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    English-Arabic military dictionary > CRACK DOWN (TO)

  • 2 crack

    [kræk] n ճայթյուն. the crack of rifle shots հրացանի կրակոցի ճայթյուն. the crack of a whip մտրակի շառաչյուն. (ճեղք, ճեղքվածք) a crack in a wall/cup ճեղք բաժակի վրա/պատին. at crack of a dawn փխբ. լուսաբացին. (հարված) give a crack on the head գլխին հարվածել. in acrack մի ակնթարթում. make a crack կատակներ անել. a ընտիր, հմուտ. crack troops ընտիր զո րա մասեր. be a crack shot հմուտ/դիպուկ հրաձիգ լի նել
    [kræk] v շրխկացնել, չխկացնել. crack a whip մտրակով շառաչել. crack a joke(s) փխբ. կատակներ անել. (կոտրել, կոտրվել) crack nuts ընկույզ կոտրել. crack smb’s scull մեկի գլուխը ջարդել. the mirror cracked հայելին ճաքեց. a cracked plate ճաքած ափսե. my hands are cracked ձեռքերս ճաքել են. բեկվել, կտրվել/ձայնի մասին/ in a cracked voice դողդոջուն ձայնով. (ճայթել) a branch cracked under foot ոտքի տակ ճյուղ ճայթեց. crack under the strain խսկց., փխբ. լարվածությանը չդիմանալ. The old man is cracking up Ծերունին սկսում է հանձնվել. get cracking գործի անցնել. The police are cracking down on gambling Ոստիկանությունը պայքարում է խաղամոլության դեմ

    English-Armenian dictionary > crack

См. также в других словарях:

  • crack down on someone — crack down (on (someone/something)) to take strong action to stop something bad from continuing. The university is taking steps to crack down on underage drinking on campus. Countries that used to ignore terrorist groups in their midst are… …   New idioms dictionary

  • crack down on something — crack down (on (someone/something)) to take strong action to stop something bad from continuing. The university is taking steps to crack down on underage drinking on campus. Countries that used to ignore terrorist groups in their midst are… …   New idioms dictionary

  • crack down on — crack down (on (someone/something)) to take strong action to stop something bad from continuing. The university is taking steps to crack down on underage drinking on campus. Countries that used to ignore terrorist groups in their midst are… …   New idioms dictionary

  • crack down — (on (someone/something)) to take strong action to stop something bad from continuing. The university is taking steps to crack down on underage drinking on campus. Countries that used to ignore terrorist groups in their midst are starting to crack …   New idioms dictionary

  • crack down on — ► crack down on informal take severe measures against. Main Entry: ↑crack …   English terms dictionary

  • crack|down — «KRAK DOWN», noun. Informal. the act of taking, or bringing to bear, stern measures or swift disciplinary action …   Useful english dictionary

  • crack down (on somebody) — ˌcrack ˈdown (on sb/sth) derived to try harder to prevent an illegal activity and deal more severely with those who are caught doing it • Police are cracking down on drug dealers. related noun ↑crackdown Main entry: ↑crackderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • crack down (on something) — ˌcrack ˈdown (on sb/sth) derived to try harder to prevent an illegal activity and deal more severely with those who are caught doing it • Police are cracking down on drug dealers. related noun ↑crackdown Main entry: ↑crackderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • Crack Down — For a definition of the verb crack down , see the Wiktionary entry crack down. For the Xbox 360 game, see Crackdown. Crack Down Developer(s) Sega …   Wikipedia

  • crack down — verb repress or suppress (something regarded as undesirable) The police clamped down on illegal drugs • Syn: ↑clamp down • Derivationally related forms: ↑crackdown, ↑clampdown (for: ↑clamp down) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Crack Down — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Crackdown (homonymie). Crack Down Éditeur Sega, U.S. Gold Développeur Sega Date de sortie …   Wikipédia en Français

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