Перевод: с английского на латышский

с латышского на английский


  • 1 cowardice

    noun ģļēvums
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    English-Latvian dictionary > cowardice

  • 2 disability

    - plural disabilities - noun (something which disables: He has a disability which prevents him from walking very far.) nespēja; nevarība; invaliditāte
    * * *
    tiesībnespēja; nevarība, nespēja

    English-Latvian dictionary > disability

  • 3 disable

    (to reduce the ability or strength of; to cripple: He was disabled during the war.) sakropļot; padarīt darba nespējīgu
    - disability payment
    - disabled
    - disablement
    * * *
    padarīt darba nespējīgu, sakropļot; atņemt tiesības; izvest no ierindas

    English-Latvian dictionary > disable

  • 4 disadvantageous

    adjective neizdevīgs
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > disadvantageous

  • 5 disagree

    1) ((sometimes with with) to hold different opinions etc (from someone else): We disagree about everything; I disagree with you on that point.) nesaskanēt; būt citādās domās
    2) (to quarrel: We never meet without disagreeing.) nepiekrist; strīdēties
    3) ((with with) (of food) to be unsuitable (to someone) and cause pain: Onions disagree with me.) nepanest (barību, klimatu)
    - disagreeably
    - disagreement
    * * *
    nesaskanēt; nepiekrist, nebūt vienisprātis; nepanest

    English-Latvian dictionary > disagree

  • 6 disappear

    1) (to vanish from sight: The sun disappeared slowly below the horizon.) pazust; nozust
    2) (to fade out of existence: This custom had disappeared by the end of the century.) izzust
    3) (to go away so that other people do not know where one is: A search is being carried out for the boy who disappeared from his home on Monday.) pazust
    * * *
    nozust, pazust, izzust

    English-Latvian dictionary > disappear

  • 7 disappoint

    (to fail to fulfil the hopes or expectations of: London disappointed her after all she had heard about it.) pievilt cerības
    - disappointing
    - disappointment
    * * *
    pievilt cerības, likt vilties; izjaukt

    English-Latvian dictionary > disappoint

  • 8 disapprove

    (to have an unfavourable opinion (of): Her mother disapproved of her behaviour.) neatzīt (par labu); nosodīt
    - disapproving
    - disapprovingly
    * * *
    neatzīt, nepiekrist, nosodīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > disapprove

  • 9 disarrange

    (to throw out of order; to make untidy: The strong wind had disarranged her hair.) sajaukt
    * * *
    izjaukt; sajaukt

    English-Latvian dictionary > disarrange

  • 10 disarray

    (disorder: The living-room was in complete disarray after the party.) nekārtība, sajukums
    * * *
    nekārtība, sajukums; radīt nekārtību, sajaukt

    English-Latvian dictionary > disarray

  • 11 disband

    (to (cause a group, eg a military force to) break up: The regiment disbanded at the end of the war.) izformēt (karaspēku); (par karapulku) izklīst; izjukt
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > disband

  • 12 disclaim

    (to refuse to have anything to do with; to deny: I disclaimed all responsibility.) noliegt; neatzīt
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    atsaukt, atteikties; neatzīt, noliegt

    English-Latvian dictionary > disclaim

  • 13 disclose

    (to uncover, reveal or make known: He refused to disclose his identity.) atklāt
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    English-Latvian dictionary > disclose

  • 14 discourteous

    (not polite; rude: a discourteous remark.) nepieklājīgs; nelaipns
    * * *
    nelaipns, nepieklājīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > discourteous

  • 15 discredit

    [dis'kredit] 1. noun
    ((something that causes) loss of good reputation.) neslava; negods
    2. verb
    1) (to show (a story etc) to be false.) apšaubīt
    2) (to disgrace.) diskreditēt, celt neslavu
    - discreditably
    * * *
    neslava, negods; neticība, šaubas; kredīta atņemšana; diskreditēt, celt neslavu; apšaubīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > discredit

  • 16 disdain

    [dis'dein] 1. noun
    (scorn or pride: a look of disdain.) nicināšana; nicinājums
    2. verb
    1) (to be too proud (to do something).) turēt zem sava goda
    2) (to look down on (something): She disdains our company.) nicināt
    - disdainfully
    * * *
    nievāšana, nicināšana; nievājums, nicinājums; ignorēšana, neievērošana; nievāt, nicināt; ignorēt, neievērot

    English-Latvian dictionary > disdain

  • 17 disfavour

    1) (the state of being out of favour: He was in disfavour because he had stayed out late.) nelabvēlība
    2) (displeasure or disapproval.) noraidoša izturēšanās
    * * *
    nelabvēlība; nežēlastība; izturēties nelabvēlīgi

    English-Latvian dictionary > disfavour

  • 18 disfigure

    [dis'fiɡə, ]( American[) -'fiɡjər]
    (to spoil the beauty of: That scar will disfigure her for life.) izkropļot
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    izķēmot, izkropļot

    English-Latvian dictionary > disfigure

  • 19 disgorge

    (to bring up (eg from the stomach); to throw out or up: The chimney was disgorging clouds of black smoke.) []vemt; izsviest; izmest (lavu, dūmus)
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    izvirst; atvemt; izlaist; atdot; ieplūst, ietecēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > disgorge

  • 20 disgrace

    [dis'ɡreis] 1. noun
    1) (the state of being out of favour: He is in disgrace because of his behaviour.) nelabvēlība
    2) (a state of being without honour and regarded without respect: There seemed to be nothing ahead of him but disgrace and shame.) negods
    3) (something which causes or ought to cause shame: Your clothes are a disgrace!) apkaunojums
    2. verb
    1) (to bring shame upon: Did you have to disgrace me by appearing in those clothes?) apkaunot
    2) (to dismiss from a position of importance: He was publicly disgraced.) degradēt; pazemot
    - disgracefully
    * * *
    kauns, negods; apkaunojums, kauna traips; nežēlastība; apkaunot; degradēt, pazemot

    English-Latvian dictionary > disgrace

См. также в других словарях:

  • dis — dis·accord; dis·advantage; dis·affect; dis·aggregate; dis·ap·pear; dis·array; dis·bar; dis·burse; dis·card; dis·charge; dis·ci·ple; dis·ci·pli·nar·i·an; dis·ci·pline; dis·claim; dis·close; dis·co; dis·co·glos·sid; dis·coid; dis·coi·dal;… …   English syllables

  • DIS — Danish Institute for Study Abroad Established 1959 Director Anders Uhrskov Academic staff 120 Admin. staff 80 …   Wikipedia

  • Dis wo ich herkomm — Studioalbum von Samy Deluxe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dis — may refer to: Contents 1 Academic institutions 2 Companies 3 Computer topics …   Wikipedia

  • Dis Pater — Dis Pater, or Dispater was a Roman god of the underworld, later subsumed by Pluto or Hades. Originally a chthonic god of riches, fertile agricultural land, and underground mineral wealth, he was later commonly equated with the Roman deities Pluto …   Wikipedia

  • Dis-Moll — Akkordsymbol(e): dis, Dism, D♯m Paralleltonart: Fis Dur Dominante: Ais Dur Subdominante: gis Moll Natürliche Moll …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dis-Moll — Akkordsymbol(e): dis, Dism, D♯m Paralleltonart: Fis Dominante: Ais Dur / ais Moll Subdominante: gis Moll Natürliche Molltonleiter …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • DIS — (Danish Interpretation Systems)  европейский производитель оборудования для аудиоконференций. С 1952 года компания разрабатывает и производит различные решения для конференц залов, включая: конференц системы и конгресс системы (системы для… …   Википедия

  • Dis — steht für: in der Musik das um ein Halbton erhöhtes D, siehe Tonleiter Dis Dur, eine Tonart, siehe Es Dur den römischen Totengott Dis Pater ein Album von Jan Garbarek dis steht für: den über Dis gebildeten Moll Akkord dis Moll DIS ist die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dis- — ♦ Élément, du lat. dis, indiquant la séparation, la différence, le défaut. ● dis Préfixe exprimant la séparation, la différence, la cessation ou le défaut : dissimilaire, dissymétrie, disgracieux. dis élément, du lat. dis, indiquant la séparation …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • dis- — Dis [dɪs] Präfix; fremdsprachliches Basiswort, das auch das Gegenwort bildet>: drückt eine Verneinung, eine Verkehrung ins Gegenteil aus: a) <verbal> nicht: disharmonieren; disqualifizieren. b) <substantivisch> Disharmonie; Diskon …   Universal-Lexikon

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