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с языка хинди на все языки


  • 1 have

    1. पास होना
    I have a computer

    English-Hindi dictionary > have

  • 2 have to

    1. संबन्ध रखना
    I have to attend the party

    English-Hindi dictionary > have to

  • 3 have

    माल असबाब
    v. tr.
    रखना, पकडना; प्राप्त करना, पाना; जरूरत पडना, आवश्यक हो जाना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > have

  • 4 not have the foggiest idea

    not have the faintest/foggiest idea
    1. मालूम न होना
    I do not have the foggiest idea how to sort out this matter in the office.

    English-Hindi dictionary > not have the foggiest idea

  • 5 not have the faintest idea

    English-Hindi dictionary > not have the faintest idea

  • 6 i have to do.

    mujhé karnaa hai.

    English-Hindi Amateurish dictionary > i have to do.

  • 7 to have sex with

    English-Hindi Amateurish dictionary > to have sex with

  • 8 ease

    1. आराम\easeका
    We have to follow a life of ease.
    2. सुगमता
    We have put the books here for ease of access.
    1. आराम\easeदेना
    He eased the burden of debt by implementing many schemes.
    2. तनाव\easeकम\easeकरना
    The medicines eased his tension.
    3. मूल्य\easeकम\easeहोना
    Interest rates have eased since May.

    English-Hindi dictionary > ease

  • 9 if not

    1. नहीं तो
    If you have finished we can have coffee together if not I'll have one on my own.

    English-Hindi dictionary > if not

  • 10 look

    1. दृष्टि
    Have a look at this book.
    2. अवलोकन
    A pleasant look.
    3. फैशन
    A new look hairdress.
    4. शैली
    A new look hairstyle.
    5. तलाश
    I have had a good look at the shelf but I could not get the book that I needed.
    1. देखना
    He looks at you.
    2. तलाशना
    I am not getting my pen. I have looked for it everywhere.
    3. ध्यान देना
    Look at him. How absorved he is in the novel.
    4. दिखाई देना
    He looks so much like his father.
    5. दिशा की ओर होना
    The school looks towards the garden.

    English-Hindi dictionary > look

  • 11 abide

    1. सहन\abideकरना
    If you join sports club,you have to abide by its rules.
    2. एक\abideजगह\abideरहना
    According to Article 370, everyone doesn't have the right to abide in J&K.

    English-Hindi dictionary > abide

  • 12 cash

    1. रोकड़
    Due to cards,one doesn't have to carry cash.
    1. रोकड़\cashमें\cashबदलना
    I have to go to the bank to cash a check.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cash

  • 13 chalk

    1. खड़िया
    We use white chalks to write on the blackboard.
    1. चिह्न\chalkलगाना
    We have to chalk the items that have to be bought from the list.

    English-Hindi dictionary > chalk

  • 14 come

    1. आना
    She has come from Indore.
    2. यात्रा\comeकरना
    We have come 160 km since morning.
    3. एक\comeनिश्चित\comeस्थलल\comeको\comeआना
    He came running to her.
    4. एक\comeनिश्चित\comeस्थान\comeगृहण\comeकरना
    Duty comes first for soldiers.
    5. उपलब्ध\comeहोना
    Women's outfit comes in various designs.
    6. बनकर\comeआना
    The handle of my bag has come loose.
    7. तर्क\comeपर\comeपहुँचना
    I have come to believe that our neighbour has underworld connection.
    8. प्रश्न\comeमें\comeप्रयोग\comeकरना
    How did you come to know about this accident?
    9. अभिनय\comeकरना
    She tried to come innocent.
    10. कामोत्ताप\comeकरना
    She didn't want to come.
    11. किसी\comeदशा\comeका\comeआना/पहुँचना
    At last monsoon has come!

    English-Hindi dictionary > come

  • 15 counterfeit

    1. जाली/नकली
    A large amount of counterfeit notes have been found from the visitor.
    1. जालसाज़ी
    Some anti-social elements have put counterfeit ballot papers into the ballot box.
    1. जालसाज़ी\counterfeitकरना
    It is a crime to counterfeit notes.

    English-Hindi dictionary > counterfeit

  • 16 cross

    1. आड़ा/तिरछा
    2. चिड़चिड़ा/हठी
    3. प्रतिकूल
    He gave her a cross look.
    What are you so cross about?
    Strong cross winds make it impossible for boats to leave harbour.
    1. गुणा\crossया\crossधन\crossका\crossनिशान
    The crop regions are marked on the map with a cross\{+,x\}.
    2. कष्ट/संकट
    We all have our crosses to bear and to live with it.
    3. संकर
    A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey.
    4. ईसाई\crossधर्म\crossका\crossचिह्न/क्रूश
    She wears a small golden cross on a chain round her neck.
    The cross on which Christ died.
    1. पार\crossउतारना/पार\crossकरना
    Look before you cross the road.
    The river is too deep,we can not cross over.
    2. कोई\crossबात\crossध्यान\crossमे\crossआना
    A new idea crossed her mind.
    3. किसी\crossगलत\crossबात\crossको\crossकाटना
    Two sentences have been crossed out from the paragraph.
    4. मार्ग\crossमें\crossमिलना
    We crossed each other on the way.
    The trains crossed
    5. रोकना/विरोध\crossकरना
    She was angry when her plans were crossed.
    6. एक\crossदूसरे\crossको\crossकाटना
    Let straight lines,AB and CD cross each other at O.
    7. क्रास\crossका\crossचिह्न\crossबनाना
    She crossed herself as she passed the church.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cross

  • 17 fee

    1. शुल्क
    I have to pay my fee to appear at the examination.
    Have you paid the doctor his fee ?

    English-Hindi dictionary > fee

  • 18 feeling

    1. बोध
    I have a bad feeling in this matter.
    2. चेतना
    I have lost all feelings in my leg.
    The speaker appealed to the feelings of the audiance

    English-Hindi dictionary > feeling

  • 19 fidelity

    1. स्वामीभक्ति
    Masses have fidelity towards their leaders.
    2. ईमानदारी
    One should have fidelity towards one's partner.
    Translation of books should be done with fidelity to the origional.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fidelity

  • 20 file

    1. पंक्ति
    There was a long file of people at the poling booth.
    1. फाइल\{कागज़ संभाल\fileकर\fileरखने\fileकी\fileजिल्द\}
    I always keep my correspondence in appropriately labelled files.
    2. \{कम्पयूटर\fileमें सूचना\fileरखने\fileका\fileतरीका\}
    I have too many files on my hard disk.
    1. रेती
    Please use the file to remove uneven surface.
    1. घिसना
    You should file your nails as they have grown big.
    1. सूचना\fileदर्ज\fileकरना
    Please file my complaint on this issue.

    English-Hindi dictionary > file

См. также в других словарях:

  • have — [ weak əv, həv, strong hæv ] (3rd person singular has [ weak əz, həz, strong hæz ] ; past tense and past participle had [ weak əd, həd, strong hæd ] ) verb *** Have can be used in the following ways: as an auxiliary verb in perfect tenses of… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • have — [hav; ] also, as before [ “] to [ haf] vt. had [had; ] unstressed [, həd, əd] having [ME haven (earlier habben) < OE habban, akin to OHG haben, ON hafa, Goth haban < IE base * kap , to grasp > Gr kaptein, to gulp down, L capere, to take …   English World dictionary

  • Have — (h[a^]v), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Had} (h[a^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Having}. Indic. present, I {have}, thou {hast}, he {has}; we, ye, they {have}.] [OE. haven, habben, AS. habben (imperf. h[ae]fde, p. p. geh[ae]fd); akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • have — (h[a^]v), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Had} (h[a^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Having}. Indic. present, I {have}, thou {hast}, he {has}; we, ye, they {have}.] [OE. haven, habben, AS. habben (imperf. h[ae]fde, p. p. geh[ae]fd); akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • have — (h[a^]v), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Had} (h[a^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Having}. Indic. present, I {have}, thou {hast}, he {has}; we, ye, they {have}.] [OE. haven, habben, AS. habben (imperf. h[ae]fde, p. p. geh[ae]fd); akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Have You Ever? — «Have You Ever?» Sencillo de Brandy del álbum Never S A Y Never Formato Disco compacto, Disco de vinilo, Casete Género(s) Pop Duración 4:26 (Versión del álbum) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Have Heart — Datos generales Origen New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA Información artística Género(s) Hardcore punk, youth crew , Hardcore …   Wikipedia Español

  • hâve — [ av ] adj. • 1548; frq. °haswa « gris comme le lièvre » ♦ Amaigri et pâli par la faim, la fatigue, la souffrance. ⇒ émacié, 1. maigre. Gens hâves et déguenillés. Visage, teint hâve. ⇒ blafard, blême. ⊗ CONTR. 1. Frais, replet. hâve adj. Litt.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Have It All — Альбом Эй Джей Маклина …   Википедия

  • Have One On Me — Have One On Me …   Википедия

  • Have a Little Faith in Me — Sencillo de Mandy Moore del álbum Coverage Lanzamiento 2003 …   Wikipedia Español

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