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  • 1 head

    n. 1. толгой, тэргүүн. hang down one's head тэргүүнээ гудайлгах, гуних, гутрах. 2. тоо толгой. twenty \head of cattle хорин үхэр. 3. толгойлогч, удирдагч. 4. ухаан, авьяас билиг. He has a good \head for figures. Тэр тооны хичээлд тун сайн юм. 5. юмны толгой. 6. орой, үзүүр. 7. толгойны өвчин. I`ve got a terrible \head this morning. Өнөө өглөө миний толгой тун сүрхий өвдсөн шүү. 8. зоосны сүлдтэй тал. above/ over sb's head ухаан хүрэхгүй, ойлгох аргагүй. The lecture was/ went way above my \head. Лекцнээс би юу ч ойлгож авсангүй. a/ per head нэг хүнд, хүн бүрт. put heads together зөвлөлдөх, хэлэлцэх. bang, etc one's head against a brick wall нэвтэршгүй саадтай тулгарах, бүтэхгүй юмаар хөөцөлдөх. be/ stand head and shoulders above sb/ sth бусдаас хавьгүй илүү байх, хамаагүй сайн байх. She's \head and shoulders above other players. Бусад тоглогчдоос тэр үнэхээр илүү юмаа. go off one's head ухаанаа алдах. go to the head 1. толгойд гарах, согтох. 2. алдар, нэр хүндэд толгой нь эргэх, сагсуурах. have one's head in clouds 1. хайнга байх. 2. бүтэшгүй юманд зорих, биелэшгүй зүйл мөрөөдөх. hold one's head high бардам загнах, бардах. turn sb's head толгой эргүүлэх. The success of his first novel completely turned his \head. Анхны өгүүллэг нь нэрд гарсан явдалд тэр бүр сагсуурчихаад байгаа юм. put out of one's head мартах. keep one's head тайван байх. headed adj. толгой үсэгтэй. headless adj. 1. толгойгүй. a \head corpse толгойгүй цогцос. 2. ухаангүй, солиотой. head adj. 1. гол, тэргүүлэх, зонхилох. 2. толгойн, урд талын. 3. тэргүүний, дэвшилттэй. v. 1. толгойлох, тэргүүлэх, удирдах. \head a rebellion бослого удирдах; \head a government засгийн газар толгойлох; \head a delegation төлөөлөгчдийг тэргүүлэх. 2. чиглэх, зүглэх. Where are you \heading? Та нар хаашаа зүглэж явна вэ? The captain \headed the ship northward. Ахмад онгоцоо хойд зүг залав. 3. гарчиг тавих. 4. sport мөргөх. \head the ball into the goal бөмбөгийг хаалганд мөргөж оруулах. head off зам хаах, саад болох. \head off reporters сурвалжлагчдын замыг хаах; сурвалжлага хийхэд нь саад болох.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > head

См. также в других словарях:

  • have one's head in the clouds — ► have one s head in the clouds be full of idealistic dreams. Main Entry: ↑cloud …   English terms dictionary

  • have one's head in the clouds — idi have one s head in the clouds a) to be lost in reverie; be daydreaming b) to be impractical …   From formal English to slang

  • have one's head in the clouds — (of a person) be out of touch with reality; be daydreaming …   Useful english dictionary

  • Head in the Clouds — Infobox Film name = Head in the Clouds image size = caption = Original poster director = John Duigan producer = Michael Cowan Bertil Ohlsson Jonathan Olsberg Jason Piette Maxime Rémillard André Rouleau writer = John Duigan narrator = Stuart… …   Wikipedia

  • have one's feet on the ground — verb To be a practical person. To be sensible We think we can trust John with this new position as he has his feet on the ground. Ant: have ones head in the clouds …   Wiktionary

  • The Clouds — This article is about the play by Aristophanes. For other uses, see Cloud (disambiguation). The Clouds Strepsiades, his son and Socrates (from a 16th Century engraving). The Dramatis Personae in ancient comedy depends on interpretation of textual …   Wikipedia

  • Touch the Clouds — Minneconjou headman By James H. Hamilton, taken at the Spotted Tail Agency, Nebraska, in the fall of 1877 Born c. 1838 …   Wikipedia

  • … but the clouds … — Samuel Beckett wrote his television play ... but the clouds ... between October November 1976 “to replace a film of Play which the BBC had sent [him] for approval (and which he had rejected)” [Ackerley, C. J. and Gontarski, S. E., (Eds.) The… …   Wikipedia

  • The Last Puritan — The Last Puritan: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel was written by the American philosopher George Santayana. The novel is set largely in the fictional town of Great Falls, Connecticut; Boston; and England, in and around Oxford. It relates the life …   Wikipedia

  • Over one's head — Over O ver ([=o] v[ e]r), prep. [AS. ofer; akin to D. over, G. [ u]ber, OHG. ubir, ubar, Dan. over, Sw. [ o]fver, Icel. yfir, Goth. ufar, L. super, Gr. ype r, Skr. upari. [root]199. Cf. {Above}, {Eaves}, {Hyper }, {Orlop}, {Super }, {Sovereign},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • head — head1 W1S1 [hed] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(top of body)¦ 2¦(mind)¦ 3¦(calm/sensible)¦ 4¦(person in charge)¦ 5¦(front/leading position)¦ 6¦(crazy)¦ 7 a head/per head 8¦(river/valley)¦ 9 come to a head 9 bring something to a head …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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