Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 1 contract

    1. [kən'trækt] verb
    1) (to make or become smaller, less, shorter, tighter etc: Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled; `I am' is often contracted to `I'm'; Muscles contract.) sťahovať (sa)
    2) ( to promise legally in writing: They contracted to supply us with cable.) zmluvne sa zaviazať
    3) (to become infected with (a disease): He contracted malaria.) nakaziť sa
    4) (to promise (in marriage).) sľúbiť
    2. ['kontrækt] noun
    (a legal written agreement: He has a four-year contract (of employment) with us; The firm won a contract for three new aircraft.) zmluva
    - contractor
    * * *
    • uzavriet zmluvu
    • zmenšit
    • zmluva
    • zmenšit (sa)
    • skrátit
    • stiahnut
    • dohoda
    • kontrakt

    English-Slovak dictionary > contract

  • 2 contract a habit

    • brat na seba
    • osvojit si zvyk

    English-Slovak dictionary > contract a habit

  • 3 contract of sale

    • kúpna zmluva

    English-Slovak dictionary > contract of sale

  • 4 labour contract

    • pracovná zmluva

    English-Slovak dictionary > labour contract

  • 5 terminate a contract

    • vypovedat zmluvu
    • ukoncit kontrakt
    • dodat tovar podla kontrak

    English-Slovak dictionary > terminate a contract

  • 6 bid

    [bid] 1. verb
    1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) ponúknuť (v dražbe)
    2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) dať ponuku
    3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) vyzvať
    4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) popriať
    2. noun
    1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) ponuka
    2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) snaha, pokus (o)
    - bidding
    - biddable
    * * *
    • vyzývat
    • vyzvat
    • prikázat
    • rozkázat
    • ponuka (vysielanie dát)
    • ponúkat
    • ponuka
    • ponúknut

    English-Slovak dictionary > bid

  • 7 annul

    past tense, past participle - annulled; verb
    (to declare (that something is) not valid and cancel (especially a marriage or legal contract).) zrušiť
    * * *
    • zrušit
    • anulovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > annul

  • 8 charter

    1. noun
    (a formal document giving rights or privileges.) charta
    2. verb
    (to let or hire (a ship, aircraft etc) on contract: The travel company had chartered three aircraft for their holiday flights.) prenajať (si)
    3. adjective
    a charter plane; a charter flight.) prenajatý
    * * *
    • zlacnený
    • zmluva o prenájme
    • charta
    • listina
    • najat lod

    English-Slovak dictionary > charter

  • 9 clause

    1) (a part of a sentence having its own subject and predicate, eg either of the two parts of this sentence: The sentence `Mary has a friend who is rich' contains a main clause and a subordinate (relative) clause.) veta
    2) (a paragraph in a contract, will, or act of parliament.) odstavec
    * * *
    • vedlajšia veta
    • stat
    • stat (kapitola)
    • klauzula
    • doložka
    • podmienka

    English-Slovak dictionary > clause

  • 10 legal

    1) (lawful; allowed by the law: Is it legal to bring gold watches into the country?; a legal contract.) legálny
    2) (concerned with or used in the law: the legal profession.) právnický
    - legality
    - legalize
    - legalise
    * * *
    • zákonný
    • právny
    • právoplatný
    • právnický

    English-Slovak dictionary > legal

  • 11 stipulate

    (to specify something or to specify a condition as part of an agreement: The contract stipulates that the rent (must) be paid six months in advance; The dates of payment are also stipulated.) vyhradiť si, špecifikovať
    * * *
    • vyhradit si (zmluvne)
    • vymienit si (zmluvne)
    • zmluvne urcit
    • zmluvne sa dohodnút
    • špecifikovat
    • slúbit
    • stanovit
    • urcit
    • garantovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > stipulate

  • 12 stipulation

    noun We made a number of stipulations before we agreed to discuss the contract.) podmienka
    * * *
    • výhrada (v zmluve)
    • zmluvná dohoda
    • zmluvné ustanovenie
    • pripomienka (v zmluve)
    • klauzula
    • podmienka

    English-Slovak dictionary > stipulation

  • 13 draw up

    1) ((of a car etc) to stop: We drew up outside their house.) zastaviť (sa)
    2) (to arrange in an acceptable form or order: They drew up the soldiers in line; The solicitor drew up a contract for them to sign.) zoradiť; pripraviť
    3) (to move closer: Draw up a chair!) pritiahnuť
    4) (to extend (oneself) into an upright position: He drew himself up to his full height.) vytiahnuť (sa)

    English-Slovak dictionary > draw up

  • 14 off the hook

    (free from some difficulty or problem: If he couldn't keep the terms of the contract, he shouldn't have signed it - I don't see how we can get him off the hook now.) z kaše

    English-Slovak dictionary > off the hook

  • 15 penalty

    plural - penalties; noun
    1) (a punishment for doing wrong, breaking a contract etc: They did wrong and they will have to pay the penalty; The death penalty has been abolished in this country.) trest
    2) (in sport etc, a disadvantage etc that must be suffered for breaking the rules etc: The referee awarded the team a penalty; ( also adjective) a penalty kick) trestný bod; penalta; trestný

    English-Slovak dictionary > penalty

  • 16 sewn up

    (completely settled or arranged: The contract is all sewn up.) dohodnutý

    English-Slovak dictionary > sewn up

  • 17 sign up

    1) (to join an organization or make an agreement to do something etc by writing one's name.) zapísať sa
    2) (to engage for work by making a legal contract.) podpísať pracovnú zmluvu

    English-Slovak dictionary > sign up

  • 18 third party

    (a third person who is not directly involved in an action, contract etc: Was there a third party present when you and she agreed to the sale?) tretia osoba

    English-Slovak dictionary > third party

См. также в других словарях:

  • contract — con·tract 1 / kän ˌtrakt/ n [Latin contractus from contrahere to draw together, enter into (a relationship or agreement), from com with, together + trahere to draw] 1: an agreement between two or more parties that creates in each party a duty to… …   Law dictionary

  • Contract bridge — Bridge declarer play Alternative name(s) Bridge Type trick taking Players 4 Skill(s) require …   Wikipedia

  • Contract — • The canonical and moralist doctrine on this subject is a development of that contained in the Roman civil law. In civil law, a contract is defined as the union of several persons in a coincident expression of will by which their legal relations …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • CONTRACT — (Heb. חוֹזֶה, ḥozeh), in general law theory a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, in terms of which one party undertakes for the benefit of the other to perform or refrain from a certain act. As such, contract is the main… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Contract management — or contract administration is the management of contracts made with customers, vendors, partners, or employees. Contract management includes negotiating the terms and conditions in contracts and ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions,… …   Wikipedia

  • contract — CONTRACT. s. m. Paction, convention, traitté entre deux, ou plusieurs personnes portant obligation des contractants l un. envers l autre. Contract de bonne foy. contract civil. contract verbal, ou par parole. Contract par escrit. contract de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Contract Grading — is a form of grading which results from an instructor to student cooperation, and entails contracted number of assignments of specified quality that correspond to specific letter grades. Contract grading may be contrasted with other grading… …   Wikipedia

  • Contract farming — is agricultural production carried out according to an agreement between a buyer and farmers, which establishes conditions for the production and marketing of a farm product or products.[1] Typically, the farmer agrees to provide established… …   Wikipedia

  • contract bridge — [kän′trakt΄] n. a form of bridge, developed from auction bridge, in which only the number of tricks named in the contract may be counted toward a game, additional tricks being counted as a bonus score * * * ▪ 2003  For a sample contract bridge… …   Universalium

  • contract — CONTRÁCT, contracte, s.n. Acord încheiat, ca urmare a înţelegerii intervenite între două sau mai multe persoane (fizice sau juridice), pentru crearea, modificarea sau stingerea (stinge) unor drepturi şi obligaţii în relaţiile dintre ele; act,… …   Dicționar Român

  • Contract cheating — is a form of academic dishonesty in which students get others to complete their coursework for them by putting it out to tender.[1][2][3][4] The term was coined in a 2006 study[5] by Thomas Lancaster …   Wikipedia

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