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  • 1 stow away

    1) (to hide oneself on a ship, aircraft etc before its departure, in order to travel on it without paying the fare: He stowed away on a cargo ship for New York.) embarcar clandestinamente
    2) (to put or pack in a (secret) place until required: My jewellery is safely stowed away in the bank.) guardar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stow away

  • 2 stow away

    1) (to hide oneself on a ship, aircraft etc before its departure, in order to travel on it without paying the fare: He stowed away on a cargo ship for New York.) viajar clandestinamente
    2) (to put or pack in a (secret) place until required: My jewellery is safely stowed away in the bank.) guardar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stow away

См. также в других словарях:

  • hide — {{11}}hide (n.1) skin of a large animal, O.E. hyd hide, skin, from P.Gmc. *hudiz (Cf. O.N. huð, O.Fris. hed, M.Du. huut, Du. huid, O.H.G. hut, Ger. Haut skin ), related to Old English verb hydan to hide, the common notion …   Etymology dictionary

  • hide — hide1 [hīd] vt. hid, hidden or hid, hiding [ME hiden < OE hydan < IE * (s)keudh (> Gr keuthein, to hide) < base * (s)keu , to cover > HIDE2, SKY, L cutis, skin] 1. to put or keep out of sight; secrete; conceal …   English World dictionary

  • hide — Ⅰ. hide [1] ► VERB (past hid; past part. hidden) 1) put or keep out of sight. 2) conceal oneself. 3) keep secret. ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a camouflaged shelter used to observe wild …   English terms dictionary

  • hide — I verb abdere, absconders bury, cache, camouflage, celare, cloak, closet, cloud, conceal, conceal from knowledge, conceal from sight, cover, cover up, curtain, deceive, disguise, dissemble, ensconce, envelop, harbor, hush up, keep out of sight,… …   Law dictionary

  • hide — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. skin, pelt, coat; leather. See covering. v. cover, secrete, cloak, veil; dissemble, falsify; hole up; disguise, camouflage. See concealment, secret. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Skin of an animal] Syn. pelt …   English dictionary for students

  • hide — I v 1. conceal, screen, veil, shroud, enshroud, Inf. cover up; dissemble, disguise, camouflage; gloss over, varnish, Inf. whitewash. 2. secrete, hide away, ensconce, closet, stow away, store away, file and forget, lock up, seal up. 3. obstruct,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • hide — hide1 hidable, adj. hidability, n. hider, n. /huyd/, v., hid, hidden or hid, hiding, n. v.t. 1. to conceal from sight; prevent from being seen or discovered: Where did she hide her jewels? …   Universalium

  • hide — I verb 1) he hid the money Syn: conceal, secrete, put out of sight; camouflage; lock up, stow away, tuck away, squirrel away, cache; informal stash Ant: flaunt, expose 2) they hid in an air vent …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • hide — I. /haɪd / (say huyd) verb (hid, hidden or hid, hiding) –verb (t) 1. to conceal from sight; prevent from being seen or discovered. 2. to obstruct the view of; cover up: the sun was hidden by clouds. 3. to conceal from knowledge; keep secret …  

  • hide — I [[t]haɪd[/t]] v. hid, hid•den hid, hid•ing, 1) to conceal from sight; prevent from being seen or discovered 2) to obstruct the view of; cover up: The sun was hidden by the clouds[/ex] 3) to conceal from knowledge or exposure; keep secret: to… …   From formal English to slang

  • hide — 1. v. & n. v. (past hid; past part. hidden or archaic hid) 1 tr. put or keep out of sight (hid it under the cushion; hid her in the cupboard). 2 intr. conceal oneself. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by from) keep (a fact) secret (hid his real motive from her) …   Useful english dictionary

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