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  • 1 çamaşır

    "1. dirty laundry, dirty clothes, laundry. 2. underwear; underlinen, linen. - asmak to hang out the laundry. - değiştirmek to change one´s underwear. - dolabı linen cupboard, linen closet, linen press. - günü washday. - ipeği embroidery silk. - ipi clothesline. - kazanı washpot. - leğeni washtub. - makinesi washing machine. - mandalı clothespin, Brit. clothes-peg, peg. - merdanesi clothes wringer. - sepeti 1. laundry basket (for clean laundry). 2. dirty-clothes hamper. - sıkmak to wring laundry. - sodası washing soda. - suyu liquid bleach, bleach. - teknesi laundry tray, laundry tub, set tub, washtray. - tozu washing powder. - yıkamak to wash clothes, do the laundry, do the wash."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çamaşır

  • 2 kirli

    "1. dirty, soiled, filthy; polluted. 2. blemished, sullied (honor). 3. (woman) who is having a period, menstruating. 4. dull, indistinct, gray (light). 5. dirty laundry. -ye atmak /ı/ to put (dirty clothes) in the laundry bag or basket. - çamaşır 1. dirty clothes, dirty laundry. 2. dirty linen, misdeeds. - çamaşırlarını ortaya dökmek/çıkarmak /ın/ to reveal (someone´s) misdeeds, wash (someone´s) dirty linen in public. - çıkı/çıkın wealthy miser. - hanım peyniri a soft white cheese. - kokoş colloq. filthy, smelly child. - sepeti dirty-clothes basket/hamper, dirty-laundry basket/hamper."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kirli

  • 3 çamaşır asmak

    to hang out the laundry, to hang the washing (on the line)

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > çamaşır asmak

  • 4 çamaşır yıkamak

    v. do the laundry, wash the clothes, launder

    Turkish-English dictionary > çamaşır yıkamak

  • 5 çamaşırları yıkamak

    v. do the laundry, wash the clothes

    Turkish-English dictionary > çamaşırları yıkamak

  • 6 bu çamaşırları yıkamaya gönderir misiniz

    Would you please send these clothes to the laundry

    Turkish-English dictionary > bu çamaşırları yıkamaya gönderir misiniz

  • 7 boğada

    the process of soaking laundry in lye leached from wood ashes.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > boğada

  • 8 su

    ",-yu 1. water. 2. juice. 3. sap. 4. body of water; stream; river; lake; sea. 5. broth; gravy. 6. temper (of steel). 7. embroidery running pattern. (...) -larında about, around: saat altı sularında around six o´clock. elli sularında about fifty years old. - almak 1. to leak, admit water. 2. (for a boat) to leak, take in water. -yunu almak /ın/ to drain the water from (cooked vegetables). - arkı irrigation ditch. -da balık satmak to make an empty promise. - basmak /ı/ for water to flood (a place). - baskını flood. -yun başı 1. source, spring, fountain. 2. place from which one gains the greatest profits or benefits. 3. person who holds the greatest authority and bears the greatest responsibility. -yu baştan/başından kesmek to tackle a problem at its root. - birikintisi puddle. -da boğulmak to be drowned. -ya boğulmak to be flooded with water. - bölümü çizgisi geog. watershed, water parting. -yu bulandırmak to throw a monkey wrench into something that´s going well. - cenderesi hydraulic press. - çarpmak /a/ to give (one´s face) a quick, splashy wash. - çekmek 1. to draw water (from a well or cistern). 2. to absorb water. -yunu çekmek 1. for the liquid in (something being cooked) to boil away. 2. (for money) to be spent, run out. -yu çekilmiş değirmene dönmek 1. (for a place) to become as silent as a tomb, become like a morgue. 2. to become completely useless. -dan çıkmış balığa dönmek to be in a daze, not to know what to do or which way to turn. - değirmeni water mill. - dökmek to urinate, pass water, make water. - dökünmek to take a quick bath (by dousing oneself with water). -ya düşmek 1. to fail, come to nothing. 2. to fall into the water. - etmek/yapmak (for a ship) to leak, take in water. -dan geçirmek /ı/ 1. to wash (laundry) quickly and carelessly. 2. to rinse (laundry). - gibi 1. like water. 2. easily, smoothly. 3. fluently. - gibi akmak 1. (for time) to pass very quickly. 2. /a/ (for money) to be made by (a person or place) in great quantities. - gibi aziz ol! Thank you very much indeed (for bringing me water to drink)! - gibi bilmek /ı/ to know (something) perfectly, have (something) down pat. - gibi ezberlemek /ı/ to memorize (something) perfectly. - gibi gitmek (for money) to be spent like water. - gibi okumak /ı/ to read quickly and faultlessly. - gibi terlemek to sweat heavily. -yuna/-yunca gitmek /ın/ not to go counter to (someone); not to cross (someone), to comply with (someone´s) wishes. -yu görmeden paçaları sıvamak to count one´s chickens before they´re hatched. - (yüzü) görmemiş very dirty (face, hands). -ya göstermek /ı/ to give (something) a quick wash. - götürmez indisputable. - götürür yeri olmamak /ın/ for there to be nothing more to be said about (a matter). -ya götürür, susuz getirir. colloq. He´s a master hoodwinker. - içene yılan bile dokunmaz. proverb It´s wrong to attack a person while he´s drinking water, even if he is one´s enemy. - içinde easily, at least. - içinde kalmak to sweat heavily, sweat buckets. - içmek gibi very easy, as easy as taking candy from a baby. - kaçırmak 1. to leak. 2. slang to annoy, bother, give someone a headache. - kaldırmak (for something being cooked) to absorb water. - kapmak (for a wound) to get infected, fester. -lar kararmak to get dark (in the evening). - katılmamış real, in every sense of the word, through and through. -yu kesilmiş değirmene dönmek (for a place) to get quiet, for all noise (in a place) to cease. - kesimi naut. draft line; water line. -yu kesiyor. It´s so blunt it won´t cut anything (said of a knife). - kesmek to become very watery; to ooze a lot of water or juice. - kireci hydraulic lime. - korkusu hydrophobia, morbid dread of water. - koyuvermek 1. (for something) to ooze a lot of water (while being cooked). 2. slang to become impudent, overstep the mark, spoil the fun by going too far. - küçüğün, söz/sofra büyüğün. proverb At mealtime the children should be the ones who get water

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > su

  • 9 çiti

    rubbing the folds of a wet piece of laundry together by hand (in order to clean them). - yapmak 1. to rub the folds of a wet piece of laundry together by hand (in order to clean them). 2. to comb one´s hair with a comb each tooth of which has been wrapped with thread.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çiti

  • 10 çitmek

    /ı/ 1. to gather up, join. 2. to darn. 3. to rub the folds of (a wet piece of laundry) together by hand (in order to clean them). 4. to narrow the spaces between the teeth of (a comb) by wrapping each tooth with thread.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çitmek

  • 11 en yakın çamaşırhane nerede

    Where is the nearest laundry service

    Turkish-English dictionary > en yakın çamaşırhane nerede

  • 12 otelinizin çamaşırhanesi var mı

    Does the hotel have a laundry service

    Turkish-English dictionary > otelinizin çamaşırhanesi var mı

  • 13 ağartmak

    /ı/ 1. to cause (hair) to turn white, cause (hair) to turn gray. 2. to cause (a patch of sky, a horizon) to grow light (at dawn). 3. to cause (soiled white laundry) to come out white (in the course of a wash).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ağartmak

  • 14 rezil

    "disgraceful, scandalous, shocking, outrageous, awful. - etmek /ı/ to disgrace. - olmak to be disgraced. - rüsva olmak for one´s dirty laundry/the things one is ashamed of to be made public; to be greatly disgraced."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > rezil

  • 15 çitilemek

    /ı/ to rub the folds of (a wet piece of laundry) together by hand (in order to clean them).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çitilemek

  • 16 çitili

    (piece of laundry) the folds of which have been rubbed together by hand (in order to clean them).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çitili

  • 17 çitilmek

    1. to be gathered up, be joined. 2. to be darned. 3. for the folds of (a piece of laundry) to be rubbed together by hand (in order to clean them).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çitilmek

См. также в других словарях:

  • Laundry — is hung to dry above an Italian street. Laundry hanging out of flats for d …   Wikipedia

  • Laundry — Laun dry, n.; pl. {Laundries}. [OE. lavendrie, OF. lavanderie. See {Launder}.] 1. A laundering; a washing. [1913 Webster] 2. A place or room where laundering is done; a laundry room. [1913 Webster] 3. A business establishment where clothing is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • The Upside Down Show — is a Logie Award winning live action daytime children s show featuring Shane Dundas and David Collins that airs on Noggin, Nick Jr. Australia and ABC. The duo gained fame as physical comedians The Umbilical Brothers, playing brothers who lived… …   Wikipedia

  • Laundry ball — The Laundry ball is a pseudoscientific product whose sellers claim that when placed in a washing machine, will clean clothes without detergent. cite news |first=Cecil |last= Adams |authorlink=Cecil Adams |author= Cecil Adams|title= Do laundry… …   Wikipedia

  • Laundry\ Event\ Horizon — The state after which there is no longer any way to avoid doing laundry. Jockeys are already inside out, t shirt backwards and inside out, laundry pile has crept out into the hallway. I ve just passed the Laundry Event Horizon …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Laundry\ Event\ Horizon — The state after which there is no longer any way to avoid doing laundry. Jockeys are already inside out, t shirt backwards and inside out, laundry pile has crept out into the hallway. I ve just passed the Laundry Event Horizon …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Laundry and Dry Cleaning International Union — The Laundry and Dry Cleaning International Union is an AFL CIO union in the United States. It was created as an alternative to the old Teamsters Laundry and Dry Cleaners, which had been expelled from the AFL CIO in 1958 for corruption. Russell… …   Wikipedia

  • The Creeping Terror — #36 on IMDb bottom 100 Directed by Vic Savage credited as: A.J. Nelson Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • The Little Girl Sold with the Pears — is an Italian fairy tale collected by Italo Calvino in Italian Folktales , from Piedmont. [Italo Calvino, Italian Folktales p 717 ISBN 0 15 645489 0] Ruth Manning Sanders included a variant, as The Girl in the Basket , in A Book of Ogres and… …   Wikipedia

  • The Once a Week Show — with Dustin and Sinéad from Sinéad s House Where Dustin Likes to Hang Also known as The Once a Week Show Genre Talk / …   Wikipedia

  • The Carlton Crew — is an Italian Australian criminal organisation from Melbourne, Victoria.It was formed in Melbourne, Victoria in the late 1970s by gangster Alphonse Gangitano and named after Melbourne s Little Italy district. The organization had a strong rivalry …   Wikipedia

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