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с болгарского на английский


  • 1 pleasure

    I. 1. удоволствие, наслада, развлечение
    man of PLEASURE бонвиван
    woman of PLEASURE лека жена
    it gives me PLEASURE to драго/приятно ми е да
    to take (a) PLEASURE in doing something обичам/приятно ми е да правя нещо
    it will be a PLEASURE to me, it will give me great PLEASURE, I shall esteem it a PLEASURE to ще ми бъде приятно/драго да, ще се радвам да
    to take one's PLEASURE забавлявам се (особ. с любовни авантюри)
    it was a PLEASURE, the PLEASURE was mine моля, направих го с удоволствие
    may I have the PLEASURE of your company to dinner? ще ми направите ли удоволствието да вечеряте у/с нас? X. requests the PLEASURE of your company to X. ви моли/кани да присъствувате на (в официални покани)
    2. желание, нареждане
    we await your PLEASURE очакваме вашите нареждания
    without consulting my PLEASURE без да ме пита, без да се съобрази с желанието ми
    at your PLEASURE когато пожелаете, както пожелаете
    3. attr (който е) за удоволствие, увесели телен
    PLEASURE trip пътуване за удоволствие, екскурзия
    II. 1. прави ми удоволствие (in с ger да)
    2. търся удоволствия
    3. доставям (полова) наслада на
    * * *
    {'ple(c)ъ} n 1. удоволствие; наслада; развлечение; man of pleasure (2) {'ple(c)ъ} v 1. прави ми удоволствие (in с ger да); 2. т
    * * *
    увеселителен; удоволствие; сладост; воля; развлечение; желание; кеф; наслада;
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    1. at your pleasure когато пожелаете, както пожелаете 2. attr (който е) за удоволствие, увесели телен 3. i. удоволствие, наслада, развлечение 4. ii. прави ми удоволствие (in с ger да) 5. it gives me pleasure to драго/приятно ми е да 6. it was a pleasure, the pleasure was mine моля, направих го с удоволствие 7. it will be a pleasure to me, it will give me great pleasure, i shall esteem it a pleasure to ще ми бъде приятно/драго да, ще се радвам да 8. man of pleasure бонвиван 9. may i have the pleasure of your company to dinner? ще ми направите ли удоволствието да вечеряте у/с нас? x. requests the pleasure of your company to x. ви моли/кани да присъствувате на (в официални покани) 10. pleasure trip пътуване за удоволствие, екскурзия 11. to take (a) pleasure in doing something обичам/приятно ми е да правя нещо 12. to take one's pleasure забавлявам се (особ. с любовни авантюри) 13. we await your pleasure очакваме вашите нареждания 14. without consulting my pleasure без да ме пита, без да се съобрази с желанието ми 15. woman of pleasure лека жена 16. доставям (полова) наслада на 17. желание, нареждане 18. търся удоволствия
    * * *
    pleasure[´pleʒə] I. n 1. удоволствие, наслада; развлечение, забава; man of \pleasure човек на удоволствията; развратник; woman of \pleasure лека жена; unalloyed \pleasure непомрачено удоволствие; to take o.'s \pleasure забавлявам се, развличам се; to take (a) \pleasure in s.th. намирам удоволствие в нещо; it will be a \pleasure to me, it will give me great \pleasure, I shall esteem it a \pleasure ще ми бъде драго, ще се радвам, ще ми бъде приятно; 2. воля, желание; without consulting my \pleasure без да ме питат; I shall not consult his \pleasure няма да се съобразявам с желанията му; at his \pleasure когато той пожелае; during his \pleasure дотогава, докато той желае; what is your \pleasure? какво ще обичате? 3. евфем. сексуално задоволяване; he took his \pleasure of her той се забавлява с нея; 4. attr увеселителен; \pleasure car спортен автомобил за разходки; \pleasure journey ( trip) пътешествие за удоволствие; II. v ост. 1. доставям удоволствие на; 2. намирам удоволствие (in); 3. разг. търся развлечения.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > pleasure

См. также в других словарях:

  • take a trip (or walk) down memory lane — indulge in pleasant or sentimental memories. → memory …   English new terms dictionary

  • take a trip down memory lane — take a trip (or walk) down memory lane deliberately recall pleasant or sentimental memories …   Useful english dictionary

  • take a trip — go for a journey We plan to take a trip to Italy in November …   Idioms and examples

  • take a trip down memory lane — to remember some of the happy things that you did in the past. We were just taking a stroll down memory lane and recalling the days of our youth …   New idioms dictionary

  • trip — [trip] vi. tripped, tripping [ME trippen < OFr treper < Gmc * trippon (> OE treppan, to step): see TRAP1] 1. to walk, run, or dance with light, rapid steps; skip; caper 2. to stumble, esp. by catching the foot 3. to make a false step,… …   English World dictionary

  • trip — UK US /trɪp/ noun [C] ► a journey to a place, where you stay for a short time, and then come back again: go on/make/take a trip »She always flies business class when she goes on trips to the US. ► a part of a journey to or back from a place: the… …   Financial and business terms

  • trip — I n. 1) to go on, make, take a trip (she went on a trip; I ve made this trip many times; we would like to take a trip) 2) to arrange, organize, plan a trip 3) to cancel; postpone a trip 4) an extended, long; short trip 5) a business; camping;… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • trip — trip1 W2S2 [trıp] n 1.) a visit to a place that involves a journey, for pleasure or a particular purpose trip to ▪ Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland? trip from ▪ The Palace is only a short trip from here. business/school/shopping etc trip ▪ a …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • trip — I UK [trɪp] / US noun Word forms trip : singular trip plural trips *** Other words meaning trip: journey a trip from one place to another, often one that is long or difficult: Did you have a tiring journey? voyage a long trip, either by sea or in …   English dictionary

  • trip — trip1 [ trıp ] noun *** 1. ) count an occasion when you go somewhere and come back again: a fishing/camping/sightseeing trip trip to: a trip to Brazil a bus/train/boat trip: The boat trip down the Amazon was great. a business/fishing/shopping… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • trip — 1 /trIp/ noun 1 (C) a journey to a place and back again: Did you have a good trip? | make a trip: I couldn t carry everything at once, so I had to make several trips. | go on/take a trip: We re thinking of taking a trip to the mountains. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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