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  • 1 computer system

    компјутерски систем computer-aided design (CAD) компј. проектирање со помош на компјутер. Примена на компјутер со соодветен софтвер за изработка на проекти и разни технички цртежи во архитектурата, градежништвото, машинството, електрониката и други области. Софтверот нуди можност проектите и нацртите да се прикажуваат во три димензии, во најразлични размери и бои, да се прават пресеци, слајдови и анимации и др. Најпознати програми за проектирање со помош на компјутер се: Auto CAD, Auto Sketch, Design CAD, Perspective 3D, Lab VIEW и други. computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) компј. проектирање и цртање со помош на компјутер. Види computer-aided design. computer-aided manufacturing (C

    English-Macedonian dictionary > computer system

См. также в других словарях:

  • Plant Design Management System — Anlagenplanung in PDMS (Beispiel anhand eines bis um die 100m hohen Kesselhauses eines Kohlekraftwerks) Das Plant Design Management System (PDMS) ist ein 3D Planungssystem, also eine computer aided design Anwendung die speziell zur… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Plant Design Management System — PDMS as it is known in the 3D CAD industry, is a customizable, multi user and multi discipline, engineer controlled design software package for engineering, design and construction projects in, but not limited to, offshore and onshore oil gas… …   Wikipedia

  • Plant design management system — PDMS Développeur AVEVA  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Plant Design Management System — Значимость предмета статьи поставлена под сомнение. Пожалуйста, покажите в статье значимость её предмета, добавив в неё доказательства значимости по частным критериям значимости или, в случае если частные критерии значимости для… …   Википедия

  • Design-build — (or design/build, and abbreviated D B or D/B accordingly) is a construction project delivery system where, in contrast to design bid build (or design tender ), the design and construction aspects are contracted for with a single entity known as… …   Wikipedia

  • System of systems engineering — (SoSE) is a set of developing processes, tools, and methods for designing, re designing and deploying solutions to System of Systems challenges. Overview System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) methodology is heavily used in Department of Defense… …   Wikipedia

  • Design Rationale — In the survey on design rationale (DR) for software engineering [Jarczyk, Loffler Shipman, Design Rationale for Software Engineering: A Survey] the authors give a very clear definition to design rationale, it is “the explicit listing of decisions …   Wikipedia

  • Design management — is the business side of design. Design managers need to speak the language of the business and the language of design …   Wikipedia

  • Design knowledge — There is a large body of knowledge that designers call upon and use during the design process to match the ever increasing complexity of design problems.[1] Design knowledge can be classified into two categories [2]: product knowledge and design… …   Wikipedia

  • System safety — The system safety concept calls for a risk management strategy based on identification, analysis of hazards and application of remedial controls using a systems based approach.cite book|title= System Safety Engineering and… …   Wikipedia

  • System/34 and System/36 Screen Design Aid — Screen Design Aid (System/34 and System/36) (SDA) is a utility for the IBM System/34, System/36, System/38, and AS/400 (iSeries) midrange computers.This article refers to the S/34 and S/36 implementations of SDA. S/38 and AS/400 use a different… …   Wikipedia

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