Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 stencil

    ['stensl] 1. noun
    1) (a thin piece of metal or card in which a design etc has been cut which can be reproduced on another surface, eg paper, by printing or inking over the metal etc.) estampilha
    2) (a piece of waxed paper into which words have been cut by a typewriter, to be reproduced by a similar process.) folha de stencil
    2. verb
    (to produce (a design, pattern etc) by using a stencil.) estampar
    * * *
    [st'ensəl] n estêncil: matriz, estampa, chapa para reproduzir desenho ou letras. • vt escrever em matriz, reproduzir com matriz ou estampa. to cut a stencil escrever sobre estampa ou matriz. to roll off a stencil copiar com uma estampa ou chapa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stencil

  • 2 stencil

    ['stensl] 1. noun
    1) (a thin piece of metal or card in which a design etc has been cut which can be reproduced on another surface, eg paper, by printing or inking over the metal etc.) estêncil
    2) (a piece of waxed paper into which words have been cut by a typewriter, to be reproduced by a similar process.) estêncil
    2. verb
    (to produce (a design, pattern etc) by using a stencil.) reproduzir por meio de estêncil

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stencil

  • 3 patent

    ['peitənt, ]( American[) 'pæ-] 1. noun
    (an official licence from the government giving one person or business the right to make and sell a particular article and to prevent others from doing the same: She took out a patent on her design; ( also adjective) a patent process.) patente
    2. verb
    (to obtain a patent for; He patented his new invention.) patentear
    * * *
    [p'eitənt] n 1 patente: documento que confere um privilégio. 2 patente de invenção. 3 direito, licença. 4 artigo ou processo patenteado. • vt 1 patentear. 2 obter patente de invenção. • adj 1 patente, franqueado, aberto, desobstruído. 2 acessível. 3 evidente, óbvio, manifesto. 4 provido de patente, privilegiado. 5 patenteado (produto). 6 Bot, Zool aberto, expandido. letters patent carta patente. to take out a patent for... requerer patente de invenção para...

    English-Portuguese dictionary > patent

  • 4 patent

    ['peitənt, ]( American[) 'pæ-] 1. noun
    (an official licence from the government giving one person or business the right to make and sell a particular article and to prevent others from doing the same: She took out a patent on her design; ( also adjective) a patent process.) patente
    2. verb
    (to obtain a patent for; He patented his new invention.) patentear

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > patent

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Design by committee — is a term referring to a style of design and its resultant output when a group of entities comes together to produce something (often the design of technological systems or standards), particularly in the presence of poor leadership. The defining …   Wikipedia

  • Design management — is the business side of design. Design managers need to speak the language of the business and the language of design …   Wikipedia

  • Design methods — is a broad area that focuses on: Divergence – Exploring possibilities and constraints of inherited situations by applying critical thinking through qualitative and quantitative research methods to create new understanding (problem space) toward… …   Wikipedia

  • Process design (chemical engineering) — Process design is the design of processes for desired physical and/or chemical transformation of materials. Process design is central to chemical engineering and it can be considered to be the summit of chemical engineering, bringing together all …   Wikipedia

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