Перевод: с турецкого на английский

с английского на турецкий


  • 1 iflas et

    bankrupt (v.)

    Turkish-English dictionary > iflas et

  • 2 batkın

    "bankrupt; insolvent"

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > batkın

  • 3 müflis

    bankrupt, insolvent batkýn, iflas etmiþ

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > müflis

  • 4 müflis

    "bankrupt; insolvent. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > müflis

  • 5 batmış

    adj. sinked, ruined, bankrupt, steeped in, demersal, immersed, insolvent
    * * *
    1. bankrupt 2. decadent

    Turkish-English dictionary > batmış

  • 6 iflas

    1. bankruptcy, insolvency. 2. failure (of a major project or policy). - dairesi bankruptcy office. - etmek 1. to go bankrupt. 2. (for a project or plan) to fail completely. 3. (for something) to become regarded as worthless. - hukuku laws of bankruptcy. - idaresi administration of bankruptcy assets. - kararı decree of bankruptcy, adjudication of insolvency. - masası law bankrupt´s assets.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > iflas

  • 7 top

    ",-pu 1. ball. 2. ball-shaped object. 3. cannon; artillery piece. 4. bolt, roll (of cloth). 5. ream (of paper). 6. round; rounded. -u /ın/ all of; the whole lot of: Topunu aldım. I bought the whole lot of them. - ağaç tree which has a rounded or umbrellalike shape. -un ağzında in the most dangerous spot, at the lion´s mouth, on the edge of the volcano. - arabası 1. gun carriage. 2. slang testicles, balls, nuts. - ateşi cannon fire; artillery fire, gunfire. - atımı 1. cannon-shot, range of a cannon; range of an artillery piece. 2. round, salvo, volley, shot. - atmak 1. to fire a gun. 2. slang to go bankrupt, go bust. 3. slang (for a student) to fail a year, flunk a grade. -u atmak 1. slang to go bankrupt, go bust. 2. slang to fail a year, flunk a grade. 3. slang to die, kick the bucket. - etmek /ı/ 1. to amass (things) in a heap, heap (things) up, pile (things) up. 2. to roll (something) up in a ball, make (something) into a ball. - gibi gürlemek to boom, thunder, proclaim in a loud, booming voice. - gibi patlamak (for a piece of news) to explode like a bomb. - olmak to amass. - otu powder charge (put in a cannon). - sakal full, round beard. - top 1. very round. 2. many bolts of (cloth). 3. many reams of (paper). -u topu all in all, all told, altogether. -a tutmak /ı/ 1. to blast (people, a place) with cannon fire or artillery fire. 2. to berate, blast, light into (someone). - tüfek arms, weapons."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > top

  • 8 batırmak

    v. submerge, sink, dip, ruin, bankrupt, jab, stick, break, immerse, plunge, prickle, bring to ruin, swamp
    * * *

    Turkish-English dictionary > batırmak

  • 9 batmak

    v. sink, submerge, set, go bankrupt, break, burst up, cave, crash, decline, dip, fail, founder, go down, gravitate, hang, plunge, slide into, be swamped with, go under, wane, be on the wane
    * * *

    Turkish-English dictionary > batmak

  • 10 iflas

    n. bankruptcy, failure, insolvency, bust, crash, ruin, smash, smash up
    * * *
    1. bankruptcy 2. bankrupt (n.)

    Turkish-English dictionary > iflas

  • 11 mahrum

    adj. deprived, destitute, unprovided, bankrupt in, devoid of, shorn, shorn of
    * * *
    deprived (adj.)

    Turkish-English dictionary > mahrum

  • 12 mahvolmuş

    adj. ruined, perished, wrecked, lost, all up, banged up, bankrupt, damaged, gone, kaput, up the spout, undone, washed-up
    * * *
    abandoned (adj.)

    Turkish-English dictionary > mahvolmuş

  • 13 yoksun

    adj. bankrupt in, bereft, destitute, devoid of, empty, innocent of, shorn, shorn of, unprovided, void of, wanting
    prep. out of
    * * *
    1. devoid 2. bereft (adj.)

    Turkish-English dictionary > yoksun

  • 14 batırmamak

    v. (neg. form of batırmak) submerge, sink, dip, ruin, bankrupt, jab, stick, break, immerse, plunge, prickle, bring to ruin, swamp

    Turkish-English dictionary > batırmamak

  • 15 belgelenmiş iflâs

    n. certificated bankrupt

    Turkish-English dictionary > belgelenmiş iflâs

  • 16 iflas edenin mal varlığı

    n. bankrupt's estate

    Turkish-English dictionary > iflas edenin mal varlığı

  • 17 iflas etmiş

    adj. bankrupt, broke, insolvent

    Turkish-English dictionary > iflas etmiş

  • 18 iflas etmiş birinden alacağı olan kimse

    n. bankrupt's creditor

    Turkish-English dictionary > iflas etmiş birinden alacağı olan kimse

  • 19 iflas etmiş kimse

    n. bankrupt, insolvent

    Turkish-English dictionary > iflas etmiş kimse

  • 20 iflas ettirmek

    v. bankrupt, ruin, bust

    Turkish-English dictionary > iflas ettirmek

См. также в других словарях:

  • bankrupt — bank·rupt 1 / baŋ ˌkrəpt/ n: a debtor (as an individual or organization) whose property is subject to administration under the bankruptcy laws for the benefit of the debtor s creditors was adjudicated a bankrupt see also debtor bankrupt 2 adj:… …   Law dictionary

  • bankrupt — [baŋk′rupt΄, baŋk′rəpt] n. [Fr banqueroute < It banca rotta < banca, bench (see BANK1) + rotta, broken < L rupta, fem. pp. of rumpere, to break: see RUPTURE] 1. a person legally declared unable to pay his or her debts: the property of a… …   English World dictionary

  • Bankrupt — Bank rupt, a. 1. Being a bankrupt or in a condition of bankruptcy; unable to pay, or legally discharged from paying, one s debts; as, a bankrupt merchant. [1913 Webster] 2. Depleted of money; not having the means of meeting pecuniary liabilities; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bankrupt law — Bankrupt Bank rupt, a. 1. Being a bankrupt or in a condition of bankruptcy; unable to pay, or legally discharged from paying, one s debts; as, a bankrupt merchant. [1913 Webster] 2. Depleted of money; not having the means of meeting pecuniary… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bankrupt — Bank rupt, n. [F. banqueroute, fr. It. bancarotta bankruptcy; banca bank (fr. OHG. banch, G. bank, bench) + rotta broken, fr. L. ruptus, p. p. of rumpere to break. At Florence, it is said, the bankrupt had his bench (i.e., money table) broken.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bankrupt — ► ADJECTIVE 1) declared in law unable to pay one s debts. 2) completely lacking in a particular good quality or value: morally bankrupt. ► NOUN ▪ a person legally declared as bankrupt. ► VERB ▪ reduce to a bankrupt state. DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • Bankrupt — Bank rupt, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bankrupted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bankrupting}.] To make bankrupt; to bring financial ruin upon; to impoverish. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bankrupt — 1530s (n., bankrupt person ); 1560s (adj.), from It. banca rotta, lit. a broken bench, from banca moneylender s shop, lit. bench (see BANK (Cf. bank) (1)) + rotta broken, defeated, interrupted from (and remodeled on) L. rupta, fem. pp. of rumpere …   Etymology dictionary

  • bankrupt — the entity that files a bankruptcy; the debtor; the insolvent entity. This is a non technical term and is not used in the Bankruptcy Code (Glossary of Common Bankruptcy Terms) A person who has made an assignment or against whom a receiving order… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • bankrupt — vb impoverish, exhaust, *deplete, drain Analogous words: denude, *strip, bare: sap, cripple, disable, undermine (see WEAKEN) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • bankrupt — [adj] unable to pay debts broke, depleted, destitute, exhausted, failed, impoverished, in Chapter 11*, insolvent, lacking, lost, out of business, ruined, spent, tapped out; concept 334 Ant. rich, solvent, wealthy …   New thesaurus

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