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  • 1 sign

    n. istavroz, işaret, sembol, simge, gösterge, jest, belirti, nişan, alâmet, iz, semptom, burç, burç sembolü, tabela, isim levhası, mucize işareti, haç işareti
    v. imzalamak, imza atmak, imza etmek, ismini yazmak, ima etmek, belirtmek, ifade etmek, işaret etmek, işaretlemek
    * * *
    1. belirti 2. imzala (v.) 3. işaret (n.)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) işaret sembol
    2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) işaret, tabelâ
    3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) işaret
    4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) ipucu, belirten işaret
    2. verb
    1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) imzalamak
    2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) yazmak
    3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) işaret etmek
    - signpost
    - sign in/out
    - sign up

    English-Turkish dictionary > sign

См. также в других словарях:

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  • evidence — /ev i deuhns/, n., v., evidenced, evidencing. n. 1. that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof. 2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever. 3.… …   Universalium

  • give — givable, giveable, adj., n. givee, n. giver, n. /giv/, v., gave, given, giving, n. v.t. 1. to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; bestow: to give a birthday present to someone. 2. to hand to someone: Give me that plate, please …   Universalium

  • give — [[t]gɪv[/t]] v. gave, giv•en, giv•ing, n. 1) to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation: to give a birthday present to someone[/ex] 2) to hand to someone: Give me that plate, please[/ex] 3) to place in someone s care: I gave the… …   From formal English to slang

  • Public Health Genomics — is the utilization of genomics information to benefit public health. This is visualized as more effective personalised preventive care and disease treatments with better specificity, targeted to the genetic makeup of each patient. (Bellagio Group …   Wikipedia

  • PUBLIC AUTHORITY — PUBLIC AUTHORITY, in the context of this article, a term referring to an authoritative body composed of representatives of the public – whether appointed or elected by the latter – and entrusted with the duty and power to arrange various matters… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Evidence-Based Nursing — or EBN is a method of identifying solid research findings and implementing them in nursing practices to further increase the quality of patient care. Overview Evidenced based nursing/evidence based practice (EBN/EBP) is a nursing process that… …   Wikipedia

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  • public schools — are, in most of Britain, independent schools and, despite their name, are not part of the state education system. Schools run by the state are called state schools. In Scotland however, which has a separate education system from the rest of… …   Universalium

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