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  • 1 Voice

    P. and V. φωνή, ἡ, φθέγμα, τό (Plat.), φθόγγος, ὁ (Plat.), V. φθογγή, ἡ, αὐδή, ἡ, φώνημα, τό, γήρυμα, τό, Ar. and V. γῆρυς, ἡ, ἠχώ, ἡ; see Sound, Cry.
    Prophetic voice: V. κληδών, ἡ, ὀμφή, ἡ (also in acc. sing. ὄπα, Eur., Hipp. 1321; Or. 1669).
    Of animals: P. and V. φθέγμα, τό (Plat.), φθόγγος, ὁ (Plat.), V. φθογγή, ἡ, βοή, ἡ.
    Have a voice in, met.: P. and V. μετέχειν (gen.); see Share.
    Have a loud voice: P. μέγα φθέγγεσθαι.
    A fine voice, subs.: P. εὐφωνία, ἡ (Dem. 450).
    Having a fine voice, adj.: Ar. and P. εὔφωνος. P. καλλίφωνος (Plat.).
    Give the voice play, v.: P. φωνασκεῖν.
    Voice production, subs.: P. φωνασκία, ἡ.
    With one voice: see Unanimously, Together.
    They all cried with one voice: Ar. οἱ δʼ ἐξ ἑνὸς στόματος ἅπαντες ἀνέκραγον (Eg. 670).
    They all din into us with one voice: P. πάντες ἐξ ἑνὸς στόματος ὑμνοῦσι (Plat., Rep. 364A).
    With one voice: V. ἁθρόῳ στόματι (Eur., Bacch. 725).
    v. trans.
    Give utterance to: P. and V. φθέγγεσθαι (acc.), V. φωνεῖν (acc.); see Express.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Voice

  • 2 be in good voice

    (to have one's voice in good condition for singing or speaking: The choir was in good voice tonight.)

    English-Greek dictionary > be in good voice

  • 3 raise one's voice

    (to speak more loudly than normal especially in anger: I don't want to have to raise my voice to you again.)

    English-Greek dictionary > raise one's voice

  • 4 hoarse

    1) ((of voices, shouts etc) rough; harsh: a hoarse cry; His voice sounds hoarse.) βραχνός
    2) (having a hoarse voice, usually because one has a cold or cough, or because one has been shouting: You sound hoarse - have you a cold?; The spectators shouted themselves hoarse.) βραχνιασμένος

    English-Greek dictionary > hoarse

  • 5 recognise

    1) (to see, hear etc (a person, thing etc) and know who or what that person, thing etc is, because one has seen or heard him, it etc before: I recognized his voice/handwriting; I recognized him by his voice.)
    2) (to admit, acknowledge: Everyone recognized his skill.)
    3) (to be willing to have political relations with: Many countries were unwilling to recognize the new republic.)
    4) (to accept as valid, well-qualified etc: I don't recognize the authority of this court.)
    - recognisable
    - recognizably
    - recognisably
    - recognition

    English-Greek dictionary > recognise

  • 6 recognize

    1) (to see, hear etc (a person, thing etc) and know who or what that person, thing etc is, because one has seen or heard him, it etc before: I recognized his voice/handwriting; I recognized him by his voice.)
    2) (to admit, acknowledge: Everyone recognized his skill.)
    3) (to be willing to have political relations with: Many countries were unwilling to recognize the new republic.)
    4) (to accept as valid, well-qualified etc: I don't recognize the authority of this court.)
    - recognisable
    - recognizably
    - recognisably
    - recognition

    English-Greek dictionary > recognize

  • 7 Face

    P. and V. πρόσωπον, τό, ὄψις, ἡ; in V. also use ὀφθαλμός, ὁ, ὄμμα, τό.
    Face of a wall, etc.: P. μέτωπον, τό.
    The front of anything: use P. and V. τὸ πρόσθεν, P. τὸ ἔμπροσθεν.
    Of an army: P. and V. μέτωπον, τό (Xen.).
    With beautiful face, adj.: Ar. and P. εὐπρόσωπος (Plat.); see Beautiful.
    Face to face: use adj., P. and V. ἐναντίος, V. ἀντίος (Plat., Tim. 43E, but rare P.), ἀντήρης; adv., P. and V. ἐναντίον, V. κατὰ στόμα (also Xen.).
    When brought face to face with the crisis: V. καταστὰς εἰς ἀγῶνʼ ἐναντίον (Eur., frag.).
    Lurking in secret or engaging him face to face: V. κρυπτὸς καταστὰς ἢ κατʼ ὄμμʼ ἐλθὼν μάχῃ (Eur., And. 1064).
    Face to face with: P. and V. κατὰ στόμα (gen.)
    To one's face: P. κατʼ ὀφθαλμούς (Xen.), V. κατʼ ὄμμα, κατʼ ὄμματα (Eur., Or. 288), P. and V. ἐναντίον.
    In face of, in consideration of, prep.: P. and V. πρός (acc.).
    They stood shaking their spears in the face of the foe: V. ἔστησαν ἀντιπρῷρα σείοντες βέλη (Eur., El. 846).
    On one's face, face forward: V. πρηνής.
    Look in the face: P. and V. βλέπειν εἰς (acc.), V. ἐναντίον βλέπειν (acc.), προσβλέπειν ἐναντίον (acc.), ἀντιδέρκεσθαι (acc.), Ar. βλέπειν ἐναντία (Eq. 1239) (absol.).
    Do you then lift up your voice and dare to look these men in the face? P. εἶτα σὺ φθέγγει καὶ βλέπειν εἰς τουτωνὶ πρόσωπα τολμᾷς; (Dem. 320).
    What face can I show to my father? V. ποῖον ὄμμα πατρὶ δηλώσω; (Soph., Aj. 462).
    Have the face to (with infin.): P. and V. τολμᾶν (infin.), ἀξιοῦν (infin.), P. ἀποτολμᾶν (infin.), Ar. and V. τλῆναι (infin.) ( 2nd aor. of τλᾶν).
    v. trans.
    Endure: P. and V. πέχειν, φίστασθαι, αἴρεσθαι, P. ὑπομένειν, V. καρτερεῖν, ἐγκαρτερεῖν; see Endure.
    Have no fear of: P. and V. θαρσεῖν (acc.).
    Dare: P. and V. τολμᾶν (Eur., H.F. 307).
    Oppose: P. and V. ἀνθίστασθαι (dat.), ἐναντιοῦσθαι (dat.); see Oppose.
    Meet in battle: P. and V. παντᾶν (dat.), συμβάλλειν ( dat), ἀντιτάσσεσθαι (dat.); see Meet.
    Be opposite: P. ἐξ ἐναντίας καθίστασθαι (Thuc. 4, 33).
    Look towards ( of situation): P. ὁρᾶν πρός (acc.), βλέπειν πρός (acc.) (Xen.).
    Face south: P. πρὸς νότον τετράφθαι (perf. pass. of τρέπειν) (Thuc. 2, 15).
    Face round: P. and V. μεταστρέφεσθαι.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Face

  • 8 husky

    I adjective
    ((of a voice) rough in sound and difficult to hear: You sound husky - have you a cold?) βραχνός
    - huskily II plural - huskies; noun
    (a North American dog used for pulling sledges.) σκύλος των Εσκιμώων ράτσας `χάσκι`

    English-Greek dictionary > husky

  • 9 injured

    1) ((also noun) (people who have been) wounded or harmed: The injured (people) were all taken to hospital after the accident.) τραυματισμένος
    2) ((of feelings, pride etc) hurt: `Why didn't you tell me before?' he said in an injured voice.) πληγωμένος

    English-Greek dictionary > injured

  • 10 jar

    I noun
    (a kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide mouth: She poured the jam into large jars; jam-jars.) γυάλινο βάζο
    II past tense, past participle - jarred; verb
    1) ((with on) to have a harsh and startling effect (on): Her sharp voice jarred on my ears.) πειράζω, ερεθίζω
    2) (to give a shock to: The car accident had jarred her nerves.) ταράζω

    English-Greek dictionary > jar

  • 11 soft

    1) (not hard or firm; easily changing shape when pressed: a soft cushion.) μαλακός
    2) (pleasantly smooth to the touch: The dog has a soft, silky coat.) απαλός
    3) (not loud: a soft voice.) απαλός,γλυκός
    4) ((of colour) not bright or harsh: a soft pink.) ήπιος,γλυκός
    5) (not strict (enough): You are too soft with him.) μαλακός
    6) ((of a drink) not alcoholic: At the party they were serving soft drinks as well as wine and spirits.) μη οινοπνευματώδης
    7) (childishly weak, timid or silly: Don't be so soft - the dog won't hurt you.) βουτυρόπαιδο
    - softness
    - soften
    - soft-boiled
    - soft-hearted
    - soft-spoken
    - software
    - softwood
    - have a soft spot for

    English-Greek dictionary > soft

  • 12 top

    I 1. [top] noun
    1) (the highest part of anything: the top of the hill; the top of her head; The book is on the top shelf.) κορυφή, πάνω μέρος
    2) (the position of the cleverest in a class etc: He's at the top of the class.) κορυφή
    3) (the upper surface: the table-top.) επιφάνεια, πάνω μέρος
    4) (a lid: I've lost the top to this jar; a bottle-top.) καπάκι, σκέπασμα, κάλυμμα
    5) (a (woman's) garment for the upper half of the body; a blouse, sweater etc: I bought a new skirt and top.) γυναικεία μπλούζα
    2. adjective
    (having gained the most marks, points etc, eg in a school class: He's top (of the class) again.) πρώτος, κορυφαίος, ανώτερος
    3. verb
    1) (to cover on the top: She topped the cake with cream.) σκεπάζω από πάνω
    2) (to rise above; to surpass: Our exports have topped $100,000.) ξεπερνώ
    3) (to remove the top of.) κορφολογώ
    - topping
    - top hat
    - top-heavy
    - top-secret
    - at the top of one's voice
    - be/feel on top of the world
    - from top to bottom
    - the top of the ladder/tree
    - top up
    II [top] noun
    (a kind of toy that spins.) σβούρα

    English-Greek dictionary > top

  • 13 Accent

    Pitch: Ar. and P. τόνος, ὁ.
    Way of speaking: P. and V. φωνή, ἡ ; see Voice.
    Mark on syllable to show accent: P. ὀξύτης, ἡ (Plat., Crat. 399A).
    Have a foreign accent, v.: P. ξενίζειν.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Accent

  • 14 Loud

    P. and V. μέγας.
    Shrill: P. and V. ὀξύς, V. λιγύς (also Plat. but rare P.), ὄρθιος, πικρός, διτορος, γεγωνός, Ar. and V. πέρτονος; boastful.
    Clear: P. and V. λαμπρός.
    Noisy: P. θορυβώδης, V. ῥόθιος, πολύρροθος.
    Be loud, v.: V. πρέπειν, ῥοθεῖν; see also Resound.
    Then censures grow loud against us: V. κἄπειτʼ ἐν ἡμῖν ὁ ψόγος λαμπρύνεται (Eur., El. 1039).
    Then with good cause is the house loud with cries: V. ἐπʼ ἀξίοισι τἄρʼ ἀνευφημεῖ δόμος (Eur., Or. 1335).
    Have a loud voice: P. μέγα φθέγγεσθαι.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Loud

  • 15 Speech

    Articulate sound: P. and V. φωνή, ἡ, φθέγμα, τό, V. φώνημα, τό; see Voice.
    Word: P. and V. λόγος, ὁ, ῥῆμα, τό, ῥῆσις, ἡ; see Word.
    Language: P. and V. γλῶσσα, ἡ, φωνή, ἡ, V. φτις, ἡ.
    Way of speaking: Ar. and P. διλεκτος, ἡ.
    Speech in a play: Ar. and P. ῥῆσις, ἡ.
    Public speech: P. and V. λόγος, ὁ, ῥῆσις, ἡ, P. δημηγορία, ἡ.
    Have speech with: Ar. and P. διαλέγεσθαι (dat. or πρός, acc.).
    Make a speech: P. and V. λέγειν, Ar. and P. δημηγορεῖν, P. λόγον ποιεῖσθαι.
    Composer of speeches: P. λογογράφος, ὁ, λογοποιός, ὁ.
    Composition of speeches: P. λογογραφία, ἡ.
    Freedom of speech: P. and V. παρρησία, ἡ.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Speech

См. также в других словарях:

  • have\ a\ voice\ in — • have a say in • have a voice in v. phr. To have the right to express one s opinion or cast a vote in a pending matter. Our boss is friendly and democratic; he always encourages us to have a say in what we will do next …   Словарь американских идиом

  • have a voice — have strong opinions …   English contemporary dictionary

  • We Have a Voice — We Have a Voice: An Anthology of African and Caribbean Student Writing in BC is a student founded project created to promote African and Caribbean studies and awareness in British Columbia. The anthology was founded in October 2005 and has a… …   Wikipedia

  • Now the Animals Have a Voice — Studio album by Caninus Released 2004 …   Wikipedia

  • voice — [vois] n. [ME < OFr vois < L vox (gen. vocis), a voice < IE base * wekw , to speak > Sans vákti, (he) speaks, Gr ossa, ōps, voice, OE woma, noise] 1. sound made through the mouth, esp. by human beings in talking, singing, etc. 2. the… …   English World dictionary

  • have\ a\ say\ in — • have a say in • have a voice in v. phr. To have the right to express one s opinion or cast a vote in a pending matter. Our boss is friendly and democratic; he always encourages us to have a say in what we will do next …   Словарь американских идиом

  • voice — voice1 [ vɔıs ] noun *** ▸ 1 speaking/singing sound ▸ 2 for expressing opinions ▸ 3 someone/something expressing idea ▸ 4 personal style ▸ 5 in linguistics ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count or uncount the sounds someone makes when they speak: A female voice …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • voice — 1 /vOIs/ noun 1 SPEAKING (C, U) the sounds that you make when you speak: He recognized her voice instantly. | I could hear voices in the next room. | a loud/deep/soft/husky etc voice: a child with a squeaky voice | angry/excited/worried etc voice …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • voice — I UK [vɔɪs] / US noun Word forms voice : singular voice plural voices *** 1) [countable/uncountable] the sounds that someone makes when they speak A female voice answered the phone. We could hear voices in the next apartment. He tried to keep the …   English dictionary

  • voice — [[t]vɔ͟ɪs[/t]] ♦♦ voices, voicing, voiced 1) N COUNT: oft poss N, adj N When someone speaks or sings, you hear their voice. Miriam s voice was strangely calm... The police are here, she said in a low voice... There was a sound of loud voices from …   English dictionary

  • voice — voice1 W1S2 [vɔıs] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(speaking)¦ 2¦(singing)¦ 3¦(opinion)¦ 4 speak with one voice 5¦(representative)¦ 6 the voice of reason/experience etc 7¦(feelings)¦ 8 inner voice 9¦(grammar)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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