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  • 1 age

    [ei‹] 1. noun
    1) (the amount of time during which a person or thing has existed: He went to school at the age of six (years); What age is she?) vârstă
    2) ((often with capital) a particular period of time: This machine was the wonder of the age; the Middle Ages.) epocă, ev
    3) (the quality of being old: This wine will improve with age; With the wisdom of age he regretted the mistakes he had made in his youth.) bătrâneţe; vechime
    4) ((usually in plural) a very long time: We've been waiting (for) ages for a bus.) veşnicie
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) grow old or look old: He has aged a lot since I last saw him; His troubles have aged him.) a îmbătrâni
    - ageless
    - age-old
    - the aged
    - come of age
    - of age

    English-Romanian dictionary > age

  • 2 wax

    I 1. [wæks] noun
    1) (the sticky, fatty substance of which bees make their cells; beeswax.) ceară
    2) (the sticky, yellowish substance formed in the ears.) cerumen
    3) (a manufactured, fatty substance used in polishing, to give a good shine: furniture wax.) ceară de mobilă
    4) (( also adjective) (also candle-wax) (of) a substance made from paraffin, used in making candles, models etc, that melts when heated: a wax model.) de/în ceară
    5) (sealing-wax.) ceară pentru sigilii
    2. verb
    (to smear, polish or rub with wax.) a ce­rui
    - waxen
    - waxy
    - waxwork
    - waxworks
    II [wæks] verb
    1) ((of the moon) to appear to grow in size as more of it becomes visible.) a creşte
    2) (an old word for to grow or increase.) a creşte

    English-Romanian dictionary > wax

  • 3 outgrow

    past tense - outgrew; verb
    (to grow too big or too old for: My son has outgrown all his clothes.) a deveni prea mare pentru

    English-Romanian dictionary > outgrow

  • 4 spring

    [spriŋ] 1. past tense - sprang; verb
    1) (to jump, leap or move swiftly (usually upwards): She sprang into the boat.) a sări, a sălta
    2) (to arise or result from: His bravery springs from his love of adventure.) a proveni din
    3) (to (cause a trap to) close violently: The trap must have sprung when the hare stepped in it.) a (se) întinde brusc
    2. noun
    1) (a coil of wire or other similar device which can be compressed or squeezed down but returns to its original shape when released: a watch-spring; the springs in a chair.) resort
    2) (the season of the year between winter and summer when plants begin to flower or grow leaves: Spring is my favourite season.) primăvară
    3) (a leap or sudden movement: The lion made a sudden spring on its prey.) salt
    4) (the ability to stretch and spring back again: There's not a lot of spring in this old trampoline.) elasticitate
    5) (a small stream flowing out from the ground.) izvor
    - springiness
    - sprung
    - springboard
    - spring cleaning
    - springtime
    - spring up

    English-Romanian dictionary > spring

См. также в других словарях:

  • Grow Old with Me — Song infobox Name = Grow Old With Me Artist = John Lennon Released = 27 January 1984 Recorded = July 1980 Genre = Ballad Length = 3:09 Writer = John Lennon Producer = John Lennon Yoko Ono Grow Old With Me is one of the final songs written by John …   Wikipedia

  • Never Grow Old — can refer to: Never Grow Old, alternate title of Songs of Faith, a 1958 album by Aretha Franklin Never Grow Old , a song from that album Never Grow Old , a 1963 single by The Vikings (band) Never Grow Old , a song by Voices of Tabernacle on the… …   Wikipedia

  • We Won't Grow Old Together — Directed by Maurice Pialat Produced by Jacques Dorfmann Maurice Pialat …   Wikipedia

  • A Love That Will Never Grow Old — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Brokeback Mountain (banda sonora) Obtenido de A Love That Will Never Grow Old …   Wikipedia Español

  • A Love That Will Never Grow Old — is a song from the movie Brokeback Mountain , with music by Argentine composer Gustavo Santaolalla and lyrics by Bernie Taupin, and performed by singer Emmylou Harris. It won the 2006 Golden Globe, the Satellite Award and the Internet Movie Award …   Wikipedia

  • A Love That Will Never Grow Old — (littéralement « un amour qui ne vieillira jamais ») est une chanson composée par Gustavo Santaolalla, paroles de Bernie Taupin, créée pour la bande originale de Brokeback Mountain et chantée par Emmylou Harris. Elle dure 3min20. Elle a …   Wikipédia en Français

  • grow old — Synonyms and related words: age, antiquate, become extinct, become obsolete, cheat the undertaker, date, decline, dodder, fade, fail, fossilize, fust, get along, get on, lose currency, molder, obsolesce, outdate, perish, rust, shake, shrivel,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • grow old — become older, become aged; become worn out …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Old — Old, a. [Compar. {Older}; superl. {Oldest}.] [OE. old, ald, AS. ald, eald; akin to D. oud, OS. ald, OFries. ald, old, G. alt, Goth. alpeis, and also to Goth. alan to grow up, Icel. ala to bear, produce, bring up, L. alere to nourish. Cf. {Adult} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Old age — Old Old, a. [Compar. {Older}; superl. {Oldest}.] [OE. old, ald, AS. ald, eald; akin to D. oud, OS. ald, OFries. ald, old, G. alt, Goth. alpeis, and also to Goth. alan to grow up, Icel. ala to bear, produce, bring up, L. alere to nourish. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Old bachelor — Old Old, a. [Compar. {Older}; superl. {Oldest}.] [OE. old, ald, AS. ald, eald; akin to D. oud, OS. ald, OFries. ald, old, G. alt, Goth. alpeis, and also to Goth. alan to grow up, Icel. ala to bear, produce, bring up, L. alere to nourish. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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