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  • 1 play

    [plei] 1. verb
    1) (to amuse oneself: The child is playing in the garden; He is playing with his toys; The little girl wants to play with her friends.) a se juca; a se distra
    2) (to take part in (games etc): He plays football; He is playing in goal; Here's a pack of cards - who wants to play (with me)?; I'm playing golf with him this evening.) a juca
    3) (to act in a play etc; to act (a character): She's playing Lady Macbeth; The company is playing in London this week.) a juca
    4) ((of a play etc) to be performed: `Oklahoma' is playing at the local theatre.) a juca
    5) (to (be able to) perform on (a musical instrument): She plays the piano; Who was playing the piano this morning?; He plays (the oboe) in an orchestra.) a cânta (la)
    6) ((usually with on) to carry out or do (a trick): He played a trick on me.) a juca (o festă)
    7) ((usually with at) to compete against (someone) in a game etc: I'll play you at tennis.) a face umbre
    8) ((of light) to pass with a flickering movement: The firelight played across the ceiling.) a juca, a pune jos
    9) (to direct (over or towards something): The firemen played their hoses over the burning house.)
    10) (to put down or produce (a playing-card) as part of a card game: He played the seven of hearts.)
    2. noun
    1) (recreation; amusement: A person must have time for both work and play.) joc, dis­trac­ţie
    2) (an acted story; a drama: Shakespeare wrote many great plays.) piesă de teatru
    3) (the playing of a game: At the start of today's play, England was leading India by fifteen runs.) meci
    4) (freedom of movement (eg in part of a machine).) joc
    - playable
    - playful
    - playfully
    - playfulness
    - playboy
    - playground
    - playing-card
    - playing-field
    - playmate
    - playpen
    - playschool
    - plaything
    - playtime
    - playwright
    - at play
    - bring/come into play
    - child's play
    - in play
    - out of play
    - play at
    - play back
    - play down
    - play fair
    - play for time
    - play havoc with
    - play into someone's hands
    - play off
    - play off against
    - play on
    - play a
    - no part in
    - play safe
    - play the game
    - play up

    English-Romanian dictionary > play

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  • time — n. & v. n. 1 the indefinite continued progress of existence, events, etc., in past, present, and future regarded as a whole. 2 a the progress of this as affecting persons or things (stood the test of time). b (Time) (in full Father Time) the… …   Useful english dictionary

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