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  • 1 give birth (to)

    ((of a mother) to produce (a baby) from the womb: She has given birth to two sets of twins.) føde; nedkomme; bringe til verden
    * * *
    ((of a mother) to produce (a baby) from the womb: She has given birth to two sets of twins.) føde; nedkomme; bringe til verden

    English-Danish dictionary > give birth (to)

  • 2 give birth (to)

    ((of a mother) to produce (a baby) from the womb: She has given birth to two sets of twins.) føde; nedkomme; bringe til verden
    * * *
    ((of a mother) to produce (a baby) from the womb: She has given birth to two sets of twins.) føde; nedkomme; bringe til verden

    English-Danish dictionary > give birth (to)

  • 3 to give birth (to)

    at føde

    English-Danish mini dictionary > to give birth (to)

  • 4 birth

    1) ((an) act of coming into the world, being born: the birth of her son; deaf since birth.) fødsel
    2) (the beginning: the birth of civilization.) fødsel
    - birthday
    - birthmark
    - birthplace
    - birthrate
    - give birth to
    - give birth
    * * *
    1) ((an) act of coming into the world, being born: the birth of her son; deaf since birth.) fødsel
    2) (the beginning: the birth of civilization.) fødsel
    - birthday
    - birthmark
    - birthplace
    - birthrate
    - give birth to
    - give birth

    English-Danish dictionary > birth

  • 5 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) tage frem
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) føde
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) frembringe
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) producere
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) producere
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) producere
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produkt; -produkt
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    * * *
    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) tage frem
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) føde
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) frembringe
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) producere
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) producere
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) producere
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produkt; -produkt
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Danish dictionary > produce

  • 6 calve

    verb (to give birth to a calf: The cow calved last night.) kælve
    * * *
    verb (to give birth to a calf: The cow calved last night.) kælve

    English-Danish dictionary > calve

  • 7 foal

    [fəul] 1. noun
    (a young horse.) føl
    2. verb
    (to give birth to a foal: The mare should foal this week.) fole
    * * *
    [fəul] 1. noun
    (a young horse.) føl
    2. verb
    (to give birth to a foal: The mare should foal this week.) fole

    English-Danish dictionary > foal

  • 8 nest

    [nest] 1. noun
    (a structure or place in which birds (and some animals and insects) hatch or give birth to and look after their young: The swallows are building a nest under the roof of our house; a wasp's nest.) rede; -rede
    2. verb
    (to build a nest and live in it: A pair of robins are nesting in that bush.) bygge rede
    - nest-egg
    - feather one's own nest
    - feather one's nest
    * * *
    [nest] 1. noun
    (a structure or place in which birds (and some animals and insects) hatch or give birth to and look after their young: The swallows are building a nest under the roof of our house; a wasp's nest.) rede; -rede
    2. verb
    (to build a nest and live in it: A pair of robins are nesting in that bush.) bygge rede
    - nest-egg
    - feather one's own nest
    - feather one's nest

    English-Danish dictionary > nest

  • 9 deliver

    1) (to give or hand over (something) to the person for whom it is intended: The postman delivers letters.) levere; omdele
    2) (to give: He delivered a long speech.) give; holde
    3) (to assist (a woman) at the birth of (a child): The doctor delivered the twins safely.) hjælpe til verden
    * * *
    1) (to give or hand over (something) to the person for whom it is intended: The postman delivers letters.) levere; omdele
    2) (to give: He delivered a long speech.) give; holde
    3) (to assist (a woman) at the birth of (a child): The doctor delivered the twins safely.) hjælpe til verden

    English-Danish dictionary > deliver

  • 10 notice

    ['nəutis] 1. noun
    1) (a written or printed statement to announce something publicly: He stuck a notice on the door, saying that he had gone home; They put a notice in the paper announcing the birth of their daughter.) opslag; annonce
    2) (attention: His skill attracted their notice; I'll bring the problem to his notice as soon as possible.) opmærksomhed
    3) (warning given especially before leaving a job or dismissing someone: Her employer gave her a month's notice; The cook gave in her notice; Please give notice of your intentions.) varsel; opsigelse; besked
    2. verb
    (to see, observe, or keep in one's mind: I noticed a book on the table; He noticed her leave the room; Did he say that? I didn't notice.) lægge mærke til; bemærke
    - noticeably
    - noticed
    - notice-board
    - at short notice
    - take notice of
    * * *
    ['nəutis] 1. noun
    1) (a written or printed statement to announce something publicly: He stuck a notice on the door, saying that he had gone home; They put a notice in the paper announcing the birth of their daughter.) opslag; annonce
    2) (attention: His skill attracted their notice; I'll bring the problem to his notice as soon as possible.) opmærksomhed
    3) (warning given especially before leaving a job or dismissing someone: Her employer gave her a month's notice; The cook gave in her notice; Please give notice of your intentions.) varsel; opsigelse; besked
    2. verb
    (to see, observe, or keep in one's mind: I noticed a book on the table; He noticed her leave the room; Did he say that? I didn't notice.) lægge mærke til; bemærke
    - noticeably
    - noticed
    - notice-board
    - at short notice
    - take notice of

    English-Danish dictionary > notice

См. также в других словарях:

  • give birth to something — give birth to (something) to cause or be the origin of something. The popularity of the car eventually gave birth to the interstate highways. Related vocabulary: give rise to something Etymology: based on the literal meaning of give birth (= to… …   New idioms dictionary

  • give birth to — (something) to cause or be the origin of something. The popularity of the car eventually gave birth to the interstate highways. Related vocabulary: give rise to something Etymology: based on the literal meaning of give birth (= to have a baby) …   New idioms dictionary

  • give birth (to someone) — phrase if a woman gives birth to a baby, she produces it from inside her body She gave birth to a baby boy. Thesaurus: pregnancy and having a babyhyponym Main entry: birth …   Useful english dictionary

  • give birth (to somebody) — give ˈbirth (to sb/sth) idiom to produce a baby or young animal • She died shortly after giving birth. • Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl. • (figurative) It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences …   Useful english dictionary

  • give birth (to something) — give ˈbirth (to sb/sth) idiom to produce a baby or young animal • She died shortly after giving birth. • Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl. • (figurative) It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences …   Useful english dictionary

  • give birth to something — phrase to make something important start to exist It was this event that gave birth to the peace movement. Thesaurus: to make something start to exist or happensynonym Main entry: birth …   Useful english dictionary

  • give birth — ► give birth bear a child or young. Main Entry: ↑birth …   English terms dictionary

  • give birth — index propagate (increase) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • give birth to — index conceive (invent), create, make, originate, produce (manufacture), reproduce Burton s Leg …   Law dictionary

  • give birth — verb 1. cause to be born (Freq. 2) My wife had twins yesterday! • Syn: ↑deliver, ↑bear, ↑birth, ↑have • Derivationally related forms: ↑birth ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • give birth to — HAVE, bear, produce, be delivered of, bring into the world; N. Amer. birth; informal drop; dated mother; archaic bring forth. → birth * * * phrasal …   Useful english dictionary

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