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  • 21 вернуть

    1) General subject: get in (долги), recall (to; к чему-л.), recommit, replace, return, give back, reimburse, get in (долги и т.п.), put back (на место), (себе) recover (об украденном имуществе, выведенных активах и т. п.), (себе) retrieve
    2) Computers: change back
    3) Obsolete: bought (I was bought back to reality by a voice:"No daydreaming here. If you ain't ready go back home."Я был возвращён в реальность голосом:"Здесь-не место для мечтаний.Если не готов-возвращайся домой".)
    4) Engineering: bring, bring back, drop back
    5) Mathematics: get back
    6) Jargon: dish
    7) Information technology: redo, retrieve

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > вернуть

  • 22 wszystk|o

    pron. everything, all
    - wszystko gotowe everything’s ready
    - była dla niego wszystkim she was everything to him
    - pieniądze to nie wszystko money is not everything
    - czy wszystko w porządku? is everything all right?
    - on wszystkiemu zaprzecza he denies everything
    - jeszcze nie wszystko stracone all is not (yet) lost
    - robimy wszystko, co w naszej mocy we’re doing everything a. all we can
    - wszystko albo nic all or nothing
    - to wszystko that’s all
    - to jeszcze nie wszystko and that’s not all
    - to na dzisiaj/na razie wszystko that’s all for today/for now
    - to by było wszystko, jeśli chodzi o tę kwestię that’s all as far as that topic goes
    - po tym wszystkim, co przeszła after all she’s been through
    - wszystko może się zdarzyć anything can happen
    - wszystko, co tylko zechcesz anything you want
    - to wszystko, co mogę zrobić that’s all I can do
    - wszystko, co mogę zrobić, to do niego napisać all I can do is to write to him
    - jest już po wszystkim it’s all over
    - kiedy będzie po wszystkim, pojedziemy nad morze when it’s all over, we’ll go to the seaside
    - (po)mimo wszystko despite everything; in spite of all książk.
    - przede wszystkim a. nade wszystko książk. (w pierwszej kolejności) above all, first of all
    - przede wszystkim musisz mu o tym powiedzieć first of all you need to tell him about it
    - lubił powieści, przede wszystkim historyczne he liked novels, especially historical ones
    - nade wszystko książk. (bardziej niż) more than anything else
    - kochał Tatry nade wszystko he loved the Tatras more than anything else
    - wszystkiego dobrego a. najlepszego! all the best!
    - wszystko jedno kto/kiedy/gdzie it doesn’t matter who/when/where
    - wszystko jedno, czy dostanę tę pracę it doesn’t make any difference whether I get the job or not
    - wszystko na nic (daremne) all for nothing
    - robił, co mógł, ale wszystko na nic he did everything he could, but it was all for nothing
    - zrobiłbym/dałbym wszystko, żeby dostać tę pracę I’d do/give anything to get that job
    - nie ze wszystkim zrozumiałem, o co mu chodzi I didn’t quite get what he wanted
    - mam wszystkiego 20 złotych przy sobie I’ve only got 20 zlotys on me
    - miała wszystkiego siedem lat she was no more than seven (years old)
    wszystko można, byle z wolna i ostrożna przysł. softy, softly, catchee monkey przest., żart.
    - człowiek do wszystkiego man/girl Friday; Mr Fixit US pot.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > wszystk|o

  • 23 szóst|ka

    f 1. (cyfra) six 2. (grupa) szóstka dzieci six children
    - sławna szóstka the famous six
    - iść szóstkami to walk in sixes
    - poszliśmy tam w szóstkę six of us went there
    - powozić szóstką koni to ride a team of six horses
    3. (przedmiot oznaczony cyfrą 6) six
    - szóstka pik/kier a six of spades/hearts
    - wsiąść w szóstkę (tramwaj, autobus) to take the number six (tram/bus)
    - mieszkam w szóstce I live in room six
    - mieszkam pod szóstką I live at number six
    - nosić szóstkę (buty, ubranie) to wear size six
    4. (najwyższa ocena szkolna) ≈ starred A
    - szóstka z matematyki/polskiego a starred A in maths/Polish
    - postawić komuś/dostać szóstkę to give sb/to get a starred A
    - zdać egzamin na szóstkę to get a starred A in the exam

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > szóst|ka

  • 24 depono

    dē-pōno, pŏsŭi, pŏsĭtum, 3 ( perf. deposivi, Plaut. Curc. 4, 3, 4:


    id. Most. 2, 1, 35; Catull. 34, 8; inf. perf. deposisse, Verg. Cat. 8, 16; part. sync. depostus, Lucil. ap. Non. 279, 19, v. pono), v. a., to lay away, to put or place aside; to lay, put, or set down; to lay, place, set, deposit (freq. in all periods and sorts of writing).—Constr. with acc. alone; or acc. and locative or abl. with or without a prep.; or acc. and adv. of place where, or apud and personal name; rare and doubtful with in and acc. (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 340 sq.). —
    In gen.:

    caput deponit, condormiscit,

    Plaut. Curc. 2, 3, 81; cf.:

    caput terrae,

    Ov. Am. 3, 5, 20:

    corpora (pecudes),

    Lucr. 1, 259; cf.:

    corpora sub ramis arboris,

    Verg. A. 7, 108:

    fessum latus sub lauru,

    Hor. Od. 2, 7, 19:

    mentum in gremiis mimarum,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 11, 24 et saep.:


    Cic. Rosc. Am. 4, 10; id. Sull. 23, 65; Front. Strat. 1, 5, 3 al.; cf.:

    onera jumentis,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 80, 2:


    id. B. G. 4, 32 fin.; id. B. C. 3, 10, 9; Liv. 5, 2 al.; cf.:

    depositis in contubernio armis,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 76, 2:

    arma umeris,

    Verg. A. 12, 707:

    anulos aureos et phaleras,

    Liv. 9, 46:

    coronam, and, shortly after, coronam Romae in aram Apollinis,

    id. 23, 11:

    ungues et capillos,

    i. e. to cut off, Petr. 104, 6; cf.

    comas (for which, shortly before, secuit capillos),

    Mart. 5, 48, 6:


    Tac. H. 4, 61 et saep.:

    argenti pondus defossā terrā,

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 42:

    semina vel scrobe vel sulco,

    to deposit in the earth, to plant, Col. 5, 4, 2; and:

    stirpem vitis aut oleae,

    id. 1, 1, 5:

    malleolum in terram,

    id. 3, 10, 19:

    plantas sulcis,

    Verg. G. 2, 24 et saep.: exercitum in terram (for exponere), to land, Just. 4, 5, 8:

    hydriam de umero,

    Vulg. Gen. 21, 46.— Poet. of bearing, bringing forth (as the putting off of a burden): (Latonia) quam mater prope Deliam Deposivit olivam, Catull. 34, 8; cf.:

    onus naturae,

    Phaedr. 1, 18, 5; 1, 19, 4; to lay as a stake, wager: Dam. Ego hanc vitulam... Depono. Men. De grege non ausim quicquam deponere tecum... verum pocula ponam Fagina, Verg. E. 3, 31 sq.—
    In partic.
    Pregn., to lay up, lay aside, put by, deposit anywhere; to give in charge to, commit to the care of intrust to any one:

    non semper deposita reddenda: si gladium quis apud te sana mente deposuerit, repetat insaniens: reddere peccatum sit, etc.,

    Cic. Off. 3, 25, 95; so,

    aliquid apud aliquem,

    Plaut. Bac. 2, 3, 72; Cic. Fam. 5, 20, 2; id. Verr. 2, 4, 12, § 29; Caes. B. C. 3, 108 fin.; Quint. 5, 13, 49; 9, 2, 92; Tac. H. 1, 13; Liv. 38, 19, 2 et saep.; cf.:

    obsides apud eos,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 63 al.:

    praedam in silvis,

    id. ib. 6, 41; cf.:

    pecuniam in templo,

    Liv. 44, 25:

    pecunias in publica fide,

    id. 24, 18 fin.;

    also: liberos, uxores suaque omnia in silvas,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 19 (dub.—al. in sylvis; id. B. C. 1, 23, 4 the true reading is in publico):

    impedimenta citra flumen Rhenum,

    id. B. G. 2, 29, 4:


    id. B. C. 3, 78, 1 and 5 et saep.:

    pretium in deposito habendum,

    in charge, Dig. 36, 3, 5 fin.:

    si pro deposito apud eum fuerit,

    ib. 33, 8, 8, § 5.—
    2. a.
    To put or bring down, lay upon the ground:

    scio quam rem agat: ut me deponat vino, etc.,

    to make drunk, Plaut. Aul. 3, 6, 39.—
    Hence (because it was the custom to take a person who had just died out of bed and lay him on the ground), meton.: depositus, dead, just dead:

    jam prope depositus, certe jam frigidus,

    Ov. Pont. 2, 2, 47:

    depositum nec me qui fleat ullus erit,

    id. Tr. 3, 3, 40:


    Inscr. Orell. 5014; cf. ib. 4874.—As subst.:

    depositus meus,

    Petr. 133, 4.—
    Also, because the hopelessly sick were often laid on the earth, dying, given up, despaired of: jam tum depostu' bubulcus Expirans animam pulmonibus aeger agebat, Lucil. ap. Non. 279, 19:

    deponere est desperare, unde et depositi desperati dicuntur,

    Non. 279, 30: depositus modo sum anima, vita sepultus, Caecil. ap. Non. 279 (Com. v. 121 Rib.):

    ut depositi proferret fata parentis,

    Verg. A. 12, 395 Serv.: texere paludes Depositum, Fortuna, tuum, Lucan. 2, 72;

    and transf.: mihi videor magnam et maxime aegram et prope depositam reip. partem suscepisse,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 2, § 5.—
    In post-Aug. lang. esp. freq. in the jurists, of buildings, etc., to pull down, take down, demolish, overthrow:

    aedificium vel arboris ramos,

    Dig. 8, 2, 17 (shortly after, qui tollit aedificium vel deprimit); so id. 8, 2, 31; 41, 3, 23 fin. et saep.:

    deposita arx,

    Stat. S. 1, 4, 91:


    pull down, Spart. Sev. 14: tabulas, destroy, Capit. Max. duob. 12:

    adversarios tuos,

    Vulg. Exod. 15, 7. —
    With a predominant notion of putting away, removing, etc., to lay down, lay aside, give up, resign, get rid of:

    studia de manibus,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 1, 3:

    ex memoria insidias,

    id. Sull. 6, 18:

    in sermone et suavitate alicujus omnes curas doloresque deponere,

    id. Fam. 4, 6, 2:

    petitoris personam capere, accusatoris deponere,

    id. Quint. 13 fin.; so,


    Liv. 4, 6; cf.


    id. ib.;

    and, bellum,

    Ov. M. 8, 47; Tac. H. 2, 37;

    opp. incipere,

    Sall. J. 83, 1;

    opp. coepisse,

    Liv. 31, 1;

    and with omittere,

    id. 31, 31 fin.:

    deponere amicitias, suscipere inimicitias,

    Cic. Lael. 21, 77:


    id. Agr. 2, 26, 69:


    id. Planc. 31, 76:

    maerorem et luctum,

    id. Phil. 14, 13:

    omnem spem contentionis,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 19:

    consilium adeundae Syriae,

    id. B. C. 3, 103:


    id. B. G. 7, 33 fin.; id. B. C. 2, 32, 9; Cic. N. D. 2, 4, 11; Liv. 2, 28 al.; cf.


    Cic. Pis. 2, 5; id. Fam. 5, 2, 3;


    Quint. 3, 8, 53; 5, 10, 71:


    Suet. Ner. 41; Ov. M. 15, 543:


    id. F. 6, 530; cf.:

    sitim in unda vicini fontis,

    i. e. to quench, id. M. 4, 98:


    Plin. 7, 50, 51:


    i. e. to die, Nep. Hann. 1.—
    To depose from an office (late Lat.):

    te de ministerio tuo,

    Vulg. Is. 22, 19.—
    (Acc. to no. I. B.) To deposit, intrust, commit to, for safe-keeping: populi Romani jus in vestra fide ac religione depono, Cic. Caecin. 35 fin.:

    aliquid rimosa in aure,

    Hor. S. 2, 6, 46:

    aliquid tutis auribus,

    id. Od. 1, 27, 18:

    eo scortum,

    Tac. H. 1, 13.—Hence, dēpō-nens, entis, P. a., subst. (sc. verbum, lit., a verb that lays aside its proper pass. signif.), in the later grammar. a verb which, in a pass. form, has an act. meaning; deponent, Charis. p. 143 P.; Diom. p. 327 ib.; Prisc. p. 787 ib. sq. et saep.— dēpŏsĭtus, a, um, P. a., and esp. as subst. dēpŏsĭtum, i, n., any thing deposited or intrusted for safe-keeping, etc., a deposit, trust:

    reddere depositum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 10, 31:

    si depositum non infitietur amicus,

    Juv. 13, 60; cf. Dig. 36, 3, 5 al.:

    contempto Domino negaverit proximo suo depositum,

    Vulg. Lev. 6, 2; 1 Tim. 6, 20 al.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > depono

  • 25 Б-7

    РАССКАЗЫВАЙ/РАССКАЖИ ЗТО СВОЕЙ БАБУШКЕ (КОМУ-НИБУДЬ ДРУГОМУ, less often СВОЕЙ ТЁТЕ) coll (imper sent usu. this WO (variants with бабушке and тёте)) (used to express one's strong disbelief of s.o. 's statement) I absolutely do not believe that
    you can't expect me to believe that
    don't give me that get outta (out of) here! Cf. tell it (that) to the marines!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Б-7

  • 26 Г-357

    ПОД ГОРШОК стричь кого, постричься, стрижка obsoles, coll PrepP Invar adv or nonagreeing modif) (to cut s.o. 's hair, have one's hair cut etc) in a straight line around the head: (give s.o. (get)) a bowl (hair)cut (cut s.o. % hair (have one's hair cut)) in peasant style.
    From the old way of cutting hair by putting a bowl upside down on a person's head and cutting off or trimming only the hair that stuck out below the bowl.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-357

  • 27 К-426

    В КРУЖОК стричь, подстригать кого и т. п. PrepP Invar adv
    (to cut s.o. 's hair, have one's hair cut etc) in a straight line around the head: (give s.o. (get etc)) a bowl (hair)cut
    (cut s.o. hair (one's hair is cropped etc »in peasant style.
    Тогда, к неописанному моему изумлению, увидел я среди мятежных старшин Швабрина, обстриженного в кружок и в казацком кафтане (Пушкин 2). Then, to my indescribable astonishment, I saw Shvabrin, his hair cut in peasant style and wearing a Cossack caftan, in the midst of the rebel elders (2b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-426

  • 28 Ч-155

    ПО ЧИСТОЙ демобилизовать кого, демобилизоваться, списать кого coll PrepP Invar adv
    (to dismiss s.o. or be dismissed from military service) entirely and forever: (be) completely discharged
    (give s.o. (get)) a complete (full) discharge.
    Глубокий осенью 1917 года стали возвращаться с фронта казаки. Пришел постаревший Христоня с тремя казаками, служившими с ним в 52-м полку. Вернулись уволенные по чистой, по-прежнему голощёкий Аникушка, батарейцы Томилин Иван и Яков Подкова, за ними - Мартин Шамиль, Иван Алексеевич, Захар Королёв, нескладно длинный Борщев... (Шолохов 3). Late in the autumn of 1917 the Cossacks started coming home from the front. Khristonya, looking much older, returned with three other Cossacks who had served with him in the 52nd Regiment. Anikei, as hairless as ever, and gunners Ivan Tomilin and Horseshoe Yakov with a complete discharge were followed by Martin Shamil, Ivan Alexeyevich Kotlyarov, Zakhar Korolyov, and the tall ungainly Borshchev... (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-155

  • 29 расскажи рассказывай это кому-нибудь другому

    [Imper sent; usu. this WO (variants with бабушке and тёте)]
    (used to express one's strong disbelief of s.o.'s statement) I absolutely do not believe that:
    - get outta < out of> here! Cf. tell it < that> to the marines!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > расскажи рассказывай это кому-нибудь другому

  • 30 расскажи это кому-нибудь другому

    [Imper sent; usu. this WO (variants with бабушке and тёте)]
    (used to express one's strong disbelief of s.o.'s statement) I absolutely do not believe that:
    - get outta < out of> here! Cf. tell it < that> to the marines!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > расскажи это кому-нибудь другому

  • 31 расскажи это своей бабушке

    [Imper sent; usu. this WO (variants with бабушке and тёте)]
    (used to express one's strong disbelief of s.o.'s statement) I absolutely do not believe that:
    - get outta < out of> here! Cf. tell it < that> to the marines!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > расскажи это своей бабушке

  • 32 расскажи это своей тете

    [Imper sent; usu. this WO (variants with бабушке and тёте)]
    (used to express one's strong disbelief of s.o.'s statement) I absolutely do not believe that:
    - get outta < out of> here! Cf. tell it < that> to the marines!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > расскажи это своей тете

  • 33 рассказывай это кому-нибудь другому

    [Imper sent; usu. this WO (variants with бабушке and тёте)]
    (used to express one's strong disbelief of s.o.'s statement) I absolutely do not believe that:
    - get outta < out of> here! Cf. tell it < that> to the marines!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > рассказывай это кому-нибудь другому

  • 34 рассказывай это своей бабушке

    [Imper sent; usu. this WO (variants with бабушке and тёте)]
    (used to express one's strong disbelief of s.o.'s statement) I absolutely do not believe that:
    - get outta < out of> here! Cf. tell it < that> to the marines!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > рассказывай это своей бабушке

  • 35 рассказывай это своей тете

    [Imper sent; usu. this WO (variants with бабушке and тёте)]
    (used to express one's strong disbelief of s.o.'s statement) I absolutely do not believe that:
    - get outta < out of> here! Cf. tell it < that> to the marines!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > рассказывай это своей тете

  • 36 levantar la cresta / alzar la cresta

    levantar la cresta / alzar la cresta
    familiar to give oneself airs, get on one's high horse

    Spanish-English dictionary > levantar la cresta / alzar la cresta

  • 37 важничать

    1. put* on airs, give* oneself airs; get* (up) on one's high horse идиом.
    2. (чем-л.) plume / pride oneself (on smth.), pique oneself (on, upon smth.)

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > важничать

  • 38 버리다

    v. cast away, throw away; abandon, desert, give up; discard, get rid of

    Korean-English dictionary > 버리다

  • 39 in het huwelijk treden

    v. give in marriage, get married

    Holandés-inglés dicionario > in het huwelijk treden

  • 40 ἵστωρ

    Grammatical information: m.
    Meaning: "the one who knows", `knowing, expert' (h. Hom. 32, 2, Heraklit., B., S.), `witness' (Hp., Boeot. inschr., Att. ephebe oath in Poll. 8, 106), in unclear meaning Σ 501, Ψ 486 (`witness' or `arbiter'?), also Hes. Op. 702.
    Other forms: - ορος m., Boeot. Ϝίστωρ
    Compounds: Wit prefix: συν-ίστωρ `witness, conscious' (: σύν-οιδα; trag., Th., Plb.) with συνιστορέω `be sonscious of an affair' (hell.); ἐπι-ίστωρ `know sthing, familiar with' (φ 26, A. R., AP a. o.), ὑπερ-ίσ-τωρ `know all too well' (S. El. 850 [lyr.], momentary formation); ἀ-ΐστωρ `unknowing' (Pl. Lg. 845b, E. Andr. 682), πολυ-ΐστωρ `polyhistor' (D. H., Str.), φιλ-ίστωρ `who loves knowing' with φιλιστορέω (Str., Vett. Val.).
    Derivatives: ἱστόριον `testimony' (Hp.), ἱστορία (s. below). Denomin. verb ἱστορέω, also with prefix, e. g. ἀν-, ἐξ-, `be witness, expert, give testimony, recount, get testimony, find out, search' (Ion., trag., Arist., hell.) with ἱστόρημα `account' (D. H.); usu. ἱστορία, - ίη, formally from ἵστωρ, but functionally associated with ἱστορέω, `knowledge, account, (historical) account, history, search(ing), investigation' (Ion., Att., hell.). Adjective ἱστορικός `regarding the ἱστορία, ἱστορεῖν, historical' (Pl., Arist., hell.; cf. Chantraine Études sur le vocab. gr. 134-136).
    Origin: IE [Indo-European] [1125] * ueid- `know'
    Etymology: From *Ϝίδ-τωρ, agent noun of οἶδα, ἴσμεν. The word and esp. the derivations ἱστορέω, ἱστορίη, arosen in Ionic, have spread with the Ionische science and rationalism over the hellenic and hellenistic world. The aspiration must be unoriginal; explan. in Schwyzer 226 and 306. - On the history of ἵστωρ, ἱστορέω, ἱστορίη E. Kretschmer Glotta 18, 93f., Fraenkel Nom. ag. 1, 218f., Snell Die Ausdrücke für die Begriffe des Wissens 59ff., K. Keuck Historia. Geschichte des Wortes und seiner Bedeutungen in der Antike und in den roman. Sprachen. Diss. Münster 1934, Frenkian REIE 1, 468ff., Leumann Hom. Wörter 277f., Muller Mnemos. 54, 235ff., Louis Rev. de phil. 81, 39ff.
    Page in Frisk: 1,740-741

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > ἵστωρ

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  • Get Crunk — Get Crunk, Who U Wit: Da Album Get Crunk, Who U Wit: Da Album Студийный альбом Lil Jon the East Side Boyz …   Википедия

  • Get Crunk, Who U Wit: Da Album — Get Crunk, Who U Wit: Da Album …   Википедия

  • give somebody short shrift — give sb/sth/get short ˈshrift idiom to give sb/get little attention or sympathy Main entry: ↑shortidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • give something short shrift — give sb/sth/get short ˈshrift idiom to give sb/get little attention or sympathy Main entry: ↑shortidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • give someone the bum's rush — (slang) 1. To eject someone by force 2. To dismiss someone summarily, esp from one s employment • • • Main Entry: ↑bum * * * give someone (or get) the bum s rush forcibly eject someone (or be forcibly ejected) from a place or gathering ■ abruptly …   Useful english dictionary

  • give and take — win and lose, give something to get something    Marriage works on a give and take basis more give than take …   English idioms

  • get — [ get ] (past tense got [ gat ] ; past participle gotten [ gatn ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 obtain/receive ▸ 2 become/start to be ▸ 3 do something/have something done ▸ 4 move to/from ▸ 5 progress in activity ▸ 6 fit/put something in a place ▸ 7 understand… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • get — /get/ verb past tense got, past participle got especially BrE gotten especially AmE present participle getting RECEIVE/OBTAIN 1 RECEIVE (transitive not in passive) to be given or receive something: Sharon always seems to get loads of mail. | Why… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • give as good as you get — informal phrase to compete or fight as hard as your opponent Thesaurus: to take part in a competition or gamesynonym Main entry: give * * * give as good as you get informal : to be as forceful in fighting or arguing against others as they are in… …   Useful english dictionary

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