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  • 1 פרסם

    פִּרְסֵם, פִּירְ׳(enlargement of פָּרַס) to spread, divulge, publish; to uncover, expose. Yoma 86b מְפַרְסְמִין, v. חָנֵף. Sot.9a היא עשתה … פִּירְסְמָהּ בגלוי she acted in secret, the Lord exposes her in public. Y.Meg.I, 70b top רבי היה מְפַרְסֵם עצמווכ׳ Rabbi used to make himself conspicuous (act ostentatiously) on two days in the year (as a protest against certain ritual restrictions). Num. R. s. 21 לפַרְסְמָןוכ׳ … כשם שהקב״ה as the Lord busies himself with the praise of the righteous in order to make them known in the world, so Ib. פנחס פִּירְסְמוֹ לשבחוכ׳ he published Phineas for praise, and Zimri for blame. Ib. ופי׳ את בתו בקלון and exposed his daughter for prostitution. Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 16 מה כלה … ואינה מְפַרְסֶמֶת עצמהוכ׳ as the bride is retired in her fathers house and does not unveil herself (show herself in public) until she is about to enter the bridal chamber …: so must a scholar be retired, and be revealed (renowned) by his good deeds; Ex. R. s. 41; a. fr.Part. pass. מְפוּרְסָם; f. מְפוּרְסֶמֶת; pl. מְפוּרְסָמִים, מְפוּרְסָמִין; מְפוּרְסָמוֹת. Ib. Lev. R. s. 32 בזמן שאינו מפ׳ when he is not generally known (as a bastard). Yalk. Ex. 391 מפ׳ במעשיו … שהיא מפ׳ well-known by his deeds, as the bride is unveiled (on her wedding day), v. supra; a. fr.Gen. R. s. 36 יצא חם … וכלב מפ׳ בתשמישו Ham came out of the ark black, and the dog disgraced by the mean way of his copulation; Y.Taan.I, end, 64d מְפוּרְצָם (Snh.108b כלב נקשר). Hithpa. הִתְפַּרְסֵם, Nithpa. נִתְפַּרְסֵם to be published, made known, exposed. Lev. R. l. c. (ref. to Lev. 6:18) במקום … כדי שלא יִתְפַּרְסְמוּ החטאים ‘in the place where the burnt offering is killed shall the sin offering be killed, … in order that the sinners be not exposed to shame. Ib. אבל אם נ׳ but if he is known (as a bastard); a. e.

    Jewish literature > פרסם

  • 2 פיר׳

    פִּרְסֵם, פִּירְ׳(enlargement of פָּרַס) to spread, divulge, publish; to uncover, expose. Yoma 86b מְפַרְסְמִין, v. חָנֵף. Sot.9a היא עשתה … פִּירְסְמָהּ בגלוי she acted in secret, the Lord exposes her in public. Y.Meg.I, 70b top רבי היה מְפַרְסֵם עצמווכ׳ Rabbi used to make himself conspicuous (act ostentatiously) on two days in the year (as a protest against certain ritual restrictions). Num. R. s. 21 לפַרְסְמָןוכ׳ … כשם שהקב״ה as the Lord busies himself with the praise of the righteous in order to make them known in the world, so Ib. פנחס פִּירְסְמוֹ לשבחוכ׳ he published Phineas for praise, and Zimri for blame. Ib. ופי׳ את בתו בקלון and exposed his daughter for prostitution. Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 16 מה כלה … ואינה מְפַרְסֶמֶת עצמהוכ׳ as the bride is retired in her fathers house and does not unveil herself (show herself in public) until she is about to enter the bridal chamber …: so must a scholar be retired, and be revealed (renowned) by his good deeds; Ex. R. s. 41; a. fr.Part. pass. מְפוּרְסָם; f. מְפוּרְסֶמֶת; pl. מְפוּרְסָמִים, מְפוּרְסָמִין; מְפוּרְסָמוֹת. Ib. Lev. R. s. 32 בזמן שאינו מפ׳ when he is not generally known (as a bastard). Yalk. Ex. 391 מפ׳ במעשיו … שהיא מפ׳ well-known by his deeds, as the bride is unveiled (on her wedding day), v. supra; a. fr.Gen. R. s. 36 יצא חם … וכלב מפ׳ בתשמישו Ham came out of the ark black, and the dog disgraced by the mean way of his copulation; Y.Taan.I, end, 64d מְפוּרְצָם (Snh.108b כלב נקשר). Hithpa. הִתְפַּרְסֵם, Nithpa. נִתְפַּרְסֵם to be published, made known, exposed. Lev. R. l. c. (ref. to Lev. 6:18) במקום … כדי שלא יִתְפַּרְסְמוּ החטאים ‘in the place where the burnt offering is killed shall the sin offering be killed, … in order that the sinners be not exposed to shame. Ib. אבל אם נ׳ but if he is known (as a bastard); a. e.

    Jewish literature > פיר׳

  • 3 פִּרְסֵם

    פִּרְסֵם, פִּירְ׳(enlargement of פָּרַס) to spread, divulge, publish; to uncover, expose. Yoma 86b מְפַרְסְמִין, v. חָנֵף. Sot.9a היא עשתה … פִּירְסְמָהּ בגלוי she acted in secret, the Lord exposes her in public. Y.Meg.I, 70b top רבי היה מְפַרְסֵם עצמווכ׳ Rabbi used to make himself conspicuous (act ostentatiously) on two days in the year (as a protest against certain ritual restrictions). Num. R. s. 21 לפַרְסְמָןוכ׳ … כשם שהקב״ה as the Lord busies himself with the praise of the righteous in order to make them known in the world, so Ib. פנחס פִּירְסְמוֹ לשבחוכ׳ he published Phineas for praise, and Zimri for blame. Ib. ופי׳ את בתו בקלון and exposed his daughter for prostitution. Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 16 מה כלה … ואינה מְפַרְסֶמֶת עצמהוכ׳ as the bride is retired in her fathers house and does not unveil herself (show herself in public) until she is about to enter the bridal chamber …: so must a scholar be retired, and be revealed (renowned) by his good deeds; Ex. R. s. 41; a. fr.Part. pass. מְפוּרְסָם; f. מְפוּרְסֶמֶת; pl. מְפוּרְסָמִים, מְפוּרְסָמִין; מְפוּרְסָמוֹת. Ib. Lev. R. s. 32 בזמן שאינו מפ׳ when he is not generally known (as a bastard). Yalk. Ex. 391 מפ׳ במעשיו … שהיא מפ׳ well-known by his deeds, as the bride is unveiled (on her wedding day), v. supra; a. fr.Gen. R. s. 36 יצא חם … וכלב מפ׳ בתשמישו Ham came out of the ark black, and the dog disgraced by the mean way of his copulation; Y.Taan.I, end, 64d מְפוּרְצָם (Snh.108b כלב נקשר). Hithpa. הִתְפַּרְסֵם, Nithpa. נִתְפַּרְסֵם to be published, made known, exposed. Lev. R. l. c. (ref. to Lev. 6:18) במקום … כדי שלא יִתְפַּרְסְמוּ החטאים ‘in the place where the burnt offering is killed shall the sin offering be killed, … in order that the sinners be not exposed to shame. Ib. אבל אם נ׳ but if he is known (as a bastard); a. e.

    Jewish literature > פִּרְסֵם

  • 4 פִּירְ׳

    פִּרְסֵם, פִּירְ׳(enlargement of פָּרַס) to spread, divulge, publish; to uncover, expose. Yoma 86b מְפַרְסְמִין, v. חָנֵף. Sot.9a היא עשתה … פִּירְסְמָהּ בגלוי she acted in secret, the Lord exposes her in public. Y.Meg.I, 70b top רבי היה מְפַרְסֵם עצמווכ׳ Rabbi used to make himself conspicuous (act ostentatiously) on two days in the year (as a protest against certain ritual restrictions). Num. R. s. 21 לפַרְסְמָןוכ׳ … כשם שהקב״ה as the Lord busies himself with the praise of the righteous in order to make them known in the world, so Ib. פנחס פִּירְסְמוֹ לשבחוכ׳ he published Phineas for praise, and Zimri for blame. Ib. ופי׳ את בתו בקלון and exposed his daughter for prostitution. Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 16 מה כלה … ואינה מְפַרְסֶמֶת עצמהוכ׳ as the bride is retired in her fathers house and does not unveil herself (show herself in public) until she is about to enter the bridal chamber …: so must a scholar be retired, and be revealed (renowned) by his good deeds; Ex. R. s. 41; a. fr.Part. pass. מְפוּרְסָם; f. מְפוּרְסֶמֶת; pl. מְפוּרְסָמִים, מְפוּרְסָמִין; מְפוּרְסָמוֹת. Ib. Lev. R. s. 32 בזמן שאינו מפ׳ when he is not generally known (as a bastard). Yalk. Ex. 391 מפ׳ במעשיו … שהיא מפ׳ well-known by his deeds, as the bride is unveiled (on her wedding day), v. supra; a. fr.Gen. R. s. 36 יצא חם … וכלב מפ׳ בתשמישו Ham came out of the ark black, and the dog disgraced by the mean way of his copulation; Y.Taan.I, end, 64d מְפוּרְצָם (Snh.108b כלב נקשר). Hithpa. הִתְפַּרְסֵם, Nithpa. נִתְפַּרְסֵם to be published, made known, exposed. Lev. R. l. c. (ref. to Lev. 6:18) במקום … כדי שלא יִתְפַּרְסְמוּ החטאים ‘in the place where the burnt offering is killed shall the sin offering be killed, … in order that the sinners be not exposed to shame. Ib. אבל אם נ׳ but if he is known (as a bastard); a. e.

    Jewish literature > פִּירְ׳

См. также в других словарях:

  • divulge a secret — tell a secret …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Divulge — Di*vulge , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Divulged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Divulging}.] [F. divulguer, L. divulgare; di = dis + vulgare to spread among the people, from vulgus the common people. See {Vulgar}.] 1. To make public; to several or communicate to the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • divulge — verb a) To make public; to several or communicate to the public; to tell (a secret) so that it may become generally known; to disclose; said of that which had been confided as a secret, or had been before unknown; as, to divulge a secret. b) To… …   Wiktionary

  • Secret combination (Latter Day Saints) — In the Latter Day Saint movement, a secret combination is a secret society of people bound together by oaths to carry out the evil purposes of the group. [LDS Church, [http://scriptures.lds.org/gs/s/37 Guide to the Scriptures: Secret… …   Wikipedia

  • Secret — Se cret, a. [F. secret (cf. Sp. & Pg. secreto, It. secreto, segreto), fr. L. secretus, p. p. of secernere to put apart, to separate. See {Certain}, and cf. {Secrete}, {Secern}.] 1. Hidden; concealed; as, secret treasure; secret plans; a secret… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • secret — I adj. 1) strictly secret 2) most; top secret 3) to keep smt. secret (from smb.) II n. 1) to make a secret of smt. 2) to guard, keep a secret 3) to betray, blurt out, divulge, reveal a secret 4) to ferret out, uncover a secret 5) a closely… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • divulge — verb (T) to give someone information, especially about something secret: Staff may not divulge confidential information. | divulge sth to sb: Do not divulge the conclusions of the report to anyone. | divulge what/where etc: Adams refused to… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • divulge — di|vulge [daıˈvʌldʒ, dı ] v [T] formal [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: divulgare to make widely known to everyone , from vulgus the common people ] to give someone information that should be secret = ↑reveal divulge information/secrets/details …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • divulge — [[t]daɪvʌ̱lʤ, AM dɪ [/t]] divulges, divulging, divulged VERB If you divulge a piece of secret or private information, you tell it to someone. [FORMAL] [V n] Officials refuse to divulge details of the negotiations... [V n] He was charged with… …   English dictionary

  • divulge — UK [daɪˈvʌldʒ] / US [dɪˈvʌldʒ] verb [transitive] Word forms divulge : present tense I/you/we/they divulge he/she/it divulges present participle divulging past tense divulged past participle divulged formal to give information about something,… …   English dictionary

  • secret */*/*/ — I UK [ˈsiːkrət] / US [ˈsɪkrət] noun [countable] Word forms secret : singular secret plural secrets 1) a piece of information that is known by only a small number of people, and is deliberately not told to other people He was accused of selling… …   English dictionary

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