Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 1 washing

    1) ((an) act of cleaning by water: I don't mind washing, but I hate ironing.) pranie
    2) (clothes washed or to be washed: I'll hang the washing out to dry.) bielizeň
    * * *
    • umývanie (sa)
    • bielizen
    • pranie
    • prášok na pranie

    English-Slovak dictionary > washing

  • 2 washing-up

    noun (dishes etc cleaned or to be cleaned after a meal etc: I'll help you with the washing-up.) umývanie riadu
    * * *
    • umývanie riadu

    English-Slovak dictionary > washing-up

  • 3 dish-washing

    noun (the job of washing soiled dishes.) umývanie riadu

    English-Slovak dictionary > dish-washing

  • 4 be in the middle of (doing) something

    (to be busily occupied doing something: Please excuse my appearance. I was in the middle of washing my hair.) byť práve uprostred

    English-Slovak dictionary > be in the middle of (doing) something

  • 5 be in the middle of (doing) something

    (to be busily occupied doing something: Please excuse my appearance. I was in the middle of washing my hair.) byť práve uprostred

    English-Slovak dictionary > be in the middle of (doing) something

  • 6 line

    I 1. noun
    1) ((a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc: She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line.) šnúra; niť; vlasec
    2) (a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe: She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line.) čiara
    3) (outline or shape especially relating to length or direction: The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line.) línia
    4) (a groove on the skin; a wrinkle.) vráska
    5) (a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other: The children stood in a line; a line of trees.) rad
    6) (a short letter: I'll drop him a line.) pár riadkov
    7) (a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family: a line of kings.) rodová línia
    8) (a track or direction: He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research.) trasa; smer
    9) (the railway or a single track of the railway: Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only.) trať
    10) (a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another: a pipeline; a line of communication; All (telephone) lines are engaged.) potrubie; sieť; linka; spoj
    11) (a row of written or printed words: The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines.) riadok
    12) (a regular service of ships, aircraft etc: a shipping line.) linka
    13) (a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc: This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line.) druh; odbor
    14) (an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight: fighting in the front line.) línia
    2. verb
    1) (to form lines along: Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen.) lemovať
    2) (to mark with lines.) nalinkovať
    - linear - linesman
    - hard lines!
    - in line for
    - in
    - out of line with
    - line up
    - read between the lines
    II verb
    1) (to cover on the inside: She lined the box with newspaper.) obložiť
    2) (to put a lining in: She lined the dress with silk.) podšiť
    * * *
    • vedenie
    • vráska
    • vyfutrovat
    • spoj
    • smer
    • šnúra
    • trat
    • úcastnícka prípojka
    • drôt
    • futrovat
    • hranica
    • ciara
    • riadok
    • rovník
    • rad
    • pás
    • povraz
    • podšívat
    • podšit
    • línia
    • linka
    • linkovat
    • lemovat
    • nalinkovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > line

  • 7 do

    [du:] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb
    1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?)
    2) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; [ðo sit down])
    3) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.)
    4) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.)
    5) (to carry out or perform: What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.) robiť
    6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) urobiť
    7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) robiť
    8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) stačiť
    9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) (u)robiť; študovať
    10) (to manage or prosper: How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.) dariť sa
    11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) dať si do poriadku
    12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?) robiť
    13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) preukázať
    14) (to cause: What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.) urobiť, narobiť
    15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) prezrieť
    2. noun
    (an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) oslava
    - doings
    - done
    - do-it-yourself
    - to-do
    - I
    - he could be doing with / could do with
    - do away with
    - do for
    - done for
    - done in
    - do out
    - do out of
    - do's and don'ts
    - do without
    - to do with
    - what are you doing with
    * * *
    • vycerpat
    • zábava
    • zaoberat sa
    • zapnút
    • zašlost
    • zbit
    • zmlátit
    • splnenie objednávky
    • slezina
    • splnenie nároku
    • solmizacná slabika
    • švindel
    • stacit
    • urobit znova
    • urobit
    • unavit
    • upravit
    • prepracovat
    • prerobit
    • prerezat
    • boj
    • (pom.sloves.)
    • akcia
    • cinnost
    • cinit
    • robit
    • renovovat
    • opravit
    • operácia
    • podiel
    • podvod
    • podraz
    • konat
    • mat úspech
    • mejdán
    • obliect

    English-Slovak dictionary > do

  • 8 peg

    [peɡ] 1. noun
    1) (a usually short, not very thick, piece of wood, metal etc used to fasten or mark something: There were four pegs stuck in the ground.) kolík
    2) (a hook on a wall or door for hanging clothes etc on: Hang your clothes on the pegs in the cupboard.) vešiak
    3) ((also clothes-peg) a wooden or plastic clip for holding clothes etc to a rope while drying.) štipec
    2. verb
    (to fasten with a peg: She pegged the clothes on the washing-line.) zavesiť
    - take someone down a peg or two
    - take down a peg or two
    - take someone down a peg
    - take down a peg
    * * *
    • kolko

    English-Slovak dictionary > peg

  • 9 useful

    adjective (helpful or serving a purpose well: a useful toolionary; She made herself useful by doing the washing for her mother.) užitočný
    * * *
    • užitocný
    • vhodný
    • úžitkový
    • výkonný
    • výhodný
    • schopný
    • úctyhodný
    • prospešný
    • osožný
    • nepostrádatelný

    English-Slovak dictionary > useful

  • 10 detergent

    (a (soapless) substance used for cleaning: She poured detergent into the washing-machine.) čistiaci prostriedok

    English-Slovak dictionary > detergent

  • 11 pick on

    1) (to choose (someone) to do a usually difficult or unpleasant job: Why do they always pick on me to do the washing-up?) vybrať
    2) (to speak to or treat (a person) angrily or critically: Don't pick on me - it wasn't my fault.) nenechať na pokoji, útočiť

    English-Slovak dictionary > pick on

  • 12 wash

    [woʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to clean (a thing or person, especially oneself) with (soap and) water or other liquid: How often do you wash your hair?; You wash (the dishes) and I'll dry; We can wash in the stream.) umývať (sa)
    2) (to be able to be washed without being damaged: This fabric doesn't wash very well.) (vy)prať, dať sa (vy)prať
    3) (to flow (against, over etc): The waves washed (against) the ship.) špliechať
    4) (to sweep (away etc) by means of water: The floods have washed away hundreds of houses.) odplaviť
    2. noun
    1) (an act of washing: He's just gone to have a wash.) umývanie
    2) (things to be washed or being washed: Your sweater is in the wash.) (veci na) pranie
    3) (the flowing or lapping (of waves etc): the wash of waves against the rocks.) príboj, prúd
    4) (a liquid with which something is washed: a mouthwash.) voda
    5) (a thin coat (of water-colour paint etc), especially in a painting: The background of the picture was a pale blue wash.) náter
    6) (the waves caused by a moving boat etc: The rowing-boat was tossing about in the wash from the ship's propellers.) protiprúd
    - washer
    - washing
    - washed-out
    - washerwoman
    - washerman
    - washcloth
    - wash-basin
    - washing-machine
    - washing-powder
    - washing-up
    - washout
    - washroom
    - wash up
    * * *
    • vodicka (pren.)
    • vymliet
    • výmol
    • zmyt
    • špliechat
    • šplachot
    • umyt sa
    • umývat(sa)
    • umývanie
    • tok
    • tenká vrstva
    • bielizen
    • clapkat sa
    • prúd
    • pranie
    • pomyje
    • prat
    • náter
    • omývat
    • obmývat (brehy)

    English-Slovak dictionary > wash

  • 13 shampoo

    [ʃæm'pu:] 1. plural - shampoos; noun
    1) (a soapy liquid or other substance for washing the hair and scalp or for cleaning carpets, upholstery etc: a special shampoo for greasy hair; carpet shampoo.) šampón
    2) (an act of washing etc with shampoo: I had a shampoo and set at the hairdresser's.) umývanie vlasov
    2. verb
    (to wash or clean with shampoo: She shampoos her hair every day; We shampooed the rugs yesterday.) umývať šampónom
    * * *
    • šampón
    • šampónovat
    • umývat hlavu

    English-Slovak dictionary > shampoo

  • 14 soda

    1) (the name given to several substances formed with sodium, especially one (washing soda or sodium carbonate) in the form of crystals, used for washing, or one (baking soda or sodium bicarbonate) used in baking.) sóda (bikarbóna)
    2) (soda-water: whisky and soda.) sóda, sódovka
    3) ((American) a drink made with flavoured soda-water and usually ice-cream.) strik so zmrzlinou
    * * *
    • sóda

    English-Slovak dictionary > soda

  • 15 earth

    [ə:ð] 1. noun
    1) (the third planet in order of distance from the Sun; the planet on which we live: Is Earth nearer the Sun than Mars is?; the geography of the earth.) Zem
    2) (the world as opposed to heaven: heaven and earth.) zem
    3) (soil: Fill the plant-pot with earth.) zem, zemina, hlina
    4) (dry land; the ground: the earth, sea and sky.) zem, pevnina
    5) (a burrow or hole of an animal, especially of a fox.) brloh
    6) ((a wire that provides) an electrical connection with the earth.) uzemnenie
    2. verb
    (to connect to earth electrically: Is your washing-machine properly earthed?) uzemniť
    - earthly
    - earthenware
    - earthquake
    - earthworm
    - on earth
    - run to earth
    * * *
    • uzemnit
    • uzemnenie
    • uzemnený
    • zem
    • svet
    • hlina
    • brloh
    • pevnina
    • pôda

    English-Slovak dictionary > earth

  • 16 drag

    [dræɡ] 1. past tense, past participle - dragged; verb
    1) (to pull, especially by force or roughly: She was dragged screaming from her car.) vytiahnuť
    2) (to pull (something) slowly (usually because heavy): He dragged the heavy table across the floor.) ťahať
    3) (to (cause to) move along the ground: His coat was so long it dragged on the ground at the back.) vliecť sa
    4) (to search (the bed of a lake etc) by using a net or hook: Police are dragging the canal to try to find the body.) prečesávať
    5) (to be slow-moving and boring: The evening dragged a bit.) ťahať sa
    2. noun
    1) (something which slows something down: He felt that his lack of education was a drag on his progress.) prekážka, záťaž
    2) (an act of drawing in smoke from a cigarette etc: He took a long drag at his cigarette.) šluk, vtiahnutie
    3) (something or someone that is dull and boring: Washing-up is a drag.) otrava
    4) (a slang word for women's clothes when worn by men.) preoblečenie za ženu
    * * *
    • vliect
    • tahat
    • tiahnut
    • presúvat (obraz)
    • natahovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > drag

  • 17 try

    1. verb
    1) (to attempt or make an effort (to do, get etc): He tried to answer the questions; Let's try and climb that tree!) pokúsiť sa
    2) (to test; to make an experiment (with) in order to find out whether something will be successful, satisfactory etc: She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo; Try one of these sweets.) skúsiť
    3) (to judge (someone or their case) in a court of law: The prisoners were tried for murder.) súdiť
    4) (to test the limits of; to strain: You are trying my patience.) pokúšať, napínať
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt or effort: Have a try (at the exam). I'm sure you will pass.) pokus
    2) (in rugby football, an act of putting the ball on the ground behind the opponents' goal-line: Our team scored three tries.) pokus
    - trying
    - try on
    - try out
    * * *
    • vyriešit
    • zúcastnit sa procesu
    • snažit sa
    • skúsit
    • spôsobit námahu
    • uchádzat sa
    • prepúštat
    • prejednávat
    • byt zatažkavácou skúškou
    • rozhodnút sa
    • pokus
    • pokúsit sa
    • namáhat sa
    • obhajovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > try

  • 18 rinse

    [rins] 1. verb
    1) (to wash (clothes etc) in clean water to remove soap etc: After washing the towels, rinse them (out).) (vy)plákať
    2) (to clean (a cup, one's mouth etc) by filling with clean water etc and then emptying the water out: The dentist asked me to rinse my mouth out.) vypláchnuť
    2. noun
    1) (the act of rinsing: Give the cup a rinse.) opláchnutie
    2) (a liquid used for changing the colour of hair: a blue rinse.) preliv

    English-Slovak dictionary > rinse

  • 19 basin

    1) (a bowl for washing oneself in: a wash-hand basin.) umývadlo
    2) (a wide, open dish for preparing food in: a pudding-basin.) miska, misa
    3) (the area drained by a river: the basin of the Nile.) povodie
    4) (the deep part of a harbour: There were four yachts anchored in the harbour basin.) vnútorný prístav
    * * *
    • umývadlo
    • bazén
    • nádrž
    • miska

    English-Slovak dictionary > basin

  • 20 dry

    1. adjective
    1) (having little, or no, moisture, sap, rain etc: The ground is very dry; The leaves are dry and withered; I need to find dry socks for the children.) suchý
    2) (uninteresting and not lively: a very dry book.) suchopárny
    3) ((of humour or manner) quiet, restrained: a dry wit.) suchý
    4) ((of wine) not sweet.) suchý
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) become dry: I prefer drying dishes to washing them; The clothes dried quickly in the sun.) utierať; uschnúť
    - drier
    - dryer
    - drily
    - dryly
    - dryness
    - dry-clean
    - dry land
    - dry off
    - dry up
    * * *
    • smädný
    • schnút
    • sušit
    • suchý
    • trpký
    • holý
    • chladný
    • nevlúdny
    • nudný

    English-Slovak dictionary > dry

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Washing Machine — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Washing Machine. The Washing Machine est un groupe de rock moderne mélangeant riffs de guitares et mélodie envoutantes au piano. Sommaire 1 Style 2 Composition …   Wikipédia en Français

  • We're Going to Hang out the Washing on the Siegfried Line — is a popular song written by Irish songwriter Jimmy Kennedy, whilst he was a Captain in the British Expeditionary Force during the early stages of the Second World War. The Siegfried Line was a chain of fortifications along Germany s Western… …   Wikipedia

  • hung out the washing — pinned wet laundry on the line to dry …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Washing of Feet and Hands — • Owing to the general use of sandals in Eastern countries the washing of the feet was almost everywhere recognized from the earliest times as a duty of courtesy to be shown to guests Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Washing of Feet and …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Washing Machine (album) — Washing Machine Pour les articles homonymes, voir The Washing Machine. Washing Machine Album par Sonic Youth Sortie 26 septembre 1995 Enregistrement janvier à mai 1995 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Celtic Rite —     The Celtic Rite     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Celtic Rite     This subject will be treated under the following seven heads:     I. History and Origin; II. Manuscript Sources; III. The Divine Office; IV. The Mass; V. the Baptismal Service; …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • washing-up — n [U] BrE 1.) the washing of plates, dishes, knives etc ▪ It s your turn to do the washing up , Sam. 2.) the dirty pans, plates, dishes, knives etc that have to be washed American Equivalent: dishes ▪ a pile of washing up …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is Burning — (also The Spirit of God or Hosanna to God and the Lamb ) is a hymn of the Latter Day Saint movement. It was written by W. W. Phelps, one of the most prolific hymnwriters of early Mormonism.The hymn was sung for the dedication of Kirtland Temple,… …   Wikipedia

  • The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle —   …   Wikipedia

  • Washing of the Spears — The Washing of the Spears is a classic book about the Zulu Nation under Shaka and the Anglo Zulu War of 1879, written by Donald R. Morris in the 1960s. It includes a wealth of some of the earliest wartime photography …   Wikipedia

  • Washing Bay — The Washing Bay gaeilge is a small village in the south east of County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. It is on the edge of Lough Neagh. The village is about five miles east of Coalisland, and has a population of around 100 people.port*Derrylaughan… …   Wikipedia

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