Перевод: с немецкого на вьетнамский

с вьетнамского на немецкий


  • 1 viel

    - {much} nhiều, lắm, hầu như = zu viel {overly}+ = so viel {thus much}+ = sehr viel {a fat lot; a good deal; a great deal; a sight of; a whale of; lots of; vast}+ = viel zu viel {far too much}+ = er hält viel [von] {he is a great believer [in]}+ = es ist noch viel da {there is plenty more}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > viel

  • 2 vielgereist

    - {much travelled}

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > vielgereist

  • 3 weitaus

    - {much} nhiều, lắm, hầu như = weitaus mehr {above and beyond}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > weitaus

  • 4 soviel wie

    - {as much as} = soviel er weiß {so far as he knows}+ = soviel ich weiß {as far as I know; for all I know; to my knowledge}+ = noch einmal soviel {as many again; as much again; twice as much}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > soviel wie

  • 5 besser

    - {better} cấp so sánh của good, hơn, tốt hơn, khá hơn, hay hơn, đẹp hơn, khoẻ hơn, dễ chịu hơn, đã đỡ, cấp so sánh của well = besser [als] {superior [to]}+ = viel besser {much better}+ = besser sein [als] {to be superior [to]}+ = immer besser {better and better}+ = desto besser {all the better; so much the better}+ = um so besser {all the better; so much the better}+ = sehr viel besser {miles better}+ = besser dran sein {to be better off}+ = es geht ihm besser {he is better}+ = besser spät als nie {better late than never; better later than never}+ = besser spät als nie! {better late than never!}+ = je eher desto besser {the sooner the better}+ = ich sollte besser gehen {I had better go}+ = es geht ihnen besser als uns {they are better off than we}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > besser

  • 6 auf Zeit

    (Kommerz) - {on term} = viel Zeit {much time}+ = die tote Zeit {out time}+ = Zeit haben {to be at leisure}+ = die kurze Zeit {bit; minute; snatch; spell}+ = die freie Zeit {leisure; leisure time}+ = die lange Zeit {age}+ = die ganze Zeit {all along; all that time; all the time; all through}+ = zu der Zeit {by then}+ = die Zeit regeln {to time}+ = die meiste Zeit {most time}+ = die stille Zeit (Kommerz) {dead season}+ = mit der Zeit {by and by}+ = höchste Zeit {high time}+ = Zeit abwarten {to temporize}+ = zu jeder Zeit {at any time}+ = seit der Zeit {since then}+ = über die Zeit {overtime}+ = Zeit brauchen {to take time}+ = zu aller Zeit {forever}+ = die passende Zeit {season; timeliness}+ = der Zahn der Zeit {the ravages of time}+ = sehr viel Zeit {plenty of time}+ = für kurze Zeit {awhile}+ = Zeit vergeuden {to dally; to waste time}+ = aus alter Zeit {ancient}+ = auf kurze Zeit {for a little}+ = in kurzer Zeit {in a little while; shortly}+ = seit jener Zeit {thenceforward}+ = vor langer Zeit {a long time ago; long ago; long since; yore}+ = viel Zeit haben {to have plenty of time}+ = eine lange Zeit {a long time}+ = von der Zeit an {from this time forward}+ = vor kurzer Zeit {a little while ago}+ = fast keine Zeit {hardly any time}+ = die sehr lange Zeit {eternity}+ = die Zeit festsetzen {to time}+ = die vergangene Zeit {elapsed time}+ = die Zeit verbringen {to spend the time}+ = die Zeit vertrödeln {quiddle; to niggle}+ = die Zeit vertreiben {to kill time}+ = die verfügbare Zeit {timeframe}+ = zu der Zeit, als {at the time when}+ = von Zeit zu Zeit {between times; from time to time; now and then}+ = seit dieser Zeit {since when}+ = Die Zeit drängt! {Time is short!}+ = oh du liebe Zeit {good gracious}+ = Zeit verplempern {to muck about}+ = zur rechten Zeit {in due course; in due time; in good season; in good time; in season}+ = die Zeit totschlagen {to kill the time; to kill time}+ = die Zeit verschlafen {to snore away}+ = die abgelaufene Zeit {elapsed time}+ = zu gegebener Zeit {in due course}+ = zur gleichen Zeit {at the same time; simultaneously}+ = seit einiger Zeit {of late}+ = im Laufe der Zeit {in course of time; in process of time}+ = Zeit verwenden auf {to spend time on}+ = zur unrechten Zeit {at the wrong moment}+ = mit der Zeit gehen {to keep pace with the times}+ = seiner Zeit voraus {ahead of the times}+ = ach du liebe Zeit! {dear me!; good gracious!}+ = in absehbarer Zeit {in the foreseeable future}+ = die Zeit festlegen für {to minute}+ = lange Zeit brauchen {to take a long time}+ = in sehr kurzer Zeit {in no time}+ = eine Zeit bestimmen {to fix a date}+ = seine Zeit abwarten {to bide one's time; to watch one's time}+ = zu ungelegener Zeit {out of season}+ = in der letzten Zeit {latterly}+ = es ist höchste Zeit {it's high time}+ = Zeit herausschinden {to temporize}+ = die Bezahlung nach Zeit {time wages}+ = die Zeit wird es lehren {time will tell}+ = das hat bis morgen Zeit {that can wait till tomorrow}+ = auf unbestimmte Zeit {for an indefinite time}+ = ihm blieb keine Zeit {he had no time}+ = in der heutigen Zeit {in these days}+ = eine aufregende Zeit {a lively time}+ = meine Zeit ist knapp {I am pressed for time; my time is limited}+ = eine sehr lange Zeit {a precious long time}+ = jemandes Zeit rauben {to encroach someone's time}+ = jemandem Zeit lassen {to give someone time}+ = alles zu seiner Zeit {everything in its season}+ = da du keine Zeit hast {since you have no time}+ = seine Zeit verträumen {to dream one's time}+ = Alles zu seiner Zeit. {Everything at the proper time.}+ = seine Zeit vertrödeln {to while away one's time}+ = die Zeit damals und jetzt {the then and the now}+ = der Wettlauf mit der Zeit {race against time}+ = eine gute Zeit erleben {to have a good time}+ = Meine Zeit kommt noch. {My turn will come.}+ = zur festgesetzten Zeit {in the fullness of time}+ = damit hat es noch Zeit {that can wait}+ = nur eine Frage der Zeit {only a question of time}+ = Es hat Zeit bis morgen. {It will do tomorrow.}+ = es ist Zeit aufzustehen {it's time to get up}+ = Zeit zu gewinnen suchen {to play for time; to temporize}+ = gerade zur rechten Zeit {in the nick of time; just in time}+ = der Beginn einer neuen Zeit {dawn of a new era}+ = wenn es die Zeit erlaubt {time permitting}+ = zu gleicher Zeit geboren {connate}+ = zu jeder beliebigen Zeit {at any time}+ = die Zeit angenehm verbringen {to wile away the time}+ = sich die Zeit vertreiben [mit] {to pass one's time [with]}+ = seine Zeit ist abgelaufen {his time is up}+ = ein Wort zur rechten Zeit {a word in season}+ = die Zeit dafür war gut gewählt {it was well timed}+ = Haben Sie eine Minute Zeit? {Can you spare a minute?}+ = zu gleicher Zeit existieren [mit] {to coexist [with]}+ = vor wer weiß wie langer Zeit {ever so long ago}+ = gerade noch zur rechten Zeit {none too soon}+ = die beste Zeit hinter sich haben {to be over the hill}+ = ich brauche meine ganze Zeit [um,zu] {it takes all my time [to]}+ = meine Zeit ist knapp bemessen {my time is limited}+ = viel Zeit auf etwas verwenden {to put a great deal of work on something}+ = es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit {it's merely a matter of time}+ = Er hat die längste Zeit gelebt. {His race is run.}+ = beeile dich, vergeude keine Zeit {don't let the grass grow under your feet}+ = er hat viel Zeit dafür gebraucht {he took a lot of time at that}+ = sich die Zeit mit etwas verkürzen {to do something to kill the time}+ = wieviel Zeit wird dazu nötig sein? {how much time will that require?}+ = sich die Zeit mit etwas vertreiben {to pass one's time with something}+ = mir der Zeit werden sie es kapieren {they will cotton on}+ = Ich war in letzter Zeit sehr beschäftigt. {I've been extremly busy lately.}+ = haben Sie einen Augenblick Zeit für mich? {can you spare me a moment?}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > auf Zeit

  • 7 das Ich

    - {I} = Ich hab's. {I've got it.}+ = Ich bin satt. {I have had enough.}+ = Ich sah es ein. {It was brought home to me.}+ = Ich bin pleite. {I'm broke.}+ = Ich begreife es. {It's within my grasp.}+ = mein zweites Ich {my other self}+ = ihre besseres Ich {her better self}+ = Ich gehe einkaufen. {I am going to the store.}+ = Ich bin sehr dafür. {I'm very much in favour of it.}+ = Ich gewinne bestimmt. {I stand to win.}+ = Ich ließ es erledigen. {I had it done.}+ = Ich verdanke ihm viel. {I owe him much.}+ = Ich dachte so ungefähr. {I kind of thought.}+ = Ich weiß, was ich will. {I know my own mind.}+ = Ich habe nichts dagegen. {I'm not against it.}+ = Ich ärgere mich darüber. {I'm annoyed about it.}+ = Ich habe es schon erlebt. {I've known it to happen.}+ = Ich kann es nicht lassen. {I can't help doing it.}+ = Ich bin nicht von gestern. {I was not born yesterday.}+ = Ich kann ihn nicht leiden. {I can't bear him.}+ = Ich liebe und vermisse dich {I love and miss you}+ = Ich werde ihm schon helfen! {I'll give him what for!}+ = Ich weiß es wirklich nicht. {I'm blessed if I know.; I'm sure I don't know.}+ = Ich wurde vertraut mit ihm. {I became familiar with him.}+ = Ich habe ihm eine geknallt. {I landed him one in the face.}+ = Ich fühlte mich beunruhigt. {I was ill at ease.}+ = Ich werde es mir überlegen. {I'll think it over.}+ = Ich bekomme es zugeschickt. {I have it sent to me.}+ = Ich hatte es gründlich satt. {I was completely browned off.}+ = Ich mache mir nichts daraus. {I don't care a fig for it.}+ = Ich wurde herzlich empfangen. {I was cordially received.}+ = Ich lasse mich nicht drängen. {I refuse to be rushed.}+ = Ich kann es mir kaum leisten. {I can ill afford it.}+ = Ich langweilte mich furchtbar. {I was terribly bored.}+ = Ich finde das gar nicht lustig. {I don't see the fun of it.}+ = Ich kann ihr nichts abschlagen. {I can't refuse her anything.}+ = Ich habe heute abend nichts vor. {I've nothing on tonight.}+ = Ich fühlte mich sehr unbehaglich. {I felt very uncomfortable.}+ = Ich habe mich anders entschlossen. {I've changed my mind.}+ = Ich sah mich gezwungen, es zu sagen. {I felt impelled to say it.}+ = Ich werde mich sofort darum kümmern. {I'll see to it at once.}+ = Ich glaube, ich bin hereingelegt worden. {I think I've been done.}+ = Ich weiß nicht, wie ich mich verhalten soll. {I don't know how to behave.}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > das Ich

  • 8 gleich

    - {alike} giống, tương tự, giống nhau, như nhau, đều nhau - {equal} ngang, bằng, ngang sức, đủ sức, đủ khả năng, đáp ứng được, bình đẳng - {identical} đúng, chính, đồng nhất - {immediately} ngay lập tức, tức thì, trực tiếp - {level} phẳng, cân bằng đều, ngang bằng, ngang tài ngang sức - {like} cùng loại, thực đúng, đúng như mong đợi, thích, sãn sàng, sãn lòng, vui lòng, có vẻ như, gần, khoảng độ, như, like very, like enough rất có thể, thay cho as như - {pair} - {right} thẳng, vuông, tốt, phải, có lý, phái hữu, thích hợp, cần phải có, ở trong trạng thái tốt, ngay, đúng như ý muốn, đáng, xứng đáng, rất, hoàn toàn - {same} đều đều, đơn điệu, + the) giống nhau, không thay đổi, cùng một, cũng như vậy, cũng như thế, vẫn như thế, cũng như - {similar} đồng dạng - {uniform} cùng một kiểu, không biến hoá, đều = gleich nach {next after; next to}+ = ganz gleich {all the same; no matter}+ = das ist mir gleich {it's all the same to me}+ = gleich sein mit {to parallel}+ = ich komme gleich {I'll come right away; I'll come right off}+ = noch nicht gleich {not just yet}+ = er will gleich gehen {he wishes to go at once}+ = es bleibt sich gleich {it comes to the same thing}+ = ich dachte es mir gleich {I thought as much}+ = es bleibt sich ganz gleich {it is much of a muchness}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > gleich

  • 9 dasselbe

    - {identical} đúng, chính, đồng nhất = fast dasselbe {much of a muchness}+ = fast genau dasselbe {pretty much the same thing}+ = das läuft auf dasselbe hinaus {that comes to the same thing}+ = das kommt auf dasselbe heraus {it is six of one and half a dozen of the other; it's all the same in the end}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > dasselbe

  • 10 möchte

    - {would} = ich möchte gern {I should like to; I would like to}+ = so gern ich auch möchte {as much as I would like}+ = ich möchte nicht so viel {I don't want that much}+ = sie möchte, daß ich komme {she wishes me to come}+ = sie möchte, daß ich ihr helfe {she wants me to help her}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > möchte

  • 11 ziemlich

    - {fairly} công bằng, không thiên vị, chính đáng, ngay thẳng, thẳng thắn, không gian lận, khá, kha khá, hoàn toàn thật sự, rõ ràng, rõ rệt - {middling} trung bình, vừa phải, bậc trung, khá khoẻ mạnh - {pretty} xinh, xinh xinh, xinh xắn, xinh đẹp, hay hay, thú vị, đẹp mắt, đẹp, hay, cừ, tốt..., hay gớm, hay ho gớm, lớn, dũng cảm, gan dạ, cường tráng, mạnh mẽ - {quite} hoàn toàn, hầu hết, đúng là, đúng, đồng ý, phải - {rather} thà... hơn, thích... hơn, đúng hơn, hơn là, phần nào, hơi, dĩ nhiên là có, có chứ - {something} something like mới thật là, hơi hơi, gọi là, chút ít - {somewhat} một chút - {tolerable} có thể tha thứ được, có thể chịu được, vừa vừa, tàm tạm = ziemlich roh {rawish}+ = ziemlich oft {a good many times}+ = ziemlich naß {wettish}+ = ziemlich groß {considerable; tallish}+ = ziemlich viel {a good deal; a great deal; not a little}+ = ziemlich jung {youngish}+ = ziemlich viele {quite a few}+ = ziemlich sicher {ten to one}+ = es wurde ziemlich kalt {it got quite cold}+ = es ist so ziemlich das gleiche {it's pretty much the same}+ = sie sind einander ziemlich gleich {there is not much odds between them}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > ziemlich

  • 12 wieviel

    - {what} gì, thế nào, sao, vậy thì sao, biết bao!, làm sao!, cái mà, điều mà, người mà, cái gì, nào?, gì?, nào, mà = wieviel macht es? {how much it is?}+ = wieviel wiegst du? {what is your weight?}+ = wieviel kostet das? {how much is this?}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > wieviel

  • 13 allzu

    - {over} nghiêng, ngửa, qua, sang, khắp, khắp chỗ, khắp nơi, ngược, lần nữa, lại, quá, hơn, từ đầu đến cuối, kỹ lưỡng, cẩn thận, xong, hết, cao hơn, ở ngoài hơn, nhiều hơn, xong hết - {too} rất, cũng, quả như thế, ngoài ra, hơn thế = allzu viel {much too much}+ = allzu sehr {overmuch}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > allzu

  • 14 das Bedauern

    - {compassion} lòng thương, lòng trắc ẩn - {feeling} sự sờ mó, sự bắt mạch, sự cảm thấy, cảm giác, cảm tưởng, sự cảm động, sự xúc động, sự thông cảm, cảm tình, cảm nghĩ, ý kiến, cảm xúc, sức truyền cảm, sự nhạy cảm, lòng tự ái - {pity} lòng thương hại, lòng thương xót, điều đáng thương hại, điều đáng tiếc - {sorrow} nỗi đau đớn, sự buồn rầu, sự buồn phiền, sự kêu than, sự than van = das Bedauern [über] {regret [at,for]}+ = mit Bedauern {regretfully}+ = das laute Bedauern {commiseration}+ = mit Bedauern erfüllt {regretful}+ = wir sehen mit Bedauern {we regret to see}+ = sehr zu meinem Bedauern {much to my regret}+ = sehr zu meinem Bedauern much {to my regret}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > das Bedauern

  • 15 von weitem

    - {afar} xa, ở xa, cách xa - {aloof} tách xa, xa rời, tách rời, lánh xa, cách biệt, ở ngoài khơi lộng gió = bei weitem {by far; easily; far and away; greatly; infinitely; much; out and away}+ = bei weitem nicht {not half}+ = bei weitem nicht so gut {nowhere near so good}+ = das ist bei weitem das beste {this is much the best}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > von weitem

  • 16 erfreut

    - {glad} vui lòng, sung sướng, vui mừng, vui vẻ, hân hoan - {joyful} vui sướng, mang lại niềm vui, đáng mừng = erfreut [über] {happy [at,about]}+ = ich bin sehr erfreut {I am much pleased}+ = über etwas erfreut sein {to be pleased with something}+ = ich bin darüber nicht erfreut {I don't feel happy about it}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > erfreut

  • 17 der Wert

    - {account} sự tính toán, sự kế toán, sổ sách, kế toán, bản kê khai, bản thanh toán tiền, bản ghi những món tiền phải trả, sự thanh toán, sự trả dần, sự trả làm nhiều kỳ, tài khoản, số tiền gửi - lợi, lợi ích, lý do, nguyên nhân, sự giải thích, báo cáo, bài tường thuật, sự tường thuật, sự miêu tả, sự đánh giá, sự chú ý, sự lưu tâm, tầm quan trọng, giá trị - {amount} số lượng, số nhiều, tổng số, thực chất, giá trị thực, ý nghĩa - {class} giai cấp, hạng, loại, lớp, lớp học, giờ học, buổi học, khoá lính, khoá học sinh, tính ưu tú, tính tuyệt vời, sự thanh nhã, sự thanh cao - {desert} công lao, sự xứng đáng, sự đáng, những người xứng đáng, những cái đáng được, sa mạc, nơi hoang vắng, nơi quạnh quẽ, nơi vắng vẻ, vấn đề khô khan vô vị - {good} điều thiện, điều tốt, điều lành, điều đáng mong muốn, vật đáng mong muốn, những người tốt, những người có đạo đức - {importance} sự quan trọng, quyền thế, thế lực - {merit} công, công trạng, số nhiều) công tội, kẽ phải trái - {price} giá &), giá đánh cuộc, sự quý giá - {value} giá cả, giá, năng suất, nghĩa, bậc phân loại, tiêu chuẩn - {virtue} đức, đức hạnh, đức tính, tính tốt, trinh tiết, tiết nghĩa, công dụng, tác dụng, hiệu quả, hiệu lực - {worth} số lượng vừa giá - {worthiness} = der pH Wert {pH value}+ = ohne Wert {of no value}+ = der hohe Wert {dearness}+ = im Wert von {to the value of}+ = von Wert sein {to count}+ = dem Wert nach {qualitative}+ = im Wert sinken {to depreciate}+ = Wert legen auf {to stand on}+ = der reziproke Wert (Mathematik) {reciprocal}+ = im Wert steigen {to appreciate}+ = das Muster ohne Wert {sample post}+ = der vorgegebene Wert {default}+ = von geringem Wert {of little worth}+ = an Wert verlieren {to diminish in value; to recede}+ = der tatsächliche Wert {actual value}+ = großen Wert legen [auf] {to set a value [on]}+ = von erprobtem Wert {of sterling worth}+ = gleichen Wert haben [wie] {to be on a par [with]}+ = besonderen Wert legen auf {to emphasize}+ = auf etwas großen Wert legen {to attach much importance to something; to make a point of something; to set great store to a thing}+ = keinen großen Wert legen auf {to set no great store by}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > der Wert

  • 18 Wenn ich es nur gewußt hätte!

    - {If I only had known!} = Wenn ich mich nicht sehr irre. {Unless I'm very much mistaken.}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > Wenn ich es nur gewußt hätte!

  • 19 die Welt

    - {earth} đất, đất liền, mặt đất, quả đất, hang, trần gian, cõi tục - {universe} vũ trụ, vạn vật, thế giới, thiên hạ, thế gian - {world} hoàn cầu, địa cầu, trần tục, cõi trần gian, nhân loại, mọi người, cuộc đời, việc đời, xã hội, cuộc sống xã hội, giới, nhiều, một số lớn a world of) = Welt- {universal}+ = alle Welt {the whole world}+ = die Neue Welt {the New World}+ = die heile Welt {ideal world}+ = die ganze Welt {the whole world}+ = die weite Welt {the wide world}+ = der Lauf der Welt {the course of the world; the way of the world}+ = die elegante Welt {the smart set}+ = die gelehrte Welt {the world of letters}+ = die vornehme Welt {the people of quality}+ = zur Welt kommen {to come to life}+ = die Völker der Welt {the peoples of the world}+ = zur Welt bringen {to bring into world; to give birth to; to pup}+ = Gott und die Welt {all the world and his wife}+ = in der ganzen Welt {all over the world}+ = auf der ganzen Welt {worldwide}+ = warum in aller Welt? {why on earth?}+ = keine Macht der Welt {nothing on earth}+ = um alles in der Welt {for the world}+ = von der Welt abschließen {to cloister}+ = das Licht der Welt erblicken {to be born}+ = nicht um alles in der Welt {not for ever so much; not for the life of me}+ = Nicht um alles in der Welt! {Not for the life of me!}+ = nicht um alles in der Welt! {not for something!}+ = wann in aller Welt habe ich das gesagt? {whenever did I say that?}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > die Welt

  • 20 er hat nicht einmal gelächelt

    - {he never so much as smiled}

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > er hat nicht einmal gelächelt

См. также в других словарях:

  • much — [ mʌtʃ ] (comparative more [ mɔr ] ; superlative most [ moust ] ) function word, quantifier *** Much can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by an uncountable noun): There isn t much time left. How much money do you have? as… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Much the Miller's Son — was, in the tales of Robin Hood, one of his Merry Men. He appears in some of the oldest ballads, A Gest of Robyn Hode and Robin Hood and the Monk, as one of the company.[1] Generally he becomes an outlaw when he is caught poaching. This leads to… …   Wikipedia

  • Much Apu About Nothing — The Simpsons episode Episode no. 151 Prod. code 3F20 Orig. airdate May 5, 1996[1] Show runner(s) Bill Oakley Josh W …   Wikipedia

  • much — For the complementary uses of much and very, see very. very, much 1. The uses of very and much as intensifying adverbs are for the most part complementary. Very qualifies adjectives and adverbs (very large / very slowly), whereas much qualifies… …   Modern English usage

  • Much Ado About Nothing (1993 film) — Much Ado About Nothing Theatrical release poster Directed by Kenneth Branagh …   Wikipedia

  • Much Ado About Nothing (2012 film) — Much Ado About Nothing Directed by Joss Whedon Produced by Joss Whedon Ba …   Wikipedia

  • much — /much/, adj., more, most, n., adv., more, most. adj. 1. great in quantity, measure, or degree: too much cake. n. 2. a great quantity, measure, or degree: Much of his research was unreliable. 3. a great, important, or notable thing or matter: The… …   Universalium

  • much — [much] adj. more, most [ME muche < muchel, large, much < OE mycel, large in size or quantity < IE base * meĝ(h) , large > Gr megas, L magnus] 1. Obs. many in number 2. great in quantity, amount, degree, etc. adv. more, most …   English World dictionary

  • Much More (Whigfield song) — Much More is a Whigfield song released in 2000 and it was released from her 3rd studio album Whigfield III. In 2002, it was re released as a Golden Dance Classic. Releases Germany: CD Maxi: ZYX Music Much More (European Radio) Much More (DJ N.U.K …   Wikipedia

  • Much the Same — Origin Chicago, Illinois, United States Genres Punk rock Skate punk Melodic hardcore Years active 1999–2007 Labels Nitr …   Wikipedia

  • much less — Not to mention • • • Main Entry: ↑less * * * still/much/even/less phrase used after a negative statement in order to emphasize that it applies even more to what you say next They are not interested in reading p …   Useful english dictionary

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