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См. также в других словарях:

  • hover — v. 1) (d; intr.) to hover around (we hovered around our guide) 2) (d; intr.) to hover between (to hover between life and death) 3) (d; intr.) to hover over (the fear of a new war hovered over us) * * * [ hɒvə] (d; intr.) to hover over (the fear… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • hover — hoverer, n. hoveringly, adv. /huv euhr, hov /, v.i. 1. to hang fluttering or suspended in the air: The helicopter hovered over the building. 2. to keep lingering about; wait near at hand. 3. to remain in an uncertain or irresolute state; waver:… …   Universalium

  • hover — hov•er [[t]ˈhʌv ər, ˈhɒv [/t]] v. ered, er•ing, n. v.i. 1) to hang fluttering or suspended in the air: a kite hovering over the yard[/ex] 2) to keep lingering about; wait near at hand 3) to remain in an uncertain or irresolute state; waver: to… …   From formal English to slang

  • hover —   Ho okauaheahe, ho olahalaha, ōpū, lāhai. To hover between life and death, kālilolilo …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • hover */ — UK [ˈhɒvə(r)] / US [ˈhɑvər] verb [intransitive] Word forms hover : present tense I/you/we/they hover he/she/it hovers present participle hovering past tense hovered past participle hovered 1) if a bird, insect, or aircraft hovers, it keeps itself …   English dictionary

  • hover — hov|er [ havər ] verb intransitive * 1. ) if a bird, insect, or aircraft hovers, it keeps itself in the same position in the air: An army helicopter hovered overhead. 2. ) to stay somewhere because you are waiting to do something or because you… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • hover — /ˈhɒvə / (say hovuh) verb (i) 1. to hang fluttering or suspended in the air: a hovering bird. 2. to keep lingering about; wait near at hand. 3. to remain in an uncertain or irresolute state; waver: hovering between life and death. –noun 4. the… …  

  • Plato: aesthetics and psychology — Christopher Rowe Plato’s ideas about literature and art and about beauty (his ‘aesthetics’) are heavily influenced and in part actually determined by his ideas about the mind or soul (his ‘psychology’).1 It is therefore appropriate to deal with… …   History of philosophy

  • Death of Osama bin Laden — Death of Osama bin Laden …   Wikipedia

  • Bianca Montgomery and Maggie Stone — are fictional characters and a supercouple from the American daytime drama All My Children .cite news|first=Nelson|last=Branco|title=TOP 5 SUPERCOUPLES TO WATCH: 2. Maggie and Bianca, AMC|publisher=Sympatico, MSN|date=2007 01 15|accessdate=2007… …   Wikipedia

  • War and Peace — This article is about the Tolstoy novel. For other uses, see War and Peace (disambiguation). War and Peace   …   Wikipedia

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