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  • 1 university

    n. universitet (akademisk inrättning, inrättning för högskolestudier som ger akademisk examen)
    * * *
    plural - universities; noun
    ((the buildings or colleges of) a centre of advanced education and research, that has the power to grant degrees: He'll have four years at university after he leaves school; ( also adjective) a university student.) universitet

    English-Swedish dictionary > university

  • 2 university extension

    universitetskurser (för personer som inte är studenter)

    English-Swedish dictionary > university extension

  • 3 university students

    studenter, universitetselever

    English-Swedish dictionary > university students

  • 4 Bar-Ilan University

    Bar-Ilans universitet

    English-Swedish dictionary > Bar-Ilan University

  • 5 Ben Gurion University

    Ben Gurion universitetet, Negevuniversitetet (BGU)

    English-Swedish dictionary > Ben Gurion University

  • 6 Bir Zeit University

    Bei Zeit universitetet

    English-Swedish dictionary > Bir Zeit University

  • 7 Carnegie Mellon University

    universitet i Pennsylvania (USA)

    English-Swedish dictionary > Carnegie Mellon University

  • 8 Hadassah-University Hospital in Jerusalem's Ein Kerem

    Hadassah universitetssjukhus i Ein Kerem-området i Jerusalem, Israel

    English-Swedish dictionary > Hadassah-University Hospital in Jerusalem's Ein Kerem

  • 9 Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    Hebreiska Universitetet i Jerusalem

    English-Swedish dictionary > Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  • 10 Yeshiva University

    Yeshiva universitetet (YU)

    English-Swedish dictionary > Yeshiva University

  • 11 school

    adj. skol-, angående undervisning
    n. skola; institut; universitet; skola, metod; fakultet; stim, flock
    v. skola, öva upp; lära; instruera, handleda; uppträda i stim (fiskar)
    * * *
    I 1. [sku:l] noun
    1) (a place for teaching especially children: She goes to the school; He's not at university - he's still at school; (American) He's still in school.) skola
    2) (the pupils of a school: The behaviour of this school in public is sometimes not very good.) skola
    3) (a series of meetings or a place for instruction etc: She runs a sewing school; a driving school.) skola
    4) (a department of a university or college dealing with a particular subject: the School of Mathematics.) fakultet, sektion, institution
    5) ((American) a university or college.) universitet, college
    6) (a group of people with the same ideas etc: There are two schools of thought about the treatment of this disease.) skola
    2. verb
    (to train through practice: We must school ourselves to be patient.) skola, öva upp, lära sig
    - schoolboy
    - schoolgirl
    - schoolchild
    - school-day
    - schooldays
    - schoolfellow
    - school-leaver
    - schoolmaster
    - schoolmate
    - school-teacher
    II [sku:l] noun
    (a group of certain kinds of fish, whales or other water animals swimming about: a school of porpoises.) stim, flock

    English-Swedish dictionary > school

  • 12 chair

    n. stol; lärostol, kateder
    v. vara ordförande i, leda möte; sitta i en stol
    * * *
    [ eə] 1. noun
    1) (a movable seat for one person, with a back to it: a table and four chairs.) stol
    2) (the position of a person who is chairman at a meeting etc: Who is in the chair?) ordförande[]
    3) (the office of a university professor: He holds the chair of History at this university.) lärostol, professur
    2. verb
    (to be chairman at (a meeting etc): He chaired the meeting last night.) vara (sitta som) ordförande
    - chairman
    - chairperson
    - chairwoman
    - chairmanship

    English-Swedish dictionary > chair

  • 13 major

    adj. betydande, viktig; högre i rang; stor
    n. major; myndig person; huvudämne
    v. studera som huvudämne
    * * *
    ['mei‹ə] 1. adjective
    (great, or greater, in size, importance etc: major and minor roads; a major discovery.) större, betydande
    2. noun
    1) ((often abbreviated to Maj. when written) the rank next below lieutenant-colonel.) major
    2) ((American) the subject in which you specialize at college or university: a major in physics; Her major is psychology.) huvudämne
    3. verb
    ((with in) (American) to study a certain subject in which you specialize at college or university: She is majoring in philosophy.) läsa som huvudämne
    - major-general
    - the age of majority

    English-Swedish dictionary > major

  • 14 professor

    n. professor; lärare
    * * *
    (often abbreviated to Prof. when written)
    1) (a university teacher who is the head of a department: He is a professor of English at Leeds; Professor Jones.) professor
    2) ((American) a university teacher.) lärare
    - professorship

    English-Swedish dictionary > professor

  • 15 student

    n. student, studerande, elev; forskare
    * * *
    1) (an undergraduate or graduate studying for a degree at a university etc: university students; a medical student; ( also adjective) She is a student nurse/teacher.) studerande, student, []elev, []kandidat
    2) ((especially American) a boy or girl at school.) elev
    3) (a person studying a particular thing: a student of politics.) intresserad []

    English-Swedish dictionary > student

  • 16 tuition

    n. undervisning
    * * *
    1) (teaching, especially private: he gives music tuition / tuition in music.) undervisning
    2) ((American) tuition fee; the money a student pays to a college, university or private school: How much is the tuition at your university?) termins-, undervisningsavgift

    English-Swedish dictionary > tuition

  • 17 tutor

    n. privatlärare, informator
    v. undervisa
    * * *
    ['tju:tə] 1. noun
    1) (a teacher of a group of students in a college or university.) handledare
    2) (a privately-employed teacher: His parents employed a tutor to teach him Greek.) privatlärare
    3) (a book which teaches a subject, especially music: I bought a violin tutor.) lärobok
    2. verb
    (to teach: He tutored the child in mathematics.) undervisa, handleda
    3. noun
    (a lesson by a tutor at a college or university: We have lectures and tutorials in history.) lektion

    English-Swedish dictionary > tutor

  • 18 YU

    religiös judisk högskola (Yeshiva University, New York)
    YU (Yeshiva University of New York)

    English-Swedish dictionary > YU

  • 19 A level

    ((abbreviation) Advanced Level; (in Britain) an examination in a particular subject that pupils have to pass if they want to go to university; the level of these examinations: I failed my Chemistry A level; What subjects are you taking at A level?) []-betyg, examen

    English-Swedish dictionary > A level

  • 20 academic year

    akademiskt år
    * * *
    noun (that part of the year when students go to school, college or university: The academic year ends in June.)

    English-Swedish dictionary > academic year

См. также в других словарях:

  • University of Cambridge — Latin: Academia Cantabrigiensis Motto Hinc lucem et pocula sacra (Latin) Motto in English …   Wikipedia

  • University of California, Berkeley — Seal of the University of California, Berkeley Motto Latin: Fiat Lux Motto in English Let There Be Light …   Wikipedia

  • University of Texas at Austin — University of Texas redirects here. For the university system, see University of Texas System. The University of Texas at Austin Motto Disciplina praesidium civitatis (Latin) Motto in En …   Wikipedia

  • University of Utah — Seal of the University of Utah Established February 28, 1850[1] Type Public …   Wikipedia

  • University of Glasgow — Latin: Universitas Glasguensis Motto Via, Veritas, Vita Motto in English The Way, The Truth, The Life Established …   Wikipedia

  • University College London — Arms of University College London (no longer used in any official capacity) Motto Cuncti adsint meritaeque expectent praemia palmae (Latin) Motto in English Let all come …   Wikipedia

  • University of Bristol — Latin: Universitas Bristolliensis (Bris.) Motto Vim promovet insitam Motto in English …   Wikipedia

  • University of Waterloo — seal Motto Concordia cum veritate Motto in English In harmony with truth Established 1957 …   Wikipedia

  • University of Copenhagen — Københavns Universitet Latin: Universitas Hafniensis Motto Coelestem adspicit lucem ( …   Wikipedia

  • University of Maryland, College Park — University of Maryland redirects here. For other uses, see University of Maryland (disambiguation). Coordinates: 38°59′15.0″N 76°56′24.0″W / 38.9875°N 76.94°W …   Wikipedia

  • University of Dundee — Latin: Universitas Dundensis Motto Latin: Magnificat anima mea dominum[1] Motto in English …   Wikipedia

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