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  • 1 search

    [sə: ] 1. verb
    1) ((often with for) to look for something by careful examination: Have you searched through your pockets thoroughly?; I've been searching for that book for weeks.) procurar
    2) ((of the police etc) to examine, looking for eg stolen goods: He was taken to the police station, searched and questioned.) revistar
    2. noun
    (an act of searching: His search did not take long.) busca
    - searching
    - searchingly
    - searchlight
    - search party
    - search warrant
    - in search of
    * * *
    [sə:tʃ] n 1 procura, busca, diligência. 2 pesquisa, exame. • vt+vi 1 procurar. 2 investigar, examinar. 3 revistar. to search into pesquisar. to search one’s heart investigar o íntimo. to search out procurar saber, descobrir, explorar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > search

См. также в других словарях:

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  • NEW YORK CITY — NEW YORK CITY, foremost city of the Western Hemisphere and largest urban Jewish community in history; pop. 7,771,730 (1970), est. Jewish pop. 1,836,000 (1968); metropolitan area 11,448,480 (1970), metropolitan area Jewish (1968), 2,381,000… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • chemoreception — chemoreceptive /kee moh ri sep tiv, kem oh /, adj. /kee moh ri sep sheuhn, kem oh /, n. the physiological response to chemical stimuli. [1915 20; CHEMO + RECEPTION] * * * Sensory process by which organisms respond to external chemical stimuli, by …   Universalium

  • Pinball — covered case called a pinball machine. The primary objective of the game is to score as many points as possible. Secondary objectives are to maximize the time spent playing (by earning extra balls and keeping the ball in play as long as possible) …   Wikipedia

  • 1650-1700 in fashion — Fashion in the period 1650 1700 in Western European clothing is characterised by rapid change. Following the end of the Thirty Years War and the Restoration of England s Charles II, military influences in men s clothing were replaced by a brief… …   Wikipedia

  • Climbing hold — A climber using resin climbing holds on an artificial wall A climbing hold is a shaped grip that is usually attached to a climbing wall so climbers can grab or step on it. On most walls, climbing holds are arranged in paths, called routes, by… …   Wikipedia

  • stick — I n. 1) a hiking; hockey; pointed; walking stick 2) a celery stick 3) a composing stick ( device for typesetting ) 4) a swagger stick (carried by a military officer) 5) (misc.) to carry a big stick ( to threaten to use force to settle a dispute ) …   Combinatory dictionary

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