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  • 1 to drive at full speed

    to drive at full speed
    guiar a toda velocidade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to drive at full speed

  • 2 drive

    1. past tense - drove; verb
    1) (to control or guide (a car etc): Do you want to drive (the car), or shall I?) guiar
    2) (to take, bring etc in a car: My mother is driving me to the airport.) levar
    3) (to force or urge along: Two men and a dog were driving a herd of cattle across the road.) tanger
    4) (to hit hard: He drove a nail into the door; He drove a golf-ball from the tee.) bater
    5) (to cause to work by providing the necessary power: This mill is driven by water.) impulsionar
    2. noun
    1) (a journey in a car, especially for pleasure: We decided to go for a drive.) passeio
    2) (a private road leading from a gate to a house etc: The drive is lined with trees.) caminho
    3) (energy and enthusiasm: I think he has the drive needed for this job.) energia
    4) (a special effort: We're having a drive to save electricity.) campanha
    5) (in sport, a hard stroke (with a golf-club, a cricket bat etc).) pancada
    6) ((computers) a disk drive.)
    - driver's license
    - drive-in
    - drive-through
    - driving licence
    - be driving at
    - drive off
    - drive on
    * * *
    [draiv] n 1 passeio de carro, auto, etc. 2 percurso, distância a percorrer de carro, auto, etc. 3 estrada para carros. 4 entrada para carros em moradias. 5 ato de conduzir, dirigir, guiar. 6 condução de gado em manadas. 7 pressão, esforço, atividade, energia, impulso, empenho, dinamismo. 8 ímpeto, impulso, pulsão, necessidade instintiva. 9 Golf tacada ou movimento da bola. 10 Mil ataque, assalto, avanço. 11 força motriz, movimento, rodagem, mecanismo de engrenagem, acionamento, transmissão, propulsão. 12 Comp unidade de disco. 13 galeria de mina. 14 competições de jogos de cartas. • vt+vi (drove, driven) 1 impelir, empuxar, empurrar alguma coisa com força, empurrar para diante, impulsar, fazer caminhar para diante, forçar. 2 conduzir, guiar, dirigir (cavalos, carro, navio, etc.), levar. 3 ir de carro, auto, etc., passear de carro, etc., prosseguir. 4 constranger, compelir, forçar, coagir. 5 lançar, propulsar, acionar, pôr em movimento. 6 perfurar, arrastar por atrito, encunhar, cravar. 7 escovar (um túnel). 8 Naut desgarrar. 9 instar, seduzir, incitar, induzir, conduzir, levar a. 10 realizar, efetuar, levar a efeito. 11 mover-se com grande força (chuva, vento). 12 rebater (bola) no golfe. disk drive Comp unidade de disco. to drive a good ( bad) bargain fazer um bom (mau) negócio. to drive a hard bargain ser firme nas negociações. to drive a nail in cravar um prego. to drive a nail into someone’s coffin contribuir para a ruína ou fracasso de alguém. to drive ashore arrojar à costa. to drive asunder apartar, separar à força. to drive at 1 tender a, aludir, insinuar. 2 trabalhar em. to drive at full speed guiar a toda velocidade. to drive a thing into a person inculcar alguma coisa em alguém. to drive away expelir, expulsar, fazer sair, afugentar, afastar-se, partir em carro. to drive back rechaçar, repulsar, reconduzir em carro, etc., voltar de carro, etc. to drive by friction arrastar por atrito. to drive home 1 ir para casa de carro. 2 cravar um prego com um martelo. 3 fazer com que seja claramente compreendido. to drive in, into inserir à força, fincar, fazer entrar a marteladas. to drive it home to mostrar, forçar a acreditar. to drive into a corner colocar em situação difícil, encurralar. to drive off 1 partir, ir-se embora em carro, etc. 2 expelir, rechaçar. 3 Golf dar a primeira tocada. to drive on seguir adiante, levar em frente, empurrar, incentivar. to drive out 1 expelir, expulsar, fazer sair. 2 sair ou passear em carro, etc. to drive pigs to market roncar, ressonar. to drive someone mad/ crazy 1 enlouquecer, levar à loucura. 2 fig exasperar, irritar, deixar louco. to drive someone out of his senses/ out of his mind deixar maluco. to drive someone round the bend exasperar, enlouquecer. to drive to leeward desgarrar, desviar de rumo. to drive up the prices fazer subir os preços, elevar os preços. to drive up to passar de carro por algum lugar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > drive

  • 3 speed

    [spi:d] 1. noun
    1) (rate of moving: a slow speed; The car was travelling at high speed.) velocidade
    2) (quickness of moving.) velocidade
    2. verb
    1) ((past tense, past participles sped [sped] speeded) to (cause to) move or progress quickly; to hurry: The car sped/speeded along the motorway.) deslocar(-se) com velocidade
    2) ((past tense, past participle speeded) to drive very fast in a car etc, faster than is allowed by law: The policeman said that I had been speeding.) conduzir com excesso de velocidade
    - speedy
    - speedily
    - speediness
    - speed bump
    - speed trap
    - speedometer
    - speed up
    * * *
    [spi:d] n 1 velocidade, rapidez. 2 marcha, engrenagem. 3 arch sorte, prosperidade. • vt+vi (ps+pp sped) 1 apressar-se, correr, andar depressa. he sped his way / ele saiu correndo. 2 fazer andar depressa. 3 acelerar. 4 ajudar, promover. 5 transportar rapidamente, despachar às pressas. 6 arch dar sorte. 7 coll anfetamina. at full speed em velocidade máxima. God speed thee! arch Deus o ajude! vá com Deus! high speed alta velocidade. how have you sped? como tem passado? more haste, less speed devagar se vai ao longe. second speed Auto segunda marcha. to speed up acelerar, apressar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > speed

См. также в других словарях:

  • Speed — Speed, v. t. 1. To cause to be successful, or to prosper; hence, to aid; to favor. Fortune speed us! Shak. [1913 Webster] With rising gales that speed their happy flight. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To cause to make haste; to dispatch with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Full-drive — adv. With full speed. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • speed — [spēd] n. [ME sped < OE spæd, wealth, power, success, akin to spowan, to prosper, succeed < IE base * spēi , to flourish, expand > SPACE, SPARE] 1. the act or state of moving rapidly; swiftness; quick motion 2. a) the rate of movement or …   English World dictionary

  • speed — speedful, adj. speedfully, adv. speedfulness, n. speedingly, adv. speedingness, n. speedless, adj. /speed/, n., v., sped or speeded, speeding. n. 1. rapidity in moving, going, traveling, proceeding, or performing; swiftness; celerity: the …   Universalium

  • speed — /spid / (say speed) noun 1. rapidity in moving, going, travelling, or any proceeding or performance; swiftness; celerity. 2. the ratio of the distance covered by a moving body to the time taken. 3. the speed that can be generated by a particular… …  

  • God speed you — Speed Speed, v. t. 1. To cause to be successful, or to prosper; hence, to aid; to favor. Fortune speed us! Shak. [1913 Webster] With rising gales that speed their happy flight. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To cause to make haste; to dispatch with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • full-drive — ad. (Colloq.) At a furious rate, as fast as possible, at full speed, at the top of one s speed, headlong, full swing …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • Full Thrust — is a science fiction strategy wargame written by Jon Tuffley and published by Ground Zero Games of England. It is usually played with miniature figurines representing imaginary starships, although cardboard chits representing the vessels can also …   Wikipedia

  • Speed limit — For a discussion of the maximum speed possible in the universe, see speed of light and special relativity. A road speed limit is the maximum speed allowed by law for road vehicles. Speed limits are commonly set and enforced by the legislative… …   Wikipedia

  • Speed Racer — For the 2008 film, see Speed Racer (film). For other uses, see Speed Racer (disambiguation). Speed Racer A picture of Gō Mifune (a.k.a. Speed Racer) …   Wikipedia

  • Speed (film) — Infobox Film name = Speed image size = caption = Speed movie poster director = Jan de Bont producer = Mark Gordon Ian Bryce writer = Graham Yost starring = Keanu Reeves Sandra Bullock Dennis Hopper Joe Morton Jeff Daniels music = Mark Mancina… …   Wikipedia

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