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  • 1 wrong

    [roŋ] 1. adjective
    1) (having an error or mistake(s); incorrect: The child gave the wrong answer; We went in the wrong direction.) nesprávný
    2) (incorrect in one's answer(s), opinion(s) etc; mistaken: I thought Singapore was south of the Equator, but I was quite wrong.) na omylu
    3) (not good, not morally correct etc: It is wrong to steal.) nemorální
    4) (not suitable: He's the wrong man for the job.) nevhodný
    5) (not right; not normal: There's something wrong with this engine; What's wrong with that child - why is she crying?) ne v pořádku
    2. adverb
    (incorrectly: I think I may have spelt her name wrong.) špatně
    3. noun
    (that which is not morally correct: He does not know right from wrong.) zlo
    4. verb
    (to insult or hurt unjustly: You wrong me by suggesting that I'm lying.) křivdit
    - wrongfully
    - wrongfulness
    - wrongly
    - wrongdoer
    - wrongdoing
    - do someone wrong
    - do wrong
    - do wrong
    - go wrong
    - in the wrong
    * * *
    • ukřivdit
    • zlo
    • příkoří
    • špatný
    • nemorálnost
    • nepravý
    • nemravnost
    • nevhodný
    • nesprávný
    • chybný

    English-Czech dictionary > wrong

  • 2 wrong-headed

    • tvrdohlavý
    • paličatý

    English-Czech dictionary > wrong-headed

  • 3 go wrong

    1) (to go astray, badly, away from the intended plan etc: Everything has gone wrong for her in the past few years.) obrátit se k horšímu
    2) (to stop functioning properly: The machine has gone wrong - I can't get it to stop!) porouchat se
    3) (to make a mistake: Where did I go wrong in that sum?) udělat chybu
    * * *
    • zkazit se
    • zmýlit se
    • porouchat se
    • jít špatně
    • nevycházet

    English-Czech dictionary > go wrong

  • 4 in the wrong

    (guilty of an error or injustice: She is completely blameless. You're the one who's in the wrong!) být vinen/v neprávu

    English-Czech dictionary > in the wrong

  • 5 bark up the wrong tree

    • objímání špatné vrby

    English-Czech dictionary > bark up the wrong tree

  • 6 rub the wrong way

    • třít proti srsti
    • rozhněvat
    • otravovat

    English-Czech dictionary > rub the wrong way

  • 7 do (someone) wrong

    (to insult (someone), treat (someone) unfairly etc.) jednat špatně (vůči)

    English-Czech dictionary > do (someone) wrong

  • 8 do (someone) wrong

    (to insult (someone), treat (someone) unfairly etc.) jednat špatně (vůči)

    English-Czech dictionary > do (someone) wrong

  • 9 get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick

    (to misunderstand a situation, something said etc.) špatně pochopit

    English-Czech dictionary > get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick

  • 10 get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick

    (to misunderstand a situation, something said etc.) špatně pochopit

    English-Czech dictionary > get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick

  • 11 rub up the wrong way

    (to annoy or irritate (someone).) být proti srsti

    English-Czech dictionary > rub up the wrong way

  • 12 at fault

    (wrong or to blame: She was at fault.) na omylu
    * * *
    • má vinu
    • chybující

    English-Czech dictionary > at fault

  • 13 appear

    1) (to come into view: A man suddenly appeared round the corner.) objevit se
    2) (to arrive (at a place etc): He appeared in time for dinner.) přijít, přijet, dostavit se
    3) (to come before or present oneself/itself before the public or a judge etc: He is appearing on television today; He appeared before Judge Scott.) vystoupit
    4) (to look or seem as if (something is the case): It appears that he is wrong; He appears to be wrong.) zdát se, jevit se
    * * *
    • vypadat
    • vyjít
    • zdát se
    • připadat
    • jevit se
    • objevit se
    • objevovat se
    • dostavit se

    English-Czech dictionary > appear

  • 14 err

    (to make a mistake; to be wrong; to do wrong.) chybovat, mýlit se
    * * *
    • mýlit se
    • chybit
    • chybovat

    English-Czech dictionary > err

  • 15 forfeit

    ['fo:fit] 1. noun
    (something that must be given up because one has done something wrong, especially in games: If you lose the game you will have to pay a forfeit.) pokuta
    2. verb
    (to lose (something) because one has done something wrong: He forfeited our respect by telling lies.) ztratit
    3. adjective
    (forfeited: His former rights are forfeit now.) propadlý; ztracený
    * * *
    • zástava
    • pozbytí něčeho
    • propadnutí

    English-Czech dictionary > forfeit

  • 16 incorrect

    1) (not accurate or correct; wrong: incorrect translation of a word.) nesprávný
    2) ((of behaviour etc) not acceptable; wrong.) nepřijatelný
    * * *
    • nesprávný

    English-Czech dictionary > incorrect

  • 17 penalise

    1) (to punish (someone) for doing something wrong (eg breaking a rule in a game), eg by the loss of points etc or by the giving of some advantage to an opponent: The child was penalized for her untidy handwriting.) potrestat, pokutovat
    2) (to punish (some wrong action etc) in this way: Any attempt at cheating will be heavily penalized.) trestat
    * * *
    • pokutovat
    • penalizovat

    English-Czech dictionary > penalise

  • 18 penalize

    1) (to punish (someone) for doing something wrong (eg breaking a rule in a game), eg by the loss of points etc or by the giving of some advantage to an opponent: The child was penalized for her untidy handwriting.) potrestat, pokutovat
    2) (to punish (some wrong action etc) in this way: Any attempt at cheating will be heavily penalized.) trestat
    * * *
    • pokutovat
    • penalizovat

    English-Czech dictionary > penalize

  • 19 penalty

    plural - penalties; noun
    1) (a punishment for doing wrong, breaking a contract etc: They did wrong and they will have to pay the penalty; The death penalty has been abolished in this country.) trest, pokuta
    2) (in sport etc, a disadvantage etc that must be suffered for breaking the rules etc: The referee awarded the team a penalty; ( also adjective) a penalty kick) trestný bod; penalta; pokuta
    * * *
    • trest
    • pokuta

    English-Czech dictionary > penalty

  • 20 perverse

    1) (continuing to do, think etc something which one knows, or which one has been told, is wrong or unreasonable: a perverse child.) zvrácený
    2) (deliberately wrong; unreasonable: perverse behaviour.) zavilý
    - perverseness
    - perversity
    * * *
    • úchylný
    • zatvrzelý
    • zvrácený
    • perverzní

    English-Czech dictionary > perverse

См. также в других словарях:

  • Wrong — Single par Depeche Mode extrait de l’album Sounds of the Universe Face A Wrong Face B Oh Well Sortie 24 février 2009 Enregistrement …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Wrong — «Wrong» Sencillo de Depeche Mode del álbum Sounds of the Universe Lado B Oh Well Formato Disco de vinilo de 7 y 12 , CD y Descarga digital Grabación 2008 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Wrong — «Wrong» Сингл Depeche Mode …   Википедия

  • Wrong (Depeche Mode) — «Wrong» является первым синглом Depeche Mode с их двенадцатого студийного альбома Sounds of the Universe, и их 46 м синглом в Великобритании. В ротации на радио сингл появился в конце февраля 2009 года, выпуск сингла на физических носителях  …   Википедия

  • wrong — 1 n 1: a violation of the rights of another; esp: tort 2: something (as conduct, practices, or qualities) contrary to justice, goodness, equity, or law the difference between right and wrong wrong 2 vt: to do a wrong to …   Law dictionary

  • wrong — [rôŋ] adj. [ME, crooked, twisted, wrong < OE wrang < ON rangr, wrangr, wrong, twisted: for IE base see WRING] 1. not in accordance with justice, law, morality, etc.; unlawful, immoral, or improper 2. not in accordance with an established… …   English World dictionary

  • Wrong — (?; 115), a. [OE. wrong, wrang, a. & n., AS. wrang, n.; originally, awry, wrung, fr. wringan to wring; akin to D. wrang bitter, Dan. vrang wrong, Sw. vr[*a]ng, Icel. rangr awry, wrong. See {Wring}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Twisted; wry; as, a wrong… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wrong Number — «Wrong Number» Sencillo de The Cure del álbum Galore Formato CD Género(s) Rock Alternativo Duración 6:02 Discográfica …   Wikipedia Español

  • wrong, wrongly — Wrong is both an adjective and an adverb. It is correct to say That s the wrong attitude to take and Everything went wrong that day. Wrongly, an adverb only, should be used before a verb: The word was wrongly pronounced. Wrong in its adverbial… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • wrong — wrong; wrong·er; wrong·ful; wrong·ly; wrong·ness; wrong·ous; wrong·ful·ly; wrong·ful·ness; wrong·head·ed·ly; wrong·head·ed·ness; wrong·heart·ed·ness; wrong·ous·ly; …   English syllables

  • Wrong — Wrong, n. [AS. wrang. See {Wrong}, a.] That which is not right. Specifically: (a) Nonconformity or disobedience to lawful authority, divine or human; deviation from duty; the opposite of moral {right}. [1913 Webster] When I had wrong and she the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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