1 tube
1. тръба, цев, туба
a TUBE-fed patient болен на хранене със сонда
2. вътрешна гума (на колело и пр.)
3. подземна железница, метро (и TUBErailway), тунел
4. анат. провод, път
5. рад. електронна лампа (и radio TUBE)
6. тубус (на микроскоп и пр.)
7. ам. телевизорна тръба, телевизор* * *{tju:b} n 1. тръба; цев; туба; a tube-fed patient болен на хранене* * *цилиндър; цев; тръба; тубус; туба;* * *1. a tube-fed patient болен на хранене със сонда 2. ам. телевизорна тръба, телевизор 3. анат. провод, път 4. вътрешна гума (на колело и пр.) 5. подземна железница, метро (и tuberailway), тунел 6. рад. електронна лампа (и radio tube) 7. тръба, цев, туба 8. тубус (на микроскоп и пр.)* * *tube [tju:b] I. n 1. тръба, цев; туба; a \tube-fed patient болен на изкуствено хранене (със сонда); to go down the \tube(s) ам. провалям се, отивам по дяволите; 2. тунел, подземна железница, метро (и \tube-railway); 3. рад. електронна лампа; 4. анат. провод, път; туба; 5. тубус (на микроскоп и пр.); 6. авт. вътрешна гума; 7. текст. шпулна цев; II. v 1. затварям в тръба; 2. придавам тръбовидна форма на; 3. разг. возя се в метро.
См. также в других словарях:
down the tube — down the tube/tubes 1. if something goes down the tubes, it fails or disappears. Our holiday plans went down the tube because of the train strike. 2. if someone goes down the tubes, they fail. He s in danger of going down the tubes if he doesn t… … New idioms dictionary
down the tube(s) — idi+inf down the tube(s), into a wasted or abandoned state … From formal English to slang
down the tube — or down the tubes phrasal into a state of collapse or deterioration … New Collegiate Dictionary
down the tube — phrasal : into a state of collapse, deterioration, or ruin I know what it means to see a crop go down the tubes B.S.Bergland … Useful english dictionary
go down the tube (or tubes) — informal be completely lost or wasted; fail utterly. → tube … English new terms dictionary
go down the tube — ► go down the tube (or tubes) informal be completely lost or wasted; fail utterly. Main Entry: ↑tube … English terms dictionary
go down the tube(s) — to fail Not a reference to a visit to the lamentable London subway system but from the mechanism through which carcasses were conveyed in the meat business, especially in Chicago: Does she know the rice farm s going down the tube? (le… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
down the tubes — down the tube/tubes 1. if something goes down the tubes, it fails or disappears. Our holiday plans went down the tube because of the train strike. 2. if someone goes down the tubes, they fail. He s in danger of going down the tubes if he doesn t… … New idioms dictionary
go down the tube(s) — AND go down the chute in. to fail totally; to be ruined. □ The whole project is likely to go down the tubes. □ All my plans just went down the chute … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
go down the tube — go down the drain, become worthless … English contemporary dictionary
down the tubes — phrasal see down the tube … New Collegiate Dictionary