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  • 1 underground

    föld alatti
    * * *
    1. adjective
    (below the surface of the ground: underground railways; underground streams.) föld alatti (de: földalatti vasút)
    2. adverb
    1) ((to a position) under the surface of the ground: Rabbits live underground.) föld alatt
    2) (into hiding: He will go underground if the police start looking for him.) illegalitásba(n)
    3. noun
    ((American subway) an underground railway: She hates travelling by/on the underground.) földalatti (vasút)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > underground

  • 2 underground\ station

    English-Hungarian dictionary > underground\ station

  • 3 burrow

    rókalyuk, vakondlyuk to burrow: tudományosan búvárkodik
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) (földbe ásott) lyuk
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) ás (üreget)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > burrow

  • 4 subway

    1) (an underground passage eg for pedestrians, under a busy road: Cross by the subway.) aluljáró
    2) (an underground railway in a city: Go by subway.) földalatti (vasút)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > subway

  • 5 bunker

    adagoló tölcsér, terepakadály, rekesz, tartály to bunker: raktároz, elszenesít, szénné éget
    * * *
    1) (a hollow containing sand on a golf course.) terepakadály (golfpályán)
    2) (an underground shelter against bombs etc.) bunker

    English-Hungarian dictionary > bunker

  • 6 cellar

    * * *
    (a room, especially underground, especially for stores of coal or wine.) pince

    English-Hungarian dictionary > cellar

  • 7 divining

    noun (discovering the presence of underground water, metal etc by holding a divining-rod which moves when held directly above the water etc: water-divining.) varázsvesszős forráskutatás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > divining

  • 8 dungeon

    földalatti börtön, kazamata
    * * *
    (a dark underground prison.) (föld alatti) (vár)börtön

    English-Hungarian dictionary > dungeon

  • 9 escalator

    * * *
    (a moving staircase in a shop, underground railway etc.) mozgólépcső

    English-Hungarian dictionary > escalator

  • 10 geyser

    vízmelegítő, autogejzír, gejzír
    * * *
    1) (an underground spring that produces and sends out hot water and steam: There are geysers in Iceland and New Zealand.) gejzír
    2) (a small gas or electric water heater in a bathroom, kitchen etc.) vízmelegítő

    English-Hungarian dictionary > geyser

  • 11 mine

    enyém, bánya, akna to mine: bányászik, aknásít, elaknásít, aknát rak, aláaknáz
    * * *
    I pronoun
    (something which belongs to me: Are these pencils yours or mine? He is a friend of mine (= one of my friends).) enyém
    II 1. noun
    1) (a place (usually underground) from which metals, coal, salt etc are dug: a coalmine; My father worked in the mines.) bánya
    2) (a type of bomb used underwater or placed just beneath the surface of the ground: The ship has been blown up by a mine.) akna
    2. verb
    1) (to dig (for metals etc) in a mine: Coal is mined near here.) bányászik
    2) (to place explosive mines in: They've mined the mouth of the river.) elaknásít
    3) (to blow up with mines: His ship was mined.) (aknával) felrobbant
    - mining
    - minefield

    English-Hungarian dictionary > mine

  • 12 natural gas

    (gas suitable for burning, found underground or under the sea.) földgáz

    English-Hungarian dictionary > natural gas

  • 13 potato

    burgonya, krumpli
    * * *
    plural - potatoes; noun
    1) (a type of plant with round underground stems (called tubers) which are used as a vegetable.) burgonya
    2) (the tuber or tubers: She bought 2 kilos of potatoes.) krumpli

    English-Hungarian dictionary > potato

  • 14 subterranean

    * * *
    (lying, situated or constructed underground: subterranean passages.) föld alatti

    English-Hungarian dictionary > subterranean

  • 15 tapioca

    * * *
    (a type of food obtained from the underground part of the cassava plant.) tápióka

    English-Hungarian dictionary > tapioca

  • 16 tube

    cső, gumibelső
    * * *
    1) (a long, low cylinder-shaped object through which liquid can pass; a pipe: The water flowed through a rubber tube; a glass tube.) cső
    2) (an organ of this kind in animals or plants.) cső
    3) (an underground railway (especially in London): I go to work on the tube / by tube; ( also adjective) a tube train/station.) földalatti
    4) (a container for a semi-liquid substance which is got out by squeezing: I must buy a tube of toothpaste.) tubus
    - tubular

    English-Hungarian dictionary > tube

  • 17 tunnel

    füstjárat, kürtő, alagút, akna, vágat, aluljáró to tunnel: hálóval fog, alagutat fúr
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a (usually man-made) underground passage, especially one cut through a hill or under a river: The road goes through a tunnel under the river.) alagút
    2. verb
    (to make a tunnel: They escaped from prison by tunnelling under the walls.) alagutat fúr

    English-Hungarian dictionary > tunnel

  • 18 vault

    kripta, páncélterem, égbolt, bolthajtás, boltozat to vault: ugrik, átugrik vmit, beboltoz
    * * *
    [vo:lt] I noun
    1) ((a room, especially a cellar, with) an arched roof or ceiling: the castle vaults.) (boltozatos) pince
    2) (an underground room, especially for storing valuables: The thieves broke into the bank vaults.) páncélterem
    3) (a burial chamber, often for all the members of a family: He was buried in the family vault.) kripta
    II 1. noun
    (a leap aided by the hands or by a pole: With a vault he was over the fence and away.) ugrás
    2. verb
    (to leap (over): He vaulted (over) the fence.) (át)ugrik

    English-Hungarian dictionary > vault

  • 19 water main

    (a large underground pipe carrying a public water supply.) vízvezetéki fő nyomócső

    English-Hungarian dictionary > water main

См. также в других словарях:

  • Underground — may refer to:* Underground rapid transit system, urban railway ** London Underground, a metro system that covers the Greater London area * Resistance movement, an opposition to an invader, a political position, or to a government * Underground… …   Wikipedia

  • Underground music — refers to a variety of post 1960s rock, pop, or dance subgenres that developed a cult following despite their lack of mainstream appeal, visibility, or commercial promotion. Underground bands and artists are often signed with independent record… …   Wikipedia

  • underground — [ ɶndɶrgraund; œ̃dɛrgr(a)und ] adj. inv. et n. m. • 1967; mot angl. amér. « souterrain » ♦ Anglic. Se dit d un mouvement artistique d avant garde indépendant des circuits traditionnels de diffusion commerciale. La bande dessinée underground. Des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Underground culture — Underground culture, or just underground, is a term to describe various alternative cultures which either consider themselves different from the mainstream of society and culture, or are considered so by others. The word underground is used… …   Wikipedia

  • Underground Atlanta — is a shopping and entertainment district in the Five Points neighborhood of downtown Atlanta, Georgia, United States, near the intersection of the MARTA rail lines. First opened in 1969, it takes advantage of the viaducts built over the city s… …   Wikipedia

  • Underground living — refers simply to living below the ground s surface, whether in naturally occurring caves or in built structures.Besides its obvious novelty, underground living offers additional benefits when compared to living in traditional buildings, such as a …   Wikipedia

  • Underground hip hop — Underground Hip hop, Underground Rap, or Undie (to draw comparison to indie or independent rock) is an umbrella term for hip hop and rap music outside the general commercial canon. Independent record labels are the major supplier of underground… …   Wikipedia

  • Underground coal gasification — (UCG) is an in situ gasification process carried out in non mined coal seams using injection and production wells drilled from the surface, which enables the coal to be converted into product gas. The process is flexible in operation and is… …   Wikipedia

  • Underground Comic — Underground Comics (oder Comix) sind selbst oder im Kleinverlag verlegte Comics, die in den USA der späten 1960er bis in die Mitt 1970er entstanden. Die Bewegung nahm ihren Ursprung in San Francisco. Wichtige Künstler sind Robert Crumb, Robert… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Underground Comics — (oder Comix) sind selbst oder im Kleinverlag verlegte Comics, die in den USA der späten 1960er bis in die Mitt 1970er entstanden. Die Bewegung nahm ihren Ursprung in San Francisco. Wichtige Künstler sind Robert Crumb, Robert Williams, S. Clay… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Underground Comix — Underground Comics oder Comix sind in Klein oder Selbstverlagen entstandene Comic Books. Man kann Vorläufer der amerikanischen Comix Bewegung am Anfang der 1960er Jahre ausmachen. Ihre Magazine und Verlage entstanden in den späten 1960er Jahren.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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