, 158; hann gékk upp á borg, he went up to the burg (castle), 717; en er þeir komu á loptriðið, 236; hrinda skipum á vatn, to float the ships down into the water, Fms. i. 58; reka austr á haf, to drift eastwards on the sea, x. 145; ríða ofan á, to ride down or over, Nj. 82.
    IV. in some cases the acc. is used where the dat. would be used, esp. with verbs denoting to see or hear, in such phrases as, þeir sá boða mikinn inn á fjörðinn, they saw great breakers away up in the bight of the firth, the acc. being due perhaps to a motion or direction of the eye or ear towards the object, Nj. 124; sá þeir fólkit á land, they saw the people in the direction of land, Fas. ii. 517: in phrases denoting to be placed, to sit, to be seated, the seat or bench is freq. in the acc. where the dat. would now be used; konungr var þar á land upp, the king was then up the country, the spectator or narrator is conceived as looking from the shore or sea-side, Nj. 46; sitja á miðjan bekk, to be seated on the middle bench, 50; skyldi konungs sæti vera á þann bekk … annat öndvegi var á hinn úæðra pall; hann setti konungs hásæti á miðjan þverpall, Fms. vi. 439, 440, cp. Fagrsk. l. c., Sturl. iii. 182; eru víða fjallbygðir upp á mörkina, in the mark or forest, Eg. 58; var þar mörk mikil á land upp, 229; mannsafnaðr er á land upp (viewed from the sea), Ld. 76; stóll var settr á mótið, Fas. i. 58; beiða fars á skip, to beg a passage, Grág. i. 90.
    V. denoting parts of the body; bíta e-n á barka, to bite one in the throat, Ísl. ii. 447; skera á háls, to cut the throat of any one, Nj. 156; brjóta e-n á háls, to break any one’s neck; brjóta e-n á bak, to break any one’s back, Fms. vii. 119; kalinn á kné, frozen to the knees with cold, Hm. 3.
    VI. denoting round; láta reipi á háls hesti, round his horse’s neck, 623. 33; leggja söðul á hest, Nj. 83; and ellipt., leggja á, to saddle; breiða feld á hofuð sér, to wrap a cloak over his head, 164; reyta á sik mosa, to gather moss to cover oneself with, 267; spenna hring á hönd, á fingr, Eg. 300.
    VII. denoting a burden; stela mat á tvá hesta, hey á fimtán hesta, i. e. a two, a fifteen horse load, Nj. 74: metaph., kjósa feigð á menn, to choose death upon them, i. e. doom them to death, Edda 22.
    B. TEMP.
    I. of a period of time, at, to; á morgun, to-morrow (í morgun now means the past morning, the morning of to-day), Ísl. ii. 333.
    II. if connected with the word day, ‘á’ is now used before a fixed or marked day, a day of the week, a feast day, or the like; á Laugardag, á Sunnudag …, on Saturday, Sunday, the Old Engl. a-Sunday, a-Monday, etc.; á Jóladaginn, Páskadaginn, on Yule and Easter-day; but in old writers more often used ellipt. Sunnudaginn, Jóladaginn …, by dropping the prep. ‘á,’ Fms. viii. 397, Grág. i. 18.
    III. connected with ‘dagr’ with the definite article suffixed, ‘á’ denotes a fixed, recurring period or season, in; á daginn, during the day-time, every day in turn, Grett. 91 A.
    IV. connected with ‘evening, morning, the seasons,’ with the article; á kveldit, every evening, Ld. 14; á sumarit, every summer, Vd. 128, where the new Ed. Fs. 51 reads sumrum; á haust, every autumn, Eg. 741 (perh. a misprint instead of á haustin or á haustum); á vetrinn, in the winter time, 710; á várit, every spring, Gþl. 347; the sing., however, is very rare in such cases, the old as well as mod. usage prefers the plur.; á nætrnar, by night, Nj. 210; á várin, Eg. 710; á sumrin, haustin, á morgnana, in the morning (á morgin, sing., means to-morrow); á kveldin, in the evening, only ‘dagr’ is used in sing., v. above (á daginn, not á dagana); but elliptically and by dropping the article, Icelanders say, kveld og morgna, nótt og dag, vetr sumar vor og haust, in the same sense as those above mentioned.
    V. denoting duration, the article is dropped in the negative phrase, aldri á sinn dag, never during one’s life; aldri á mína daga, never in my life, Bjarn. 8, where a possess. pron. is put between noun and prep., but this phrase is very rare. Such phrases as, á þann dag, that day, and á þenna dag, Stj. 12, 655 xxx. 2. 20, are unclassical.
    VI. á dag without article can only be used in a distributive sense, e. g. tvisvar á dag, twice a-day; this use is at present freq. in Icel., yet instances from old writers are not on record.
    VII. denoting a movement onward in time, such as, liðið á nótt, dag, kveld, morgun, sumar, vetr, vár, haust (or nóttina, daginn …), jól, páska, föstu, or the like, far on in the night, day …, Edda 33; er á leið vetrinn, when the winter was well on, as the winter wore on, Nj. 126; cp. áliðinn: also in the phrase, hniginn á inn efra aldr, well stricken in years, Ld. 68.
    C. Metaph. and in various relations:
    I. somewhat metaphorically, denoting an act only (not the place); fara á fund, á vit e-s, to call for one, Eg. 140; koma á ræðu við e-n, to come to a parley with, to speak, 173; ganga á tal, Nj. 103; skora á hólm, to challenge to a duel on an island; koma á grið, to enter into a service, to be domiciled, Grág. i. 151; fara á veiðar, to go a-hunting, Fms. i. 8.
    β. generally denoting on, upon, in, to; bjóða vöxtu á féit, to offer interest on the money, Grág. i. 198; ganga á berhögg, to come to blows, v. berhögg; fá á e-n, to make an impression upon one, Nj. 79; ganga á vápn e-s, to throw oneself on an enemy’s weapon, meet him face to face, Rd. 310; ganga á lagið, to press on up the spear-shaft after it has passed through one so as to get near one’s foe, i. e. to avail oneself of the last chance; bera fé á e-n, to bribe, Nj. 62; bera öl á e-n, to make drunk, Fas. i. 13; snúinn á e-t, inclined to, Fms. x. 142; sammælast á e-t, to agree upon, Nj. 86; sættast, verða sáttr á e-t, in the same sense, to come to an agreement, settlement, or atonement, 78, Edda 15, Eb. 288, Ld. 50, Fms. i. 279; ganga á mála, to serve for pay as a soldier, Nj. 121; ganga á vald e-s, to put oneself in his power, 267; ganga á sætt, to break an agreement; vega á veittar trygðir, to break truce, Grág. ii. 169.
    II. denoting in regard to, in respect to:
    1. of colour, complexion, the hue of the hair, or the like; hvítr, jarpr, dökkr … á hár, having white, brown, or dark … hair, Ísl. ii. 190, Nj. 39; svartr á brún ok brá, dark of brow and eyebrow; dökkr á hörund, id., etc.
    2. denoting skill, dexterity; hagr á tré, a good carpenter; hagr á járn, málm, smíðar …, an expert worker in iron, metals …, Eg. 4; fimr á boga, good at the bow: also used of mastership in science or arts, meistari á hörpuslátt, a master in striking the harp, Fas. iii. 220; fræðimaðr á kvæði, knowing many poems by heart, Fms. vi. 391; fræðimaðr á landnámssögur ok forna fræði, a learned scholar in histories and antiquities (of Are Frode), Ísl. ii. 189; mikill á íþrótt, skilful in an art, Edda (pref.) 148; but dat. in the phrase, kunna (vel) á skíðum, to be a cunning skater, Fms. i. 9, vii. 120.
    3. denoting dimensions; á hæð, lengd, breidd, dýpt …, in the heighth, length, breadth, depth …, Eg. 277; á hvern veg, on each side, Edda 41 (square miles); á annan veg, on the one side, Grág. i. 89.
    β. the phrase, á sik, in regard to oneself, vel (illa) á sik kominn, of a fine ( ugly) appearance, Ld. 100, Fas. iii. 74.
    III. denoting instrumentality; bjargast á sínar hendr, to live on the work of one’s own hands, (á sínar spýtur is a mod. phrase in the same sense); (vega) á skálir, pundara, to weigh in scales, Grág. ii. 370; at hann hefði tvá pundara, ok hefði á hinn meira keypt en á hinn minna selt, of a man using two scales, a big one for buying and a little one for selling, Sturl. i. 91; á sinn kostnað, at one’s own expense; nefna e-n á nafn, by name, Grág. i. 17, etc. The Icel. also say, spinna á rokk, snældu, to spin on or with a rock or distaff; mala á kvern, to grind in a ‘querne,’ where Edda 73 uses dat.; esp. of musical instruments, syngja, leika á hljóðfæri, hörpu, gígju …; in the old usage, leika hörpu …, Stj. 458.
    IV. denoting the manner or way of doing:
    1. á þessa lund, in this wise, Grág. ii. 22; á marga vega, á alla, ymsa vega, in many, all, respects, Fms. i. 114; á sitt hóf, in its turn, respectively, Ld. 136, where the context shews that the expression answers to the Lat. mutatis mutandis; á Þýðersku, after German fashion, Sks. 288.
    2. esp. of language; mæla, rita á e-a tungu, to speak, write in a tongue; á Írsku, in Irish, Ld. 76; Norrænu, in Norse, Eb. 330, Vm. 35; a Danska tungu, in Danish, i. e. Scandinavian, Norse, or Icelandic, Grág. i. 18; á Vára tungu, i. e. in Icelandic, 181; rita á Norræna tungu, to write in Norse, Hkr. (pref.), Bs. i. 59:—at present, dat. is sometimes used.
    3. in some phrases the acc. is used instead of the dat.; hann sýndi á sik mikit gaman, Fms. x. 329; hann lét ekki á sik finna, he shewed no sign of motion, Nj. 111; skaltú önga fáleika á þik gera (Cod. Kalf.), 14.
    V. used in a distributive sense; skal mörk kaupa gæzlu á kú, eðr oxa fim vetra gamlan, a mark for every cow, Grág. i. 147; alin á hvert hross, 442; á mann, per man (now freq.): cp. also á dag above, lit. B.
    VI. connected with nouns,
    1. prepositional; á hendr (with dat.), against; á hæla, at heel, close behind; á bak, at back, i. e. past, after; á vit (with gen.), towards.
    2. adverbially; á braut, away, abroad; á víxl, in turns; á mis, amiss; á víð ok dreif, a-wide and a-drift, i. e. dispersedly.
    3. used almost redundantly before the following prep.; á eptir, after, behind; á undan, in front of; á meðal, á milli, among; á mót, against; á við, about, alike; á frá (cp. Swed. ifrån), from (rare); á fyrir = fyrir, Haustl. 1; á hjá, beside (rare); á fram, a-head, forwards; á samt, together; ávalt = of allt, always: following a prep., upp á, upon; niðr á, down upon; ofan á, eptir á, post eventum, (temp.) á eptir is loc., id., etc.
    VII. connected with many transitive verbs, answering to the Lat. ad- or in-, in composition, in many cases periphrastically for an objective case. The prep. generally follows after the verb, instead of being prefixed to it as in Lat., and answers to the Engl. on, to; heita kalla, hrópa á, to call on; heyra, hlusta, hlyða á, to hearken to, listen to; hyggja, hugsa á, to think on; minna á, to remind; sjá, líta, horfa, stara, mæna, glápa, koma auga … á, to look on; girnast á, to wish for; trúa á, to believe on; skora á, to call on any one to come out, challenge; kæra á, to accuse; heilsa á, to greet; herja, ganga, ríða, hlaupa, ráða … á, to fall on, attack, cp. ágangr, áreið, áhlaup; ljúga á, to tell lies of, to slander; telja á, to carp at; ausa, tala, hella, kasta, verpa … á, to pour, throw on; ríða, bera, dreifa á, to sprinkle on; vanta, skorta á, to fall short of; ala á, to plead, beg; leggja á, to throw a spell on, lay a saddle on; hætta á, to venture on; gizka á, to guess at; kveða á, to fix on, etc.: in a reciprocal sense, haldast á, of mutual strife; sendast á, to exchange presents; skrifast á, to correspond (mod.); kallast á, to shout mutually; standast á, to coincide, so as to be just opposite one another, etc.
    f. [Lat. aqua; Goth. ahva; Hel. aha; A. S. eâ; O. H. G. aha, owa; cp. Germ. ach and aue; Fr. eau, eaux; Engl. Ax-, Ex-, etc., in names of places; Swed.-Dan. å; the Scandinavians absorb the hu, so that only a single vowel or diphthong remains of the whole word]:—a river. The old form in nom. dat. acc. sing. is , v. the introduction to A, page 1, Bs. i. 333 sq., where ́n, ́ (acc.), and ́na; so also Greg. 677; the old fragm. of Grág. ii. 222, 223, new Ed. In the Kb. of the Edda the old form occurs twice, viz. page 75, ́na (acc.), (but two lines below, ána), í ́nni (dat.) The old form also repeatedly occurs in the Kb. and Sb. of the Grág., e. g. ii. 266, 267: gen. sing. ár; nom. pl. ár, gen. á contracted, dat. ám, obsolete form ́m; Edda 43, Eg. 80, 99, 133, 185: proverbs, at ósi skal á stemma, answering to the Lat. principiis obsta, Edda 60; hér kemr á til sæfar, here the river runs into the sea, metaph. = this is the very end, seems to have been a favourite ending of old poems; it is recorded in the Húsdrápa and the Norðsetadrápa, v. Edda 96, Skálda 198; cp. the common saying, oil vötn renna til sævar, ‘all waters run into the sea.’ Rivers with glacier water are in Icel. called Hvítá, White river, or Jökulsá: Hitá, Hot river, from a hot spring, opp. to Kaldá, v. Landn.: others take a name from the fish in them, as Laxá, Lax or Salmon river (freq.); Örriða á, etc.: a tributary river is þverá, etc.: ár in the Njála often means the great rivers Ölfusá and Þjórsá in the south of Iceland. Áin helga, a river in Sweden, Hkr. ii: á is also suffixed to the names of foreign rivers, Tempsá = Thames; Dóná, Danube (Germ. Don-au), (mod.), etc. Vide Edda (Gl.) 116, 117, containing the names of over a hundred North-English and Scottish rivers.
    COMPDS: áráll, árbakki, árbrot, ardjúp, árfarvegr, árfors, árgljúfr, árhlutr, ármegin, árminni, ármót, áróss, árreki, árstraumr, árströnd, árvað, árvegr, árvöxtr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > Á

  • 7 ENDA

    1) with subj. (a standing phrase in the law connecting the latter clause of a conditional premiss) if, and if, and in case that, and supposing that;
    nú hefir maðr sveinbarn fram fœrt í œsku, enda verði sá maðr veginn síðan, þá …, if a man has brought a boy up in his youth, and it so happens that he (the boy) be slain, then …;
    2) even if, allhough, with subj. (seg mér, hvat til berr, at þú veizt fyrir úorðna hluti, enda sér þú eigi spámaðr);
    3) even;
    þá skal hann segja búum sínum til, enda á, þingi, even in parliment;
    4) if only with subj. (fyrir engan mun þori ek at vekja konunginn en segja má ek honum tíðindin, ef þú vill, enda vekir þú hann);
    5) and indeed, and of course, and also, and besides;
    enda skulum vér þá leysa þik, and then of course we shall loose thee;
    sýnist þat jafnan, at ek em fégjarn, enda man svá enn, and so it will be also in this case;
    eigi nenni ek at hafa þat saman, at veita Högna, enda drepa bróður hans, I cannot bear to do both, help H. and yet kill his brother;
    enda tak þú nú øxi þína, and now take thy axe.
    (að, or enda, ent), v.
    1) to end, coming to an end (í því sama klaustri endi hann sína æfi);
    impers., endar þar sögu frá honum, the tale of him ends there;
    2) to fulfil, perform (enda heit sitt);
    3) to mark the end of, to bound (af suðri endir hana [i. e. Asia] úthafit);
    4) refl., endast, to end, come to an end (reiði mannsins endist á einu augabragði);
    to last, hold out (berjast meðan dagrinn endist);
    meðan mér endast föng til, as long as my provisions last;
    ef honum endist aldr til, if he lives so long;
    meðan mér endast lífdagar, meðan ek endumst, as long as I live;
    to turn out, to end (well or ill), to do (enda mun þat fám bóndum vel endast at synja mér mægðar).
    * * *
    a copul. conj. with a slight notion of cause or even disjunction: [the use of this copulative is commonly regarded as a test word to distinguish the Scandin. and the Saxon-Germ.; the A. S. ende, Engl. and, Hel. end, Germ. und being represented by Scandin. auk, ok, or og: whereas the disjunctive particle is in Scandin. en, enn, or even enda, answering to the Engl., A. S., and Germ. aber, but; the Gothic is neutral, unless jab, by which Ulf. renders καί, be = auk, ok:—this difference, however, is more apparent than real; for the Icel. ‘enda’ is probably identical with the Germ. and Saxon und, and: in most passages it has a distinct copulative sense, but with something more than this]:—and, etc.
    I. with subj., a standing phrase in the law, connecting the latter clause of a conditional premiss, if so and so, and if …, and again if …; or it may be rendered, and in case that, and supposing that, or the like. The following references will make it plainer; ef goðinn er um sóttr, enda hafi hann öðrum manni í hönd selt …, þá skal hann ok sekja …, if a suit lies against the priest, ‘and’ he has named a proxy, then the suit lies also against him (viz. the proxy), Grág. i. 95; ef skip hverfr ok sé eigi til spurt á þrim vetrum, enda sé spurt ef þeim löndum öllum er vár tunga er á, þá …, if a ship disappears without being heard of for three years, ‘and’ inquiry has been made from all the countries where ‘our tongue’ is spoken, then …, 218; ef goðinn gerr eigi nemna féránsdóm, enda sé hann at lögum beiddr …, þá varðar goðanum fjörbaugsgarð, if the priest name not the court of férán, ‘and’ has been lawfully requested thereto, then he is liable to the lesser outlawry, 94; nú hefir maðr sveinbarn fram fært í æsku, enda verði sá maðr veginn síðan, þá …, if a man has brought a boy up in his youth, ‘and in case that’ he (the boy) be slain, then …, 281; ef maðr færir meybarn fram …, enda beri svá at…, ok ( then) skal sá maðr …, id.; ef menn selja ómaga sinn af landi héðan, ok eigi við verði, enda verði þeir ómagar færðir út hingat síðan, þá …, 274; hvervetna þess er vegnar sakir standa úbættar á milli manna, enda vili menn sættask á þau mál …, þá …, ii. 20; ef sá maðr var veginn er á ( who has) vist með konu, enda sé þar þingheyandi nokkurr …, þá …, 74; þat vóru lög, ef þrælar væri drepnir fyrir manni, enda ( and in case that) væri eigi færð þrælsgjöldin fyrir hina þriðju sól, þá …, Eg. 723, cp. Eb. 222; þótt maðr færi fram ellri mann, karl eðr konu, í barnæsku, enda ( and in case that) berisk réttarfar síðan um þá menn, þá skal …, 281; ef þú þorir, enda sér þú nokkut at manni, if thou darest, ‘and supposing that’ thou art something of a man, Fb. i. 170, segja má ek honum tíðendin ef þú vilt, enda vekir þú hann, ‘and supposing that’ thou wilt awake him, Fms. iv. 170; en þeir eru skilnaðarmenn réttir er með hvárigum fóru heiman vísir vitendr, enda ( and even) vildi þeir svá skilja þá, Grág. ii. 114; enda fylgi þeir hvárigum í braut ( supposing they), id.; hvat til berr er þú veizt úorðna hluti, enda sér þú eigi spámaðr, supposing that thou art a prophet, Fms. i. 333.
    2. rarely with indic.; ef kona elr börn með óheimilum manni, enda gelzt þó fé um, hón á eigi…, Eb. 225.
    II. even, even if, usually with indic.; kona á sakir þær allar ef hún vill reiðask við, enda komi ( even if) eigi fram loforðit, Grág. i. 338: in single sentences, þá skal hann segja búum sínum til, enda á þingi, even in parliament, ii. 351: the phrase, e. svá ( even so), eigi þau handsöl hennar at haldask, enda svá þau er, i. 334; enda er þó rétt virðing þeirra, ef …, and their taxation is even (also) lawful, if …, 209: in mod. usage very freq. in this sense (= even).
    III. denoting that a thing follows from the premiss, and consequently, and of course, and then, or the like, and forsooth, freq. in prose with indic.; man ek eigi optar heimta þetta fé, enda verða þér aldri at liði síðan, I shall not call for this debt any more, ‘and also’ lend thee help never more, Vápn. 18; ef þeir eru eigi fleiri en fimm, enda eigi færi, if they are not more than five, and also not less, Grág. i. 38; enda eigu menn þá at taka annan lögsögumann ef vilja, and they shall then elect another speaker if they choose, 4; enda skulum vér þá leysa þik, and then of course we shall loose thee, Edda 20; varðar honum skóggang, enda verðr hann þar óheilagr, and of course or and even, and to boot, Grág. ii. 114; skal hann segja til þess á mannamótum, enda varðar honum þá eigi við lög, i. 343; á sá sök er hross á, enda verðr sá jamt sekr um nautnina sem aðrir menn, 432; þá á sök þá hvárr er vill, enda skal lögsögumaðr …, 10; enda á hann kost at segja lögleigor á féit, ef hann vill þat heldr, 217; trúi ek honum miklu betr en ( than) öðrum, enda skal ek þessu ráða, and besides I will settle this myself, Eg. 731; sýnisk þat jafnan at ek em fégjarn, enda man svá enn, it is well known that I am a money-loving man, and so it will be too in this case, Nj. 102; beið ek af því þinna atkvæða, enda num öllum þat bezt gegna, I waited for thy decision, and (as) that will be the best for all of us, 78; er þat ok líkast at þér sækit með kappi, enda munu þeir svá verja, and so will they do in their turn, 227; Hallgerðr var fengsöm ok storlynd, enda ( and on the other hand) kallaði hón til alls þess er aðrir áttu í nánd, 18; mikit má konungs gæfa um slíka hluti, enda mun mikill frami fásk í ferðinni ef vel tekst, Fms. iv. í 29; Ölver var málsnjallr ok máldjarfr, e. var hann vitr maðr, 235; ekki mun ek halda til þess at þú brjótir lög þín, enda eru þau eigi brotin, ef …, neither are they broken, if …, Fb. i. 173, Mork. 81.
    2. with a notion of disjunction, and yet; eigi nenni ek at hafa þat saman, at veita Högna, enda drepa bróður hans, I cannot bear to do both, help Hogni and yet kill his brother, Nj. 145; er þér töldut Grænland vera veðrgott land, enda er þat þó fullt af jöklum ok frosti, that you call Greenland a mild climate, and yet it is full of frost and ice, Sks. 209 B.
    3. ellipt. in an abrupt sentence, without a preceding premiss; enda tak nú öxi þína, and now take thy axe (implying that I can no longer prevent thee), Nj. 58; enda þarf hér mikils við, 94; maðrinn segir, enda fauk höfuðit af bolnum, the man continued,—nay, the head flew off the body, Ld. 290: even in some passages one MS. uses ‘enda,’ another ‘ok,’ e. g. skorti nú ekki, enda var drengilega eptir sótt (ok var drengilega eptir sótt, v. l.), Fms. viii. 357; cp. Fb. iii. 258, 1. 16, and Mork. 7, 1. 15: the law sometimes uses ‘ok’ exactly in the sense of enda, ef maðr selr ómaga sinn af landi brott, ‘ok’ verði hinn aptrreki er við tók, þá …, Grág. i. 275.
    d, (enda, að, Fs. 8, Ld. 50, Bs. i. 865; mod. usage distinguishes between enda að, to end, finish, and enda t, to fulfil):—to end, bring to an end; ok endi þar líf sitt, Fms. i. 297; af ráðinn ok endaðr, Fs. l. c.; endaðir sínu valdi, Bs. i. 865.
    2. metaph. to bring to an end, fulfil, perform a promise or the like; þá sýslu er hann endi eigi, work which he did not perform, Grág. ii. 267; þótti Heinreki biskupi Gizurr eigi enda við konung þat sem hann hafði heitið, Fms. x. 51; enda þeir þat er Páll postuli mælti, Hom. 135; hefir þú komit ok ent þat er þú lofaðir, Niðrst. 8.
    II. reflex, to end, come to an end; reiði mannsins endisk á einu augabragði, 656 A. ii. 17; er svá hefjask upp at eigi endask, 656 B. 3; þá endisk sá enn mikli höfðingskapr Dana konunga, Fms. xi. 205; þær endask ok byrjask jafnfram ávalt, Rb. 232.
    2. to last out; ok endisk þá, allt á sumar fram, Nj. 18; meðan mér endask föng til, Eg. 66; en honum endisk eigi til þess líf, Bs. i. 77; en er veizlor endusk eigi fyrir fjölmennis sakir, Hkr. ii. 92; ok endisk því þetta hóti lengst, Gísl. 50; meðan ek endumk til, as long as I last, i. e. live, Fms. iv. 292.
    3. to end well, do; enda mun þat fám bóndum vel endask at synja mér mægðar, Ísl. ii. 215; ek veit, at þat má honum eigi endask, ef …, Rd. 311; ok öngum skyldi öðrum hans kappa enzk hafa betta nema þér, Fas. i. 104; segir honum eigi ella endask mundu, Fms. iv. 143.
    III. impers. in the phrase, sögu endar, endar þar sögu frá honum, it ends the tale, i. e. the tale is ended, Ld. 50: in mod. usage Icel. can say, saga endar, sögu endar, and saga endast, here the story ends.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ENDA

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  • In one's hand — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • In one's hands — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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