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  • 1 task

    n. зорилго, даалгавар, хүчир ажил. I was given the \task of sweeping the floors. Надад шал шүүрдэх үүрэг өгсөн. Becoming fluent in a foreign language is no easy \task. Харийн хэлэнд торохгүй болно гэдэг амар хэрэг биш. set a boy a \task хүүхдэд даалгавар өгөх. The President has to perform many \tasks. Ерөнхийлөгч олон үүрэг зорилтуудыг гүйцэтгэх ёстой байдаг. take sb to task (about/ for sth) загнах; шүүмжлэх. He was taken to \task for not trying at school. Хичээлдээ мэрийсэнгүй гэж түүнийг загнав. v. \task sb with sth/ to do sth даалгавар/ үүрэг өгөх, даалгах; ажлаар дарах.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > task

  • 2 accomplish

    v. бүтээх, амжилттай хийж дуусгах; хүрэх. \accomplish a task зорьсондоо хүрэх. accomplished adj. дадлагатай, туршлагатай, чадвартай, сайн бэлтгэгдсэн.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > accomplish

  • 3 defeat

    n. 1. ялалт. 2. ялагдал. We've had six wins and two \defeats this season. Энэ улиралд бид зургаа хожиж хоёр ялагдсан. v. 1. ялах, дийлэх, давах. The enemy was \defeated in a decisive battle. Дайсан шийдвэрлэх тулалдаанд ялагдав. 2. нураах, бүтэлгүй болгох. 3. хийхэд хэцүү байх. This task \defeats me! яасан хэцүү даалгавар вэ! defeatism n. pol. ялагдал.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > defeat

  • 4 unenviable

    adj. атаархамгүй, хүсэшгүй. I had the \unenviable task of telling them about the staff cuts. Цомхотгол хийх болсон тухай тэдэнд хэлэх амаргүй алба надад оногдлоо.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > unenviable

  • 5 uphill

    adv. 1. өгсүүр, уул өөд. an \uphill road өгсүүр зам. 2. хэцүү, адармаатай. an \uphill task хэцүү даалгавар.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > uphill

См. также в других словарях:

  • Task Scheduler — is a component of Microsoft Windows that provides the ability to schedule the launch of programs or scripts at pre defined times or after specified time intervals. It was first introduced in the Windows 95 Plus! pack as System Agent [cite web url …   Wikipedia

  • Task analysis — is the analysis of how a task is accomplished, including a detailed description of both manual and mental activities, task and element durations, task frequency, task allocation, task complexity, environmental conditions, necessary clothing and… …   Wikipedia

  • Task-based language learning — (TBLL), also known as Task based language teaching (TBLT) or Task based instruction (TBI) is a method of instruction in the field of language acquisition. It focuses on the use of authentic language, and to students doing meaningful tasks using… …   Wikipedia

  • Task allocation and partitioning of social insects — Task allocation and partitioning refers to the way that tasks are chosen, assigned, subdivided, and coordinated (here, within a single colony of social insects). Closely associated are issues of communication that enable these actions to… …   Wikipedia

  • Task-Force (Militär) — Task Force (TF; engl. Task Force) oder Einsatzgruppe ist eine ursprünglich militärische Bezeichnung für einen temporären Zusammenschluss von verschiedenen Einheiten der US Navy und stammt aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkrieg. Eine Einsatzgruppe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Task Scheduler — (англ. планировщик задач)  компонент Microsoft Windows, который предоставляет возможность запланировать запуск программ или скриптов в определённые моменты времени или через заданные временные интервалы. Компонент впервые появился в Windows… …   Википедия

  • Task Force 145 — is a combined U.S. and British military special forces group specifically charged with hunting down al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and, prior to his death on June 7, 2006, Al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi. It is a continuation of a… …   Wikipedia

  • task — [tɑːsk ǁ tæsk] noun [countable] 1. a piece of work that must be done, especially one that must be done regularly: • Scheduling is a key task for most managers. • day to day management tasks • computers that can do dozens of tasks at the same time …   Financial and business terms

  • Task Force Faith — Task Force Faith, also sometimes referred to as Task Force Maclean (and by its official designation, RCT 31) was a United States Army unit destroyed in fighting at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir during the Korean War between November 27 and… …   Wikipedia

  • Task Force 31 — (TF 31) was a US Navy task force active with the United States Third Fleet during World War II, and still ready to be activated today with today s Third Fleet. Task Force numbers were in constant use, and there were several incarnations of TF 31… …   Wikipedia

  • Task parallelism — (also known as function parallelism and control parallelism) is a form of parallelization of computer code across multiple processors in parallel computing environments. Task parallelism focuses on distributing execution processes (threads)… …   Wikipedia

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