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  • 1 gather

    /'gæðə/ * ngoại động từ - tập hợp, tụ họp lại =to gather a crowd round+ tập hợp một đám đông quanh mình - hái, lượm, thu thập =to gather flowers+ hái hoa =to gather information+ lượm tin tức =to gather experience+ thu thập kinh nghiệm - lấy, lấy lại =to gather breath+ lấy hơi =to gather strength+ lấy lại sức - chun, nhăn =to gather a coat at the waist+ chun áo ở thắt lưng =to gather the brows+ nhăn mày - hiểu, nắm được; kết luận, suy ra =I can't gather nothing from his speech+ tôi chẳng hiểu hắn ta nói gì * nội động từ - tập hợp lại, tụ họp lại, kéo đến =a crowd gathered round him+ một đám đông tụ họp quanh anh ta =the clouds are gathering+ mây đang kéo đến - to ra, phóng đại, tăng lên =the rumour gathered as it spread+ tin đồn càng lan đi càng được phóng đại mãi - (y học) mưng mủ (nhọt) !to gather up - nhặt (cái gì) lên - thu thập lại, tập trung =to gather up one's forces+ tập trung lực lượng - thu (gọn) lại =to gather up one's legs+ ngồi thu chân lại =to gather oneself up on the divan+ ngồi thu mình trên đi văng !to be gathered to one's fathers - chết, về chầu tổ !rolling stone gathers no moss - lăn lóc đổi nghề lắm rút cục chẳng tinh nghề nào

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > gather

См. также в других словарях:

  • gather — I. verb (gathered; gathering) Etymology: Middle English gaderen, from Old English gaderian; akin to Middle High German gadern to unite more at good Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. to bring together ; collect < tried to …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • gather — /ˈgæðə / (say gadhuh) verb (t) 1. to bring (persons, animals, or things) together into one company or aggregate. 2. to get together from various places or sources; collect gradually. 3. to learn or infer from observation: I gather that he ll be… …  

  • gather — vb 1 Gather, collect, assemble, congregate mean to come or to bring together so as to form a group, a mass, or a unit. The same distinctions in applications and in implications characterize their derivative nouns gathering, collection, assemblage …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • gather — [v1] come or bring together accumulate, aggregate, amass, assemble, associate, bunch up, capture, choose, close with, cluster, collect, concentrate, congregate, convene, converge, corral, crowd, cull, draw, draw in, flock, forgather, gang up,… …   New thesaurus

  • crowd — [n1] large assembly army, array, blowout, bunch, cattle, circle, clique, cloud, cluster, company, concourse, confluence, conflux, congeries, congregation, coterie, crew, crush, deluge, drove, faction, flock, flood, gaggle, great unwashed*, group …   New thesaurus

  • crowd around (somebody) — ˌcrowd aˈround/ˈround (sb/sth) derived to gather in large numbers around sb/sth • We all crowded around the stove to keep warm. • Photographers were crowding around outside. Main entry: ↑crowdderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • crowd round (somebody) — ˌcrowd aˈround/ˈround (sb/sth) derived to gather in large numbers around sb/sth • We all crowded around the stove to keep warm. • Photographers were crowding around outside. Main entry: ↑crowdderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • crowd around (something) — ˌcrowd aˈround/ˈround (sb/sth) derived to gather in large numbers around sb/sth • We all crowded around the stove to keep warm. • Photographers were crowding around outside. Main entry: ↑crowdderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • crowd round (something) — ˌcrowd aˈround/ˈround (sb/sth) derived to gather in large numbers around sb/sth • We all crowded around the stove to keep warm. • Photographers were crowding around outside. Main entry: ↑crowdderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • crowd — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 large number of people in one place ADJECTIVE ▪ big, bumper (BrE), capacity, enormous, good, great, huge, large, massive …   Collocations dictionary

  • gather — verb 1 come together in a group ADVERB ▪ quickly ▪ about (BrE), around, round (esp. BrE), together PREPOSITION ▪ around …   Collocations dictionary

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